Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
$ Fix multiblocks not forming on server startup.
$ Guard against null outputs in canBufferOutput().
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Recipe tweaks.
% Tried to fluorite ore not having correct recipe outputs during ore processing. (This is still broken due to an invalid output)
$ Fixed old fluorite ore not having a valid shapeless recipe.
$ Fixed all custom ores trying to register static textures.
$ Fixed plugin loading system not registering plugins, I think?
$ Fixed missing texture for Nitro Fix.
$ Fixed an issue where .get(x) was called on a null item in GTNH.
$ Fixed Alloy Smelting Recipes for small gears that were using an extrusion shape, instead of a mold.
(Extruder/Alloy Smelter)
+ Added recipes for the Iron and Steel rotor shafts to be crafted using the Shaft extrusion shape.
+ Added Block of Vibrant alloy to blockVibrantAlloy in the Ore Dictionary.
$ Fixed missing extrusion shaft recipe, due to blockVibrantAlloy not existing previously.
% Changed texture for GT computer cube.
were incorrectly getting OreDicted to plateBlutonium.
$ Fixed Clay plates generating if they already exist.
Fix Cutting Factory not allowing input hatches, and fix gui slot
Fix NPE in Preloader_GT_OreDict caused by improper use of string formatting
- Removed annoying logging from the (Dis)Charging hatches.
$ Fixed (Dis)Charging hatches not correctly obtaining a texture when used.
$ Fixed Power Sub-Station not correctly forming.
$ Fixed Large Centrifuge not correctly setting casing textures on hatches/busses.
Passing arbitrary strings as the `format` argument of logging functions
is guaranteed to raise various errors. Instead, pass `"%s"` as the
`format` argument and the arbitrary strings as the following arguments.
$ Fixes bad Buffer Core registration.
$ Fixes blank tooltip added to some items.
> It appears @codewarrior0 tried to PR this in #221 while I was out at dinner. His fixes are identical to mine, but mine simply weren't committed. So, this Closes #221.
$ Fixed incorrect names of Buffer Cores.
% Fixed Ordering of tooltips on Material Dusts.
$ Fixed ASM circular loading issue.
+ Added config for machine component assemblers.
+ Added recipes for Large Extruder and its casings.
% Changed default config value for custom circuits. It was true, now it is false.
$ Tweaked ASM class handling when conditions are not met.
+ Added new textures for casings.
% Improved Large Wiremill tooltip.
% Greatly expanded
% More project clean-up.
% Made fish trap 2x slower.
$ Fixed issue with fish trap name.
$ Fixed .08 issue getting powder barrels.
Created german language files.
locale file creation. #218 will benefit from this.
$ Locale fixes.
$ Tried to better support locales across all items. This should enhance #218.
% Package cleanup.
- Removed /Bed command.
+ Things.
% Updated
% Made AnimalFarm abstract, as it's currently an empty class.
$ Fixed Recycling recipes not generating properly for all material components. They now get queued and run at the end of postInit().
$ Improved mapping of log cutting targets.
% Improved scanner tooltips for all Multiblocks.
% Improved Tree Farm GUI.
% Merged into
- Stripped Animal Farm of all logic.
$ Fixed Tree Farmer gui not showing correct power stored.
$ Fixed Tree Farmer hatch textures being incorrect on the top/bottom sides.
$ Minor fix to cutting machine structural check.