path: root/src/main/java/goodgenerator/loader/ComponentAssemblyLineRecipeLoader.java
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diff --git a/src/main/java/goodgenerator/loader/ComponentAssemblyLineRecipeLoader.java b/src/main/java/goodgenerator/loader/ComponentAssemblyLineRecipeLoader.java
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index 0000000000..dba7cda79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/goodgenerator/loader/ComponentAssemblyLineRecipeLoader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+package goodgenerator.loader;
+import static goodgenerator.util.StackUtils.*;
+import goodgenerator.util.MyRecipeAdder;
+import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
+import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList;
+import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
+import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
+import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
+import gregtech.common.items.GT_IntegratedCircuit_Item;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
+public class ComponentAssemblyLineRecipeLoader {
+ private static final String[] compPrefixes = {
+ "Electric_Motor_",
+ "Electric_Piston_",
+ "Electric_Pump_",
+ "Robot_Arm_",
+ "Conveyor_Module_",
+ "Emitter_",
+ "Sensor_",
+ "Field_Generator_",
+ };
+ private static final String[] blacklistedDictPrefixes = {"circuit"};
+ private static final String[] softBlacklistedDictPrefixes = {"Any", "crafting"};
+ private static LinkedHashMap<List<GT_Recipe>, Pair<ItemList, Integer>> allAssemblerRecipes;
+ private static LinkedHashMap<List<GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine>, Pair<ItemList, Integer>> allAsslineRecipes;
+ private static final HashMap<OrePrefixes, OrePrefixes> conversion = new HashMap<>();
+ private static final int INPUT_MULTIPLIER = 48;
+ private static final int OUTPUT_MULTIPLIER = 64;
+ public static void run() {
+ ComponentAssemblyLineMiscRecipes.run();
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.cableGt01, OrePrefixes.cableGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.wireGt01, OrePrefixes.wireGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.cableGt02, OrePrefixes.cableGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.wireGt02, OrePrefixes.wireGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.cableGt04, OrePrefixes.cableGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.wireGt04, OrePrefixes.wireGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.cableGt08, OrePrefixes.cableGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.wireGt08, OrePrefixes.wireGt16);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.plate, OrePrefixes.plateDense);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.foil, OrePrefixes.plate);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.stick, OrePrefixes.stickLong);
+ conversion.put(OrePrefixes.gearGtSmall, OrePrefixes.gearGt);
+ findAllRecipes();
+ generateAssemblerRecipes();
+ generateAsslineRecipes();
+ }
+ /** Normal assembler recipes (LV-IV) */
+ private static void generateAssemblerRecipes() {
+ allAssemblerRecipes.forEach((recipeList, info) -> {
+ for (GT_Recipe recipe : recipeList) {
+ if (recipe != null) {
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> fixedInputs = new ArrayList<>();
+ ArrayList<FluidStack> fixedFluids = new ArrayList<>();
+ // This is done in order to differentiate between emitter and sensor recipes. Without the circuit,
+ // both components have virtually the same recipe after the inputs are melted.
+ if (info.getLeft().name().contains("Sensor")) {
+ fixedInputs.add(GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1));
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < recipe.mInputs.length; j++) {
+ ItemStack input = recipe.mInputs[j];
+ if (GT_Utility.isStackValid(input) && !(input.getItem() instanceof GT_IntegratedCircuit_Item))
+ fixedInputs.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(input, INPUT_MULTIPLIER));
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < recipe.mFluidInputs.length; j++) {
+ FluidStack currFluid = recipe.mFluidInputs[j].copy();
+ currFluid.amount = currFluid.amount * INPUT_MULTIPLIER;
+ fixedFluids.add(currFluid);
+ }
+ int tier = info.getRight();
+ int energy = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 7, (GT_Values.V[tier] - (GT_Values.V[tier] >> 4)));
+ MyRecipeAdder.instance.addComponentAssemblyLineRecipe(
+ compactItems(fixedInputs, info.getRight()).toArray(new ItemStack[0]),
+ fixedFluids.toArray(new FluidStack[0]),
+ info.getLeft().get(OUTPUT_MULTIPLIER),
+ recipe.mDuration * INPUT_MULTIPLIER,
+ energy,
+ info.getRight());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /** Assembly Line Recipes (LuV+) **/
+ private static void generateAsslineRecipes() {
+ allAsslineRecipes.forEach((recipeList, info) -> {
+ for (GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine recipe : recipeList) {
+ if (recipe != null) {
+ // Arrays of the item and fluid inputs, that are updated to be multiplied and/or condensed in the
+ // following code
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> fixedInputs = new ArrayList<>();
+ ArrayList<FluidStack> fixedFluids = new ArrayList<>();
+ // This is done in order to differentiate between emitter and sensor recipes. Without the circuit,
+ // both components have virtually the same recipe after the inputs are melted.
