path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui')
13 files changed, 1608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_GUIColorOverride.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_GUIColorOverride.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ade7b030d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GT_GUIColorOverride.java
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResource;
+import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
+import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
+import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader;
+import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
+import com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
+import gregtech.api.util.ColorsMetadataSection;
+public class GT_GUIColorOverride {
+ private static final Object NOT_FOUND = new Object();
+ private static final LoadingCache<ResourceLocation, Object> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
+ .softValues()
+ .build(new CacheLoader<>() {
+ @Override
+ public Object load(@Nonnull ResourceLocation key) throws Exception {
+ IResource ir = Minecraft.getMinecraft()
+ .getResourceManager()
+ .getResource(key);
+ if (ir.hasMetadata()) return ir.getMetadata("colors");
+ // return a dummy
+ // object because
+ // LoadingCache
+ // doesn't like null
+ return NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ });
+ private static final GT_GUIColorOverride FALLBACK = new GT_GUIColorOverride();
+ private ColorsMetadataSection cmSection;
+ public static GT_GUIColorOverride get(String fullLocation) {
+ // see other get for more info
+ if (FMLLaunchHandler.side() != Side.CLIENT) return FALLBACK;
+ return new GT_GUIColorOverride(new ResourceLocation(fullLocation));
+ }
+ public static GT_GUIColorOverride get(ResourceLocation path) {
+ // use dummy fallback if there isn't such thing as a resource pack.
+ // #side() usually has two possible return value, but since this might be called by test code, it might
+ // also return null when in test env. Using #isClient will cause a NPE. A plain inequality test won't.
+ // FMLCommonHandler's #getSide() might trigger a NPE when in test env, so no.
+ if (FMLLaunchHandler.side() != Side.CLIENT) return FALLBACK;
+ return new GT_GUIColorOverride(path);
+ }
+ private GT_GUIColorOverride() {
+ cmSection = null;
+ }
+ private GT_GUIColorOverride(ResourceLocation resourceLocation) {
+ try {
+ Object metadata = cache.get(resourceLocation);
+ if (metadata != NOT_FOUND) cmSection = (ColorsMetadataSection) metadata;
+ } catch (ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException ignore) {
+ // make sure it doesn't cache a failing entry
+ cache.invalidate(resourceLocation);
+ }
+ }
+ public int getTextColorOrDefault(String textType, int defaultColor) {
+ return sLoaded() ? cmSection.getTextColorOrDefault(textType, defaultColor) : defaultColor;
+ }
+ public int getGuiTintOrDefault(String key, int defaultColor) {
+ return sLoaded() ? cmSection.getGuiTintOrDefault(key, defaultColor) : defaultColor;
+ }
+ public boolean sGuiTintingEnabled() {
+ return sLoaded() ? cmSection.sGuiTintingEnabled() : GregTech_API.sColoredGUI;
+ }
+ public boolean sLoaded() {
+ return cmSection != null;
+ }
+ public static void onResourceManagerReload() {
+ cache.invalidateAll();
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIHost.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIHost.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb94317c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIHost.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ITileWithModularUI;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.UIBuildContext;
+public interface GUIHost extends ITileWithModularUI {
+ @Nonnull
+ @Override
+ default ModularWindow createWindow(UIBuildContext uiContext) {
+ Objects.requireNonNull(uiContext);
+ GUIProvider<?> gui = getGUI(uiContext);
+ return gui.openGUI(uiContext);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Width of the GUI when its being displayed
+ */
+ default int getWidth() {
+ return 170;
+ }
+ default int getHeight() {
+ return 192;
+ }
+ @Nonnull
+ GUIProvider<?> getGUI(@Nonnull UIBuildContext uiContext);
+ ItemStack getAsItem();
+ String getMachineName();
+ default boolean hasItemInput() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ default boolean hasItemOutput() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ default boolean hasFluidInput() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ default boolean hasFluidOutput() {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIProvider.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fec4aa52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/GUIProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow.Builder;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.UIBuildContext;
+public abstract class GUIProvider<T extends GUIHost> {
+ @Nonnull
+ protected final T host;
+ public GUIProvider(@Nonnull T host) {
+ this.host = host;
+ }
+ @Nonnull
+ public ModularWindow openGUI(@Nonnull UIBuildContext uiContext) {
+ Builder builder = Objects.requireNonNull(ModularWindow.builder(host.getWidth(), host.getHeight()));
+ if (shouldBindPlayerInventory()) {
+ builder.bindPlayerInventory(uiContext.getPlayer());
+ }
+ attachSynchHandlers(builder, uiContext);
+ addWidgets(builder, uiContext);
+ return Objects.requireNonNull(builder.build());
+ }
+ protected abstract void attachSynchHandlers(@Nonnull Builder builder, @Nonnull UIBuildContext uiContext);
+ protected abstract void addWidgets(@Nonnull Builder builder, @Nonnull UIBuildContext uiContext);
+ protected boolean shouldBindPlayerInventory() {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/FallbackableSteamTexture.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/FallbackableSteamTexture.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8de4bc4536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/FallbackableSteamTexture.java
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.internal.network.NetworkUtils;
+import gregtech.api.enums.SteamVariant;
+public class FallbackableSteamTexture {
+ private final SteamTexture candidate;
+ private final Object fallback;
+ private final Map<SteamVariant, Boolean> useFallbackMap = new HashMap<>();
+ private static final List<FallbackableSteamTexture> ALL_INSTANCES = new ArrayList<>();
+ public FallbackableSteamTexture(SteamTexture candidate, SteamTexture fallback) {
+ this(candidate, (Object) fallback);
+ }
+ public FallbackableSteamTexture(SteamTexture candidate, FallbackableSteamTexture fallback) {
+ this(candidate, (Object) fallback);
+ }
+ public FallbackableSteamTexture(SteamTexture fallback) {
+ this(null, fallback);
+ }
+ private FallbackableSteamTexture(SteamTexture candidate, Object fallback) {
+ this.candidate = candidate;
+ this.fallback = fallback;
+ ALL_INSTANCES.add(this);
+ }
+ public UITexture get(SteamVariant steamVariant) {
+ verifyCandidate(steamVariant);
+ if (useFallbackMap.get(steamVariant)) {
+ return castFallback(steamVariant);
+ } else {
+ return candidate.get(steamVariant);
+ }
+ }
+ private void verifyCandidate(SteamVariant steamVariant) {
+ if (useFallbackMap.get(steamVariant) == null) {
