path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 434 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java
index fd30bfd231..86e4e3f1ca 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/enums/Materials.java
@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ import static gregtech.api.enums.FluidState.GAS;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.M;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.MOD_ID_DC;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import java.util.stream.IntStream;
+import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
+import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import gregtech.GT_Mod;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
@@ -20,13 +29,6 @@ import gregtech.common.render.items.*;
import gregtech.common.render.items.UniversiumRenderer;
import gregtech.loaders.materialprocessing.ProcessingConfig;
import gregtech.loaders.materialprocessing.ProcessingModSupport;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import java.util.stream.IntStream;
-import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment;
-import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
-import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
-import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // API Legitimately has unused Members and Methods
public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
@@ -38,12 +40,14 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public static volatile int VERSION = 509;
- * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old materials enum
+ * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old
+ * materials enum
public static Collection<Materials> VALUES = new LinkedHashSet<>();
- * This is the Default Material returned in case no Material has been found or a NullPointer has been inserted at a location where it shouldn't happen.
+ * This is the Default Material returned in case no Material has been found or a NullPointer has been inserted at a
+ * location where it shouldn't happen.
// Spotless breaks the table below into many, many lines
@@ -927,14 +931,18 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
* Superconductor re-routed for mod compatibility. Circuits are re-routed into SuperconductorUHV as well.
- * <p>Internal name is now Superconductor while translated name is SuperconductorUHV.</p>
+ * <p>
+ * Internal name is now Superconductor while translated name is SuperconductorUHV.
+ * </p>
+ *
* @deprecated Use {@link #SuperconductorUHV} instead
- public static Materials Superconductor = new Materials(
- SuperconductorUHV, true); // new Materials( -1, TextureSet.SET_NONE , 1.0F, 0, 0, 0
- // , 255, 255, 255, 0, "Superconductor" , "Superconductor" , 0,
- // 0, -1, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeLightGray , Arrays.asList(new
+ public static Materials Superconductor = new Materials(SuperconductorUHV, true); // new Materials( -1,
+ // TextureSet.SET_NONE , 1.0F, 0,
+ // 0, 0
+ // , 255, 255, 255, 0, "Superconductor" , "Superconductor" , 0,
+ // 0, -1, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, Dyes.dyeLightGray , Arrays.asList(new
// TC_AspectStack(TC_Aspects.ELECTRUM, 9)));
@@ -962,7 +970,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public final short[] mRGBa = new short[] {255, 255, 255, 0}, mMoltenRGBa = new short[] {255, 255, 255, 0};
+ public final short[] mRGBa = new short[] { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, mMoltenRGBa = new short[] { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
public TextureSet mIconSet;
public GT_GeneratedMaterial_Renderer renderer;
public List<MaterialStack> mMaterialList = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -971,16 +979,9 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public ArrayList<ItemStack> mMaterialItems = new ArrayList<>();
public Collection<SubTag> mSubTags = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public Enchantment mEnchantmentTools = null, mEnchantmentArmors = null;
- public boolean mUnificatable,
- mBlastFurnaceRequired = false,
- mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes = true,
- mAutoGenerateVacuumFreezerRecipes = true,
- mAutoGenerateRecycleRecipes = true,
- mTransparent = false,
- mHasParentMod = true,
- mHasPlasma = false,
- mHasGas = false,
- mCustomOre = false;
+ public boolean mUnificatable, mBlastFurnaceRequired = false, mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes = true,
+ mAutoGenerateVacuumFreezerRecipes = true, mAutoGenerateRecycleRecipes = true, mTransparent = false,
+ mHasParentMod = true, mHasPlasma = false, mHasGas = false, mCustomOre = false;
public byte mEnchantmentToolsLevel = 0, mEnchantmentArmorsLevel = 0, mToolQuality = 0;
public short mBlastFurnaceTemp = 0;
public int mMeltingPoint = 0;
@@ -1009,44 +1010,26 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public int processingMaterialTierEU = 0;
public long mDensity = M;
- public float mToolSpeed = 1.0F,
- mHeatDamage = 0.0F,
- mSteamMultiplier = 1.0F,
- mGasMultiplier = 1.0F,
+ public float mToolSpeed = 1.0F, mHeatDamage = 0.0F, mSteamMultiplier = 1.0F, mGasMultiplier = 1.0F,
mPlasmaMultiplier = 1.0F;
- public String mChemicalFormula = "?",
- mName,
- mDefaultLocalName,
- mCustomID = "null",
- mConfigSection = "null",
+ public String mChemicalFormula = "?", mName, mDefaultLocalName, mCustomID = "null", mConfigSection = "null",
mLocalizedName = "null";
public Dyes mColor = Dyes._NULL;
public Element mElement = null;
- public Materials mDirectSmelting = this,
- mOreReplacement = this,
- mMacerateInto = this,
- mSmeltInto = this,
- mArcSmeltInto = this,
- mHandleMaterial = this,
- mMaterialInto;
+ public Materials mDirectSmelting = this, mOreReplacement = this, mMacerateInto = this, mSmeltInto = this,
+ mArcSmeltInto = this, mHandleMaterial = this, mMaterialInto;
public Fluid mSolid = null, mFluid = null, mGas = null, mPlasma = null;
- * This Fluid is used as standard Unit for Molten Materials. 1296 is a Molten Block, that means 144 is one Material Unit worth of fluid.
