path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java
index 24b35824a2..b42c7768c8 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/GregTech_API.java
@@ -49,14 +49,16 @@ import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.*;
* @author Gregorius Techneticies
public class GregTech_API {
public static final long MATERIAL_UNIT = M, FLUID_MATERIAL_UNIT = L;
* Fixes the HashMap Mappings for ItemStacks once the Server started
- public static final Collection<Map<GT_ItemStack, ?>> sItemStackMappings = new ArrayList<Map<GT_ItemStack, ?>>();
- public static final Collection<Map<Fluid, ?>> sFluidMappings = new ArrayList<Map<Fluid, ?>>();
+ public static final Collection<Map<GT_ItemStack, ?>> sItemStackMappings = new ArrayList<>();
+ public static final Collection<Map<Fluid, ?>> sFluidMappings = new ArrayList<>();
* The MetaTileEntity-ID-List-Length
@@ -64,7 +66,10 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* My Creative Tab
- public static final CreativeTabs TAB_GREGTECH = new GT_CreativeTab("Main", "Main"), TAB_GREGTECH_MATERIALS = new GT_CreativeTab("Materials", "Materials"), TAB_GREGTECH_ORES = new GT_CreativeTab("Ores", "Ores");
+ public static final CreativeTabs
+ TAB_GREGTECH = new GT_CreativeTab("Main", "Main"),
+ TAB_GREGTECH_MATERIALS = new GT_CreativeTab("Materials", "Materials"),
+ TAB_GREGTECH_ORES = new GT_CreativeTab("Ores", "Ores");
* A List of all registered MetaTileEntities
* <p/>
@@ -94,53 +99,68 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* The Icon List for Covers
- public static final Map<GT_ItemStack, ITexture> sCovers = new ConcurrentHashMap<GT_ItemStack, ITexture>();
+ public static final Map<GT_ItemStack, ITexture> sCovers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The List of Cover Behaviors for the Covers
- public static final Map<GT_ItemStack, GT_CoverBehavior> sCoverBehaviors = new ConcurrentHashMap<GT_ItemStack, GT_CoverBehavior>();
+ public static final Map<GT_ItemStack, GT_CoverBehavior> sCoverBehaviors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The List of Circuit Behaviors for the Redstone Circuit Block
- public static final Map<Integer, GT_CircuitryBehavior> sCircuitryBehaviors = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, GT_CircuitryBehavior>();
+ public static final Map<Integer, GT_CircuitryBehavior> sCircuitryBehaviors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The List of Blocks, which can conduct Machine Block Updates
- public static final Map<Block, Integer> sMachineIDs = new ConcurrentHashMap<Block, Integer>();
+ public static final Map<Block, Integer> sMachineIDs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The Redstone Frequencies
- public static final Map<Integer, Byte> sWirelessRedstone = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Byte>();
+ public static final Map<Integer, Byte> sWirelessRedstone = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The IDSU Frequencies
- public static final Map<Integer, Integer> sIDSUList = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
+ public static final Map<Integer, Integer> sIDSUList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* A List of all Books, which were created using @GT_Utility.getWrittenBook the original Title is the Key Value
- public static final Map<String, ItemStack> sBookList = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ItemStack>();
+ public static final Map<String, ItemStack> sBookList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The List of all Sounds used in GT, indices are in the static Block at the bottom
- public static final Map<Integer, String> sSoundList = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>();
+ public static final Map<Integer, String> sSoundList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* The List of Tools, which can be used. Accepts regular damageable Items and Electric Items
- public static final GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack> sToolList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sCrowbarList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sScrewdriverList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sWrenchList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sSoftHammerList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sHardHammerList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sWireCutterList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sSolderingToolList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sSolderingMetalList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>();
+ public static final GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>
+ sToolList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sCrowbarList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sScrewdriverList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sWrenchList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sSoftHammerList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sHardHammerList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sWireCutterList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sSolderingToolList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sSolderingMetalList = new GT_HashSet<>();
* The List of Hazmat Armors
- public static final GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack> sGasHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sBioHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sFrostHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sHeatHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sRadioHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>(), sElectroHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>();
+ public static final GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>
+ sGasHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sBioHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sFrostHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sHeatHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sRadioHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>(),
+ sElectroHazmatList = new GT_HashSet<>();
* The List of Dimensions, which are Whitelisted for the Teleporter. This list should not contain other Planets.
* Mystcraft Dimensions and other Dimensional Things should be allowed.
* Mystcraft and Twilight Forest are automatically considered a Dimension, without being in this List.
- public static final Collection<Integer> sDimensionalList = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ public static final Collection<Integer> sDimensionalList = new HashSet<>();
* Lists of all the active World generation Features, these are getting Initialized in Postload!
- public static final List<GT_Worldgen> sWorldgenList = new ArrayList<GT_Worldgen>();
+ public static final List<GT_Worldgen> sWorldgenList = new ArrayList<>();
* A List containing all the Materials, which are somehow in use by GT and therefor receive a specific Set of Items.
@@ -148,11 +168,14 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* This is the generic Cover behavior. Used for the default Covers, which have no Behavior.