+ boolean useFallback;
+ if (NetworkUtils.isDedicatedClient()) {
+ if (candidate == null) {
+ useFallback = true;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft()
+ .getResourceManager()
+ .getResource(candidate.get(steamVariant).location);
+ useFallback = false;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ useFallback = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ useFallback = true;
+ }
+ useFallbackMap.put(steamVariant, useFallback);
+ }
+ }
+ private UITexture castFallback(SteamVariant steamVariant) {
+ if (fallback instanceof SteamTexture) {
+ return ((SteamTexture) fallback).get(steamVariant);
+ } else if (fallback instanceof FallbackableSteamTexture) {
+ return ((FallbackableSteamTexture) fallback).get(steamVariant);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type found for fallback: " + fallback.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ public static void reload() {
+ for (FallbackableSteamTexture t : ALL_INSTANCES) {
+ t.useFallbackMap.clear();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_CoverUIBuildContext.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_CoverUIBuildContext.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f98d6099fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_CoverUIBuildContext.java
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.UIBuildContext;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable;
+public class GT_CoverUIBuildContext extends UIBuildContext {
+ // cover data is not synced to client, while ID is
+ private final int coverID;
+ private final ForgeDirection side;
+ private final ICoverable tile;
+ private final boolean anotherWindow;
+ private final int guiColorization;
+ /**
+ * @param player Player opened this UI
+ * @param coverID See {@link ICoverable#getCoverIDAtSide}
+ * @param side Side this cover is attached to
+ * @param tile Tile this cover is attached to
+ * @param anotherWindow If cover UI is shown on top of another window
+ * @param guiColorization The color used to render machine's GUI
+ */
+ public GT_CoverUIBuildContext(EntityPlayer player, int coverID, ForgeDirection side, ICoverable tile,
+ boolean anotherWindow, int guiColorization) {
+ super(player);
+ this.coverID = coverID;
+ this.side = side;
+ this.tile = tile;
+ this.anotherWindow = anotherWindow;
+ this.guiColorization = guiColorization;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param player Player opened this UI
+ * @param coverID See {@link ICoverable#getCoverIDAtSide}
+ * @param side Side this cover is attached to
+ * @param tile Tile this cover is attached to
+ * @param anotherWindow If cover GUI is shown in opened on top of another window
+ */
+ public GT_CoverUIBuildContext(EntityPlayer player, int coverID, ForgeDirection side, ICoverable tile,
+ boolean anotherWindow) {
+ this(player, coverID, side, tile, anotherWindow, tile.getGUIColorization());
+ }
+ public int getCoverID() {
+ return coverID;
+ }
+ public ForgeDirection getCoverSide() {
+ return side;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Note that this will return different object between client v.s. server side on SP.
+ */
+ public ICoverable getTile() {
+ return tile;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If cover GUI is shown in opened on top of another window.
+ */
+ public boolean isAnotherWindow() {
+ return anotherWindow;
+ }
+ public int getGuiColorization() {
+ return guiColorization;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UIInfos.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UIInfos.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89a0835f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UIInfos.java
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
+import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
+import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.UIInfos;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ITileWithModularUI;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularUIContext;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.UIBuildContext;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.builder.UIBuilder;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.builder.UIInfo;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.internal.network.NetworkUtils;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.internal.wrapper.ModularGui;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.internal.wrapper.ModularUIContainer;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IHasWorldObjectAndCoords;
+import gregtech.api.net.GT_Packet_SendCoverData;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_CoverBehaviorBase;
+public class GT_UIInfos {
+ public static void init() {}
+ /**
+ * Generator for {@link UIInfo} which is responsible for registering and opening UIs. Unlike
+ * {@link com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.UIInfos#TILE_MODULAR_UI}, this accepts custom constructors for UI. <br>
+ * Do NOT run {@link UIBuilder#build} on-the-fly, otherwise MP client won't register UIs. Instead, store to static
+ * field, just like {@link #GTTileEntityDefaultUI}. Such mistake can be easily overlooked by testing only SP.
+ */
+ public static final Function<ContainerConstructor, UIInfo<?, ?>> GTTileEntityUIFactory = containerConstructor -> UIBuilder
+ .of()
+ .container((player, world, x, y, z) -> {
+ TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
+ if (te instanceof ITileWithModularUI mui) {
+ return createTileEntityContainer(player, mui::createWindow, te::markDirty, containerConstructor);
+ }
+ return null;
+ })
+ .gui(((player, world, x, y, z) -> {
+ if (!world.isRemote) return null;
+ TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
+ if (te instanceof ITileWithModularUI mui) {
+ return createTileEntityGuiContainer(player, mui::createWindow, containerConstructor);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }))
+ .build();
+ private static final UIInfo<?, ?> GTTileEntityDefaultUI = GTTileEntityUIFactory.apply(ModularUIContainer::new);
+ private static final Map<ForgeDirection, UIInfo<?, ?>> coverUI = new HashMap<>();
+ static {
+ for (final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
+ coverUI.put(
+ side,
+ UIBuilder.of()
+ .container((player, world, x, y, z) -> {
+ final TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
+ if (!(te instanceof ICoverable gtTileEntity)) return null;
+ final GT_CoverBehaviorBase<?> cover = gtTileEntity.getCoverBehaviorAtSideNew(side);
+ return createCoverContainer(
+ player,
+ cover::createWindow,
+ te::markDirty,
+ gtTileEntity.getCoverIDAtSide(side),
+ side,
+ gtTileEntity);
+ })
+ .gui((player, world, x, y, z) -> {
+ if (!world.isRemote) return null;
+ final TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
+ if (!(te instanceof ICoverable gtTileEntity)) return null;
+ final GT_CoverBehaviorBase<?> cover = gtTileEntity.getCoverBehaviorAtSideNew(side);
+ return createCoverGuiContainer(
+ player,
+ cover::createWindow,
+ gtTileEntity.getCoverIDAtSide(side),
+ side,
+ gtTileEntity);
+ })
+ .build());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Opens TileEntity UI, created by {@link ITileWithModularUI#createWindow}.
