path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
22 files changed, 667 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/api/objects/Logger.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/api/objects/Logger.java
index 8cb165ccb2..f994c40b52 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/api/objects/Logger.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/api/objects/Logger.java
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ public class Logger {
* Special Logger for Materials related content
public static void MATERIALS(final String s) {
- modLogger.info("[Materials] "+s);*/
+ modLogger.info("[Materials] "+s);
* Special Logger for Debugging Materials related content
public static void DEBUG_MATERIALS(final String s) {
- modLogger.info("[Debug][Materials] "+s);*/
+ modLogger.info("[Debug][Materials] "+s);
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/common/compat/COMPAT_Witchery.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/common/compat/COMPAT_Witchery.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cde6e3ae98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/common/compat/COMPAT_Witchery.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.core.common.compat;
+import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods.Witchery;
+import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+public class COMPAT_Witchery {
+ public static void OreDict(){
+ run();
+ }
+ private static final void run(){
+ //Koboldite
+ ItemStack aKobolditeDust = ItemUtils.getItemStackWithMeta(Witchery, "witchery:ingredient", "Koboldite Dust", 148, 1);
+ ItemStack aKobolditeNugget = ItemUtils.getItemStackWithMeta(Witchery, "witchery:ingredient", "Koboldite Nugget", 149, 1);
+ ItemStack aKobolditeIngot = ItemUtils.getItemStackWithMeta(Witchery, "witchery:ingredient", "Koboldite Ingot", 150, 1);
+ if (aKobolditeDust != null) GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("dust"+"Koboldite", aKobolditeDust);
+ if (aKobolditeNugget != null) GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("nugget"+"Koboldite", aKobolditeNugget);
+ if (aKobolditeIngot != null) GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre("ingot"+"Koboldite", aKobolditeIngot);
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
index c43fa3c9c0..c37369b00f 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/handler/COMPAT_HANDLER.java
@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ public class COMPAT_HANDLER {
if (LoadedMods.PamsHarvestcraft){
+ if (LoadedMods.Witchery) {
+ COMPAT_Witchery.OreDict();
+ }
public static void RemoveRecipesFromOtherMods(){
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
index eda11d2a38..5b8e8ab2a1 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/ModItems.java
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package gtPlusPlus.core.item;
import static gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab.*;
import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.LOAD_ALL_CONTENT;
+import com.ibm.icu.util.RangeValueIterator.Element;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraft.item.*;
@@ -368,9 +370,9 @@ public final class ModItems {
if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustLanthanum", 1) == null){
ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Lanthanum", "Lanthanum", Materials.Lanthanum.mElement.name(), Utils.rgbtoHexValue(106, 127, 163));
- /*if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGadolinium", 1) == null){
- ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Gadolinium", "Gadolinium", "", Utils.rgbtoHexValue(Materials.Gadolinium.mRGBa[0], Materials.Gadolinium.mRGBa[1], Materials.Gadolinium.mRGBa[2]));
- }*/
+ if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("dustGermanium", 1) == null){
+ ItemUtils.generateSpecialUseDusts("Germanium", "Germanium", "Ge", ELEMENT.getInstance().GERMANIUM.getRgbAsHex());
+ }
//Elements generate first so they can be used in compounds.
@@ -527,13 +529,20 @@ public final class ModItems {
MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.TRINIUM_NAQUADAH, false);
- MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.TRINIUM_NAQUADAH_CARBON);
+ MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.TRINIUM_NAQUADAH_CARBON);
+ //Top Tier Alloys
+ MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.LAFIUM);
+ MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.CINOBITE);
+ MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.PIKYONIUM);
+ MaterialGenerator.generate(ALLOY.ABYSSAL);
//Must be the final Alloy to Generate
+ MaterialGenerator.generateOreMaterial(ALLOY.KOBOLDITE);
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/dusts/BaseItemDust.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/dusts/BaseItemDust.java
index 6b4e3d8f4e..2be7b76f6c 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/dusts/BaseItemDust.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/base/dusts/BaseItemDust.java
@@ -123,22 +123,21 @@ public class BaseItemDust extends Item{
protected final int sRadiation;
public void onUpdate(final ItemStack iStack, final World world, final Entity entityHolding, final int p_77663_4_, final boolean p_77663_5_) {
- EntityUtils.applyRadiationDamageToEntity(iStack.stackSize, this.sRadiation, world, entityHolding);
+ if (this.dustInfo != null){
+ if (entityHolding instanceof EntityPlayer){
+ if (!((EntityPlayer) entityHolding).capabilities.isCreativeMode){
+ EntityUtils.applyRadiationDamageToEntity(iStack.stackSize, this.dustInfo.vRadiationLevel, world, entityHolding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void addInformation(final ItemStack stack, final EntityPlayer aPlayer, final List list, final boolean bool) {
- //if (pileType != null && materialName != null && pileType != "" && materialName != "" && !pileType.equals("") && !materialName.equals("")){
- /*if (getUnlocalizedName().contains("DustTiny")){
- list.add(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+"A tiny pile of " + materialName + " dust.");
- }
- else if (getUnlocalizedName().contains("DustSmall")){
- list.add(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+"A small pile of " + materialName + " dust.");
- }
- else {
- list.add(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+"A pile of " + materialName + " dust.");
- }*/
if (stack.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase("fluorite")){
list.add("Mined from Sandstone and Limestone.");
@@ -167,143 +166,61 @@ public class BaseItemDust extends Item{
- private void addMacerationRecipe(){
- Logger.WARNING("Adding recipe for "+this.materialName+" Dusts");
- String tempIngot = this.getUnlocalizedName().replace("item.itemDust", "ingot");
- final String tempDust = this.getUnlocalizedName().replace("item.itemDust", "dust");
- ItemStack tempInputStack;
- ItemStack tempOutputStack;
+ private void addMacerationRecipe(){
- if (this.getUnlocalizedName().contains("DustSmall") || this.getUnlocalizedName().contains("DustTiny")){
- return;
- }
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Adding Maceration recipe for "+this.materialName+" Ingot -> Dusts");
+ final int chance = (this.mTier*10)/MathUtils.randInt(10, 20);
+ GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(dustInfo.getIngot(1), dustInfo.getDust(1), null, chance);
+ }
- Logger.WARNING("Unlocalized name for OreDict nameGen: "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
- if (this.getUnlocalizedName().contains("item.")){
- tempIngot = this.getUnlocalizedName().replace("item.", "");
- Logger.WARNING("Generating OreDict Name: "+tempIngot);
- }
- else {
- tempIngot = this.getUnlocalizedName();
- }
+ private void addFurnaceRecipe(){
- tempIngot = tempIngot.replace("itemDust", "ingot");
- Logger.WARNING("Generating OreDict Name: "+tempIngot);
- final ItemStack[] outputStacks = {this.dustInfo.getDust(1)};
- if ((tempIngot != null) && !tempIngot.equals("")){
- tempInputStack = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict(tempIngot, 1);
- tempOutputStack = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict(tempDust, 1);
- ItemStack tempStackOutput2 = null;
- final int chance = (this.mTier*10)/MathUtils.randInt(10, 20);
- if (outputStacks.length != 0){
- if (outputStacks.length == 1){
- tempStackOutput2 = null;
- }
- else {
- if (!outputStacks[1].getUnlocalizedName().toLowerCase().contains("aaa_broken")){
- tempStackOutput2 = outputStacks[1];
- tempOutputStack = outputStacks[0];
- }
- else {
- tempStackOutput2 = null;
- }
- }
+ ItemStack aDust = dustInfo.getDust(1);
+ ItemStack aOutput;
+ if (this.dustInfo.requiresBlastFurnace()) {
+ aOutput = dustInfo.getHotIngot(1);
+ if (addBlastFurnaceRecipe(aDust, null, aOutput, null, dustInfo.getMeltingPointK())){
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Successfully added a blast furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