- public static final GT_CoverBehavior sDefaultBehavior = new GT_Cover_Default(), sNoBehavior = new GT_Cover_None();
+ public static final GT_CoverBehavior
+ sDefaultBehavior = new GT_Cover_Default(),
+ sNoBehavior = new GT_Cover_None();
* For the API Version check
public static volatile int VERSION = 509;
public static IGT_RecipeAdder sRecipeAdder;
@@ -162,49 +185,117 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* These Lists are getting executed at their respective timings. Useful if you have to do things right before/after I do them, without having to control the load order. Add your "Commands" in the Constructor or in a static Code Block of your Mods Main Class. These are not Threaded, I just use a native Java Interface for their execution. Implement just the Method run() and everything should work
- public static List<Runnable> sBeforeGTPreload = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sAfterGTPreload = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sBeforeGTLoad = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sAfterGTLoad = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sBeforeGTPostload = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sAfterGTPostload = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sBeforeGTServerstart = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sAfterGTServerstart = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sBeforeGTServerstop = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sAfterGTServerstop = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sGTBlockIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>(), sGTItemIconload = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
+ public static List<Runnable>
+ sBeforeGTPreload = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sAfterGTPreload = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sBeforeGTLoad = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sAfterGTLoad = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sBeforeGTPostload = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sAfterGTPostload = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sBeforeGTServerstart = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sAfterGTServerstart = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sBeforeGTServerstop = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sAfterGTServerstop = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sGTBlockIconload = new ArrayList<>(),
+ sGTItemIconload = new ArrayList<>();
* The Icon Registers from Blocks and Items. They will get set right before the corresponding Icon Load Phase as executed in the Runnable List above.
- public static IIconRegister sBlockIcons, sItemIcons;
+ public static IIconRegister
+ sBlockIcons,
+ sItemIcons;
* The Configuration Objects
- public static GT_Config sRecipeFile = null, sMachineFile = null, sWorldgenFile = null, sModularArmor = null, sMaterialProperties = null, sMaterialComponents = null, sUnification = null, sSpecialFile = null, sClientDataFile, sOPStuff = null;
+ public static GT_Config
+ sRecipeFile = null,
+ sMachineFile = null,
+ sWorldgenFile = null,
+ sModularArmor = null,
+ sMaterialProperties = null,
+ sMaterialComponents = null,
+ sUnification = null,
+ sSpecialFile = null,
+ sClientDataFile,
+ sOPStuff = null;
+ public static int
* Initialized by the Block creation.
public static Block sBlockMachines;
- public static Block sBlockOres1, sBlockOresUb1, sBlockOresUb2, sBlockOresUb3, /*sBlockGem,*/ sBlockMetal1, sBlockMetal2, sBlockMetal3, sBlockMetal4, sBlockMetal5, sBlockMetal6, sBlockMetal7, sBlockMetal8, sBlockGem1, sBlockGem2, sBlockGem3, sBlockReinforced;
- public static Block sBlockGranites, sBlockConcretes, sBlockStones;
- public static Block sBlockCasings1, sBlockCasings2, sBlockCasings3, sBlockCasings4, sBlockCasings5, sBlockCasings6, sBlockCasings8;
+ public static Block
+ sBlockOres1,
+ sBlockOresUb1,
+ sBlockOresUb2,
+ sBlockOresUb3,
+ /*sBlockGem,*/
+ sBlockMetal1,
+ sBlockMetal2,
+ sBlockMetal3,
+ sBlockMetal4,
+ sBlockMetal5,
+ sBlockMetal6,
+ sBlockMetal7,
+ sBlockMetal8,
+ sBlockGem1,
+ sBlockGem2,
+ sBlockGem3,
+ sBlockReinforced;
+ public static Block
+ sBlockGranites,
+ sBlockConcretes,
+ sBlockStones;
+ public static Block
+ sBlockCasings1,
+ sBlockCasings2,
+ sBlockCasings3,
+ sBlockCasings4,
+ sBlockCasings5,
+ sBlockCasings6,
+ sBlockCasings8;
* Getting assigned by the Config
- public static boolean sTimber = true, sDrinksAlwaysDrinkable = false, sMultiThreadedSounds = false, sDoShowAllItemsInCreative = false, sColoredGUI = true, sConstantEnergy = true, sMachineExplosions = true, sMachineFlammable = true, sMachineNonWrenchExplosions = true, sMachineRainExplosions = true, sMachineThunderExplosions = true, sMachineFireExplosions = true, sMachineWireFire = true;
- public static boolean mOutputRF = false;
- public static boolean mInputRF = false;
- public static boolean meIOLoaded = false;
- public static int mEUtoRF = 360;
- public static int mRFtoEU = 20;
- public static boolean mRFExplosions = true;
- public static boolean mServerStarted = false;