+ */
+ public static void openGTTileEntityUI(IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
+ if (aTileEntity.isClientSide()) return;
+ GTTileEntityDefaultUI.open(
+ aPlayer,
+ aTileEntity.getWorld(),
+ aTileEntity.getXCoord(),
+ aTileEntity.getYCoord(),
+ aTileEntity.getZCoord());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Opens cover UI, created by {@link GT_CoverBehaviorBase#createWindow}.
+ */
+ public static void openCoverUI(ICoverable tileEntity, EntityPlayer player, ForgeDirection side) {
+ if (tileEntity.isClientSide()) return;
+ GT_Values.NW.sendToPlayer(
+ new GT_Packet_SendCoverData(
+ side,
+ tileEntity.getCoverIDAtSide(side),
+ tileEntity.getComplexCoverDataAtSide(side),
+ tileEntity),
+ (EntityPlayerMP) player);
+ coverUI.get(side)
+ .open(
+ player,
+ tileEntity.getWorld(),
+ tileEntity.getXCoord(),
+ tileEntity.getYCoord(),
+ tileEntity.getZCoord());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Opens UI for player's item, created by
+ * {@link com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.IItemWithModularUI#createWindow}.
+ */
+ public static void openPlayerHeldItemUI(EntityPlayer player) {
+ if (NetworkUtils.isClient()) return;
+ UIInfos.PLAYER_HELD_ITEM_UI.open(player);
+ }
+ private static ModularUIContainer createTileEntityContainer(EntityPlayer player,
+ Function<UIBuildContext, ModularWindow> windowCreator, Runnable onWidgetUpdate,
+ ContainerConstructor containerCreator) {
+ final UIBuildContext buildContext = new UIBuildContext(player);
+ final ModularWindow window = windowCreator.apply(buildContext);
+ if (window == null) return null;
+ return containerCreator.of(new ModularUIContext(buildContext, onWidgetUpdate), window);
+ }
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ private static ModularGui createTileEntityGuiContainer(EntityPlayer player,
+ Function<UIBuildContext, ModularWindow> windowCreator, ContainerConstructor containerConstructor) {
+ final ModularUIContainer container = createTileEntityContainer(
+ player,
+ windowCreator,
+ null,
+ containerConstructor);
+ if (container == null) return null;
+ return new ModularGui(container);
+ }
+ private static ModularUIContainer createCoverContainer(EntityPlayer player,
+ Function<GT_CoverUIBuildContext, ModularWindow> windowCreator, Runnable onWidgetUpdate, int coverID,
+ ForgeDirection side, ICoverable tile) {
+ final GT_CoverUIBuildContext buildContext = new GT_CoverUIBuildContext(player, coverID, side, tile, false);
+ final ModularWindow window = windowCreator.apply(buildContext);
+ if (window == null) return null;
+ return new ModularUIContainer(new ModularUIContext(buildContext, onWidgetUpdate), window);
+ }
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ private static ModularGui createCoverGuiContainer(EntityPlayer player,
+ Function<GT_CoverUIBuildContext, ModularWindow> windowCreator, int coverID, ForgeDirection side,
+ ICoverable tile) {
+ final ModularUIContainer container = createCoverContainer(player, windowCreator, null, coverID, side, tile);
+ if (container == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return new ModularGui(container);
+ }
+ @FunctionalInterface
+ public interface ContainerConstructor {
+ ModularUIContainer of(ModularUIContext context, ModularWindow mainWindow);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UITextures.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UITextures.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..526ba1aa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GT_UITextures.java
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import static gregtech.api.enums.Mods.GregTech;
+import java.util.function.BiFunction;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import java.util.stream.IntStream;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.AdaptableUITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.FallbackableUITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+public class GT_UITextures {
+ public static final UITexture TRANSPARENT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/transparent");
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture BACKGROUND_SINGLEBLOCK_DEFAULT = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/singleblock_default", 176, 166, 4);
+ public static final SteamTexture BACKGROUND_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .adaptableTexture(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/%s", 176, 166, 4);
+ public static final UITexture BACKGROUND_FUSION_COMPUTER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/fusion_computer");
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture BACKGROUND_TEXT_FIELD = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/text_field", 142, 28, 1);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture BACKGROUND_TEXT_FIELD_LIGHT_GRAY = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/text_field_light_gray", 61, 12, 1);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture BACKGROUND_NEI_SINGLE_RECIPE = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/nei_single_recipe.png", 64, 64, 2);
+ public static final UITexture BACKGROUND_FLOCCULATION_RECIPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/background/flocculation_recipe.png");
+ public static final SteamTexture SLOT_ITEM_STEAM = SteamTexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/slot/item_%s");
+ public static final SteamTexture SLOT_FLUID_STEAM = SteamTexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/slot/fluid_%s");
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture SLOT_DARK_GRAY = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/slot/dark_gray", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture SLOT_MAINTENANCE = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/slot/maintenance", 20, 20, 1);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture SLOT_UPLIFTED = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/slot/uplifted", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_ARROW_ME = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/arrow_me");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PATTERN_ME = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/pattern_me");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BEAKER_1 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/beaker_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BEAKER_2 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/beaker_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BEE_DRONE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/bee_drone");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BEE_QUEEN = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/bee_queen");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BENDER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/bender");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BOX = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/box");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BOXED = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/boxed");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CANISTER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/canister");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CANISTER_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/canister_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CANNER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/canner");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CAULDRON = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/cauldron");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CENTRIFUGE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/centrifuge");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CENTRIFUGE_FLUID = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/centrifuge_fluid");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CENTRIFUGE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/centrifuge_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CHARGER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/charger");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CHARGER_FLUID = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/charger_fluid");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CIRCUIT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/circuit");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_COAL_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/coal_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_COMPRESSOR = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/compressor");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_COMPRESSOR_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/compressor_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CRUSHED_ORE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/crushed_ore");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CRUSHED_ORE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/crushed_ore_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_CUTTER_SLICED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/cutter_sliced");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_DATA_ORB = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/data_orb");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_DATA_STICK = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/data_stick");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_DUST = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/dust");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_DUST_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/dust_%s");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_BLOCK_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/block_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_EXPLOSIVE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/explosive");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_EXTRUDER_SHAPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/extruder_shape");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_FILTER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/filter");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_FURNACE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/furnace");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_FURNACE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/furnace_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_GEM = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/gem");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_HAMMER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/hammer");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_HAMMER_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/hammer_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_HEATER_1 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/heater_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_HEATER_2 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/heater_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_IMPLOSION = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/implosion");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_IN = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/in");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_IN_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/in_%s");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_INGOT_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/ingot_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_INT_CIRCUIT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/int_circuit");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_LENS = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/lens");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MICROSCOPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/microscope");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MINING_PIPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/mining_pipe");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MOLD = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/mold");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MOLECULAR_1 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/molecular_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MOLECULAR_2 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/molecular_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_MOLECULAR_3 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/molecular_3");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_OUT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/out");