else {
- tempStackOutput2 = null;
- }
- if ((null != tempOutputStack) && (null != tempInputStack)){
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempOutputStack) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempStackOutput2) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempInputStack)) {
- GT_ModHandler.addPulverisationRecipe(tempInputStack, tempOutputStack.splitStack(1), tempStackOutput2, chance);
- }
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed to add a blast furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
- }
- private void addFurnaceRecipe(){
- String temp = "";
- if (this.getUnlocalizedName().contains("item.")){
- temp = this.getUnlocalizedName().replace("item.", "");
- }
else {
- temp = this.getUnlocalizedName();
- }
- if (temp.contains("DustTiny") || temp.contains("DustSmall")){
- return;
- }
- temp = temp.replace("itemDust", "ingot");
- if ((temp != null) && !temp.equals("")){
- ItemStack mThisStack = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(this);
- if (this.dustInfo.requiresBlastFurnace()){
- Logger.WARNING("Adding recipe for Hot "+this.materialName+" Ingots in a Blast furnace.");
- final String tempIngot = temp.replace("ingot", "ingotHot");
- final ItemStack tempOutputStack = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict(tempIngot, 1);
- if (null != tempOutputStack && tempOutputStack != ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.AAA_Broken)){
- Logger.WARNING("This will produce "+tempOutputStack.getDisplayName() + " Debug: "+tempIngot);
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempOutputStack) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(mThisStack)) {
- this.addBlastFurnaceRecipe(mThisStack, null, tempOutputStack, null, 350*this.mTier);
- }
- }
- return;
+ aOutput = dustInfo.getIngot(1);
+ if (CORE.GT_Recipe.addSmeltingAndAlloySmeltingRecipe(aDust, aOutput)){
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Successfully added a furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
- Logger.WARNING("Adding recipe for "+this.materialName+" Ingots in a furnace.");
- final ItemStack tempOutputStack = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict(temp, 1);
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("This will produce an ingot of "+tempOutputStack.getDisplayName() + " Debug: "+temp);
- if (null != tempOutputStack && tempOutputStack != ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.AAA_Broken)){
- if ((this.mTier < 5) || !this.dustInfo.requiresBlastFurnace()){
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempOutputStack) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(mThisStack)) {
- if (CORE.GT_Recipe.addSmeltingAndAlloySmeltingRecipe(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(this), tempOutputStack)){
- Logger.WARNING("Successfully added a furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
- }
- else {
- Logger.WARNING("Failed to add a furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((this.mTier >= 5) || this.dustInfo.requiresBlastFurnace()){
- Logger.WARNING("Adding recipe for "+this.materialName+" Ingots in a Blast furnace.");
- Logger.WARNING("This will produce "+tempOutputStack.getDisplayName());
- if (null != tempOutputStack && tempOutputStack != ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(ModItems.AAA_Broken)){
- if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(tempOutputStack) && ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(mThisStack)) {
- this.addBlastFurnaceRecipe(ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(this), null, tempOutputStack, null, 350*this.mTier);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
+ else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed to add a furnace recipe for "+this.materialName);
- private void addBlastFurnaceRecipe(final ItemStack input1, final ItemStack input2, final ItemStack output1, final ItemStack output2, final int tempRequired){
- //Special Cases
- /*if (input1.getUnlocalizedName().toLowerCase().contains("tantalloy61")){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Adding Special handler for Staballoy-61 in the Blast Furnace");
- input2 = UtilsItems.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict("dustTantalloy60", 2);
- if (input2 == null){
- Utils.LOG_INFO("invalid itemstack.");
- }
- else {
- Utils.LOG_INFO("Found "+input2.getDisplayName());
- }
- }*/
+ private boolean addBlastFurnaceRecipe(final ItemStack input1, final ItemStack input2, final ItemStack output1, final ItemStack output2, final int tempRequired){
- int timeTaken = 250*this.mTier*20;
+ int timeTaken = 125*this.mTier*20;
if (this.mTier <= 4){
- timeTaken = 50*this.mTier*20;
+ timeTaken = 25*this.mTier*20;
+ }
+ int aSlot = mTier - 2;
+ if (aSlot < 2) {
+ aSlot = 2;
+ long aVoltage = GT_Values.V[aSlot >= 2 ? aSlot : 2];
- GT_Values.RA.addBlastRecipe(
+ return GT_Values.RA.addBlastRecipe(
GT_Values.NF, GT_Values.NF,
- this.mTier*60,
+ (int) aVoltage,
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/CoalTar.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/CoalTar.java
index 3da3c18836..eea1aed49f 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/CoalTar.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/CoalTar.java
@@ -47,23 +47,37 @@ public class CoalTar {
Coal_Gas = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("CoalGas", "Coal Gas", 500, new short[]{48, 48, 48, 100}, null, null);
// v - Dehydrate cells to remove water
//Create Ethylene
- Ethylene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Ethylene", "Ethylene", -103, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100}, null, null);
+ if (!FluidUtils.doesFluidExist("Ethylene")){
+ Ethylene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Ethylene", "Ethylene", -103, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100}, null, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ Ethylene = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack("Ethylene", 1).getFluid();
+ }
//Create Benzene - (Toluene + Hydrogen | 95% Benzene / 5% methane)
- Benzene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Benzene", "Benzene", 81, new short[]{150, 75, 0, 100}, null, null);
+ if (!FluidUtils.doesFluidExist("NitrousOxide")){
+ Benzene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Benzene", "Benzene", 81, new short[]{150, 75, 0, 100}, null, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ Benzene = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack("Benzene", 1).getFluid();
+ }
//Create Ethylbenzene - Ethylbenzene is produced in on a large scale by combining benzene and ethylene in an acid-catalyzed chemical reaction
//Use Chemical Reactor
Ethylbenzene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Ethylbenzene", "Ethylbenzene", 136, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100}, null, null);
//Create Anthracene
Anthracene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Anthracene", "Anthracene", 340, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100}, null, null);
- //Toluene
- if (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid_toluene", 1) == null){
+ //Toluene
+ if (!FluidUtils.doesFluidExist("Toluene")){
Toluene = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("Toluene", "Toluene", -95, new short[]{140, 70, 20, 100}, null, null);
else {
- Toluene = FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid_toluene", 1000).getFluid();
+ Toluene = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack("Toluene", 1).getFluid();
Item itemCellToluene = new BaseItemComponent("Toluene", "Toluene", new short[]{140, 70, 20, 100});
- MaterialGenerator.addFluidCannerRecipe(ItemUtils.getEmptyCell(), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(itemCellToluene), FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid_toluene", 1000), null);
+ MaterialGenerator.addFluidCannerRecipe(ItemUtils.getEmptyCell(), ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(itemCellToluene), FluidUtils.getFluidStack(Toluene, 1000), null);
//Create Coal Tar
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/RocketFuels.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/RocketFuels.java
index 7b5a90a64e..9bd8a521ab 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/RocketFuels.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/chemistry/RocketFuels.java
@@ -67,16 +67,11 @@ public class RocketFuels {
Nitrous_Oxide = FluidUtils.generateFluidNonMolten("NitrousOxide", "Nitrous Oxide", -91, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100}, null, null);
- if (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("NitrousOxide", 1) == null && FluidUtils.getFluidStack("nitrousoxide", 1) == null){
+ if (!FluidUtils.doesFluidExist("NitrousOxide")){
