path: root/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/CustomRecipeMap.java
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diff --git a/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/CustomRecipeMap.java b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/CustomRecipeMap.java
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index 0000000000..3434239ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gregtech/api/util/CustomRecipeMap.java
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+package gregtech.api.util;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.*;
+import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IHasWorldObjectAndCoords;
+import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
+import java.util.*;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+public class CustomRecipeMap/* extends GT_Recipe_Map*/{
+ /**
+ * Contains all Recipe Maps
+ */
+ public static final Collection<CustomRecipeMap> sMappings = new ArrayList<CustomRecipeMap>();
+ //public static final CustomRecipeMap sOreWasherRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_OreWasher(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(0), "ic.recipe.orewasher", "Ore Washer", "ic2.blockOreWashingPlant", RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/OreWasher", 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, E, 1, E, true, false);
+ //Fission Fuel Plant Recipes
+ public static final CustomRecipeMap sFissionFuelProcessing = new CustomRecipeMap(new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(50), "gt.recipe.fissionfuel", "Fission Fuel Processing", null, RES_PATH_GUI + "basicmachines/LFTR", 0, 0, 0, 9, 1, E, 1, E, true, true);
+ /**
+ * HashMap of Recipes based on their Items
+ */
+ public final Map<GT_ItemStack, Collection<GT_Recipe>> mRecipeItemMap = new HashMap<GT_ItemStack, Collection<GT_Recipe>>();
+ /**
+ * HashMap of Recipes based on their Fluids
+ */
+ public final Map<Fluid, Collection<GT_Recipe>> mRecipeFluidMap = new HashMap<Fluid, Collection<GT_Recipe>>();
+ /**
+ * The List of all Recipes
+ */
+ public final Collection<GT_Recipe> mRecipeList;
+ /**
+ * String used as an unlocalised Name.
+ */
+ public final String mUnlocalizedName;
+ /**
+ * String used in NEI for the Recipe Lists. If null it will use the unlocalised Name instead
+ */
+ public final String mNEIName;
+ /**
+ * GUI used for NEI Display. Usually the GUI of the Machine itself
+ */
+ public final String mNEIGUIPath;
+ public final String mNEISpecialValuePre, mNEISpecialValuePost;
+ public final int mUsualInputCount, mUsualOutputCount, mNEISpecialValueMultiplier, mMinimalInputItems, mMinimalInputFluids, mAmperage;
+ public final boolean mNEIAllowed, mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI;
+ /**
+ * Initialises a new type of Recipe Handler.
+ *
+ * @param aRecipeList a List you specify as Recipe List. Usually just an ArrayList with a pre-initialised Size.
+ * @param aUnlocalizedName the unlocalised Name of this Recipe Handler, used mainly for NEI.
+ * @param aLocalName the displayed Name inside the NEI Recipe GUI.
+ * @param aNEIGUIPath the displayed GUI Texture, usually just a Machine GUI. Auto-Attaches ".png" if forgotten.
+ * @param aUsualInputCount the usual amount of Input Slots this Recipe Class has.
+ * @param aUsualOutputCount the usual amount of Output Slots this Recipe Class has.
+ * @param aNEISpecialValuePre the String in front of the Special Value in NEI.
+ * @param aNEISpecialValueMultiplier the Value the Special Value is getting Multiplied with before displaying
+ * @param aNEISpecialValuePost the String after the Special Value. Usually for a Unit or something.
+ * @param aNEIAllowed if NEI is allowed to display this Recipe Handler in general.
+ */
+ public CustomRecipeMap(Collection<GT_Recipe> aRecipeList, String aUnlocalizedName, String aLocalName, String aNEIName, String aNEIGUIPath, int aUsualInputCount, int aUsualOutputCount, int aMinimalInputItems, int aMinimalInputFluids, int aAmperage, String aNEISpecialValuePre, int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier, String aNEISpecialValuePost, boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI, boolean aNEIAllowed) {
+ //super(aRecipeList, aUnlocalizedName, aLocalName, aNEIName, aNEIGUIPath, aUsualInputCount, aUsualOutputCount, aMinimalInputItems, aMinimalInputFluids, aAmperage, aNEISpecialValuePre, aNEISpecialValueMultiplier, aNEISpecialValuePost, aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI, aNEIAllowed);
+ sMappings.add(this);
+ mNEIAllowed = aNEIAllowed;
+ mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI = aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI;
+ mRecipeList = aRecipeList;
+ mNEIName = aNEIName == null ? aUnlocalizedName : aNEIName;
+ mNEIGUIPath = aNEIGUIPath.endsWith(".png") ? aNEIGUIPath : aNEIGUIPath + ".png";
+ mNEISpecialValuePre = aNEISpecialValuePre;
+ mNEISpecialValueMultiplier = aNEISpecialValueMultiplier;
+ mNEISpecialValuePost = aNEISpecialValuePost;
+ mAmperage = aAmperage;
+ mUsualInputCount = aUsualInputCount;
+ mUsualOutputCount = aUsualOutputCount;
+ mMinimalInputItems = aMinimalInputItems;
+ mMinimalInputFluids = aMinimalInputFluids;
+ GregTech_API.sFluidMappings.add(mRecipeFluidMap);
+ GregTech_API.sItemStackMappings.add(mRecipeItemMap);
+ GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalization(mUnlocalizedName = aUnlocalizedName, aLocalName);
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe addRecipe(boolean aOptimize, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecial, int[] aOutputChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) {
+ return addRecipe(new GT_Recipe(aOptimize, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecial, aOutputChances, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue));
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe addRecipe(int[] aOutputChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) {
+ return addRecipe(new GT_Recipe(false, null, null, null, aOutputChances, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue), false, false, false);
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe addRecipe(boolean aOptimize, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecial, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) {
+ return addRecipe(new GT_Recipe(aOptimize, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecial, null, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue));
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe addRecipe(GT_Recipe aRecipe) {
+ return addRecipe(aRecipe, true, false, false);
+ }
+ protected GT_Recipe addRecipe(GT_Recipe aRecipe, boolean aCheckForCollisions, boolean aFakeRecipe, boolean aHidden) {
+ aRecipe.mHidden = aHidden;
+ aRecipe.mFakeRecipe = aFakeRecipe;
+ if (aRecipe.mFluidInputs.length < mMinimalInputFluids && aRecipe.mInputs.length < mMinimalInputItems)
+ return null;
+ if (aCheckForCollisions && findRecipe(null, false, Long.MAX_VALUE, aRecipe.mFluidInputs, aRecipe.mInputs) != null)
+ return null;
+ return add(aRecipe);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI, do not use this for adding actual Recipes! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes, containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
+ */
+ public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe(boolean aCheckForCollisions, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecial, int[] aOutputChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) {
+ return addFakeRecipe(aCheckForCollisions, new GT_Recipe(false, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecial, aOutputChances, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI, do not use this for adding actual Recipes! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes, containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
+ */
+ public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe(boolean aCheckForCollisions, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecial, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) {
+ return addFakeRecipe(aCheckForCollisions, new GT_Recipe(false, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecial, null, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI, do not use this for adding actual Recipes! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes, containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
+ */
+ public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe(boolean aCheckForCollisions, GT_Recipe aRecipe) {
+ return addRecipe(aRecipe, aCheckForCollisions, true, false);
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe add(GT_Recipe aRecipe) {
+ mRecipeList.add(aRecipe);
+ for (FluidStack aFluid : aRecipe.mFluidInputs)
+ if (aFluid != null) {
+ Collection<GT_Recipe> tList = mRecipeFluidMap.get(aFluid.getFluid());
+ if (tList == null) mRecipeFluidMap.put(aFluid.getFluid(), tList = new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(1));
+ tList.add(aRecipe);
+ }
+ return addToItemMap(aRecipe);
+ }
+ public void reInit() {
+ Map<GT_ItemStack, Collection<GT_Recipe>> tMap = mRecipeItemMap;
+ if (tMap != null) tMap.clear();
+ for (GT_Recipe tRecipe : mRecipeList) {
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, tRecipe.mInputs);
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, tRecipe.mOutputs);
+ if (tMap != null) addToItemMap(tRecipe);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return if this Item is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
+ */
+ public boolean containsInput(ItemStack aStack) {
+ return aStack != null && (mRecipeItemMap.containsKey(new GT_ItemStack(aStack)) || mRecipeItemMap.containsKey(new GT_ItemStack(GT_Utility.copyMetaData(W, aStack))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return if this Fluid is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
+ */
+ public boolean containsInput(FluidStack aFluid) {
+ return aFluid != null && containsInput(aFluid.getFluid());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return if this Fluid is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
+ */
+ public boolean containsInput(Fluid aFluid) {
+ return aFluid != null && mRecipeFluidMap.containsKey(aFluid);
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe findRecipe(IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity, boolean aNotUnificated, long aVoltage, FluidStack[] aFluids, ItemStack... aInputs) {
+ return findRecipe(aTileEntity, null, aNotUnificated, aVoltage, aFluids, null, aInputs);
+ }
+ public GT_Recipe findRecipe(IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity, GT_Recipe aRecipe, boolean aNotUnificated, long aVoltage, FluidStack[] aFluids, ItemStack... aInputs) {
+ return findRecipe(aTileEntity, aRecipe, aNotUnificated, aVoltage, aFluids, null, aInputs);
+ }
+ /**
+ * finds a Recipe matching the aFluid and ItemStack Inputs.
