AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-08-02Find a better way to handle those dustsAntifluxfield
2017-08-02Merge branch 'unstable' into AshRebalanceJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Reduced SMD Capacitor costJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Reduced the cost of MicroprocessorsJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Made Niobium more accessibleJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Adapted the Large Chemical Reactor recipes for the Int. CircuitsJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Moved Synthetic Rubber requirement: EV -> IV, made it more convenientJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Added a line to the NEI handler that hints at leaving IntCirc(0) emptyJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Made it so that if two inputs are equal an Integr. Circuit (0) is addedJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Empty slots are only used as IntCirc(0) if no other IntCirc is in inputJohannes Gäßler
2017-08-01Made it so that empty slots are treated as Integ. Circ. with config 0Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-31Overhauled Chemical recipesJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-31Changed Vacuum Freezer Circuits: Elite -> Data/ExtremeJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-31Added a new Basic Circuit: MicroprocessorJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-31Overhauled the Wetware Circuit recipesJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-31Reduced Circuit costsJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-30Added new info to batbuffer sensor card (nuclear control panel) - average inp...Dimach
2017-07-26Overhauled Fiberglass Circuit BoardJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-25Reduced cost of Small Coil to 50%, added Ferrite for 25% costJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-25Added a new Circuit board tier: Plastic Circuit BoardJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Fixed a bug where a recipe had the wrong amount of CellsJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Added Item Pipes made from Tin, Nickel, Cobalt, AluminiumJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Adjusted GT_Pollution JavadocJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Pyrolyze Oven processing speed now depends on Coil TierJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Pyrolyze Oven now accepts all Coils, transformed umlauts in doc to asciJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Fixed accidental change to the Cumene recipes due to not pullingJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Fixed Salt processing recipesJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-22Merge pull request #1169 from Antifluxfield/patch-2JohannesGaessler
2017-07-22Fix imbalanced recipeAntifluxfield
2017-07-20Merge pull request #1165 from JohannesGaessler/CarbonBurnValueRemovalArchengius
2017-07-20Removed Burn Value for Carbon Dust.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-17Added the Large Chemical Reactor Controller inventory to the item inputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Adjusted cracked fluid distillation speed, LightFuel/Naphtha balanceJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Fixed a bug where Brick, Clay, and Fireclay had the wrong texture sets.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Added config options for old ash recipes, tweaking ash outputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Added recipes for CaO, MgO, reenabled falsely disabled Steel Ash outputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Changed the Ash centrifugation recipe to the new materials.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Added Ash component MaterialsJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Capped the output multiplier of stone dust to 100%.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Fixed bug - isAllowedToPutIntoSlot don't check size of inventory.Dimach
2017-07-14Rebalanced Stone Dust centrifugationJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-14Update GT_RecipeAdder.javaAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Reduce the batch size if fluid amount is exceeding Antifluxfield
2017-07-11Added an option to findRecipe() to only return recipes with enough inputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-10Made it so that multiblocks will look for empty output hatches.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-09Fixed Item Distributor causing an OutOfboundsException for invalid NBT.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-09Merge branch 'unstable' of https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial into u...Blood-Asp
2017-07-09oil fix part 2Blood-Asp
2017-07-09Fix oreBasalticMineralSand properly being mapped to "ore" prefix, instead of ...Joakim Bjørnstad
2017-07-09Merge pull request #1148 from Antifluxfield/patch-1JohannesGaessler