Nitrous_Oxide = FluidUtils.generateFluidNoPrefix("NitrousOxide", "Nitrous Oxide", -91, new short[]{255, 255, 255, 100});
else {
- if (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("NitrousOxide", 1) != null ) {
- Nitrous_Oxide = FluidUtils.getFluidStack("NitrousOxide", 1).getFluid();
- }
- else {
- Nitrous_Oxide = FluidUtils.getFluidStack("nitrousoxide", 1).getFluid();
- }
+ Nitrous_Oxide = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack("NitrousOxide", 1).getFluid();
if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cellNitrousOxide", 1) == null){
new BaseItemComponent("NitrousOxide", "Nitrous Oxide", new short[] {10, 10, 175});
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemControlCore.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemControlCore.java
index d8ec8944e9..8ad87c0ea8 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemControlCore.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/item/general/ItemControlCore.java
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
-import gtPlusPlus.core.creative.AddToCreativeTab;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
public class ItemControlCore extends Item {
@@ -29,16 +28,16 @@ public class ItemControlCore extends Item {
public void registerIcons(IIconRegister reg) {
- this.icons[0] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_0");
- this.icons[1] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_1");
- this.icons[2] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_2");
- this.icons[3] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_3");
- this.icons[4] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_4");
- this.icons[5] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_5");
- this.icons[6] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_6");
- this.icons[7] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_7");
- this.icons[8] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_8");
- this.icons[9] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/core_9");
+ this.icons[0] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_0");
+ this.icons[1] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_1");
+ this.icons[2] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_2");
+ this.icons[3] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_3");
+ this.icons[4] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_4");
+ this.icons[5] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_5");
+ this.icons[6] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_6");
+ this.icons[7] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_7");
+ this.icons[8] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_8");
+ this.icons[9] = reg.registerIcon(CORE.MODID + ":" + "controlcore/Core_9");
@@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ public class ItemControlCore extends Item {
return this.icons[meta];
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs tab, List list) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
index 99092aed71..a6ffd96bbf 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/CORE.java
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public class CORE {
public static boolean DEVENV = false;
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
+ public static boolean NBT_PERSISTENCY_PATCH_APPLIED = false;
//Only can be set in Dev, no config or setting elsewhere.
public static final boolean LOAD_ALL_CONTENT = false;;
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ public class CORE {
public static IGregtech_RecipeAdder sRecipeAdder;
public static IGregtech_RecipeAdder RA;
public static GregtechRecipe GT_Recipe = new GregtechRecipe();
public static final GT_Materials[] sMU_GeneratedMaterials = new GT_Materials[1000];
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
index 5426bb1a6a..2a7ef9bc39 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/lib/LoadedMods.java
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public class LoadedMods {
public static boolean TecTech = false; //Technus' Mod
public static boolean TiCon = false;
public static boolean StevesCarts = false;
+ public static boolean Witchery = false;
@@ -279,6 +280,11 @@ public class LoadedMods {
TecTech = true;
Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: TecTech");
+ }
+ if (Loader.isModLoaded("witchery")){
+ Witchery = true;
+ Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Witchery");
+ totalMods++;
Logger.INFO("Content found for "+totalMods+" mods");
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
index e42a3e5501..23cb359ec9 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ALLOY.java
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ public final class ALLOY {
public static final Material INVAR = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Invar);
public static final Material KANTHAL = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Kanthal);
public static final Material NICHROME = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Nichrome);
+ public static final Material TUNGSTENSTEEL = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.TungstenSteel);
+ public static final Material STAINLESSSTEEL = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.StainlessSteel);
+ public static final Material OSMIRIDIUM = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Osmiridium);
public static final Material ENERGYCRYSTAL = new Material(
"Energy Crystal", //Material Name
@@ -614,14 +617,120 @@ public final class ALLOY {
+ public static final Material KOBOLDITE = new Material(
+ "Koboldite", //Material Name
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ new short[]{80, 210, 255, 0}, //Material Colour
+ -1, //Melting Point in C
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ true, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NICKEL, 35),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().THAUMIUM, 30),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().IRON, 35)
+ });
+ /*
+ * Top Tier Alloys
+ */
+ //0lafe Compound
+ public static final Material LAFIUM = new Material(
+ "Lafium Compound", //Material Name
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ new short[]{75,180,255, 0}, //Material Colour
+ 6750, //Melting Point in C
+ 9865, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ true, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.HASTELLOY_N, 8),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NAQUADAH, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().SAMARIUM, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().TUNGSTEN, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().ARGON, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().ALUMINIUM, 6),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NICKEL, 8),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().CARBON, 2)
+ });
+ //Cinobi Alloy
+ public static final Material CINOBITE = new Material(
+ "Cinobite A243", //Material Name
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ new short[]{255,75,45, 0}, //Material Colour
+ 7350, //Melting Point in C
+ 12565, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ true, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.ZERON_100, 16),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NAQUADRIA, 7),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().GADOLINIUM, 5),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().ALUMINIUM, 3),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().MERCURY, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().TIN, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM, 12),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.OSMIRIDIUM, 6)
+ });
+ //Piky Alloy
+ public static final Material PIKYONIUM = new Material(
+ "Pikyonium 64B", //Material Name
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ new short[]{110,255,20, 0}, //Material Colour
+ 7850, //Melting Point in C
+ 11765, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ true, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.INCONEL_792, 16),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.EGLIN_STEEL, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().NAQUADAH_ENRICHED, 8),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().CERIUM, 6),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().ANTIMONY, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().PLATINUM, 4),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().YTTERBIUM, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.TUNGSTENSTEEL, 8)
+ });
+ //Piky Alloy
+ public static final Material ABYSSAL = new Material(
+ "Abyssal Alloy", //Material Name
+ MaterialState.SOLID, //State
+ new short[]{85,0,85, 0}, //Material Colour
+ 9650, //Melting Point in C
+ 13765, //Boiling Point in C
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ true, //Uses Blast furnace?
