Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
$ Made the Fishing Pond cache reflection data from WeightedRandomFishable objects.
$ Fixed the Fish Pond not outputting correct stack sizes. (They were all 0)
+ Added the Fish Pond.
$ Added support for more textures in
- Disabled GT ASM.
+ Added Sludge output to the Wash Plant.
$ Finished the Cutting Factory.
% Improved tooltips on Maceration Stack, Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant.
$ Fixed Super Chest ID collision.
% Made Super Chests hold 1/2 as much.
Check if items in the output buses can stack with the outputs.
Consider max number of parallel recipes in canBufferOutputs.
Reset outputs and progress earlier in checkRecipeGeneric.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
change Tree Farmer Control Block recipes to HV and Ingot/Nugget recipe for GTNH pack
This reverts commit cb3da864549f8c45c6d70ddeda4d3b56c804af5d.
% Mild re-arrangement to
^ Version bump to 1.7.0-pre3.
Fix several broken machine and casing recipes (wrong gear type)
Allow for compilation on case sensitive filesystems
$ Fixed worldgen issue in Everglades.
$ Fixed Power Sub-station not handling output voltages correctly.
$ Fixed Ore vein bias issue for Everglades gen. -
+ Added new textures for future use.
Thermal Refinery Controller
Fission Fuel Refinery Controller and Casings
LFTR Casings
% Toned down Staballoy Construct explosion.
% Changed ore Density during generation in Toxic Everglades.
% Updated en_US.lang.
strings in to save on serious cpu usage & Removed all uses of CSPRNG.
- Disabled Toxic Everglade Ore generation.
% Tweaked Sludge/Waste water textures to be less blurry.
+ Added recipe to craft Mystic Frame portal blocks.
% Tweaked Toxic Everglades Portal.
% Tweaked sludge textures.
$ Stopped Mining Explosive using CSPRNG.
Change IndustrialWashPlant.checkWater() to only fill the basin
No longer tries to do `checkMachine()` things like add buses and hatches
Don't create a new RNG instance for each call to MathUtils.randInt etc
Fixes all kinds of performance problems. These RNGs aren't cheap to
^ Bumped Recommended version.
% Changed Power Sub-Station recipe, harder in GTNH. Closes #194. Also closes
% Tweaked Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant items/operation.
% Greatly improved the Iron Blast Furnace for GT 5.09. It is now double the speed of a Bronze/Bricked Blast Furnace.
$ Rewrite and refactor checkRecipe() for several multiblocks, restore machine sounds
$ Fixes #182.
$ Fixes #183.
$ Fixes #184.
Embed Segment.jar into GT-PlusPlus.jar during gradlew build.
This code path should never have worked. `getDeclaredField()` only searches the given class and not any of its superclasses - because `mPollution` is declared in a superclass, `null` will always be returned.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
% More ASM work on getDrops fix.
$ Made GT++ Materials utilise GT TextureSets.
$ Made Ore blocks use the most prominent texture set based on it's component materials.
$ Fixed
$ Fixed materials that require a blast furnace being fluid extractable.
$ Fixed
Fixes a bug where if an input stack is of the right type but the amount
is not enough, proceeds with the last successful recipe.