+ public static final SteamTexture OVERLAY_SLOT_OUT_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/out_%s");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PAGE_BLANK = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/page_blank");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PAGE_PRINTED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/page_printed");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PRESS_1 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/press_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PRESS_2 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/press_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_PRESS_3 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/press_3");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_RECYCLE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/recycle");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_ROD_1 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/rod_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_ROD_2 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/rod_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_SLICE_SHAPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/slice_shape");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_SLICER_SLICED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/slicer_sliced");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_SQUARE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/square");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_UUA = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/uua");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_UUM = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/uum");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_VIAL_1 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/vial_1");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_VIAL_2 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/vial_2");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_WIREMILL = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/wiremill");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_SLOT_WRENCH = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/wrench");
+ public static final UITexture[] OVERLAY_SLOTS_NUMBER = IntStream.range(0, 12)
+ .mapToObj(i -> UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_slot/number_" + i))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList())
+ .toArray(new UITexture[0]);
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ARROW = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/arrow");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_ARROW_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/arrow_%s");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_ARROW_2_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/arrow_2_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ARROW_MULTIPLE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/arrow_multiple");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ASSEMBLE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/assemble");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ASSEMBLY_LINE_1 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/assemblyline_1");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ASSEMBLY_LINE_2 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/assemblyline_2");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_ASSEMBLY_LINE_3 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/assemblyline_3");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_BATH = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/bath");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_BENDING = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/bending");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_BOILER_EMPTY_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/boiler_empty_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_BOILER_HEAT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/boiler_heat");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_BOILER_STEAM = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/boiler_steam");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_BOILER_WATER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/boiler_water");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_CANNER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/canner");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_CIRCUIT_ASSEMBLER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/circuit_assembler");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_COMPRESS = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/compress");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_COMPRESS_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/compress_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_CUT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/cut");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_EXTRACT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/extract");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_EXTRACT_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/extract_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_EXTRUDE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/extrude");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_FUEL_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/fuel_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_HAMMER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/hammer");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_HAMMER_BASE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/hammer_base");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_HAMMER_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/hammer_%s");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_HAMMER_BASE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/hammer_base_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_LATHE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/lathe");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_LATHE_BASE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/lathe_base");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_MACERATE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/macerate");
+ public static final SteamTexture PROGRESSBAR_MACERATE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/macerate_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_MAGNET = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/magnet");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_MIXER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/mixer");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_RECYCLE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/recycle");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_SIFT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/sift");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_SLICE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/slice");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_STORED_EU = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/stored_eu");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_WIREMILL = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/wiremill");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_FLOCCULATION = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/flocculation");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_CLARIFIER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/clarifier");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_PH_NEUTRALIZATION = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/phneutralization");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_OZONATION = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/ozonation");
+ public static final UITexture PROGRESSBAR_PLASMA_HEATER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/water_plasma_heater");
+ public static FallbackableUITexture fallbackableProgressbar(String name, UITexture fallback) {
+ return new FallbackableUITexture(UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/progressbar/" + name), fallback);
+ }
+ public static final UITexture TAB_COVER_NORMAL = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_normal");
+ public static final UITexture TAB_COVER_HIGHLIGHT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_highlight");
+ public static final UITexture TAB_COVER_DISABLED = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_disabled");
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_COVER_STEAM_NORMAL = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_%s_normal");
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_COVER_STEAM_HIGHLIGHT = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_%s_highlight");
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_COVER_STEAM_DISABLED = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/cover_%s_disabled");
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture TAB_TITLE = AdaptableUITexture.of(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture TAB_TITLE_DARK = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title_dark", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_TITLE_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .adaptableTexture(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title_%s", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_TITLE_DARK_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .adaptableTexture(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title_dark_%s", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture TAB_TITLE_ANGULAR = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title_angular", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final SteamTexture TAB_TITLE_ANGULAR_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .adaptableTexture(GregTech.ID, "gui/tab/title_angular_%s", 28, 28, 4);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_STANDARD = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/standard", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_STANDARD_PRESSED = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/standard_pressed", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_STANDARD_DISABLED = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/standard_disabled", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_STANDARD_TOGGLE = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/standard_toggle", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_STANDARD_TOGGLE_DISABLED = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/standard_toggle_disabled", 18, 18, 1);
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_COVER_NORMAL = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/cover_normal");
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_COVER_NORMAL_HOVERED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/cover_normal_hovered");