+ //Material Stacks with Percentage of required elements.
+ new MaterialStack[]{
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.STAINLESSSTEEL, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.TUNGSTEN_CARBIDE, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.NICHROME, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.BRONZE, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ALLOY.INCOLOY_MA956, 10),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().IODINE, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().RADON, 2),
+ new MaterialStack(ELEMENT.getInstance().GERMANIUM, 2),
+ });
public static final Material QUANTUM = new Material(
"Quantum", //Material Name
MaterialState.SOLID, //State
new short[]{128, 128, 255, 50}, //Material Colour
- 9999, //Melting Point in C
+ 9500, //Melting Point in C
25000, //Boiling Point in C
150, //Protons
200, //Neutrons
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ELEMENT.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ELEMENT.java
index fd8df711e9..9f37164aa0 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ELEMENT.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/ELEMENT.java
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ public final class ELEMENT {
public final Material YELLORIUM = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Yellorium, new short[] {255, 242, 10});
public final Material NAQUADAH = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Naquadah);
+ public final Material NAQUADAH_ENRICHED = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.NaquadahEnriched);
+ public final Material NAQUADRIA = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Naquadria);
public final Material TRINIUM;
public final Material TRINIUM_REFINED;
@@ -142,6 +144,8 @@ public final class ELEMENT {
public final Material POLONIUM210 = new Material("Polonium-210", MaterialState.SOLID, Materials.Plutonium241.mIconSet, POLONIUM.vDurability, POLONIUM.getRGBA(), POLONIUM.getMeltingPointK(), POLONIUM.getBoilingPointK(), 84, 126, false, StringUtils.superscript("210Po"), 2, false);//Not a GT Inherited Material
public final Material AMERICIUM241 = new Material("Americium-241", MaterialState.SOLID, Materials.Americium.mIconSet, Materials.Americium.mDurability, Materials.Americium.mRGBa, Materials.Americium.mMeltingPoint, Materials.Americium.mBlastFurnaceTemp, 95, 146, false, StringUtils.superscript("241Am"), 2, false);//Not a GT Inherited Material
+ public final Material MAGIC = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Magic, new short[] {10, 185, 140});
+ public final Material THAUMIUM = MaterialUtils.generateMaterialFromGtENUM(Materials.Thaumium);
static {
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
index 01999ecbd4..4dd88030bd 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material/Material.java
@@ -255,17 +255,39 @@ public class Material {
this.isRadioactive = true;
this.vRadiationLevel = (byte) radiationLevel;
- else {
- Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is not radioactive.");
- this.isRadioactive = false;
- this.vRadiationLevel = 0;
+ else {
+ if (vMaterialInput.size() > 0) {
+ AutoMap<Byte> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Byte>();
+ for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
+ aDataSet.put(m.getStackMaterial().vRadiationLevel);
+ }
+ byte aAverage = MathUtils.getByteAverage(aDataSet);
+ if (aAverage > Byte.MAX_VALUE || aAverage < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
+ aAverage = 0;
+ }
+ if (aAverage > 0) {
+ Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is radioactive due to trace elements. Level: "+aAverage+".");
+ this.isRadioactive = true;
+ this.vRadiationLevel = (byte) aAverage;
+ }
+ else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is not radioactive.");
+ this.isRadioactive = false;
+ this.vRadiationLevel = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is not radioactive.");
+ this.isRadioactive = false;
+ this.vRadiationLevel = 0;
+ }
//Sets the materials 'tier'. Will probably replace this logic.
this.vTier = MaterialUtils.getTierOfMaterial((int) MathUtils.celsiusToKelvin(meltingPoint));
this.usesBlastFurnace = blastFurnace;
- this.vVoltageMultiplier = this.getMeltingPointK() >= 2800 ? 60 : 15;
+ this.vVoltageMultiplier = MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(vTier);
this.vComponentCount = this.getComponentCount(inputs);
this.vSmallestRatio = this.getSmallestRatio(this.vMaterialInput);
@@ -288,11 +310,11 @@ public class Material {
this.vChemicalFormula = this.getToolTip(chemicalSymbol, OrePrefixes.dust.mMaterialAmount / M, true);
else if (!this.vChemicalSymbol.equals("")){
- Logger.WARNING("materialInput is null, using a valid chemical symbol.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("materialInput is null, using a valid chemical symbol.");
this.vChemicalFormula = this.vChemicalSymbol;
- Logger.WARNING("MaterialInput == null && chemicalSymbol probably equals nothing");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("MaterialInput == null && chemicalSymbol probably equals nothing");
this.vChemicalFormula = "??";
@@ -335,13 +357,13 @@ public class Material {
- Logger.WARNING("Creating a Material instance for "+materialName);
- Logger.WARNING("Formula: "+this.vChemicalFormula + " Smallest Stack: "+this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing+" Smallest Ratio:"+ratio);
- Logger.WARNING("Protons: "+this.vProtons);
- Logger.WARNING("Neutrons: "+this.vNeutrons);
- Logger.WARNING("Mass: "+this.vMass+"/units");
- Logger.WARNING("Melting Point: "+this.meltingPointC+"C.");
- Logger.WARNING("Boiling Point: "+this.boilingPointC+"C.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Creating a Material instance for "+materialName);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Formula: "+this.vChemicalFormula + " Smallest Stack: "+this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing+" Smallest Ratio:"+ratio);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Protons: "+this.vProtons);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Neutrons: "+this.vNeutrons);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Mass: "+this.vMass+"/units");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Melting Point: "+this.meltingPointC+"C.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Boiling Point: "+this.boilingPointC+"C.");
catch (Throwable t){
@@ -487,6 +509,10 @@ public class Material {
return ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingot"+this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);
+ public final ItemStack getHotIngot(final int stacksize){
+ return ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ingotHot"+this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);
+ }
public final ItemStack getPlate(final int stacksize){
return ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("plate"+this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);
@@ -595,21 +621,21 @@ public class Material {
if (this.vMaterialInput != null && !this.vMaterialInput.isEmpty()){
final ItemStack[] temp = new ItemStack[this.vMaterialInput.size()];
for (int i=0;i<this.vMaterialInput.size();i++){
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("i:"+i);
+ //Utils.LOG_MATERIALS("i:"+i);
ItemStack testNull = null;
try {
testNull = this.vMaterialInput.get(i).getValidStack();
} catch (final Throwable r){
- Logger.WARNING("Failed gathering material stack for "+this.localizedName+".");
- Logger.WARNING("What Failed: Length:"+this.vMaterialInput.size()+" current:"+i);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed gathering material stack for "+this.localizedName+".");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("What Failed: Length:"+this.vMaterialInput.size()+" current:"+i);
try {
if (testNull != null){
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("not null");
+ //Utils.LOG_MATERIALS("not null");
temp[i] = this.vMaterialInput.get(i).getValidStack();
} catch (final Throwable r){
- Logger.WARNING("Failed setting slot "+i+", using "+this.localizedName);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Failed setting slot "+i+", using "+this.localizedName);
return temp;
@@ -659,9 +685,9 @@ public class Material {
public final long[] getSmallestRatio(final ArrayList<MaterialStack> tempInput){
if (tempInput != null){
if (!tempInput.isEmpty()){
- Logger.WARNING("length: "+tempInput.size());
- Logger.WARNING("(inputs != null): "+(tempInput != null));
- //Utils.LOG_WARNING("length: "+inputs.length);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("length: "+tempInput.size());