+ * This Fluid is used as standard Unit for Molten Materials. 1296 is a Molten Block, that means 144 is one Material
+ * Unit worth of fluid.
public Fluid mStandardMoltenFluid = null;
private boolean hasCorrespondingFluid = false, hasCorrespondingGas = false, canBeCracked = false;
private Fluid[] hydroCrackedFluids = new Fluid[3], steamCrackedFluids = new Fluid[3];
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- boolean aUnificatable,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ boolean aUnificatable, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName) {
@@ -1061,17 +1044,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- boolean aUnificatable,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- String aConfigSection,
- boolean aCustomOre,
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ boolean aUnificatable, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, String aConfigSection, boolean aCustomOre,
String aCustomID) {
mMetaItemSubID = aMetaItemSubID;
mDefaultLocalName = aDefaultLocalName;
@@ -1099,29 +1073,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
mIconSet = TextureSet.SET_NONE;
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor) {
@@ -1150,29 +1105,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
String aConfigSection) {
@@ -1204,52 +1140,29 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
* @param aMetaItemSubID the Sub-ID used in my own MetaItems. Range 0-1000. -1 for no Material
- * @param aTypes which kind of Items should be generated. Bitmask as follows:
- * 1 = Dusts of all kinds.
- * 2 = Dusts, Ingots, Plates, Rods/Sticks, Machine Components and other Metal specific things.
- * 4 = Dusts, Gems, Plates, Lenses (if transparent).
- * 8 = Dusts, Impure Dusts, crushed Ores, purified Ores, centrifuged Ores etc.
- * 16 = Cells
- * 32 = Plasma Cells
- * 64 = Tool Heads
- * 128 = Gears
- * 256 = Designates something as empty (only used for the Empty material)
+ * @param aTypes which kind of Items should be generated. Bitmask as follows: 1 = Dusts of all kinds.
+ * 2 = Dusts, Ingots, Plates, Rods/Sticks, Machine Components and other Metal specific
+ * things. 4 = Dusts, Gems, Plates, Lenses (if transparent). 8 = Dusts, Impure Dusts,
+ * crushed Ores, purified Ores, centrifuged Ores etc. 16 = Cells 32 = Plasma Cells 64 =
+ * Tool Heads 128 = Gears 256 = Designates something as empty (only used for the Empty
+ * material)
* @param aR, aG, aB Color of the Material 0-255 each.
* @param aA transparency of the Material Texture. 0 = fully visible, 255 = Invisible.
* @param aName The Name used as Default for localization.
* @param aFuelType Type of Generator to get Energy from this Material.
- * @param aFuelPower EU generated. Will be multiplied by 1000, also additionally multiplied by 2 for Gems.
- * @param aMeltingPoint Used to determine the smelting Costs in furnace. >>>>**ADD 20000 to remove EBF recipes to add them MANUALLY ! :D**<<<<
+ * @param aFuelPower EU generated. Will be multiplied by 1000, also additionally multiplied by 2 for
+ * Gems.
+ * @param aMeltingPoint Used to determine the smelting Costs in furnace. >>>>**ADD 20000 to remove EBF
+ * recipes to add them MANUALLY ! :D**<<<<
* @param aBlastFurnaceTemp Used to determine the needed Heat capacity Costs in Blast Furnace.
* @param aBlastFurnaceRequired If this requires a Blast Furnace.
* @param aColor Vanilla MC Wool Color which comes the closest to this.