+ if (info.getLeft().name().contains("Sensor")) {
+ fixedInputs.add(GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1));
+ }
+ // Multiplies the original fluid inputs
+ for (int j = 0; j < recipe.mFluidInputs.length; j++) {
+ FluidStack currFluid = recipe.mFluidInputs[j].copy();
+ currFluid.amount *= INPUT_MULTIPLIER;
+ fixedFluids.add(currFluid);
+ }
+ // First pass.
+ for (ItemStack input : recipe.mInputs) {
+ if (GT_Utility.isStackValid(input)) {
+ int count = input.stackSize;
+ // Mulitplies the input by its multiplier, and adjusts the stacks accordingly
+ if (!(input.getItem() instanceof GT_IntegratedCircuit_Item)) {
+ ItemData data = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(input);
+ // trying to fix some circuit oredicting issues
+ if (data != null && data.mPrefix == OrePrefixes.circuit)
+ fixedInputs.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.get(data.mPrefix, data.mMaterial.mMaterial, count),
+ else fixedInputs.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(input, INPUT_MULTIPLIER));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fixedInputs = compactItems(fixedInputs, info.getRight());
+ replaceIntoFluids(fixedInputs, fixedFluids, 128);
+ // If it overflows then it tries REALLY HARD to cram as much stuff into there.
+ if (fixedInputs.size() > 9) replaceIntoFluids(fixedInputs, fixedFluids, 32);
+ MyRecipeAdder.instance.addComponentAssemblyLineRecipe(
+ fixedInputs.toArray(new ItemStack[0]),
+ fixedFluids.toArray(new FluidStack[0]),
+ info.getLeft().get(OUTPUT_MULTIPLIER),
+ recipe.mDuration,
+ recipe.mEUt,
+ info.getRight());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns {@code true} if the {@code ItemStack} is able to be compacted
+ * into its respective gear/wire/etc.
+ * */
+ private static boolean isCompactable(ItemStack toCompact) {
+ ItemData data = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(toCompact);
+ return data != null
+ && conversion.containsKey(data.mPrefix)
+ && conversion.get(data.mPrefix) != null
+ && GT_OreDictUnificator.get(conversion.get(data.mPrefix), data.mMaterial.mMaterial, 1) != null;
+ }
+ private static void replaceIntoFluids(List<ItemStack> inputs, List<FluidStack> fluidOutputs, int threshold) {
+ HashMap<ItemStack, Integer> totals = getTotalItems(inputs.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> newInputs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (ItemStack input : totals.keySet()) {
+ int count = totals.get(input);
+ boolean isConverted = false;
+ if (OreDictionary.getOreIDs(input).length > 0 && count > threshold) {
+ FluidStack foundFluidStack = tryConvertItemStackToFluidMaterial(input);
+ // Looks for a matching fluid stack and merges the amount of the converted fluid with
+ // the one it found. Otherwise it will add the converted to the fluid inputs.
+ // Prevents the uncraftable molten magnetic samarium from being converted into fluid during auto
+ // generation
+ ItemData data = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(input);
+ if (data != null && data.mMaterial.mMaterial == Materials.SamariumMagnetic) {
+ input = GT_OreDictUnificator.get(data.mPrefix, Materials.Samarium, 1);
+ foundFluidStack = tryConvertItemStackToFluidMaterial(input);
+ }
+ if (foundFluidStack != null) {
+ foundFluidStack.amount *= count;
+ boolean alreadyHasFluid = false;
+ for (FluidStack fluidstack : fluidOutputs) {
+ if (foundFluidStack.getFluid().equals(fluidstack.getFluid())) {
+ fluidstack.amount += foundFluidStack.amount;
+ alreadyHasFluid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!alreadyHasFluid) {
+ fluidOutputs.add(foundFluidStack);
+ }
+ isConverted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isConverted) {
+ newInputs.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(input, count));
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.clear();
+ inputs.addAll(newInputs);
+ }
+ /** Tries to convert {@code input} into its molten form.
+ * Because the internal names for material fluids in GT5u, GT++, and BartWorks follow the same naming scheme,
+ * this method should work for any {@code ItemStack} from any of the 3 material systems.
+ * */
+ @Nullable
+ private static FluidStack tryConvertItemStackToFluidMaterial(ItemStack input) {
+ ArrayList<String> oreDicts = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int id : OreDictionary.getOreIDs(input)) {
+ oreDicts.add(OreDictionary.getOreName(id));
+ }
+ oreDictLoop:
+ for (String dict : oreDicts) {
+ for (String blacklistedPrefix : blacklistedDictPrefixes) {
+ if (dict.startsWith(blacklistedPrefix)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String blacklistedPrefix : softBlacklistedDictPrefixes) {
+ if (dict.startsWith(blacklistedPrefix)) {
+ continue oreDictLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ OrePrefixes orePrefix;
+ try {
+ orePrefix = OrePrefixes.valueOf(findBestPrefix(dict));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String strippedOreDict = dict.substring(orePrefix.toString().length());
+ // Prevents things like AnyCopper or AnyIron from messing the search up.