+ public static final UITexture BUTTON_COVER_NORMAL_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/button/cover_normal_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_DISABLE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/disable");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_REDSTONE_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/redstone_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_REDSTONE_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/redstone_on");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_POWER_SWITCH_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/power_switch_on");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_POWER_SWITCH_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/power_switch_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_NONE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/void_excess_none");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_ITEM = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/void_excess_item");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_FLUID = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/void_excess_fluid");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_ALL = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/void_excess_all");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/input_separation_on");
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/input_separation_on_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/input_separation_off");
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/input_separation_off_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_LOCKED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/recipe_locked");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_LOCKED_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/recipe_locked_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_UNLOCKED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/recipe_unlocked");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_UNLOCKED_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/recipe_unlocked_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/batch_mode_on");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_ON_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/batch_mode_on_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/batch_mode_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_OFF_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/batch_mode_off_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_STRUCTURE_UPDATE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/structure_update");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_FORBIDDEN = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/forbidden");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_LOCKED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/lock_small");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_DOWN_TIERING_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/down_tiering_on");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_DOWN_TIERING_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/down_tiering_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_CHECKMARK = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/checkmark");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_CROSS = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/cross");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_WHITELIST = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/whitelist");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BLACKLIST = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/blacklist");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_PROGRESS = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/progress");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_EXPORT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/export");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_IMPORT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/import");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_AUTOOUTPUT_ITEM = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/autooutput_item");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_AUTOOUTPUT_FLUID = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/autooutput_fluid");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ALLOW_INPUT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/allow_input");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ALLOW_OUTPUT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/allow_output");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_AUTOPULL_ME = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/auto_pull_me");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_AUTOPULL_ME_DISABLED = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/auto_pull_me_disabled");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BLOCK_INPUT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/block_input");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BLOCK_OUTPUT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/block_output");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ARROW_GREEN_UP = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/arrow_green_up");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ARROW_GREEN_DOWN = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/arrow_green_down");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_CYCLIC = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/cyclic");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_SHUFFLE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/shuffle");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_EMIT_ENERGY = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/emit_energy");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_EMIT_REDSTONE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/emit_redstone");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_INVERT_REDSTONE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/invert_redstone");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_STOCKING_MODE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/stocking_mode");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_INVERT_FILTER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/invert_filter");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_NBT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/nbt");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_PRINT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/print");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_TRANSPOSE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/transpose");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_SORTING_MODE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/sorting_mode");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ONE_STACK_LIMIT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/one_stack_limit");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_BOUNDING_BOX = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/bounding_box");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MINUS_SMALL = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/minus_small");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MINUS_LARGE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/minus_large");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_PLUS_SMALL = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/plus_small");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_PLUS_LARGE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/plus_large");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_GATE_AND = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/gate_and");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_GATE_NAND = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/gate_nand");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_GATE_OR = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/gate_or");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_GATE_NOR = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/gate_nor");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_ANALOG = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/analog");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_LOCK = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/lock");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_FROM_OUTPUT_SIDE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/input_from_output_side");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_TANK_VOID_EXCESS = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/tank_void_excess");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_TANK_VOID_ALL = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/tank_void_all");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_NEI = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/nei");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_USE_PROCESSING_STATE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/use_processing_state.png");
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/use_inverted_processing_state.png");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_CHUNK_LOADING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/chunkloading");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_CHUNK_LOADING_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/chunkloading_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_WORK_AREA = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/work_area");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_REPLACE_COBBLE_ON = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/replace_cobble_on");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_REPLACE_COBBLE_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/replace_cobble_off");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_RETRACT_PIPE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/retract_pipes");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_HOURGLASS = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/hourglass");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_LIQUIDMODE = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/LiquidMode");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_LIQUIDMODE_OFF = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/LiquidMode_off");
+ // These icons are for mode switching machine modes
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_DEFAULT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_default");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_CHEMBATH = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_chembath");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_WASHPLANT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_washplant");
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_simplewasher");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_PACKAGER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_packager");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_UNPACKAGER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_unpackager");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_SEPARATOR = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_separator");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_POLARIZER = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_polarizer");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_LPF_FLUID = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_lpf_fluid");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_LPF_METAL = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_lpf_metal");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_BENDING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_bending");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_FORMING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_forming");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_SLICING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_slicing");
+ public static final UITexture OVERLAY_BUTTON_MACHINEMODE_CUTTING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/overlay_button/machine_mode_cutting");
+ /**
+ * Can adjust size as needed.
