AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-01Add a new ghost slot to single block machines for config circuitsGlease
2021-11-29Merge pull request #760 from bombcar/fix-pipe-tooltipMartin Robertz
2021-11-29Merge pull request #762 from boubou19/pollutionMartin Robertz
2021-11-29Merge pull request #761 from GTNewHorizons/patch-uoMartin Robertz
2021-11-30Bug fix pass in UO and PollutionGlease
2021-11-29add both L/t and L/s to pumpsbombcar
2021-11-29update to 1.2.4 Forgebombcar
2021-11-29update speed to L/tbombcar
2021-11-29removed useless overridesboubou_19
2021-11-28fixed config oversightboubou_19
2021-11-28Merge pull request #759 from boubou19/experimentalMartin Robertz
2021-11-28moved client GT config to the right placeboubou_19
2021-11-28Merge pull request #757 from GTNewHorizons/patch-pollutionMartin Robertz
2021-11-28Merge pull request #758 from GTNewHorizons/kill-tiny-dustMartin Robertz
2021-11-28remove tiny dust in ore processGlodBlock
2021-11-28Fix pollution ticking and readingGlease
2021-11-28Merge branch 'experimental' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficia...GlodBlock
2021-11-27Merge pull request #755 from GTNewHorizons/patch-outbound-loss-reduceMartin Robertz
2021-11-27Merge pull request #751 from GTNewHorizons/tankchest-reworkMartin Robertz
2021-11-27Merge pull request #752 from boubou19/pollutionMartin Robertz
2021-11-26Merge pull request #754 from bombcar/experimentalMartin Robertz
2021-11-26Merge pull request #756 from bombcar/fix-creeper-eggMartin Robertz
2021-11-26Update GT_MetaTileEntity_MagicalEnergyAbsorber.javaAlkalus
2021-11-26add code to only output 512 (HV) for creepy eggbombcar
2021-11-26Reduce innate outbound loss by one tierGlease
2021-11-26allow generators to face downbombcar
2021-11-26Merge pull request #753 from repo-alt/feature/PA-remane-fixMartin Robertz
2021-11-26fix GT_Recipe_Map_FormingPress for PArepo_alt
2021-11-25explain why it's divided by 2boubou_19
2021-11-25rework large boilers for more clarityboubou_19
2021-11-25adapt base generator class to produce correct amount of pollution per secboubou_19
2021-11-25changed singleblock generators to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed single block boilers to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed the charcoal pit to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed EBF to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed pyrolyse oven to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed multismelter to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed the gas turbine to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25forgot to convert tick value into secondboubou_19
2021-11-25changed the Extreme Combustion Generator to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed the Combustion Generator to use epr second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed the BBF to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed implosion compressor to user per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-25changed large boilers to use per second for more precisionboubou_19
2021-11-24fixed bricked blast furnace tooltipboubou_19
2021-11-24made it easier to edit default values in codeboubou_19
2021-11-24centralized pollution for generatorsboubou_19
2021-11-24centralized pollution for GT boilersboubou_19
2021-11-23centralized pollution for GT multiesboubou_19
2021-11-23added configs to disabled dirt particles and pollution fog renderingboubou_19