path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/common
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech/common')
2 files changed, 40 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine.java
index 492607f6f7..52d169203d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine.java
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ import gregtech.api.gui.GT_GUIContainer_MultiMachine;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
+import gregtech.api.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Tool;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Dynamo;
+import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Turbo;
import gregtech.api.metatileentity.implementations.GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe;
@@ -22,6 +24,9 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase {
+ protected int fuelConsumption = 0;
+ protected int fuelRemaining = 0;
public GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional) {
super(aID, aName, aNameRegional);
@@ -61,24 +66,37 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlock
public boolean checkRecipe(ItemStack aStack) {
+ ArrayList<GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Turbo> tHatches = mTurboHatches;
ArrayList<FluidStack> tFluids = getStoredFluids();
Collection<GT_Recipe> tRecipeList = GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sDieselFuels.mRecipeList;
- int baseEUt = requiresTurboHatch() ? 8192 : 2048;
- if(tFluids.size() > 0 && tRecipeList != null) {
- for (FluidStack hatchFluid1 : tFluids) { //Loops through hatches
- for(GT_Recipe aFuel : tRecipeList) { //Loops through diesel fuel recipes
- FluidStack tLiquid;
- if ((tLiquid = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(aFuel.getRepresentativeInput(0), true)) != null) {
- if (hatchFluid1.isFluidEqual(tLiquid)) { //Has a diesel fluid
- System.out.println("Fuel Value: "+aFuel.mSpecialValue); //For testing, needs to be removed
- tLiquid.amount = baseEUt / aFuel.mSpecialValue; //Calc fuel consumption
- depleteInput(tLiquid); //Deplete that amount
- mProgresstime = 1;
- mMaxProgresstime = 1;
- mEfficiencyIncrease = 10;
- mEUt = mEfficiency <= 2000 ? 0 : baseEUt * (mEfficiency / 10000); //Output 0 if startup is 20% or less
- return true;
+ if(tHatches.size() > 0) {
+ if(tHatches.get(0).getStackInSlot(0) != null) {
+ ItemStack hatchStack = tHatches.get(0).getStackInSlot(0);
+ if(hatchStack.getItem() instanceof GT_MetaGenerated_Tool) { //Has a GT tool
+ GT_MetaGenerated_Tool hatchTool = (GT_MetaGenerated_Tool)tHatches.get(0).getStackInSlot(0).getItem();
+ //TODO Better method to detect turbine item. This will do for testing.
+ int baseEUt = GT_MetaGenerated_Tool.getPrimaryMaterial(hatchStack).mDurability > 0 ? 8192 : 2048; //Choose base output
+ if(tFluids.size() > 0 && tRecipeList != null) { //Does input hatch have a diesel fuel?
+ for (FluidStack hatchFluid1 : tFluids) { //Loops through hatches
+ for(GT_Recipe aFuel : tRecipeList) { //Loops through diesel fuel recipes
+ FluidStack tLiquid;
+ if ((tLiquid = GT_Utility.getFluidForFilledItem(aFuel.getRepresentativeInput(0), true)) != null) { //Create fluidstack from current recipe
+ if (hatchFluid1.isFluidEqual(tLiquid)) { //Has a diesel fluid
+ System.out.println("Fuel Value: "+aFuel.mSpecialValue); //For testing, needs to be removed
+ fuelConsumption = tLiquid.amount = baseEUt / aFuel.mSpecialValue; //Calc fuel consumption
+ depleteInput(tLiquid); //Deplete that amount
+ fuelRemaining = hatchFluid1.amount; //Record available fuel
+ this.mProgresstime = 1;
+ this.mMaxProgresstime = 1;
+ this.mEfficiencyIncrease = 10;
+ this.mEUt = mEfficiency < 2000 ? 0 : (int)(baseEUt * ((float)mEfficiency / 10000)); //Output 0 if startup is less than 20%
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -112,10 +130,6 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlock
if (getBaseMetaTileEntity().getBlock(tX + (tSide == 5 ? k : tSide == 4 ? -k : i), tY + j, tZ + (tSide == 2 ? -k : tSide == 3 ? k : i)) == getCasingBlock() && getBaseMetaTileEntity().getMetaID(tX + (tSide == 5 ? k : tSide == 4 ? -k : i), tY + j, tZ + (tSide == 2 ? -k : tSide == 3 ? k : i)) == getCasingMeta()) {