+ */
+ public static final AdaptableUITexture PICTURE_SCREEN_BLACK = AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/screen_black", 16, 16, 2);
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_RADIATION_WARNING = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/radiation_warning");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_GT_LOGO_17x17_TRANSPARENT = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gt_logo_17x17_transparent");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_GT_LOGO_17x17_TRANSPARENT_GRAY = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gt_logo_17x17_transparent_gray");
+ public static final SteamTexture PICTURE_GT_LOGO_17x17_TRANSPARENT_STEAM = SteamTexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gt_logo_17x17_transparent_%s");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_GT_LOGO_18x18 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gt_logo_18x18");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_GT_LOGO_19x19 = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gt_logo_19x19");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_INFORMATION = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/information");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_STALLED_ELECTRICITY = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/stalled_electricity");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_STALLED_STEAM = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/stalled_steam");
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_22_RED = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_22_red",
+ 87,
+ 22,
+ fromRight ? 87 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 87 : width,
+ 22);
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_22_BLUE = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_22_blue",
+ 87,
+ 22,
+ fromRight ? 87 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 87 : width,
+ 22);
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_22_WHITE = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_22_white",
+ 87,
+ 22,
+ fromRight ? 87 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 87 : width,
+ 22);
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_24_RED = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_24_red",
+ 69,
+ 24,
+ fromRight ? 69 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 69 : width,
+ 24);
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_24_BLUE = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_24_blue",
+ 69,
+ 24,
+ fromRight ? 69 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 69 : width,
+ 24);
+ public static final BiFunction<Integer, Boolean, UITexture> PICTURE_ARROW_24_WHITE = (width, fromRight) -> UITexture
+ .partly(
+ GregTech.ID,
+ "gui/picture/arrow_24_white",
+ 69,
+ 24,
+ fromRight ? 69 - width : 0,
+ 0,
+ fromRight ? 69 : width,
+ 24);
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_FLUID_WINDOW = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/fluid_window");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_FLUID_TANK = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/fluid_tank");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_SLOTS_HOLO_3BY3 = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/slots_holo_3by3");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_ARROW_DOUBLE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/arrow_double");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_SUPER_BUFFER = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/super_buffer");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_SQUARE_LIGHT_GRAY = UITexture
+ .fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/square_light_gray");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_GAUGE = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/gauge");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_ITEM_IN = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/item_in");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_ITEM_OUT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/item_out");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_FLUID_IN = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/fluid_in");
+ public static final UITexture PICTURE_FLUID_OUT = UITexture.fullImage(GregTech.ID, "gui/picture/fluid_out");
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GUITextureSet.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GUITextureSet.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18d7741421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/GUITextureSet.java
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.ModularUITextures;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.AdaptableUITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+import gregtech.api.enums.SteamVariant;
+ * Set of textures that is commonly used for GUI but can vary depending on "style" of machines, e.g. bronze steam or
+ * steel steam. <br>
+ * This has builder pattern; Textures you didn't specify will fall back to default ones.
+ */
+public class GUITextureSet {
+ private UITexture mainBackground;
+ private UITexture itemSlot;
+ private UITexture fluidSlot;
+ private UITexture coverTabNormal;
+ private UITexture coverTabHighlight;
+ private UITexture coverTabDisabled;
+ private UITexture coverTabNormalFlipped;
+ private UITexture coverTabHighlightFlipped;
+ private UITexture coverTabDisabledFlipped;
+ private AdaptableUITexture titleTabNormal;
+ private AdaptableUITexture titleTabDark;
+ private AdaptableUITexture titleTabAngular;
+ private UITexture gregtechLogo;
+ public static final GUITextureSet DEFAULT = new GUITextureSet()
+ .setItemSlot(ModularUITextures.ITEM_SLOT)
+ .setFluidSlot(ModularUITextures.FLUID_SLOT)
+ .setCoverTab(
+ .setGregTechLogo(GT_UITextures.PICTURE_GT_LOGO_17x17_TRANSPARENT);
+ public static final Function<SteamVariant, GUITextureSet> STEAM = steamVariant -> new GUITextureSet()
+ .setMainBackground(GT_UITextures.BACKGROUND_STEAM.get(steamVariant))
+ .setItemSlot(GT_UITextures.SLOT_ITEM_STEAM.get(steamVariant))
+ .setFluidSlot(GT_UITextures.SLOT_FLUID_STEAM.get(steamVariant))
+ .setCoverTab(
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_COVER_STEAM_NORMAL.get(steamVariant),
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_COVER_STEAM_HIGHLIGHT.get(steamVariant),
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_COVER_STEAM_DISABLED.get(steamVariant))
+ .setTitleTab(
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_TITLE_STEAM.getAdaptable(steamVariant),
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_TITLE_DARK_STEAM.getAdaptable(steamVariant),
+ GT_UITextures.TAB_TITLE_ANGULAR_STEAM.getAdaptable(steamVariant))
+ .setGregTechLogo(GT_UITextures.PICTURE_GT_LOGO_17x17_TRANSPARENT_STEAM.get(steamVariant));
+ public GUITextureSet() {}
+ // region setters
+ public GUITextureSet setMainBackground(UITexture mainBackground) {
+ this.mainBackground = mainBackground;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public GUITextureSet setItemSlot(UITexture itemSlot) {
+ this.itemSlot = itemSlot;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public GUITextureSet setFluidSlot(UITexture fluidSlot) {
+ this.fluidSlot = fluidSlot;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public GUITextureSet setCoverTab(UITexture coverNormal, UITexture coverHighlight, UITexture coverDisabled) {
+ this.coverTabNormal = coverNormal;
+ this.coverTabHighlight = coverHighlight;
+ this.coverTabDisabled = coverDisabled;
+ this.coverTabNormalFlipped = coverNormal.getFlipped(true, false);
+ this.coverTabHighlightFlipped = coverHighlight.getFlipped(true, false);
+ this.coverTabDisabledFlipped = coverDisabled.getFlipped(true, false);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public GUITextureSet setTitleTab(AdaptableUITexture titleNormal, AdaptableUITexture titleDark,
+ AdaptableUITexture titleTabAngular) {
+ this.titleTabNormal = titleNormal;
+ this.titleTabDark = titleDark;
+ this.titleTabAngular = titleTabAngular;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public GUITextureSet setGregTechLogo(UITexture gregtechLogo) {
+ this.gregtechLogo = gregtechLogo;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // endregion
+ // region getters
+ public UITexture getMainBackground() {
+ return mainBackground != null ? mainBackground : DEFAULT.mainBackground;
+ }
+ public UITexture getItemSlot() {
+ return itemSlot != null ? itemSlot : DEFAULT.itemSlot;
+ }
+ public UITexture getFluidSlot() {
+ return fluidSlot != null ? fluidSlot : DEFAULT.fluidSlot;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabNormal() {
+ return coverTabNormal != null ? coverTabNormal : DEFAULT.coverTabNormal;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabHighlight() {
+ return coverTabHighlight != null ? coverTabHighlight : DEFAULT.coverTabHighlight;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabDisabled() {
+ return coverTabDisabled != null ? coverTabDisabled : DEFAULT.coverTabDisabled;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabNormalFlipped() {
+ return coverTabNormalFlipped != null ? coverTabNormalFlipped : DEFAULT.coverTabNormalFlipped;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabHighlightFlipped() {
+ return coverTabHighlightFlipped != null ? coverTabHighlightFlipped : DEFAULT.coverTabHighlightFlipped;
+ }
+ public UITexture getCoverTabDisabledFlipped() {
+ return coverTabDisabledFlipped != null ? coverTabDisabledFlipped : DEFAULT.coverTabDisabledFlipped;
+ }
+ public AdaptableUITexture getTitleTabNormal() {
+ return titleTabNormal != null ? titleTabNormal : DEFAULT.titleTabNormal;
+ }
+ public AdaptableUITexture getTitleTabDark() {
+ return titleTabDark != null ? titleTabDark : DEFAULT.titleTabDark;
+ }
+ public AdaptableUITexture getTitleTabAngular() {
+ return titleTabAngular != null ? titleTabAngular : DEFAULT.titleTabAngular;
+ }
+ public UITexture getGregTechLogo() {
+ return gregtechLogo != null ? gregtechLogo : DEFAULT.gregtechLogo;
+ }
+ // endregion
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/IDataFollowerWidget.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/IDataFollowerWidget.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..393b8431e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/IDataFollowerWidget.java
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.Widget;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
+import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
+import gregtech.api.util.ISerializableObject;
+import gregtech.common.gui.modularui.widget.DataControllerWidget;
+ * Widget whose state is controlled by specific data. Data can be anything, e.g. {@link ISerializableObject} or machine
+ * recipe mode. <br>
+ * No widgets implementing this interface should not sync; Instead, {@link DataControllerWidget} will sync data, either
+ * when this widget triggers update on client or data update is detected on server.
