path: root/addon.gradle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon.gradle')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/addon.gradle b/addon.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f760bb1537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+compileJava {
+ options.encoding = "UTF-8"
+test {
+ useJUnitPlatform()
+ testLogging {
+ events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
+ }
+minecraft {
+ def vMajor, vMinor, vPatch, logLevel = LogLevel.INFO
+ try {
+ String version = project.version
+ def (five,major,minor,patch)= version.split("[.-]", 5)
+ vMajor = 500 + major.toInteger()
+ vMinor = minor.toInteger()
+ vPatch = patch.toInteger()
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ try {
+ String version = "git describe".execute().text
+ def (five,major,minor,patch)= version.split("[.-]", 5)
+ vMajor = 500 + major.toInteger()
+ vMinor = minor.toInteger()
+ vPatch = patch.toInteger()
+ logLevel = LogLevel.LIFECYCLE
+ } catch (Exception ex2) {
+ def err = "Cannot automatically determine NBT version. Using defaults hardcoded in buildscript. This could break your world!"
+ project.logger.error(err)
+ vMajor = 509
+ vMinor = 44
+ vPatch = 0
+ logLevel = LogLevel.WARN
+ }
+ }
+ injectedTags.put 'VERSION_MAJOR', vMajor
+ injectedTags.put 'VERSION_MINOR', vMinor
+ injectedTags.put 'VERSION_PATCH', vPatch
+ project.logger.log(logLevel, 'Using ({}, {}, {}) as NBT version', vMajor, vMinor, vPatch)
+SourceSet functionalTestSet = null
+sourceSets {
+ functionalTestSet = create("functionalTest") {
+ java {
+ srcDir("src/functionalTest/java")
+ compileClasspath += sourceSets.patchedMc.output + sourceSets.main.output
+ }
+ }
+configurations { configs ->
+ // Keep all dependencies from the main mod in the functional test mod
+ named(functionalTestSet.compileClasspathConfigurationName).configure {it.extendsFrom(named("compileClasspath").get())}
+ named(functionalTestSet.runtimeClasspathConfigurationName).configure {it.extendsFrom(named("runtimeClasspath").get())}
+ named(functionalTestSet.annotationProcessorConfigurationName).configure {it.extendsFrom(named("annotationProcessor").get())}
+tasks.register(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName, Jar) {
+ from(functionalTestSet.output)
+ archiveClassifier.set("functionalTests")
+ // we don't care about the version number here, keep it stable to avoid polluting the tmp directory
+ archiveVersion.set("1.0")
+ destinationDirectory.set(new File(buildDir, "tmp"))
+tasks.named("assemble").configure {
+ dependsOn(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName)
+// Run tests in the default runServer/runClient configurations
+tasks.named("runServer", JavaExec).configure {
+ dependsOn(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName)
+ classpath(configurations.named(functionalTestSet.runtimeClasspathConfigurationName), tasks.named(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName))
+tasks.named("runClient", JavaExec).configure {
+ dependsOn(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName)
+ classpath(configurations.named(functionalTestSet.runtimeClasspathConfigurationName), tasks.named(functionalTestSet.jarTaskName))