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
- String aConfigSection,
- boolean aCustomOre,
- String aCustomID) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
+ String aConfigSection, boolean aCustomOre, String aCustomID) {
@@ -1283,29 +1196,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
if ((mTypes & 2) != 0) add(SubTag.SMELTING_TO_FLUID);
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> aAspects) {
@@ -1333,31 +1227,11 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
- Element aElement,
- List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> aAspects) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
+ Element aElement, List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> aAspects) {
@@ -1392,31 +1266,11 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
- int aExtraData,
- List<MaterialStack> aMaterialList) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
+ int aExtraData, List<MaterialStack> aMaterialList) {
@@ -1445,32 +1299,11 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- public Materials(
- int aMetaItemSubID,
- TextureSet aIconSet,
- float aToolSpeed,
- int aDurability,
- int aToolQuality,
- int aTypes,
- int aR,
- int aG,
- int aB,
- int aA,
- String aName,
- String aDefaultLocalName,
- int aFuelType,
- int aFuelPower,
- int aMeltingPoint,
- int aBlastFurnaceTemp,
- boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
- boolean aTransparent,
- int aOreValue,
- int aDensityMultiplier,
- int aDensityDivider,
- Dyes aColor,
- int aExtraData,
- List<MaterialStack> aMaterialList,
- List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> aAspects) {
+ public Materials(int aMetaItemSubID, TextureSet aIconSet, float aToolSpeed, int aDurability, int aToolQuality,
+ int aTypes, int aR, int aG, int aB, int aA, String aName, String aDefaultLocalName, int aFuelType,
+ int aFuelPower, int aMeltingPoint, int aBlastFurnaceTemp, boolean aBlastFurnaceRequired,
+ boolean aTransparent, int aOreValue, int aDensityMultiplier, int aDensityDivider, Dyes aColor,
+ int aExtraData, List<MaterialStack> aMaterialList, List<TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack> aAspects) {
@@ -1497,37 +1330,30 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
mExtraData = aExtraData;
if (mMaterialList.size() == 1) mChemicalFormula = mMaterialList.get(0).toString(true);
- else
- mChemicalFormula = mMaterialList.stream()
- .map(MaterialStack::toString)
- .collect(Collectors.joining())
- .replaceAll("_", "-");
+ else mChemicalFormula = mMaterialList.stream().map(MaterialStack::toString).collect(Collectors.joining())
+ .replaceAll("_", "-");
int tAmountOfComponents = 0, tMeltingPoint = 0;
for (MaterialStack tMaterial : mMaterialList) {
tAmountOfComponents += tMaterial.mAmount;
if (tMaterial.mMaterial.mMeltingPoint > 0)
tMeltingPoint += tMaterial.mMaterial.mMeltingPoint * tMaterial.mAmount;
- if (aAspects == null)
- for (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack tAspect : tMaterial.mMaterial.mAspects)
- tAspect.addToAspectList(mAspects);
+ if (aAspects == null) for (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack tAspect : tMaterial.mMaterial.mAspects)
+ tAspect.addToAspectList(mAspects);
if (mMeltingPoint < 0) mMeltingPoint = (short) (tMeltingPoint / tAmountOfComponents);
tAmountOfComponents *= aDensityMultiplier;
tAmountOfComponents /= aDensityDivider;
- if (aAspects == null)
- for (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack tAspect : mAspects)
- tAspect.mAmount = Math.max(1, tAspect.mAmount / Math.max(1, tAmountOfComponents));
+ if (aAspects == null) for (TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack tAspect : mAspects)
+ tAspect.mAmount = Math.max(1, tAspect.mAmount / Math.max(1, tAmountOfComponents));
else mAspects.addAll(aAspects);
private static void setSmeltingInto() {
- NeodymiumMagnetic.setSmeltingInto(Neodymium)
- .setMaceratingInto(Neodymium)
- .setArcSmeltingInto(Neodymium);
+ NeodymiumMagnetic.setSmeltingInto(Neodymium).setMaceratingInto(Neodymium).setArcSmeltingInto(Neodymium);
@@ -1536,8 +1362,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- AnnealedCopper.setSmeltingInto(AnnealedCopper)
- .setMaceratingInto(AnnealedCopper)
+ AnnealedCopper.setSmeltingInto(AnnealedCopper).setMaceratingInto(AnnealedCopper)
@@ -1553,14 +1378,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void setDirectSmelting() {
- Cinnabar.setDirectSmelting(Mercury)
- .add(SubTag.SMELTING_TO_GEM);
- Tetrahedrite.setDirectSmelting(Copper)
+ Cinnabar.setDirectSmelting(Mercury).add(SubTag.INDUCTIONSMELTING_LOW_OUTPUT).add(SubTag.SMELTING_TO_GEM);
+ Tetrahedrite.setDirectSmelting(Copper).add(SubTag.INDUCTIONSMELTING_LOW_OUTPUT)
- Chalcopyrite.setDirectSmelting(Copper)
+ Chalcopyrite.setDirectSmelting(Copper).add(SubTag.INDUCTIONSMELTING_LOW_OUTPUT)
@@ -1703,8 +1524,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * It will get overwritten!