+ *
+ * @param <T> Data type stored in the parent widget
+ * @param <U> State type stored in this widget
+ * @see DataControllerWidget
+ */
+public interface IDataFollowerWidget<T, U> {
+ /**
+ * Sets function to get widget state from provided data. This function will be called when client receives data from
+ * server and {@link DataControllerWidget} updates all children, including this widget.
+ */
+ Widget setDataToStateGetter(Function<T, U> dataToStateGetter);
+ /**
+ * Sets setter called when this widget gets action from player. Basically the same functionality with widgets that
+ * have getter/setter.
+ */
+ Widget setStateSetter(Consumer<U> setter);
+ /**
+ * Updates state of this widget with provided data. On server {@link DataControllerWidget} won't propagate data
+ * update to this widget, so this method is client-only.
+ */
+ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
+ void updateState(T data);
+ /**
+ * Called on {@link Widget#onPostInit}.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("OverrideOnly") // So IntelliJ doesn't warn about the Widget#onPostInit link in the javadoc
+ default void onPostInit() {}
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/SteamTexture.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/SteamTexture.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..301671afe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/modularui/SteamTexture.java
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.modularui;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.AdaptableUITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+import gregtech.api.enums.SteamVariant;
+ * Wrapper for {@link UITexture}s used to ease in choosing between Bronze, Steel and Primitive textures.
+ */
+public class SteamTexture {
+ private final UITexture bronzeTexture;
+ private final UITexture steelTexture;
+ private final UITexture primitiveTexture;
+ private SteamTexture(UITexture bronzeTexture, UITexture steelTexture, UITexture primitiveTexture) {
+ this.bronzeTexture = bronzeTexture;
+ this.steelTexture = steelTexture;
+ this.primitiveTexture = primitiveTexture;
+ }
+ public static SteamTexture fullImage(String mod, String location) {
+ return new SteamTexture(
+ UITexture.fullImage(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.BRONZE)),
+ UITexture.fullImage(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.STEEL)),
+ UITexture.fullImage(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.PRIMITIVE)));
+ }
+ public static SteamTexture adaptableTexture(String mod, String location, int imageWidth, int imageHeight,
+ int borderWidthPixel) {
+ return new SteamTexture(
+ AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.BRONZE), imageWidth, imageHeight, borderWidthPixel),
+ AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.STEEL), imageWidth, imageHeight, borderWidthPixel),
+ AdaptableUITexture
+ .of(mod, String.format(location, SteamVariant.PRIMITIVE), imageWidth, imageHeight, borderWidthPixel));
+ }
+ public UITexture get(SteamVariant variant) {
+ return switch (variant) {
+ case BRONZE -> bronzeTexture;
+ case STEEL -> steelTexture;
+ case PRIMITIVE -> primitiveTexture;
+ default -> null;
+ };
+ }
+ public AdaptableUITexture getAdaptable(SteamVariant variant) {
+ return switch (variant) {
+ case BRONZE -> (AdaptableUITexture) bronzeTexture;
+ case STEEL -> (AdaptableUITexture) steelTexture;
+ case PRIMITIVE -> (AdaptableUITexture) primitiveTexture;
+ default -> null;
+ };
+ }
+ public UITexture get(boolean isHighPressure) {
+ return isHighPressure ? steelTexture : bronzeTexture;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_CoverTickRateButton.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_CoverTickRateButton.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..883ffb4079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_CoverTickRateButton.java
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.widgets;
+import static gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_HOURGLASS;
+import static gregtech.common.covers.CoverInfo.MAX_TICK_RATE_ADDITION;
+import java.util.List;
+import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.IWidgetBuilder;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.Widget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.ButtonWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FakeSyncWidget;
+import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UITextures;
+import gregtech.common.covers.CoverInfo;
+public class GT_CoverTickRateButton extends ButtonWidget {
+ private static final UITexture BACKGROUND = GT_UITextures.BUTTON_COVER_NORMAL.getSubArea(0, 0, 1, 0.5f);
+ private final CoverInfo coverInfo;
+ private int clientTickRate;
+ private int tickRateAddition;
+ public GT_CoverTickRateButton(@NotNull CoverInfo coverInfo, @NotNull IWidgetBuilder<?> builder) {
+ this.coverInfo = coverInfo;
+ this.clientTickRate = coverInfo.getTickRate();
+ this.tickRateAddition = coverInfo.getTickRateAddition();
+ super.setOnClick(this::onClick);
+ super.dynamicTooltip(this::dynamicTooltip);
+ super.attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.IntegerSyncer(this.coverInfo::getTickRate, integer -> clientTickRate = integer),
+ builder,
+ (widget, aInt) -> notifyTooltipChange())
+ .attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.IntegerSyncer(
+ this.coverInfo::getTickRateAddition,
+ integer -> tickRateAddition = integer),
+ builder);
+ }
+ private void onClick(@NotNull ClickData clickData, @NotNull Widget widget) {
+ final int iterations = clickData.ctrl ? 5 : 1;
+ final boolean isDecreasing = clickData.mouseButton == 1;
+ // Do five operations at once if Ctrl is held down. Since the actual increase granted by each invocation can be
+ // different on each call, just call the method several times rather than trying to do a bunch of weird math.
