path: root/src/main/java/gregtech
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gregtech')
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase.java
index 5b5c848ad5..a691e3a352 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase.java
@@ -18,11 +18,8 @@ import net.minecraft.world.World;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity;
import gregtech.api.logic.ProcessingLogic;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResult;
-import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResultRegistry;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ExoticEnergyInputHelper;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility;
-import gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.IDualInputHatch;
-import gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.IDualInputInventory;
* Multiblock base class that allows machine to use power over int.
@@ -134,85 +131,25 @@ public abstract class GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBase<T extends GT
- public @Nonnull CheckRecipeResult checkProcessing() {
- // If no logic is found, try legacy checkRecipe
- if (processingLogic == null) {
- // noinspection deprecation
- return checkRecipe(mInventory[1]) ? CheckRecipeResultRegistry.SUCCESSFUL
- : CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
- }
- CheckRecipeResult result = CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
- setupProcessingLogic(processingLogic);
- // check crafting input hatches first
- for (IDualInputHatch dualInputHatch : mDualInputHatches) {
- for (var it = dualInputHatch.inventories(); it.hasNext();) {
- IDualInputInventory slot = it.next();
- processingLogic.setInputItems(slot.getItemInputs());
- processingLogic.setInputFluids(slot.getFluidInputs());
- result = processingLogic.process();
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- processingLogic.setInputFluids(getStoredFluids());
- if (!result.wasSuccessful()) {
- if (isInputSeparationEnabled()) {
- for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus bus : mInputBusses) {
- List<ItemStack> inputItems = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = bus.getSizeInventory() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- ItemStack stored = bus.getStackInSlot(i);
- if (stored != null) {
- inputItems.add(stored);
- }
- }
- if (getControllerSlot() != null && canUseControllerSlotForRecipe()) {
- inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
- }
- processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
- result = processingLogic.process();
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- } else {
- List<ItemStack> inputItems = getStoredInputs();
- if (getControllerSlot() != null && canUseControllerSlotForRecipe()) {
- inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
- }
- processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems);
- result = processingLogic.process();
- }
- }
- // inputs are consumed by `process()`
- updateSlots();
- if (!result.wasSuccessful()) return result;
+ protected void setProcessingLogicPower(ProcessingLogic logic) {
+ logic.setAvailableVoltage(getAverageInputVoltage());
+ logic.setAvailableAmperage(getMaxInputAmps());
+ logic.setAmperageOC(true);
+ }
- mEfficiency = (10000 - (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus()) * 1000);
- mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
+ @Nonnull
+ @Override
+ protected CheckRecipeResult postCheckRecipe(@Nonnull CheckRecipeResult result,
+ @Nonnull ProcessingLogic processingLogic) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setEnergyUsage(ProcessingLogic processingLogic) {
lEUt = processingLogic.getCalculatedEut();
- mMaxProgresstime = processingLogic.getDuration();
if (lEUt > 0) {
lEUt = (-lEUt);
- mOutputItems = processingLogic.getOutputItems();
- mOutputFluids = processingLogic.getOutputFluids();
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- protected void setProcessingLogicPower(ProcessingLogic logic) {
- logic.setAvailableVoltage(getAverageInputVoltage());
- logic.setAvailableAmperage(getMaxInputAmps());
- logic.setAmperageOC(true);
diff --git a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase.java b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase.java
index ddf8a0fc1e..34d183527b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase.java
+++ b/src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase.java
@@ -706,68 +706,18 @@ public abstract class GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase extends MetaTileEntity
: CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
- CheckRecipeResult result = CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
- // check crafting input hatches first
- for (IDualInputHatch dualInputHatch : mDualInputHatches) {
- for (var it = dualInputHatch.inventories(); it.hasNext();) {
- IDualInputInventory slot = it.next();
- processingLogic.setInputItems(slot.getItemInputs());
- processingLogic.setInputFluids(slot.getFluidInputs());
- result = processingLogic.process();
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- processingLogic.setInputFluids(getStoredFluids());
- if (!result.wasSuccessful()) {
- if (isInputSeparationEnabled()) {
- for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus bus : mInputBusses) {
- List<ItemStack> inputItems = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = bus.getSizeInventory() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- ItemStack stored = bus.getStackInSlot(i);
- if (stored != null) {
- inputItems.add(stored);
- }
- }
- if (getControllerSlot() != null && canUseControllerSlotForRecipe()) {
- inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
- }
- processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
- result = processingLogic.process();
- if (result.wasSuccessful()) break;
- }
- } else {
- List<ItemStack> inputItems = getStoredInputs();
- if (getControllerSlot() != null && canUseControllerSlotForRecipe()) {
- inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
- }
- processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems);
- result = processingLogic.process();
- }
- }
- // inputs are consumed by `process()`
+ CheckRecipeResult result = doCheckRecipe();
+ result = postCheckRecipe(result, processingLogic);
+ // inputs are consumed at this point
if (!result.wasSuccessful()) return result;
mEfficiency = (10000 - (getIdealStatus() - getRepairStatus()) * 1000);
mEfficiencyIncrease = 10000;
- if (processingLogic.getCalculatedEut() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
- return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.POWER_OVERFLOW;
- }
- mEUt = (int) processingLogic.getCalculatedEut();
mMaxProgresstime = processingLogic.getDuration();
- if (mEUt > 0) {
- mEUt = (-mEUt);
- }
+ setEnergyUsage(processingLogic);
mOutputItems = processingLogic.getOutputItems();
mOutputFluids = processingLogic.getOutputFluids();
@@ -775,10 +725,17 @@ public abstract class GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase extends MetaTileEntity
return result;
+ /**
+ * @return If controller slot should be considered as inputs for {@link #doCheckRecipe}
+ */
protected boolean canUseControllerSlotForRecipe() {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Initializes processing logic for use. Unlike {@link #createProcessingLogic}, this method is called
+ * every time checking for recipes.
+ */
protected void setupProcessingLogic(ProcessingLogic logic) {
@@ -789,12 +746,100 @@ public abstract class GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase extends MetaTileEntity
+ /**
+ * Initializes processing logic for use, specifically for power-related parameters.
+ * Unlike {@link #createProcessingLogic}, this method is called every time checking for recipes.
+ */
protected void setProcessingLogicPower(ProcessingLogic logic) {
logic.setAmperageOC(mEnergyHatches.size() != 1);
+ /**
+ * Iterates over hatches and tries to find recipe. Assume {@link #processingLogic} is already set up for use.
+ * If return value is successful, inputs are consumed.
+ */
+ @Nonnull
+ protected CheckRecipeResult doCheckRecipe() {
+ CheckRecipeResult result = CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
+ // check crafting input hatches first
+ for (IDualInputHatch dualInputHatch : mDualInputHatches) {
+ for (var it = dualInputHatch.inventories(); it.hasNext();) {
+ IDualInputInventory slot = it.next();
+ processingLogic.setInputItems(slot.getItemInputs());
+ processingLogic.setInputFluids(slot.getFluidInputs());
+ result = processingLogic.process();
+ if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ processingLogic.setInputFluids(getStoredFluids());
+ if (isInputSeparationEnabled()) {
+ for (GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_InputBus bus : mInputBusses) {
+ List<ItemStack> inputItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = bus.getSizeInventory() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ ItemStack stored = bus.getStackInSlot(i);
+ if (stored != null) {
+ inputItems.add(stored);
+ }
+ }
+ if (canUseControllerSlotForRecipe() && getControllerSlot() != null) {
+ inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
+ }
+ processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems.toArray(new ItemStack[0]));
+ result = processingLogic.process();
+ if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ List<ItemStack> inputItems = getStoredInputs();
+ if (canUseControllerSlotForRecipe() && getControllerSlot() != null) {
+ inputItems.add(getControllerSlot());
+ }
+ processingLogic.setInputItems(inputItems);
+ result = processingLogic.process();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs additional check for {@link #processingLogic} after all the calculations are done.
+ * As many as checks should be done inside of custom {@link ProcessingLogic}, which you can specify with
+ * {@link #createProcessingLogic()}, because when this method is called, inputs might have been already consumed.
+ * However, certain checks cannot be done like that; Checking energy overflow should be suppressed for
+ * long-power machines for example.
+ *
+ * @return Modified (or not modified) result
+ */
+ @Nonnull
+ protected CheckRecipeResult postCheckRecipe(@Nonnull CheckRecipeResult result,
+ @Nonnull ProcessingLogic processingLogic) {
+ if (result.wasSuccessful() && processingLogic.getCalculatedEut() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
+ return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.POWER_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called after {@link #doCheckRecipe} and {@link #postCheckRecipe} being successful.
+ * Override to set energy usage for this machine.
+ */
+ protected void setEnergyUsage(ProcessingLogic processingLogic) {
+ // getCalculatedEut() is guaranteed to not exceed int by postCheckRecipe()
+ mEUt = (int) processingLogic.getCalculatedEut();
+ if (mEUt > 0) {
+ mEUt = (-mEUt);
+ }
+ }
protected int getMaxBatchSize() {
return 128;