+ Logger.MATERIALS("(inputs != null): "+(tempInput != null));
+ //Utils.LOG_MATERIALS("length: "+inputs.length);
final long[] tempRatio = new long[tempInput.size()];
for (int x=0;x<tempInput.size();x++){
//tempPercentage = tempPercentage+inputs[x].percentageToUse;
@@ -678,7 +704,7 @@ public class Material {
for (int r=0;r<tempRatio.length;r++){
tempRatioStringThing1 = tempRatioStringThing1 + tempRatio[r] +" : ";
- Logger.WARNING("Default Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing1);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Default Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing1);
String tempRatioStringThing = "";
int tempSmallestCraftingUseSize = 0;
@@ -687,7 +713,7 @@ public class Material {
tempSmallestCraftingUseSize = (int) (tempSmallestCraftingUseSize + smallestRatio[r]);
//this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing = tempSmallestCraftingUseSize;
- Logger.WARNING("Smallest Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Smallest Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing);
return smallestRatio;
@@ -699,7 +725,7 @@ public class Material {
if (!aShowQuestionMarks && (this.vChemicalFormula.equals("?")||this.vChemicalFormula.equals("??"))) {
return "";
- Logger.WARNING("===============| Calculating Atomic Formula for "+this.localizedName+" |===============");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("===============| Calculating Atomic Formula for "+this.localizedName+" |===============");
if (!chemSymbol.equals("")) {
return chemSymbol;
@@ -742,13 +768,13 @@ public class Material {
return StringUtils.subscript(dummyFormula);
//return dummyFormula;
- Logger.WARNING("dummyFormulaArray <= 0");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("dummyFormulaArray <= 0");
- Logger.WARNING("dummyFormulaArray == null");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("dummyFormulaArray == null");
- Logger.WARNING("tempInput.length <= 0");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("tempInput.length <= 0");
- Logger.WARNING("tempInput == null");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("tempInput == null");
return "??";
@@ -778,33 +804,33 @@ public class Material {
if (isValid != Materials._NULL){
for (Materials m : invalidMaterials.values()){
if (isValid == m){
- Logger.WARNING("Trying to generate a fluid for blacklisted material: "+m.mDefaultLocalName);
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Trying to generate a fluid for blacklisted material: "+m.mDefaultLocalName);
FluidStack a1 = m.getFluid(1);
FluidStack a2 = m.getGas(1);
FluidStack a3 = m.getMolten(1);
FluidStack a4 = m.getSolid(1);
FluidStack a5 = m.getPlasma(1);
if (a1 != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Fluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Fluid.");
return a1.getFluid();
if (a2 != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Gas.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Gas.");
return a2.getFluid();
if (a3 != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Molten.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Molten.");
return a3.getFluid();
if (a4 != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Solid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Solid.");
return a4.getFluid();
if (a5 != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Plasma.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. Plasma.");
return a5.getFluid();
- Logger.WARNING("Using null.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using null.");
return null;
@@ -812,31 +838,31 @@ public class Material {
if (this.materialState == MaterialState.SOLID){
if (isValid.mFluid != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
return isValid.mFluid;
else if (isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
return isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid;
else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.GAS){
if (isValid.mGas != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
return isValid.mGas;
else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.LIQUID || this.materialState == MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID){
if (isValid.mFluid != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mFluid.");
return isValid.mFluid;
else if (isValid.mGas != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mGas.");
return isValid.mGas;
else if (isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Fluid from GT. mStandardMoltenFluid.");
return isValid.mStandardMoltenFluid;
@@ -846,28 +872,28 @@ public class Material {
FluidStack aTest3 = FluidUtils.getFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()), 1);
if (aTest1 != null) {
- Logger.WARNING("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"molten."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"molten."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
return aTest1.getFluid();
if (aTest2 != null) {
- Logger.WARNING("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"fluid."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+"fluid."+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
return aTest2.getFluid();
if (aTest3 != null) {
- Logger.WARNING("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Found FluidRegistry entry for "+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
return aTest3.getFluid();
- Logger.WARNING("Generating our own fluid.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Generating our own fluid.");
//Generate a Cell if we need to
if (ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+this.getUnlocalizedName(), 1) == null){
if (this.vGenerateCells){
new BaseItemCell(this);
- Logger.WARNING("Generated a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Generated a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
else {
- Logger.WARNING("Did not generate a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Did not generate a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
@@ -924,11 +950,11 @@ public class Material {
if (isValid.mPlasma != null){
- Logger.WARNING("Using a pre-defined Plasma from GT.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Plasma from GT.");
return isValid.mPlasma;
- Logger.WARNING("Generating our own Plasma.");
+ Logger.MATERIALS("Generating our own Plasma.");
return FluidUtils.addGTPlasma(this);
@@ -950,27 +976,8 @@ public class Material {
for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
- long aAverage = MathUtils.getAverage(aDataSet);
+ long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
- /*int meltingPoint = 0;
- for (MaterialStack part : this.vMaterialInput){
- if (part != null){
- int incrementor = part.getStackMaterial().getMeltingPointC();
- meltingPoint += incrementor;
- Logger.WARNING("Melting Point for "+this.getLocalizedName()+" increased by "+ incrementor);
- }
- else {
- Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" has a really invalid composition.");
- }
- }
- int divisor = (this.vMaterialInput.size()>0 ? this.vMaterialInput.size() : 1);
- Logger.WARNING("Dividing "+meltingPoint+" / "+divisor+" to get average melting point.");
- meltingPoint = (meltingPoint/divisor);
- return meltingPoint;*/
catch (Throwable r){
return 500;
@@ -984,23 +991,8 @@ public class Material {
for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
- long aAverage = MathUtils.getAverage(aDataSet);
+ long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
- /*int boilingPoint = 0;
- for (MaterialStack part : this.vMaterialInput){
- if (part != null){
- boilingPoint += part.getStackMaterial().getBoilingPointC();
- Logger.WARNING("Boiling Point for "+this.getLocalizedName()+" increased by "+ part.getStackMaterial().getBoilingPointC());
- }
- else {
- Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" has a really invalid composition.");
- }
- }
- int divisor = (this.vMaterialInput.size()>0 ? this.vMaterialInput.size() : 1);
- boilingPoint = (boilingPoint/divisor);
- return boilingPoint;*/
catch (Throwable r){
return 2500;
@@ -1014,21 +1006,8 @@ public class Material {
for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
- long aAverage = MathUtils.getAverage(aDataSet);
- return aAverage;
- /*long protonCount = 0;
- for (MaterialStack part : this.vMaterialInput){
- if (part != null){
- protonCount += (part.getStackMaterial().getProtons());
- }
- else {
- Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" has a really invalid composition.");
- }
- }
- int divisor = (this.vMaterialInput.size()>0 ? this.vMaterialInput.size() : 1);
- protonCount = (protonCount/divisor);
- return protonCount;*/