+ for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+ coverInfo.adjustTickRateMultiplier(isDecreasing);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<String> dynamicTooltip() {
+ final String boundsNotification;
+ if (tickRateAddition == 0) {
+ boundsNotification = StatCollector.translateToLocal("gt.cover.info.button.bounds_notification.minimum");
+ } else if (tickRateAddition >= MAX_TICK_RATE_ADDITION - 1) {
+ // Clamping can make tickRateAddition approach but never actually equal MAX_ADDITION, so we need this
+ // adjustment.
+ boundsNotification = StatCollector.translateToLocal("gt.cover.info.button.bounds_notification.maximum");
+ } else {
+ boundsNotification = "";
+ }
+ return ImmutableList.of(
+ StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(
+ "gt.cover.info.button.tick_rate.1",
+ new CoverInfo.ClientTickRateFormatter(clientTickRate),
+ boundsNotification),
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("gt.cover.info.button.tick_rate.2"),
+ StatCollector.translateToLocal("gt.cover.info.button.tick_rate.3"));
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_LockedWhileActiveButton.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_LockedWhileActiveButton.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a93a8fadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_LockedWhileActiveButton.java
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.widgets;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.IDrawable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.ModularWindow;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.Widget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.ButtonWidget;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FakeSyncWidget;
+import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UITextures;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IMachineProgress;
+public class GT_LockedWhileActiveButton extends ButtonWidget {
+ @NotNull
+ private final IMachineProgress machine;
+ public GT_LockedWhileActiveButton(@NotNull IMachineProgress machine, @NotNull ModularWindow.Builder builder) {
+ super();
+ this.machine = machine;
+ super.attachSyncer(
+ new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(machine::isActive, a -> {}),
+ builder,
+ (widget, aBoolean) -> widget.notifyTooltipChange());
+ super.dynamicTooltip(this::generateTooltip);
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public ButtonWidget setOnClick(@NotNull BiConsumer<ClickData, Widget> clickAction) {
+ return super.setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> {
+ if (!machine.isActive()) {
+ clickAction.accept(clickData, widget);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public Widget setBackground(@NotNull IDrawable... drawables) {
+ return super.setBackground(() -> appendLockedOverlay(drawables));
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public Widget setBackground(@NotNull Supplier<IDrawable[]> drawablesSupplier) {
+ return super.setBackground(() -> appendLockedOverlay(drawablesSupplier.get()));
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public Widget dynamicTooltip(@NotNull Supplier<List<String>> dynamicTooltip) {
+ return super.dynamicTooltip(() -> {
+ ImmutableList.Builder<String> tooltips = ImmutableList.<String>builder()
+ .addAll(dynamicTooltip.get());
+ tooltips.addAll(generateTooltip());
+ return tooltips.build();
+ });
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ private IDrawable[] appendLockedOverlay(@NotNull IDrawable[] drawables) {
+ if (machine.isActive()) {
+ final IDrawable[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(drawables, drawables.length + 1);
+ copy[drawables.length] = GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_LOCKED;
+ return copy;
+ }
+ return drawables;
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ private List<String> generateTooltip() {
+ if (machine.isActive()) {
+ return ImmutableList.of(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.forbidden_while_running"));
+ }
+ return ImmutableList.of();
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_PhantomItemButton.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_PhantomItemButton.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e2d144aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/gui/widgets/GT_PhantomItemButton.java
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package gregtech.api.gui.widgets;
+import java.util.List;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.ModularUITextures;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.IDrawable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.Text;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.forge.IItemHandlerModifiable;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.internal.wrapper.BaseSlot;
+import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.SlotWidget;
+import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UITextures;
+import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IItemLockable;
+ * Creates a phantom item in a GUI. Useful for filtering.
+ */
+public class GT_PhantomItemButton extends SlotWidget {
+ public static final IDrawable[] FILTER_BACKGROUND = { ModularUITextures.ITEM_SLOT,
+ public GT_PhantomItemButton(final IItemLockable delegate) {
+ super(BaseSlot.phantom(new PhantomItemDelegate(delegate), 0));
+ controlsAmount = false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Text> getTooltip() {
+ return ImmutableList.of(new Text(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.bus.filterTooltip.empty")));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getExtraTooltip() {
+ return ImmutableList.of(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.bus.filterTooltip.full"));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onMouseScroll(int direction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("ClassCanBeRecord")
+ private static class PhantomItemDelegate implements IItemHandlerModifiable {
+ private final IItemLockable delegate;
+ public PhantomItemDelegate(final IItemLockable delegate) {
+ this.delegate = delegate;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setStackInSlot(int slot, ItemStack itemStack) {
+ delegate.setLockedItem(itemStack);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlots() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int slot) {
+ return delegate.getLockedItem();
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack insertItem(int slot, ItemStack itemStack, boolean simulate) {
+ delegate.setLockedItem(itemStack);
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack extractItem(int var1, int var2, boolean var3) {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("Extract item is disabled for GhostItemButtons.");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getSlotLimit(int slot) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }