path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java b/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a49c275c..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-package gtPlusPlus.preloader.asm;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
-import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
-import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
-import gtPlusPlus.preloader.Preloader_Logger;
-public class AsmConfig {
- public static Configuration config;
- public static boolean enableOreDictPatch;
- public static boolean enableGtTooltipFix;
- public static boolean enableGtNbtFix;
- public static boolean enableGtCharcoalPitFix;
- public static boolean enableCofhPatch;
- public static boolean enableTcAspectSafety;
- public static boolean enabledLwjglKeybindingFix;
- public static boolean enabledFixEntitySetHealth;
- public static boolean enableThaumicTinkererRepairFix;
- public static boolean disableAllLogging;
- public static boolean debugMode;
- static {
- config = new Configuration(new File("config/GTplusplus/asm.cfg"));
- syncConfig(true);
- }
- public static void syncConfig(boolean load) {
- ArrayList<String> propOrder = new ArrayList<>();
- ArrayList<String> propOrderDebug = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- if (!config.isChild && load) {
- config.load();
- }
- Property prop;
- // Debug
- prop = config.get("debug", "disableAllLogging", true);
- prop.comment = "Disables ALL logging from GT++.";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.disableAllLogging")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(false);
- disableAllLogging = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "debugMode", false);
- prop.comment = "Enables all sorts of debug logging. (Don't use unless told to, breaks other things.)";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.debugMode")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(false);
- debugMode = prop.getBoolean(false);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "enabledFixEntitySetHealth", false);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable entity setHealth() fix.";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enabledFixEntitySetHealth")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enabledFixEntitySetHealth = prop.getBoolean(false);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "enableGtNbtFix", true);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable GT NBT Persistency Fix";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableGtNbtFix")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableGtNbtFix = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "enableCofhPatch", false);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable COFH OreDictionaryArbiter Patch (Useful for Development)";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableCofhPatch")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableCofhPatch = prop.getBoolean(false);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "enableOreDictPatch", false);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable Forge OreDictionary Patch (Useful for Development)";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableOreDictPatch")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableOreDictPatch = prop.getBoolean(false);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("debug", "enableThaumicTinkererRepairFix", false);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable Patch for Thaumic Repairer";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableThaumicTinkererRepairFix")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableThaumicTinkererRepairFix = prop.getBoolean(false);
- propOrderDebug.add(prop.getName());
- // General Features
- prop = config.get("general", "enabledLwjglKeybindingFix", true);
- prop.comment = "Prevents the game crashing from having invalid keybinds. https://github.com/alkcorp/GTplusplus/issues/544";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enabledLwjglKeybindingFix")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enabledLwjglKeybindingFix = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrder.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("general", "enableGtTooltipFix", true);
- prop.comment = "Enable/Disable Custom GT Tooltips";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableGtTooltipFix")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableGtTooltipFix = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrder.add(prop.getName());
- prop = config.get("general", "enableGtCharcoalPitFix", true);
- prop.comment = "Makes the Charcoal Pile Igniter work better.";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableGtCharcoalPitFix")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableGtCharcoalPitFix = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrder.add(prop.getName());
- // TC Aspect Safety
- prop = config.get("general", "enableTcAspectSafety", true);
- prop.comment = "Fixes small oversights in Thaumcraft 4.";
- prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableTcAspectSafety")
- .setRequiresMcRestart(true);
- enableTcAspectSafety = prop.getBoolean(true);
- propOrder.add(prop.getName());
- config.setCategoryPropertyOrder("general", propOrder);
- config.setCategoryPropertyOrder("debug", propOrderDebug);
- if (config.hasChanged()) {
- config.save();
- }
- Preloader_Logger.INFO("Gt Nbt Fix - Enabled: " + enableGtNbtFix);
- Preloader_Logger.INFO("Gt Tooltip Fix - Enabled: " + enableGtTooltipFix);
- Preloader_Logger.INFO("COFH Patch - Enabled: " + enableCofhPatch);
- Preloader_Logger.INFO("Thaumcraft Aspect Safety Patch - Enabled: " + enableTcAspectSafety);
- Preloader_Logger
- .INFO("Fix bad usage of EntityLivingBase.setHealth Patch - Enabled: " + enabledFixEntitySetHealth);
- } catch (Exception var3) {
- FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, var3, "GT++ ASM had a problem loading it's config", new Object[0]);
- }
- }