+ if (strippedOreDict.contains("Any")) continue;
+ return FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(
+ "molten." + strippedOreDict.toLowerCase(),
+ (int) (orePrefix.mMaterialAmount / (GT_Values.M / 144)) * input.stackSize);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gives the longest Ore Prefix that the OreDictionary string starts with. This makes it the most accurate prefix.
+ * For example: If your OreDictionary is something like {@code gearGtSmallSpaceTime}, a conventional search would
+ * return something like {@code gearGt} instead of {@code gearGtSmall}. This makes the longer String the most accurate.
+ * @param oreDict The Ore Dictionary entry
+ * @return The longest ore prefix that the OreDict string starts with. This makes it the most accurate prefix.
+ */
+ private static String findBestPrefix(String oreDict) {
+ int longestPrefixLength = 0;
+ String matchingPrefix = null;
+ for (OrePrefixes prefix : OrePrefixes.values()) {
+ String name = prefix.toString();
+ if (oreDict.startsWith(name)) {
+ if (name.length() > longestPrefixLength) {
+ longestPrefixLength = name.length();
+ matchingPrefix = name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return matchingPrefix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transforms each {@code ItemStack}, if possible, into a more compact form.
+ * For example, a stack of 16 1x cables, when passed into the {@code items} array,
+ * will be converted into a single 16x cable. Also handles GraviStar conversion.
+ * */
+ private static ArrayList<ItemStack> compactItems(List<ItemStack> items, int tier) {
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> stacks = new ArrayList<>();
+ HashMap<ItemStack, Integer> totals = getTotalItems(items);
+ for (ItemStack itemstack : totals.keySet()) {
+ int totalItems = totals.get(itemstack);
+ ItemData data = GT_OreDictUnificator.getAssociation(itemstack);
+ boolean isCompacted = false;
+ if (data != null) {
+ if (data.mPrefix == OrePrefixes.circuit) {
+ stacks.addAll(getWrappedCircuits(itemstack, totalItems));
+ isCompacted = true;
+ } else {
+ OrePrefixes goInto = conversion.get(data.mPrefix);
+ if (goInto != null && GT_OreDictUnificator.get(goInto, data.mMaterial.mMaterial, 1) != null) {
+ compactorHelper(data, goInto, stacks, totalItems);
+ isCompacted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(itemstack, ItemList.Gravistar.get(1)) && tier >= 9) {
+ stacks.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(ItemList.NuclearStar.get(1), totalItems / 16));
+ isCompacted = true;
+ }
+ if (!isCompacted) stacks.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(itemstack, totalItems));
+ }
+ stacks = mergeStacks(stacks);
+ return stacks;
+ }
+ /** A helper method for compacting items */
+ private static void compactorHelper(
+ ItemData data, OrePrefixes compactInto, ArrayList<ItemStack> output, int total) {
+ int materialRatio = (int) ((double) compactInto.mMaterialAmount / data.mPrefix.mMaterialAmount);
+ output.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(
+ GT_OreDictUnificator.get(compactInto, data.mMaterial.mMaterial, 1), total / materialRatio));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Searches the Assembler and Assembly line registry for all the base component recipes.
+ */
+ private static void findAllRecipes() {
+ allAssemblerRecipes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ allAsslineRecipes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ for (String compPrefix : compPrefixes) {
+ for (int t = 1; t <= 12; t++) {
+ String vName = GT_Values.VN[t];
+ ItemList currentComponent = ItemList.valueOf(compPrefix + vName);
+ if (currentComponent.hasBeenSet()) {
+ if (t < 6) {
+ allAssemblerRecipes.put(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sAssemblerRecipes.mRecipeList.stream()
+ .filter(rec -> rec.mOutputs[0].isItemEqual(currentComponent.get(1)))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList()),
+ Pair.of(currentComponent, t));
+ } else {
+ allAsslineRecipes.put(
+ GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine.sAssemblylineRecipes.stream()
+ .filter(rec -> rec.mOutput.isItemEqual(currentComponent.get(1)))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList()),
+ Pair.of(currentComponent, t));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static List<ItemStack> getWrappedCircuits(ItemStack item, int total) {
+ ArrayList<ItemStack> stacks = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (ItemStack i2 : ComponentAssemblyLineMiscRecipes.CircuitToTier.keySet()) {
+ int tier = ComponentAssemblyLineMiscRecipes.CircuitToTier.get(i2);
+ if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(item, i2)) {
+ if (total >= 16)
+ stacks.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(new ItemStack(Loaders.circuitWrap, 1, tier), total / 16));
+ else stacks.addAll(multiplyAndSplitIntoStacks(item, total));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return stacks;
+ }