+ long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
+ return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
catch (Throwable r){
return 50;
@@ -1042,21 +1021,8 @@ public class Material {
for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
- long aAverage = MathUtils.getAverage(aDataSet);
- return aAverage;
- /*long neutronCount = 0;
- for (MaterialStack part : this.vMaterialInput){
- if (part != null){
- neutronCount += (part.getStackMaterial().getNeutrons());
- }
- else {
- Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" has a really invalid composition.");
- }
- }
- int divisor = (this.vMaterialInput.size()>0 ? this.vMaterialInput.size() : 1);
- neutronCount = (neutronCount/divisor);
- return neutronCount;*/
+ long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
+ return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
catch (Throwable r){
return 75;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
index 7ec898ce3a..03146d20d3 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/math/MathUtils.java
@@ -357,6 +357,14 @@ public class MathUtils {
+ public static byte safeByte(long number){
+ return number>Byte.MAX_VALUE ? Byte.MAX_VALUE :(byte)number;
+ }
+ public static short safeShort(long number){
+ return number>Short.MAX_VALUE ? Short.MAX_VALUE :(short)number;
+ }
public static int safeInt(long number, int margin){
return number>Integer.MAX_VALUE-margin ? Integer.MAX_VALUE-margin :(int)number;
@@ -376,15 +384,99 @@ public class MathUtils {
- public static long getAverage(AutoMap aDataSet) {
+ /*
+ * Averages
+ */
+ public static byte getByteAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
+ byte[] aNewSet = new byte[aDataSet.size()];
+ for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
+ aNewSet[u] = (byte) aDataSet.get(u);
+ }
+ return getByteAverage(aNewSet);
+ }
+ public static short getShortAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
+ short[] aNewSet = new short[aDataSet.size()];
+ for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
+ aNewSet[u] = (short) aDataSet.get(u);
+ }
+ return getShortAverage(aNewSet);
+ }
+ public static int getIntAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
+ int[] aNewSet = new int[aDataSet.size()];
+ for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
+ aNewSet[u] = (int) aDataSet.get(u);
+ }
+ return getIntAverage(aNewSet);
+ }
+ public static float getFloatAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
+ float[] aNewSet = new float[aDataSet.size()];
+ for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
+ aNewSet[u] = (float) aDataSet.get(u);
+ }
+ return getFloatAverage(aNewSet);
+ }
+ public static long getLongAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
long[] aNewSet = new long[aDataSet.size()];
for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
aNewSet[u] = (long) aDataSet.get(u);
- return getAverage(aNewSet);
+ return getLongAverage(aNewSet);
- public static long getAverage(long[] aDataSet) {
+ public static double getDoubleAverage(AutoMap<?> aDataSet) {
+ double[] aNewSet = new double[aDataSet.size()];
+ for (int u=0;u<aDataSet.size();u++) {
+ aNewSet[u] = (double) aDataSet.get(u);
+ }
+ return getDoubleAverage(aNewSet);
+ }
+ public static byte getByteAverage(byte[] aDataSet) {
+ int divisor = aDataSet.length;
+ byte total = 0;
+ for (byte i : aDataSet) {
+ total += i;
+ }
+ byte result = safeByte(total/divisor);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static short getShortAverage(short[] aDataSet) {
+ int divisor = aDataSet.length;
+ short total = 0;
+ for (short i : aDataSet) {
+ total += i;
+ }
+ short result = safeShort(total/divisor);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static int getIntAverage(int[] aDataSet) {
+ int divisor = aDataSet.length;
+ int total = 0;
+ for (int i : aDataSet) {
+ total += i;
+ }
+ int result = safeInt(total/divisor);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static float getFloatAverage(float[] aDataSet) {
+ int divisor = aDataSet.length;
+ float total = 0;
+ for (float i : aDataSet) {
+ total += i;
+ }
+ float result = (total/divisor);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static long getLongAverage(long[] aDataSet) {
int divisor = aDataSet.length;
long total = 0;
for (long i : aDataSet) {
@@ -393,5 +485,14 @@ public class MathUtils {
long result = (total/divisor);
return result;
+ public static double getDoubleAverage(double[] aDataSet) {
+ int divisor = aDataSet.length;
+ double total = 0;
+ for (double i : aDataSet) {
+ total += i;
+ }
+ double result = (total/divisor);
+ return result;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/FluidUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/FluidUtils.java
index e4f2008aac..5bdd42b02d 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/FluidUtils.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/FluidUtils.java
@@ -543,6 +543,44 @@ public class FluidUtils {
public static FluidStack getLiquidXP(final int amount){
return EnchantingUtils.getLiquidXP(amount);
+ public static boolean doesFluidExist(String aFluidName) {
+ FluidStack aFStack1 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack2 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("fluid"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack3 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack(aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack4 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack(aFluidName, 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack5 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid_"+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack6 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ return aFStack1 == null && aFStack2 == null && aFStack3 == null && aFStack4 == null && aFStack5 == null && aFStack6 == null;
+ }
+ public static FluidStack getWildcardFluidStack(String aFluidName, int amount) {
+ FluidStack aFStack1 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("molten"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack2 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("fluid"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack3 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack(aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack4 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack(aFluidName, 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack5 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid_"+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ FluidStack aFStack6 = (FluidUtils.getFluidStack("liquid"+"."+aFluidName.toLowerCase(), 1));
+ if (aFStack1 != null) {
+ return aFStack1;
+ }
+ if (aFStack2 != null) {
+ return aFStack2;
+ }
+ if (aFStack3 != null) {
+ return aFStack3;
+ }
+ if (aFStack4 != null) {
+ return aFStack4;
+ }
+ if (aFStack5 != null) {
+ return aFStack5;
+ }
+ if (aFStack6 != null) {
+ return aFStack6;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
index ae43abe3c5..553f3f7efa 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/util/minecraft/MaterialUtils.java
@@ -182,6 +182,42 @@ public class MaterialUtils {
return 0;
+ public static int getVoltageForTier(final int aTier) {
+ if (aTier == 0) {
+ return 16;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 1) {
+ return 30;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 2) {
+ return 120;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 3) {
+ return 480;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 4) {
+ return 1600;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 5) {
+ return 6400;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 6) {
+ return 25000;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 7) {
+ return 100000;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 8) {
+ return 400000;
+ }
+ if (aTier == 9) {
+ return 1600000;
+ }
+ return 120;
+ }
private static Materials getMaterialByName(String materialName) {
@@ -202,7 +238,10 @@ public class MaterialUtils {
public static String getMaterialName(Materials mat){
String mName;
try {
- mName = (String) FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(Materials.class, "mName", true).get(mat);
+ mName = (String) FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(Materials.class, "mDefaultLocalName", true).get(mat);
+ if (mName == null) {
+ mName = (String) FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(Materials.class, "mName", true).get(mat);
+ }
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
mName = mat.name();
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
