Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
% Finished Agricultural Sewer.
+ Added new constructor to
+ Added some time handling functions to
- Logging.
% CircleCI updates for artefact storage.
% Updated CircleCI config.
+ Added additional processes for obtaining Kerosene.
% Mild rebalance to GT++ Rocket Fuels.
% Swapped Coal by-products (Coal Tar, Coal Tar Oil and Sulfuric Coal Tar Oil) from Gas Turbine fuel to Semifluid fuel.
% Allowed ItemPackages to register themselves to the onLoadComplete() event.
$ Fixed GT++ Rocket Fuels being unusable in Rocket Engines.
$ Fixed Tooltip on GC Fuel loader when the GC-ASM is not active.
slots. Closes #423.
% Adjusted Generic Bucket handling of Textures and Colouring.
$ Fixed several issues with Hand-Pump logic, Fixes #353.
$ Fixed load issues with
$ Made Queued Chemistry Packages load recipes in Post-Init.
$ Improved load handling of Chemistry Packages.
$ Fixed bug in
$ Fixed AgroChem fuels being worth 1000x the intended EU total.
$ Fixed Unique Dusts not having recipes for their Small/Tiny forms.
+ Added OreDict names to vanilla items, as was done in Forge 1.8.9.
+ Added functions to allow other mods to add Semifluid Fuels.
+ Added functions to handle String data into
% Renamed getItemStack -> getItemStackFromFQRN.
$ Fixed handling of custom cells for fluids using '.' within their names.
$ Fixed HF exploit.
% Cleaned up some logging.
$ Fixed Bed Height > 128 not working as intended.
$ Fixed IC2 ASM for wrench harvesting.
$ Fixed TC4 ASM.
$ Fixed Invalid Giant Chicken Texture handling.
$ Minor fixes to the 5 custom TC4 Aspects.
names and proper handling.
- Removed some obsolete classes.
$ Rewrote more TC code to be reflective.
% Reworking custom TC aspects.
% Migrated lots of TC code to be reflective instead.
content and rebalance.
$ Fixed hand mix Tumbaga recipe inconsistency.
$ Fixed localization of new TiCon materials.
$ Fixed bug where cached Fields/Methods may conflict, they're now stored with unique keys.
% Only solid GT++ Mats will generates TiCon equivs.
$ Migrated lots of TiCon code to be reflective.
$ Upload missing class
conflict with existing recipes.
% Rewrote some of to allow other classes to extend it.
$ Fixed recipe overlap. Closes #431.
% Adjusted crafting recipe for Tumbaga when hand-crafted. Closes #433.
$ Fixed A2 Spam. Closes #432.
+ Added support for Crops++.
+ Added Custom Crops & framework to support more in future.
+ Added basic support for all GT++ Materials within Tinkers Construct. [WIP]
+ Moderately bad attempt at generating custom Plasma Cooling recipes in the Adv. Vacuum Freezer. [WIP #424]
% Reworked logic for handling Durability, Tool Quality & Harvest Level.
% Adjusted frequency of structural checks on the Cyclotron, Now 100x less frequent.
% Cleaned up and made all getters cache their results, for much faster access.
% Attempted to adjust logic of FFPP, but I probably broke it. [WIP]
% Moved static array of Element Names from ->
$ Greatly improved reflective performance across the mod.
assembly line recipe handler. Recipe map is now cleaned up, removing any invalid recipes and logging them during the process.
$ Added more ASM to fix GT. MetaTileEntities can now be set in an invalid way without crashing the server/client. They now just invalidate and log to GT_LOG.
$ Fixed a few NPE's thrown during startup by machines checking/creating invalid BlockPos.
$ Fixed GT Assembly Line recipe ASM, again.
- Disabled power output on Alternative Fusion.
% Made the AutoMap implement Collection and Queue.
$ Fixed energy buffers return bad inventory name.
inherited from parents.
% Mild update to tooltips of a few multis.
% Adjusted Large Arc Furnace casing texture.
% Renamed the 3 Factory Grade multis.
$ Fixed minor formatting issues on unlocal names when detecting items picked up.
- Temporarily disabled custom achievement handler.
$ Dirty fix for Assembly Line recipe handling.
$ Fixed my own achievement handler never setting it's state properly.
> Should be the final change here, since I have moved the logic external to a bash script.
> Attempt to use the Continuous Integration setup instead.