private static void setEnchantments() {
@@ -2001,10 +1821,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
Longasssuperconductornameforuvwire.mChemicalFormula = "Nq*\u2084(Ir\u2083Os)\u2083EuSm";
Longasssuperconductornameforuhvwire.mChemicalFormula = "D\u2086(SpNt)\u2087Tn\u2085Am\u2086";
SuperconductorUEVBase.mChemicalFormula = "D*\u2085If*\u2085(✦◆✦)(⚷⚙⚷ Ni4Ti6)";
- SuperconductorUIVBase.mChemicalFormula =
- "(C\u2081\u2084Os\u2081\u2081O\u2087Ag\u2083SpH\u2082O)\u2084?\u2081\u2080(Fs⚶)\u2086(⌘☯☯⌘)\u2085";
- SuperconductorUMVBase.mChemicalFormula =
- "?\u2086Or\u2083(Hy⚶)\u2081\u2081(((CW)\u2087Ti\u2083)\u2083???)\u2085۞\u2082";
+ SuperconductorUIVBase.mChemicalFormula = "(C\u2081\u2084Os\u2081\u2081O\u2087Ag\u2083SpH\u2082O)\u2084?\u2081\u2080(Fs⚶)\u2086(⌘☯☯⌘)\u2085";
+ SuperconductorUMVBase.mChemicalFormula = "?\u2086Or\u2083(Hy⚶)\u2081\u2081(((CW)\u2087Ti\u2083)\u2083???)\u2085۞\u2082";
Diatomite.mChemicalFormula = "(SiO\u2082)\u2088Fe\u2082O\u2083(Al\u2082O\u2083)";
EnrichedHolmium.mChemicalFormula = "Nq+\u2088Ho\u2082";
Grade1PurifiedWater.mChemicalFormula = "H₂O";
@@ -2020,8 +1838,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void initSubTags() {
SubTag.ELECTROMAGNETIC_SEPERATION_NEODYMIUM.addTo(Bastnasite, Monazite, Forcicium, Forcillium);
- Magnetite, VanadiumMagnetite, BasalticMineralSand, GraniticMineralSand);
+ .addTo(Magnetite, VanadiumMagnetite, BasalticMineralSand, GraniticMineralSand);
@@ -2043,8 +1861,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- Pyrite, BrownLimonite, YellowLimonite, BasalticMineralSand, GraniticMineralSand, Magnetite);
+ .addTo(Pyrite, BrownLimonite, YellowLimonite, BasalticMineralSand, GraniticMineralSand, Magnetite);
SubTag.BLASTFURNACE_CALCITE_TRIPLE.addTo(Iron, PigIron, DeepIron, ShadowIron, WroughtIron, MeteoricIron);
@@ -2420,14 +2238,14 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- SiliconDioxide.add(
+ SiliconDioxide
- TricalciumPhosphate.add(
+ TricalciumPhosphate
@@ -2471,7 +2289,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
SuperconductorIV.add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
SuperconductorLuV.add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
SuperconductorZPM.add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
- // SuperconductorUV .add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
+ // SuperconductorUV .add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
SuperconductorUHV.add(SubTag.NO_SMASHING, SubTag.NO_SMELTING);
@@ -2490,21 +2308,19 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public static void init() {
new ProcessingConfig();
if (!GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mEnableAllMaterials) new ProcessingModSupport();
- mMaterialHandlers.forEach(
- IMaterialHandler::onMaterialsInit); // This is where addon mods can add/manipulate materials
+ mMaterialHandlers.forEach(IMaterialHandler::onMaterialsInit); // This is where addon mods can add/manipulate
+ // materials
initMaterialProperties(); // No more material addition or manipulation should be done past this point!
- .values()
- .toArray(new Materials[0]); // Generate standard object array. This is a lot faster to loop over.
+ MATERIALS_ARRAY = MATERIALS_MAP.values().toArray(new Materials[0]); // Generate standard object array. This is a
+ // lot faster to loop over.
if (!Loader.isModLoaded(MOD_ID_DC) && !GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mEnableAllComponents)
else {
- OrePrefixes.ingotHot.mDisabledItems.addAll(Arrays.stream(Materials.values())
- .parallel()
- .filter(OrePrefixes.ingotHot::doGenerateItem)
- .filter(m -> m.mBlastFurnaceTemp < 1750 && m.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes)
- .collect(Collectors.toSet()));
+ OrePrefixes.ingotHot.mDisabledItems.addAll(
+ Arrays.stream(Materials.values()).parallel().filter(OrePrefixes.ingotHot::doGenerateItem)
+ .filter(m -> m.mBlastFurnaceTemp < 1750 && m.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes)
+ .collect(Collectors.toSet()));
@@ -2545,13 +2361,17 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
if (aMaterial.mHasParentMod) {
if (GregTech_API.sGeneratedMaterials[aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID] == null) {
GregTech_API.sGeneratedMaterials[aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID] = aMaterial;
- } else
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Material Index " + aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID
- + " for " + aMaterial.mName + " is already used!");
+ } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "The Material Index " + aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID
+ + " for "
+ + aMaterial.mName
+ + " is already used!");
- } else
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Material Index " + aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID + " for "
- + aMaterial.mName + " is/over the maximum of 1000");
+ } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "The Material Index " + aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID
+ + " for "
+ + aMaterial.mName
+ + " is/over the maximum of 1000");
@@ -2562,22 +2382,22 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addTemperatureValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mMeltingPoint =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "MeltingPoint", aMaterial.mMeltingPoint);
- aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceRequired = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "BlastFurnaceRequired", aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceRequired);
- aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceTemp = (short)
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "BlastFurnaceTemp", aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceTemp);
+ aMaterial.mMeltingPoint = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "MeltingPoint", aMaterial.mMeltingPoint);
+ aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceRequired = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "BlastFurnaceRequired", aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceRequired);
+ aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceTemp = (short) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "BlastFurnaceTemp", aMaterial.mBlastFurnaceTemp);
aMaterial.mGasTemp = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "GasTemp", aMaterial.mGasTemp);
(float) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "HeatDamage", aMaterial.mHeatDamage));
private static void addDensityValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mDensityMultiplier =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "DensityMultiplier", aMaterial.mDensityMultiplier);
- aMaterial.mDensityDivider =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "DensityDivider", aMaterial.mDensityDivider);
+ aMaterial.mDensityMultiplier = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "DensityMultiplier", aMaterial.mDensityMultiplier);
+ aMaterial.mDensityDivider = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "DensityDivider", aMaterial.mDensityDivider);
aMaterial.mDensity = (long) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
@@ -2586,17 +2406,21 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addColorValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mTransparent =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "Transparent", aMaterial.mTransparent);
- String aColor = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "DyeColor", aMaterial.mColor == Dyes._NULL ? "None" : aMaterial.mColor.toString());
+ aMaterial.mTransparent = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "Transparent", aMaterial.mTransparent);
+ String aColor = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "DyeColor", aMaterial.mColor == Dyes._NULL ? "None" : aMaterial.mColor.toString());
aMaterial.mColor = aColor.equals("None") ? Dyes._NULL : Dyes.get(aColor);
- String[] aRGBA = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
- .get(
- aConfigPath,
- "MatRGBA",
- aMaterial.mRGBa[0] + "," + aMaterial.mRGBa[1] + "," + aMaterial.mRGBa[2] + ","
- + aMaterial.mRGBa[3] + ",")
+ String[] aRGBA = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
+ aConfigPath,
+ "MatRGBA",
+ aMaterial.mRGBa[0] + ","
+ + aMaterial.mRGBa[1]
+ + ","
+ + aMaterial.mRGBa[2]
+ + ","
+ + aMaterial.mRGBa[3]
+ + ",")
aMaterial.mRGBa[0] = Short.parseShort(aRGBA[0]);
aMaterial.mRGBa[1] = Short.parseShort(aRGBA[1]);
@@ -2605,26 +2429,20 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addToolValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mDurability =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ToolDurability", aMaterial.mDurability);
- aMaterial.mToolSpeed =
- (float) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ToolSpeed", aMaterial.mToolSpeed);
- aMaterial.mToolQuality =
- (byte) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ToolQuality", aMaterial.mToolQuality);
+ aMaterial.mDurability = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ToolDurability", aMaterial.mDurability);
+ aMaterial.mToolSpeed = (float) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ToolSpeed", aMaterial.mToolSpeed);
+ aMaterial.mToolQuality = (byte) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ToolQuality", aMaterial.mToolQuality);
// Moved from GT_Proxy? (Not sure)
- aMaterial.mHandleMaterial = (aMaterial == Desh
- ? aMaterial.mHandleMaterial
- : aMaterial == Diamond || aMaterial == Thaumium
- ? Wood
- : aMaterial.contains(SubTag.BURNING)
- ? Blaze
- : aMaterial.contains(SubTag.MAGICAL)
- && aMaterial.contains(SubTag.CRYSTAL)
- && Loader.isModLoaded(GT_Values.MOD_ID_TC)
- ? Thaumium
- : aMaterial.getMass() > Element.Tc.getMass() * 2
- ? TungstenSteel
- : aMaterial.getMass() > Element.Tc.getMass() ? Steel : Wood);
+ aMaterial.mHandleMaterial = (aMaterial == Desh ? aMaterial.mHandleMaterial
+ : aMaterial == Diamond || aMaterial == Thaumium ? Wood
+ : aMaterial.contains(SubTag.BURNING) ? Blaze
+ : aMaterial.contains(SubTag.MAGICAL) && aMaterial.contains(SubTag.CRYSTAL)
+ && Loader.isModLoaded(GT_Values.MOD_ID_TC) ? Thaumium
+ : aMaterial.getMass() > Element.Tc.getMass() * 2 ? TungstenSteel
+ : aMaterial.getMass() > Element.Tc.getMass() ? Steel : Wood);
if (aMaterial == Materials.SpaceTime) {
aMaterial.mHandleMaterial = Materials.Infinity;
@@ -2636,8 +2454,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addEnchantmentValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mEnchantmentToolsLevel = (byte)
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "EnchantmentLevel", aMaterial.mEnchantmentToolsLevel);
+ aMaterial.mEnchantmentToolsLevel = (byte) GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "EnchantmentLevel", aMaterial.mEnchantmentToolsLevel);
String aEnchantmentName = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
@@ -2651,24 +2469,29 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addProcessingIntoValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
aMaterial.mSmeltInto = MATERIALS_MAP.get(
GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "MaterialSmeltInto", aMaterial.mSmeltInto.mName));
- aMaterial.mMacerateInto = MATERIALS_MAP.get(GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "MaterialMacerateInto", aMaterial.mMacerateInto.mName));
- aMaterial.mArcSmeltInto = MATERIALS_MAP.get(GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "MaterialArcSmeltInto", aMaterial.mArcSmeltInto.mName));
- aMaterial.mDirectSmelting = MATERIALS_MAP.get(GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "MaterialDirectSmeltInto", aMaterial.mDirectSmelting.mName));
- aMaterial.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "AutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes", aMaterial.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes);
+ aMaterial.mMacerateInto = MATERIALS_MAP.get(
+ GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "MaterialMacerateInto", aMaterial.mMacerateInto.mName));
+ aMaterial.mArcSmeltInto = MATERIALS_MAP.get(
+ GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "MaterialArcSmeltInto", aMaterial.mArcSmeltInto.mName));
+ aMaterial.mDirectSmelting = MATERIALS_MAP.get(
+ GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "MaterialDirectSmeltInto", aMaterial.mDirectSmelting.mName));
+ aMaterial.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "AutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes", aMaterial.mAutoGenerateBlastFurnaceRecipes);
private static void addMultiplierValues(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
aMaterial.mOreValue = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "OreValue", aMaterial.mOreValue);
GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "OreMultiplier", aMaterial.mOreMultiplier));
- aMaterial.setSmeltingMultiplier(GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "OreSmeltingMultiplier", aMaterial.mSmeltingMultiplier));
- aMaterial.setByProductMultiplier(GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "OreByProductMultiplier", aMaterial.mByProductMultiplier));
+ aMaterial.setSmeltingMultiplier(
+ GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "OreSmeltingMultiplier", aMaterial.mSmeltingMultiplier));
+ aMaterial.setByProductMultiplier(
+ GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "OreByProductMultiplier", aMaterial.mByProductMultiplier));
private static void addHasGasFluid(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
@@ -2681,22 +2504,26 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
aMaterial.mHasGas = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "AddGas", aMaterial.mHasGas);
if (aMaterial.mHasGas) {
- aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase(), aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName, aMaterial, GAS, aMaterial.mGasTemp);
+ aMaterial.mName.toLowerCase(),
+ aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName,
+ aMaterial,
+ GAS,
+ aMaterial.mGasTemp);
private static void addInternalStuff(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "MaterialID", aMaterial.mCustomOre ? -1 : aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID);
+ aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "MaterialID", aMaterial.mCustomOre ? -1 : aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID);
aMaterial.mTypes = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
aMaterial.mCustomOre ? 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 : aMaterial.mTypes);
- aMaterial.mUnificatable =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "Unificatable", aMaterial.mUnificatable);
- aMaterial.mHasParentMod =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "HasParentMod", aMaterial.mHasParentMod);
+ aMaterial.mUnificatable = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "Unificatable", aMaterial.mUnificatable);
+ aMaterial.mHasParentMod = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "HasParentMod", aMaterial.mHasParentMod);
private static void addLocalisation(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
@@ -2704,8 +2531,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
aMaterial.mCustomOre ? "CustomOre" + aMaterial.mCustomID : aMaterial.mDefaultLocalName);
- aMaterial.mChemicalFormula =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ChemicalFormula", aMaterial.mChemicalFormula);
+ aMaterial.mChemicalFormula = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ChemicalFormula", aMaterial.mChemicalFormula);
private static String getConfigPath(Materials aMaterial) {
@@ -2715,22 +2542,21 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void addHarvestLevelNerfs(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
/* Moved the harvest level changes from GT_Mod to have fewer things iterating over MATERIALS_ARRAY */
- if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mChangeHarvestLevels
- && aMaterial.mToolQuality > 0
+ if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mChangeHarvestLevels && aMaterial.mToolQuality > 0
&& aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID < GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mHarvestLevel.length
&& aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID >= 0) {
- GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mHarvestLevel[aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID] =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "HarvestLevel", aMaterial.mToolQuality);
+ GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mHarvestLevel[aMaterial.mMetaItemSubID] = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "HarvestLevel", aMaterial.mToolQuality);