+ *
+ * @param aTileEntity an Object representing the current coordinates of the executing Block/Entity/Whatever. This may be null, especially during Startup.
+ * @param aRecipe in case this is != null it will try to use this Recipe first when looking things up.
+ * @param aNotUnificated if this is T the Recipe searcher will unificate the ItemStack Inputs
+ * @param aVoltage Voltage of the Machine or Long.MAX_VALUE if it has no Voltage
+ * @param aFluids the Fluid Inputs
+ * @param aSpecialSlot the content of the Special Slot, the regular Manager doesn't do anything with this, but some custom ones do.
+ * @param aInputs the Item Inputs
+ * @return the Recipe it has found or null for no matching Recipe
+ */
+ public GT_Recipe findRecipe(IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity, GT_Recipe aRecipe, boolean aNotUnificated, long aVoltage, FluidStack[] aFluids, ItemStack aSpecialSlot, ItemStack... aInputs) {
+ // No Recipes? Well, nothing to be found then.
+ if (mRecipeList.isEmpty()) return null;
+ // Some Recipe Classes require a certain amount of Inputs of certain kinds. Like "at least 1 Fluid + 1 Stack" or "at least 2 Stacks" before they start searching for Recipes.
+ // This improves Performance massively, especially if people leave things like Circuits, Molds or Shapes in their Machines to select Sub Recipes.
+ if (GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished) {
+ if (mMinimalInputFluids > 0) {
+ if (aFluids == null) return null;
+ int tAmount = 0;
+ for (FluidStack aFluid : aFluids) if (aFluid != null) tAmount++;
+ if (tAmount < mMinimalInputFluids) return null;
+ }
+ if (mMinimalInputItems > 0) {
+ if (aInputs == null) return null;
+ int tAmount = 0;
+ for (ItemStack aInput : aInputs) if (aInput != null) tAmount++;
+ if (tAmount < mMinimalInputItems) return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Unification happens here in case the Input isn't already unificated.
+ if (aNotUnificated) aInputs = GT_OreDictUnificator.getStackArray(true, (Object[]) aInputs);
+ // Check the Recipe which has been used last time in order to not have to search for it again, if possible.
+ if (aRecipe != null)
+ if (!aRecipe.mFakeRecipe && aRecipe.mCanBeBuffered && aRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(false, true, aFluids, aInputs))
+ return aRecipe.mEnabled && aVoltage * mAmperage >= aRecipe.mEUt ? aRecipe : null;
+ // Now look for the Recipes inside the Item HashMaps, but only when the Recipes usually have Items.
+ if (mUsualInputCount > 0 && aInputs != null) for (ItemStack tStack : aInputs)
+ if (tStack != null) {
+ Collection<GT_Recipe>
+ tRecipes = mRecipeItemMap.get(new GT_ItemStack(tStack));
+ if (tRecipes != null) for (GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes)
+ if (!tRecipe.mFakeRecipe && tRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(false, true, aFluids, aInputs))
+ return tRecipe.mEnabled && aVoltage * mAmperage >= tRecipe.mEUt ? tRecipe : null;
+ tRecipes = mRecipeItemMap.get(new GT_ItemStack(GT_Utility.copyMetaData(W, tStack)));
+ if (tRecipes != null) for (GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes)
+ if (!tRecipe.mFakeRecipe && tRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(false, true, aFluids, aInputs))
+ return tRecipe.mEnabled && aVoltage * mAmperage >= tRecipe.mEUt ? tRecipe : null;
+ }
+ // If the minimal Amount of Items for the Recipe is 0, then it could be a Fluid-Only Recipe, so check that Map too.
+ if (mMinimalInputItems == 0 && aFluids != null) for (FluidStack aFluid : aFluids)
+ if (aFluid != null) {
+ Collection<GT_Recipe>
+ tRecipes = mRecipeFluidMap.get(aFluid.getFluid());
+ if (tRecipes != null) for (GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes)
+ if (!tRecipe.mFakeRecipe && tRecipe.isRecipeInputEqual(false, true, aFluids, aInputs))
+ return tRecipe.mEnabled && aVoltage * mAmperage >= tRecipe.mEUt ? tRecipe : null;
+ }
+ // And nothing has been found.
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected GT_Recipe addToItemMap(GT_Recipe aRecipe) {
+ for (ItemStack aStack : aRecipe.mInputs)
+ if (aStack != null) {
+ GT_ItemStack tStack = new GT_ItemStack(aStack);
+ Collection<GT_Recipe> tList = mRecipeItemMap.get(tStack);
+ if (tList == null) mRecipeItemMap.put(tStack, tList = new HashSet<GT_Recipe>(1));
+ tList.add(aRecipe);
+ }
+ return aRecipe;
+ }
+ } \ No newline at end of file