index 884d2a47fe..d68ba3c2a6 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/AsmConfig.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ public class AsmConfig {
public static boolean enableGtNbtFix;
public static boolean enableChunkDebugging;
public static boolean enableCofhPatch;
+ public static boolean enableGcFuelChanges;
public AsmConfig(File file) {
if (!loaded) {
@@ -72,6 +73,13 @@ public class AsmConfig {
enableGtTooltipFix = prop.getBoolean(true);
+ prop = config.get("general", "enableGcFuelChanges", true);
+ prop.comment = "Enable/Disable changes to Galacticraft Rocket Fuels.";
+ prop.setLanguageKey("gtpp.enableGcFuelChanges").setRequiresMcRestart(true);
+ enableGcFuelChanges = prop.getBoolean(true);
+ propOrder.add(prop.getName());
config.setCategoryPropertyOrder("general", propOrder);
config.setCategoryPropertyOrder("debug", propOrderDebug);
@@ -84,6 +92,7 @@ public class AsmConfig {
FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, "[GT++ ASM] TiCon Fluid Lighting - Enabled: "+enableTiConFluidLighting, new Object[0]);
FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, "[GT++ ASM] Gt Tooltip Fix - Enabled: "+enableGtTooltipFix, new Object[0]);
FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, "[GT++ ASM] COFH Patch - Enabled: "+enableCofhPatch, new Object[0]);
+ FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, "[GT++ ASM] Gc Fuel Changes Patch - Enabled: "+enableGcFuelChanges, new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception var3) {
FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, var3, "GT++ ASM had a problem loading it's config", new Object[0]);
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/transformers/ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/transformers/ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT.java
index b746a949f6..349bdc3e88 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/transformers/ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader/asm/transformers/ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT.java
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelaunchLog;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
import gtPlusPlus.preloader.DevHelper;
+import gtPlusPlus.preloader.asm.AsmConfig;
public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
String aEntityPlayerMP;
String aWorld;
- private static boolean doesMethodAlreadyExist = false;
+ public static boolean isNbtPersistencyPatchAlreadyApplied = false;
public ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT(byte[] basicClass, boolean obfuscated) {
@@ -50,16 +52,16 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
reader = aTempReader;
writer = aTempWriter;
- if (reader != null && writer != null && !doesMethodAlreadyExist) {
- FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Getting Valid MC Class names. "+".");
+ CORE.NBT_PERSISTENCY_PATCH_APPLIED = isNbtPersistencyPatchAlreadyApplied;
+ if (reader != null && writer != null && !isNbtPersistencyPatchAlreadyApplied && AsmConfig.enableGtNbtFix) {
aEntityPlayer = obfuscated ? DevHelper.getObfuscated("net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer") : "net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer";
aEntityPlayerMP = obfuscated ? DevHelper.getObfuscated("net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayerMP") : "net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayerMP";
aWorld = obfuscated ? DevHelper.getObfuscated("net/minecraft/world/World") : "net/minecraft/world/World";
- FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Found: "+aEntityPlayer+", "+aEntityPlayerMP+", "+aWorld+".");
FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Attempting Method Injection.");
- injectMethod("removedByPlayer");
- injectMethod("harvestBlock");
+ if (injectMethod("removedByPlayer") && injectMethod("harvestBlock")) {
+ }
@@ -76,8 +78,9 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
return writer;
- public void injectMethod(String aMethodName) {
+ public boolean injectMethod(String aMethodName) {
MethodVisitor mv;
+ boolean didInject = false;
FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Injecting "+aMethodName+" into "+className+".");
if (aMethodName.equals("removedByPlayer")) {
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
mv.visitLocalVariable("aWillHarvest", "Z", null, l0, l3, 6);
mv.visitMaxs(7, 7);
+ didInject = true;
else if (aMethodName.equals("harvestBlock")) {
@@ -159,10 +162,11 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
mv.visitLocalVariable("aMeta", "I", null, l0, l3, 6);
mv.visitMaxs(7, 7);
+ didInject = true;
FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Method injection complete.");
+ return didInject;
public static final class localClassVisitor extends ClassVisitor {
@@ -175,11 +179,11 @@ public class ClassTransformer_GT_BlockMachines_NBT {
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) {
if (name.equals("removedByPlayer")) {
FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Found method "+name+", skipping patch.");
- doesMethodAlreadyExist = true;
+ isNbtPersistencyPatchAlreadyApplied = true;
if (name.equals("harvestBlock")) {
FMLRelaunchLog.log("[GT++ ASM] Gregtech NBT Persistency Patch", Level.INFO, "Found method "+name+", skipping patch.");
- doesMethodAlreadyExist = true;
+ isNbtPersistencyPatchAlreadyApplied = true;
MethodVisitor methodVisitor = super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
return methodVisitor;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/storage/GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/storage/GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank.java
index 9c67f0f84f..81559db1a5 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/storage/GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/storage/GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank.java
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import gregtech.api.objects.GT_RenderedTexture;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE;
+import gtPlusPlus.preloader.asm.AsmConfig;
public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicTank {
@@ -27,11 +28,14 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicTank {
public String[] getDescription() {
String[] aTip;
+ String aTankPortableness = CORE.GTNH ? "non-portable" : "portable";
if (this.mFluid == null) {
- aTip = new String[] {this.mDescription, "A portable tank.", CORE.GT_Tooltip};
+ aTip = new String[] {this.mDescription, "A "+aTankPortableness+" tank.", CORE.GT_Tooltip};
else {
- aTip = new String[] {this.mDescription, "A portable tank.", "Fluid: "+mFluid.getLocalizedName()+" "+mFluid.amount+"L", CORE.GT_Tooltip};
+ aTip = new String[] {this.mDescription, "A "+aTankPortableness+" tank.", "Fluid: "+mFluid.getLocalizedName()+" "+mFluid.amount+"L", CORE.GT_Tooltip};
return aTip;
@@ -129,27 +133,28 @@ public class GT_MetaTileEntity_TieredTank extends GT_MetaTileEntity_BasicTank {
return true;
public boolean displaysItemStack() {
return true;
public boolean displaysStackSize() {
return false;
- @Override
- public void setItemNBT(NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
- super.setItemNBT(aNBT);
- if (mFluid != null){
- Logger.INFO("Setting item fluid nbt");
- aNBT.setTag("mFluid", mFluid.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
- if (aNBT.hasKey("mFluid")) {
- Logger.INFO("Set mFluid to NBT.");
- }
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public void setItemNBT(NBTTagCompound aNBT) {
+ if (mFluid != null){
+ Logger.INFO("Setting item fluid nbt");
+ aNBT.setTag("mFluid", mFluid.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
+ if (aNBT.hasKey("mFluid")) {
+ Logger.INFO("Set mFluid to NBT.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_BlastSmelter.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_BlastSmelter.java
index 05f25e3cf0..ac3c8727d7 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_BlastSmelter.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_BlastSmelter.java
@@ -78,12 +78,19 @@ public class RecipeGen_BlastSmelter extends RecipeGen_Base {
else {
duration = (int) Math.max(M.getMass() / 50L, 1L) * 150;
+ int aSlot = M.vTier - 2;
+ if (aSlot < 2) {
+ aSlot = 2;
+ }
+ long aVoltage = GT_Values.V[aSlot >= 2 ? aSlot : 2];
//Set a duration - NEW
- int duration = 200*M.vTier*20;
+ int duration = 120*M.vTier*20;
if (M.vTier <= 4){
- duration = 40*M.vTier*20;
+ duration = 20*M.vTier*20;
int mMaterialListSize=0;
@@ -123,7 +130,7 @@ public class RecipeGen_BlastSmelter extends RecipeGen_Base {
//Generate Recipes for all singular materials that can be made molten.
if (hasMoreInputThanACircuit){
if (M.requiresBlastFurnace()) {
- if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(tItemStackTest, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, 240)){
+ if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(tItemStackTest, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, (int) aVoltage)){
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success.");
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success, Also added a Fluid solidifier recipe.");
if (GT_Values.RA.addFluidExtractionRecipe(M.getIngot(1), null, M.getFluid(144), 100, duration, 120)){
@@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ public class RecipeGen_BlastSmelter extends RecipeGen_Base {
else {
- if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(tItemStackTest, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration/2, 120)){
+ if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(tItemStackTest, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration/2, (int) aVoltage)){
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success.");
if (GT_Values.RA.addFluidSolidifierRecipe(ItemList.Shape_Mold_Ingot.get(0), M.getFluid(144), M.getIngot(1), duration/2, 60)){
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success, Also added a Fluid solidifier recipe.");
@@ -246,7 +253,7 @@ public class RecipeGen_BlastSmelter extends RecipeGen_Base {
//Adds Recipe
if (M.requiresBlastFurnace()) {
- if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(components, componentsFluid, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, 500)){
+ if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(components, componentsFluid, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, (int) aVoltage)){
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success.");
else {
@@ -254,7 +261,7 @@ public class RecipeGen_BlastSmelter extends RecipeGen_Base {
else {
- if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(components, componentsFluid, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, 240)){
+ if (CORE.RA.addBlastSmelterRecipe(components, componentsFluid, M.getFluid(fluidAmount), 100, duration, (int) aVoltage/2)){
Logger.WARNING("[BAS] Success.");
else {
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_DustGeneration.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_DustGeneration.java
index 49407f843c..f78f81f82c 100644
--- a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_DustGeneration.java
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders/RecipeGen_DustGeneration.java
@@ -244,20 +244,23 @@ public class RecipeGen_DustGeneration extends RecipeGen_Base {
input4 = (inputStacks.length >= 4) ? (input4 = (inputStacks[3] == null) ? null : inputStacks[3]) : null;
if (inputStacks.length == 1) {
- input2 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
else if (inputStacks.length == 2) {
- input3 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
+ input3 = input2;
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
else if (inputStacks.length == 3) {
- input4 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
+ input4 = input3;
+ input3 = input2;
+ input2 = input1;
+ input1 = CI.getNumberedCircuit(20);
//Add mixer Recipe
FluidStack oxygen = GT_Values.NF;
if (material.getComposites() != null){
int compSlot = 0;
diff --git a/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/witchery/WitchUtils.java b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/witchery/WitchUtils.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b28ccdaa9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/witchery/WitchUtils.java
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package gtPlusPlus.xmod.witchery;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.emoniph.witchery.Witchery;
+import com.emoniph.witchery.entity.ai.EntityAIDigBlocks;
+import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
+import gtPlusPlus.core.util.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
+import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes;
+import net.minecraftforge.event.world.BlockEvent;
+import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
+public class WitchUtils {
+ private static final Field KOBOLDITE_MINER_PROFILE;
+ static {
+ if (LoadedMods.Witchery) {
+ KOBOLDITE_MINER_PROFILE = getField("com.emoniph.witchery.entity.ai.EntityAIDigBlocks", "KOBOLDITE_MINER_PROFILE");
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ //com.emoniph.witchery.entity.ai.EntityAIDigBlocks.onHarvestDrops(EntityPlayer, HarvestDropsEvent)
+ public static void onHarvestDrops(final EntityPlayer harvester, final BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) {
+ if (harvester != null && !harvester.worldObj.isRemote && !event.isCanceled() && (isEqual(harvester.getGameProfile(), EntityAIDigBlocks.KOBOLDITE_MINER_PROFILE) || isEqual(harvester.getGameProfile(), EntityAIDigBlocks.NORMAL_MINER_PROFILE))) {
+ final boolean hasKobolditePick = isEqual(harvester.getGameProfile(), EntityAIDigBlocks.KOBOLDITE_MINER_PROFILE);
+ final ArrayList<ItemStack> newDrops = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
+ double kobolditeChance = hasKobolditePick ? 0.02 : 0.01;
+ for (final ItemStack drop : event.drops) {
+ final int[] oreIDs = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(drop);
+ boolean addOriginal = true;
+ if (oreIDs.length > 0) {
+ final String oreName = OreDictionary.getOreName(oreIDs[0]);
+ if (oreName != null && oreName.startsWith("ore")) {
+ final ItemStack smeltedDrop = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(drop);
+ if (smeltedDrop != null && hasKobolditePick && harvester.worldObj.rand.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
+ addOriginal = false;
+ newDrops.add(smeltedDrop.copy());
+ newDrops.add(smeltedDrop.copy());
+ if (harvester.worldObj.rand.nextDouble() < 0.25) {
+ newDrops.add(smeltedDrop.copy());
+ }
+ }
+ kobolditeChance = (hasKobolditePick ? 0.08 : 0.05);
+ }
+ }
+ if (addOriginal) {
+ newDrops.add(drop);
+ }
+ }
+ event.drops.clear();
+ for (final ItemStack newDrop : newDrops) {
+ event.drops.add(newDrop);
+ }
+ if (kobolditeChance > 0.0 && harvester.worldObj.rand.nextDouble() < kobolditeChance) {
+ event.drops.add(Witchery.Items.GENERIC.itemKobolditeDust.createStack());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static Field getField(String aClassName, String aFieldName) {
+ Class c;
+ try {
+ c = Class.forName(aClassName);
+ if (c != null) {
+ Field f = ReflectionUtils.getField(c, aFieldName);
+ if (f != null) {
+ return f;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static boolean isEqual(final GameProfile a, final GameProfile b) {
+ return a != null && b != null && a.getId() != null && b.getId() != null && a.getId().equals(b.getId());
+ }