private static void addHarvestLevels() {
- GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mChangeHarvestLevels =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get("harvestlevel", "ActivateHarvestLevelChange", false);
- GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mMaxHarvestLevel =
- Math.min(15, GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get("harvestlevel", "MaxHarvestLevel", 7));
- GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mGraniteHavestLevel =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get("harvestlevel", "GraniteHarvestLevel", 3);
+ GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mChangeHarvestLevels = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get("harvestlevel", "ActivateHarvestLevelChange", false);
+ GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mMaxHarvestLevel = Math
+ .min(15, GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get("harvestlevel", "MaxHarvestLevel", 7));
+ GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mGraniteHavestLevel = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get("harvestlevel", "GraniteHarvestLevel", 3);
public static void initMaterialProperties() {
@@ -2762,17 +2588,15 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void aspectCalculation(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- String aDefaultAspectString = aMaterial.mAspects.stream()
- .map(aAspectStack -> aAspectStack.mAspect.toString())
+ String aDefaultAspectString = aMaterial.mAspects.stream().map(aAspectStack -> aAspectStack.mAspect.toString())
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
String aDefaultAspectAmountString = aMaterial.mAspects.stream()
- .map(aAspectStack -> String.valueOf(aAspectStack.mAmount))
- .collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
+ .map(aAspectStack -> String.valueOf(aAspectStack.mAmount)).collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
- String aConfigAspectString =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ListTCAspects", aDefaultAspectString);
- String aConfigAspectAmountString =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ListTCAspectAmounts", aDefaultAspectAmountString);
+ String aConfigAspectString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ListTCAspects", aDefaultAspectString);
+ String aConfigAspectAmountString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ListTCAspectAmounts", aDefaultAspectAmountString);
if (!aConfigAspectString.equals(aDefaultAspectString)
|| !aConfigAspectAmountString.equals(aDefaultAspectAmountString)) {
@@ -2791,60 +2615,55 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
private static void OreReRegistrationsCalculation(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- String aDefaultMatReRegString = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.stream()
- .map(aTag -> aTag.mName)
+ String aDefaultMatReRegString = aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.stream().map(aTag -> aTag.mName)
.collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
- String aConfigMatMatReRegString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(
- aConfigPath, "ListMaterialReRegistrations", aDefaultMatReRegString);
+ String aConfigMatMatReRegString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ListMaterialReRegistrations", aDefaultMatReRegString);
if (!aConfigMatMatReRegString.equals(aDefaultMatReRegString)) {
if (aConfigMatMatReRegString.length() > 0) {
- Arrays.stream(aConfigMatMatReRegString.split(","))
- .map(MATERIALS_MAP::get)
- .filter(Objects::nonNull)
+ Arrays.stream(aConfigMatMatReRegString.split(",")).map(MATERIALS_MAP::get).filter(Objects::nonNull)
.forEach(aMat -> aMaterial.mOreReRegistrations.add(aMat));
private static void OreByProductsCalculation(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- String aDefaultMatByProString =
- aMaterial.mOreByProducts.stream().map(aTag -> aTag.mName).collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
- String aConfigMatByProString =
- GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ListMaterialByProducts", aDefaultMatByProString);
+ String aDefaultMatByProString = aMaterial.mOreByProducts.stream().map(aTag -> aTag.mName)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
+ String aConfigMatByProString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties
+ .get(aConfigPath, "ListMaterialByProducts", aDefaultMatByProString);
if (!aConfigMatByProString.equals(aDefaultMatByProString)) {
if (aConfigMatByProString.length() > 0) {
- Arrays.stream(aConfigMatByProString.split(","))
- .map(MATERIALS_MAP::get)
- .filter(Objects::nonNull)
+ Arrays.stream(aConfigMatByProString.split(",")).map(MATERIALS_MAP::get).filter(Objects::nonNull)
.forEach(aMat -> aMaterial.mOreByProducts.add(aMat));
- * Converts the pre-defined list of SubTags from a material into a list of SubTag names for setting/getting to/from the config.
- * It is then converted to a String[] and finally to a singular String for insertion into the config
- * If the config string is different from the default, we then want to clear the Materials SubTags and insert new ones from the config string.
+ * Converts the pre-defined list of SubTags from a material into a list of SubTag names for setting/getting to/from
+ * the config. It is then converted to a String[] and finally to a singular String for insertion into the config If
+ * the config string is different from the default, we then want to clear the Materials SubTags and insert new ones
+ * from the config string.