- public static boolean mIC2Classic = false;
- public static boolean mMagneticraft = false;
- public static boolean mImmersiveEngineering = false;
- public static boolean mGTPlusPlus = false;
- public static boolean mTranslocator = false;
- public static boolean mTConstruct = false;
- public static boolean mGalacticraft = false;
+ public static boolean
+ sTimber = true,
+ sDrinksAlwaysDrinkable = false,
+ sMultiThreadedSounds = false,
+ sDoShowAllItemsInCreative = false,
+ sColoredGUI = true,
+ sConstantEnergy = true,
+ sMachineExplosions = true,
+ sMachineFlammable = true,
+ sMachineNonWrenchExplosions = true,
+ sMachineRainExplosions = true,
+ sMachineThunderExplosions = true,
+ sMachineFireExplosions = true,
+ sMachineWireFire = true,
+ mOutputRF = false,
+ mInputRF = false,
+ meIOLoaded = false,
+ mRFExplosions = true,
+ mServerStarted = false,
+ mIC2Classic = false,
+ mMagneticraft = false,
+ mImmersiveEngineering = false,
+ mGTPlusPlus = false,
+ mTranslocator = false,
+ mTConstruct = false,
+ mGalacticraft = false;
+ public static int
+ mEUtoRF = 360,
+ mRFtoEU = 20;
* Option to not use MACHINE_METAL mixing into colors
- public static boolean sUseMachineMetal = false;
+ public static boolean sUseMachineMetal = false;
public static boolean mUseOnlyGoodSolderingMaterials = false;
@@ -212,7 +303,14 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* Getting assigned by the Mod loading
- public static boolean sUnificationEntriesRegistered = false, sPreloadStarted = false, sPreloadFinished = false, sLoadStarted = false, sLoadFinished = false, sPostloadStarted = false, sPostloadFinished = false;
+ public static boolean
+ sUnificationEntriesRegistered = false,
+ sPreloadStarted = false,
+ sPreloadFinished = false,
+ sLoadStarted = false,
+ sLoadFinished = false,
+ sPostloadStarted = false,
+ sPostloadFinished = false;
private static Class sBaseMetaTileEntityClass = null;
@@ -305,7 +403,8 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* @param aMeta the Metadata of the Blocks as Bitmask! -1 or ~0 for all Metavalues
public static boolean registerMachineBlock(Block aBlock, int aMeta) {
- if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock)) return false;
+ if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock))
+ return false;
if (GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat != null)
sMachineIDs.put(aBlock, aMeta);
@@ -316,7 +415,8 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* Like above but with boolean Parameters instead of a BitMask
public static boolean registerMachineBlock(Block aBlock, boolean... aMeta) {
- if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock) || aMeta == null || aMeta.length == 0) return false;
+ if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock) || aMeta == null || aMeta.length == 0)
+ return false;
if (GregTech_API.sThaumcraftCompat != null)
int rMeta = 0;
@@ -329,7 +429,8 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* if this Block is a Machine Update Conducting Block
public static boolean isMachineBlock(Block aBlock, int aMeta) {
- if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock)) return false;
+ if (GT_Utility.isBlockInvalid(aBlock))
+ return false;
return (sMachineIDs.containsKey(aBlock) && (sMachineIDs.get(aBlock) & B[aMeta]) != 0);
@@ -489,7 +590,8 @@ public class GregTech_API {
public static void registerCover(ItemStack aStack, ITexture aCover, GT_CoverBehavior aBehavior) {
if (!sCovers.containsKey(new GT_ItemStack(aStack)))
sCovers.put(new GT_ItemStack(aStack), aCover == null || !aCover.isValidTexture() ? Textures.BlockIcons.ERROR_RENDERING[0] : aCover);
- if (aBehavior != null) sCoverBehaviors.put(new GT_ItemStack(aStack), aBehavior);
+ if (aBehavior != null)
+ sCoverBehaviors.put(new GT_ItemStack(aStack), aBehavior);
public static void registerCoverBehavior(ItemStack aStack, GT_CoverBehavior aBehavior) {
@@ -502,16 +604,19 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* @param aBehavior can be null
public static void registerCover(Collection<ItemStack> aStackList, ITexture aCover, GT_CoverBehavior aBehavior) {
- if (aCover.isValidTexture()) for (ItemStack tStack : aStackList) registerCover(tStack, aCover, aBehavior);
+ if (aCover.isValidTexture())
+ aStackList.forEach(tStack -> GregTech_API.registerCover(tStack, aCover, aBehavior));
* returns a Cover behavior, guaranteed to not return null after preload
public static GT_CoverBehavior getCoverBehavior(ItemStack aStack) {
- if (aStack == null || aStack.getItem() == null) return sNoBehavior;
+ if (aStack == null || aStack.getItem() == null)
+ return sNoBehavior;
GT_CoverBehavior rCover = sCoverBehaviors.get(new GT_ItemStack(aStack));
- if (rCover == null) return sDefaultBehavior;
+ if (rCover == null)
+ return sDefaultBehavior;
return rCover;
@@ -519,7 +624,8 @@ public class GregTech_API {
* returns a Cover behavior, guaranteed to not return null
public static GT_CoverBehavior getCoverBehavior(int aStack) {
- if (aStack == 0) return sNoBehavior;
+ if (aStack == 0)
+ return sNoBehavior;
return getCoverBehavior(GT_Utility.intToStack(aStack));