AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-24Implemented Carbothermic Reduction for Silicon DioxideJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Updated DONT_ADD_DEFAULT_BBF_RECIPE StringJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-24Implemented Fluid Output for the EBFJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Changed Galena Formula: Pb3Ag3S2 -> PbS, added PbS -> Pb direct smeltingJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Removed redundant Magnetite Blast recipeJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Fixed accidental change to the Cumene recipes due to not pullingJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Implemented Roasting and Carbothermic Reduction for the EBF.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Fixed Salt processing recipesJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-23Added BBF Recipes for increased output from Direct SmeltingJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-22Reworked Direct Smelting, added Magnetite -> Iron smeltingJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-22Reduced direct smelting from impure/purified dustJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-22Merge pull request #1169 from Antifluxfield/patch-2JohannesGaessler
2017-07-22Fix imbalanced recipeAntifluxfield
2017-07-22Correct descriptionAntifluxfield
2017-07-20Merge pull request #1165 from JohannesGaessler/CarbonBurnValueRemovalArchengius
2017-07-20Removed Burn Value for Carbon Dust.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-17Added the Large Chemical Reactor Controller inventory to the item inputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-17add config EnableZPMandUVBatteries default falseSLiMylya
2017-07-17Update GT_MetaTileEntity_OilDrillBaseAntifluxfield
2017-07-17Update descriptionAntifluxfield
2017-07-17Just let the progress time decided by the area. That's enough.Antifluxfield
2017-07-17Rebalance III. This time it should be fine...Antifluxfield
2017-07-17Rebalance process time IIAntifluxfield
2017-07-17Rebalance process timeAntifluxfield
2017-07-17Backfiller 3 => 2Antifluxfield
2017-07-16Adjusted cracked fluid distillation speed, LightFuel/Naphtha balanceJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Fixed a bug where Brick, Clay, and Fireclay had the wrong texture sets.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Added config options for old ash recipes, tweaking ash outputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Update GT_MetaTileEntity_DrillerBase.javaAntifluxfield
2017-07-16Added recipes for CaO, MgO, reenabled falsely disabled Steel Ash outputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-16Adding descriptionAntifluxfield
2017-07-16Add Concrete BackfillerAntifluxfield
2017-07-15Changed the Ash centrifugation recipe to the new materials.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Added Ash component MaterialsJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Capped the output multiplier of stone dust to 100%.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-15Fixed bug - isAllowedToPutIntoSlot don't check size of inventory.Dimach
2017-07-14Rebalanced Stone Dust centrifugationJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-14Update GT_RecipeAdder.javaAntifluxfield
2017-07-14Add Oil Drill II & IIIAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Oil Drill configurableAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Oil Drilling Rig now using DrillerBaseAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Ore Drilling Plant now using DrillerBaseAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Extract the drilling code from OreDrillingBase to DrillerBaseAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Make Data Access Hatch an universal hatchAntifluxfield
2017-07-13Reduce the batch size if fluid amount is exceeding Antifluxfield
2017-07-11Added an option to findRecipe() to only return recipes with enough inputJohannes Gäßler
2017-07-10Made it so that multiblocks will look for empty output hatches.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-09Fixed Item Distributor causing an OutOfboundsException for invalid NBT.Johannes Gäßler
2017-07-09update changeSLiMylya
2017-07-09Merge branch 'unstable' of https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial into u...Blood-Asp