private static void SubTagCalculation(Materials aMaterial, String aConfigPath) {
- String aDefaultTagString =
- aMaterial.mSubTags.stream().map(aTag -> aTag.mName).collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
+ String aDefaultTagString = aMaterial.mSubTags.stream().map(aTag -> aTag.mName)
+ .collect(Collectors.joining(",", ",", ""));
String aConfigTagString = GregTech_API.sMaterialProperties.get(aConfigPath, "ListSubTags", aDefaultTagString);
if (!aConfigTagString.equals(aDefaultTagString)) {
if (aConfigTagString.length() > 0) {
- Arrays.stream(aConfigTagString.split(","))
- .map(SubTag.sSubTags::get)
- .filter(Objects::nonNull)
+ Arrays.stream(aConfigTagString.split(",")).map(SubTag.sSubTags::get).filter(Objects::nonNull)
.forEach(aTag -> aMaterial.mSubTags.add(aTag));
- * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old materials enum
+ * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old
+ * materials enum
public static Materials valueOf(String aMaterialName) {
@@ -2852,7 +2671,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old materials enum
+ * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old
+ * materials enum
public static Materials[] values() {
@@ -2918,7 +2738,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old materials enum
+ * This is for keeping compatibility with addons mods (Such as TinkersGregworks etc.) that looped over the old
+ * materials enum
public String name() {
@@ -2984,9 +2805,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
if (!aShowQuestionMarks && mChemicalFormula.equals("?")) return "";
if (aMultiplier >= M * 2 && !mMaterialList.isEmpty()) {
return ((mElement != null || (mMaterialList.size() < 2 && mMaterialList.get(0).mAmount == 1))
- ? mChemicalFormula
- : "(" + mChemicalFormula + ")")
- + aMultiplier;
+ ? mChemicalFormula
+ : "(" + mChemicalFormula + ")") + aMultiplier;
return mChemicalFormula;
@@ -3004,8 +2824,9 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public boolean contains(ItemStack... aStacks) {
if (aStacks == null || aStacks.length == 0) return false;
- return mMaterialItems.stream().anyMatch(tStack -> Arrays.stream(aStacks)
- .anyMatch(aStack -> GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(aStack, tStack, !tStack.hasTagCompound())));
+ return mMaterialItems.stream().anyMatch(
+ tStack -> Arrays.stream(aStacks)
+ .anyMatch(aStack -> GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(aStack, tStack, !tStack.hasTagCompound())));
@@ -3015,11 +2836,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
if (aStack == null) return false;
boolean temp = false;
int mMaterialItems_sS = mMaterialItems.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaterialItems_sS; i++)
- if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(aStack, mMaterialItems.get(i))) {
- mMaterialItems.remove(i--);
- temp = true;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < mMaterialItems_sS; i++) if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(aStack, mMaterialItems.get(i))) {
+ mMaterialItems.remove(i--);
+ temp = true;
+ }
return temp;
@@ -3028,12 +2848,10 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
public ISubTagContainer add(SubTag... aTags) {
- if (aTags != null)
- for (SubTag aTag : aTags)
- if (aTag != null && !contains(aTag)) {
- aTag.addContainerToList(this);
- mSubTags.add(aTag);
- }
+ if (aTags != null) for (SubTag aTag : aTags) if (aTag != null && !contains(aTag)) {
+ aTag.addContainerToList(this);
+ mSubTags.add(aTag);
+ }
return this;
@@ -3063,8 +2881,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * Adds a Material to the List of Byproducts when grinding this Ore.
- * Is used for more precise Ore grinding, so that it is possible to choose between certain kinds of Materials.
+ * Adds a Material to the List of Byproducts when grinding this Ore. Is used for more precise Ore grinding, so that
+ * it is possible to choose between certain kinds of Materials.
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") // Maintains signature
public Materials addOreByProduct(Materials aMaterial) {
@@ -3073,8 +2891,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * Adds multiple Materials to the List of Byproducts when grinding this Ore.
- * Is used for more precise Ore grinding, so that it is possible to choose between certain kinds of Materials.
+ * Adds multiple Materials to the List of Byproducts when grinding this Ore. Is used for more precise Ore grinding,
+ * so that it is possible to choose between certain kinds of Materials.
public Materials addOreByProducts(Materials... aMaterials) {
for (Materials tMaterial : aMaterials) if (tMaterial != null) addOreByProduct(tMaterial);
@@ -3082,8 +2900,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * If this Ore gives multiple drops of its Main Material.
- * Lapis Ore for example gives about 6 drops.
+ * If this Ore gives multiple drops of its Main Material. Lapis Ore for example gives about 6 drops.
public Materials setOreMultiplier(int aOreMultiplier) {
if (aOreMultiplier > 0) mOreMultiplier = aOreMultiplier;
@@ -3100,8 +2917,7 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * If this Ore gives multiple drops of its Main Material.
- * Lapis Ore for example gives about 6 drops.
+ * If this Ore gives multiple drops of its Main Material. Lapis Ore for example gives about 6 drops.
public Materials setSmeltingMultiplier(int aSmeltingMultiplier) {
if (aSmeltingMultiplier > 0) mSmeltingMultiplier = aSmeltingMultiplier;
@@ -3117,8 +2933,8 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
- * This Material should be the Main Material this Ore gets ground into.
- * Example, Chromite giving Chrome or Tungstate giving Tungsten.
+ * This Material should be the Main Material this Ore gets ground into. Example, Chromite giving Chrome or Tungstate
+ * giving Tungsten.
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") // Maintains signature
public Materials setOreReplacement(Materials aMaterial) {
@@ -3306,12 +3122,13 @@ public class Materials implements IColorModulationContainer, ISubTagContainer {
return new FluidStack(steamCrackedFluids[2], amount);
- /** Check that the material is a proper soldering fluid
- ** @return true if Materials is a proper soldering fluid
+ /**
+ * Check that the material is a proper soldering fluid
+ **
+ * @return true if Materials is a proper soldering fluid
public boolean isProperSolderingFluid() {
- return mStandardMoltenFluid != null
- && contains(SubTag.SOLDERING_MATERIAL)
+ return mStandardMoltenFluid != null && contains(SubTag.SOLDERING_MATERIAL)
&& !(GregTech_API.mUseOnlyGoodSolderingMaterials && !contains(SubTag.SOLDERING_MATERIAL_GOOD));