AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-07-20add "Vanilla EndAsteroids" and delete vein names in zh_CNiouter
2021-07-19fix Deep Darkiouter
2021-07-19add lang key about dimension and fix a localization issueiouter
2020-12-20bump gt build dependenciesDreamMasterXXL
2020-12-20bump versionDreamMasterXXL
2020-11-23fix(NEiPlugin)update Gt build versionMartin Robertz
2020-11-22Merge pull request #6 from 4gname/patch-1Martin Robertz
2020-11-23add Tier PlanetsLex
2019-03-27Merge pull request #5 from bartimaeusnek/GTNH-Mod-SmallOresMartin Robertz
2019-03-27Merge branch 'GT-NH-Mod' into GTNH-Mod-SmallOresbartimaeusnek
2018-05-03New jenkins sourceNamikon
2018-05-03Merge pull request #4 from bartimaeusnek/GT-NH-Modbartimaeusnek
2018-05-03Crashfix 2.0bartimaeusnek
2018-05-01Merge pull request #3 from bartimaeusnek/GT-NH-ModMartin Robertz
2018-04-30hotfix for NoClassDefFoundErrorbartimaeusnek
2018-04-26Merge pull request #2 from bartimaeusnek/GT-NH-ModMartin Robertz
2018-04-25name fix for csv exportbartimaeusnek
2018-04-25version bumpbartimaeusnek
2018-04-25Various Fixesbartimaeusnek
2018-04-24added Sheetexport featurebartimaeusnek
2018-02-28Rename README_CH_DIMS.MD to README_ZH-CN_DIMS.MDbartimaeusnek
2018-02-28Create README_CH_DIMS.MDbartimaeusnek
2018-02-12added gradlew wrapper jarLOKKO12
2018-02-12Added gradle wrapper jarbartimaeusnek
2018-02-12Merge pull request #1 from bartimaeusnek/GT-NH-Modbartimaeusnek
2018-02-12+added gradlew automationLOKKO12
2018-01-30Update README.MDbartimaeusnek
2018-01-30Small Gui FixLOKKO12
2018-01-26Fixed it. upgrade to V1.0.5LOKKO12
2018-01-22- removed GT6 supportLOKKO12
2017-07-14Add the versions of dependency mods in README.md, close #3GWYOG
2017-07-14Remove an unused import, close #2GWYOG
2017-03-31Update mod version to 1.0.4GWYOG
2017-03-31Fix the weighted chance issue in Vein Stat PlunginsGWYOG
2016-11-10Fix the localization bugGWYOG
2016-11-10Update mod version to 1.0.3GWYOG
2016-11-10Create README.MDGWYOG
2016-11-10Tweak the String drawn on the gui of GT5's IE Vein pluginGWYOG
2016-11-10Make the cycles of the positionedStacks on the gui of GT5's vein plugin sync ...GWYOG
2016-11-10Update the comment info in build.gradleGWYOG
2016-11-10Add 3 plugins supporting GT6 and refactor some codeGWYOG
2016-11-07Update mod version to 1.0.2GWYOG
2016-11-07Add new plugin for GT5.09.26's support for IE VeinGWYOG
2016-11-07Add I18n support for GT5's custom vein/asteroidGWYOG
2016-11-06Change code formatter - change tab to 4 spacesGWYOG
2016-11-06Use FMLLoadCompleteEvent instead of ClientTickEventGWYOG
2016-11-04Update mod version to 1.0.1GWYOG
2016-11-04Remove the itemstack icons from unaccessible items on the guiGWYOG
2016-11-04Reset I18n keys to make I18n works properlyGWYOG