} else if (!addMufflerToMachineList(getBaseMetaTileEntity().getIGregTechTileEntity(tX + (tSide == 5 ? 2 : tSide == 4 ? -2 : 0), tY + 1, tZ + (tSide == 3 ? 2 : tSide == 2 ? -2 : 0)), getCasingTextureIndex())) {
return false; //Fail if no muffler top middle back
- } else if (!requiresTurboHatch() && addTurboToMachineList(getBaseMetaTileEntity().getIGregTechTileEntity(tX + (tSide == 5 ? k : tSide == 4 ? -k : i), tY + j, tZ + (tSide == 2 ? -k : tSide == 3 ? k : i)), getCasingTextureIndex())) {
- return false; //Fail if has turbo hatch and !requiresTurboHatch()
- } else if (requiresTurboHatch() && !addTurboToMachineList(getBaseMetaTileEntity().getIGregTechTileEntity(tX + (tSide == 5 ? k : tSide == 4 ? -k : i), tY + j, tZ + (tSide == 2 ? -k : tSide == 3 ? k : i)), getCasingTextureIndex())) {
- return false; //Fail if does not have turbo hatch and requiresTurboHatch()
} else if (!addToMachineList(getBaseMetaTileEntity().getIGregTechTileEntity(tX + (tSide == 5 ? k : tSide == 4 ? -k : i), tY + j, tZ + (tSide == 2 ? -k : tSide == 3 ? k : i)))) {
return false;
@@ -144,10 +158,6 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlock
return true;
- public boolean requiresTurboHatch() {
- return false;
- }
public Block getCasingBlock() {
return GregTech_API.sBlockCasings4;
@@ -177,7 +187,7 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlock
private boolean addToMachineList(IGregTechTileEntity tTileEntity) {
- return ((addTurboToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex()) && requiresTurboHatch()) || (addMaintenanceToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addInputToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addOutputToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addMufflerToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())));
+ return ((addTurboToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex()) || (addMaintenanceToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addInputToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addOutputToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex())) || (addMufflerToMachineList(tTileEntity, getCasingTextureIndex()))));
@@ -222,9 +232,11 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlock
public String[] getInfoData() {
return new String[]{
- "Diesel Engine",
- "Current Output: "+mEUt+" EU/t",
- "Current Efficiency: "+(mEfficiency/100)+"%"};
+ "Diesel Engine",
+ "Current Output: "+mEUt+" EU/t",
+ "Fuel Consumption: "+fuelConsumption+"L/t",
+ "Fuel Remaining: "+fuelRemaining+" Litres",
+ "Current Efficiency: "+(mEfficiency/100)+"%"};
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e124214584..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.multi;
-import gregtech.api.interfaces.metatileentity.IMetaTileEntity;
-import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
-public class GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo extends GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngine {
- public GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo(int aID, String aName, String aNameRegional) {
- super(aID, aName, aNameRegional);
- }
- public GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo(String aName) {
- super(aName);
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getDescription() {
- return new String[]{
- "Controller Block for the Large Diesel Engine",
- "Size: 3x3x4",
- "Controller (front centered)",
- "3x3x4 of Stable Titanium Casing (hollow, Min 24!)",
- "2x Titanium Pipe Casing Block inside the Hollow Casing",
- "1x Input Hatch (one of the Casings)",
- "1x Maintenance Hatch (one of the Casings)",
- "1x Muffler Hatch (top middle back)",
- "1x Dynamo Hatch (back centered)",
- "Engine Intake Casings not obstructed (only air blocks)"};
- }
- @Override
- public boolean requiresTurboHatch() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public IMetaTileEntity newMetaEntity(IGregTechTileEntity aTileEntity) {
- return new GT_MetaTileEntity_DieselEngineTurbo(this.mName);
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getInfoData() {
- return new String[]{
- "Large Diesel Engine",
- "Current Output: " + mEUt + " EU/t",
- "Efficiency: " + (float) mEfficiency / 100 + "%",
- "EfficiencyRaw: " + mEfficiency //For testing only, needs to be removed
- };
- }