AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-01-10% Cleaned up the Tree Farmer Class.Draknyte1
2017-01-09$ Fixes Issue #50.Draknyte1
% Made EnderIO Interface for wrenching optional.
2017-01-08$ Rewrote the logic for tree chopping, now the Tree Farmer cuts tree and ↵Draknyte1
clears leaves for upto 150 blocks above it. + Added a isLeaves check to TreefarmManager.java. + Added a placeholder casing texture for the Tree Farmer. (ID 77) + Added vanilla Podzol and Acacia log textures. % Changed the textures on TreeFarmer blocks.
2017-01-05+ Added a casing for the perimeter of the Tree Farmer structure.Draknyte1
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built. + Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
2017-01-05$ Basically fixed the formation code of the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
2017-01-05% More work on the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
+ Added TreefarmManager.java, for static forestry related content.
2017-01-04+ Added the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
+ Did a whole lot of work on it's logic, it now sort of assembles properly.
2017-01-04+ Added a basic class for the Tree Farm. (Currently just a Bronze Blast ↵Draknyte1
Furnace with a tooltip). + * XSTR - Xorshift ThermiteRandom + * Modified by Bogdan-G
2017-01-03+ Added Crafting Recipes for Gears in crafting tables and alloy smelters ↵Draknyte1
(They were missing). + Added Crafting Recipes for nuggets in the alloy smelter (It was missing). $ Fixed the last recipeGen class not being loaded, also added the new one RecipeGen_AlloySmelter.java
2017-01-02+ Added an extraData flag to BaseItemComponent.java.Draknyte1
+ Added a GT API version into the internal variables class. + Added a base system for fluctuating colour in fluid Cells.
2017-01-02$ Fixed Cell items having invalid recolouring. Now only the fluid inside the ↵Draknyte1
cell is recoloured, not the entire thing.
2017-01-02+ Added Block -> 9 Ingot and Reverse to Extruder recipe generation.Draknyte1
% Tweaked costs of Fluid Melting and Solidifying recipes. % Changed Assembly Recipe generator. (Now has a factory method for things needing molten fluids)
2017-01-01+ Added Molten Fluid to Gear Recipes in the fluid solidifier.Draknyte1
+ Added Rotor recipes to the assembly machine. + Added Frame Box recipes to the assembly machine.
2016-12-31+ Added a Unique Fission Fuel NEI texture.Draknyte1
$ Fixed the slot positions for the new NEI handler, also added more output slots for fluids.
2016-12-31+ Gave Fission Fuels their own NEI handler, which allows 9 input fluids.Draknyte1
% Moved Fission Fuel recipe map to it's own class, specially for the NEI handler. ^ Updated CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- to CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- ^ Updated CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- to CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- ^ Updated NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- to NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
2016-12-31$ Fixed an issue with Fluid solidifier recipes consuming their mold. Thanks ↵Draknyte1
to iuytrewetyu for noticing this issue.
2016-12-30$ Fixed the Multitank Logic. (It also stores fluid type stored inside it ↵Draknyte1
when moved.) - Removed Internal PlayerAPI I previously bundled. - Removed some debug logging from single block tanks.
2016-12-29% Small change to Multitank logic.Draknyte1
^ Version bump to V1.4.9.22-alpha + Uploaded PlayerAPI-1.7.10-1.4.jar library file. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/player-api/files/2248928
2016-12-29$ Total rewrite of Portable tank NBT handling, now they work perfectly, ssp ↵Draknyte1
and smp tested. % Slight change to molten fluid generation. % Name changed to Molten ZrF4.
2016-12-28+ Added Clay Plates.Draknyte1
+ Added HOTINGOT to ComponentTypes. + Added subscript formulae to dusts. (Which still use the old material system) when the name contains subscript (Basically assumes that any item with a number is a chemical formula). - Removed Subscript from dust names. % Added a check to the tooltip for any component item to not show the chemical composition if it's empty or ??. % Made the mChemicalFormula String in generateMaterialFromGtENUM subscripted. % Rewrote BaseItemIngot.java to use the component system, renamed copy of the old class to BaseItemIngotOLD.java. % Rewrote BaseItemIngotHot.java to use the new component system. % Changed the Error ingot to use BaseItemIngotOLD.java
2016-12-28% Redid LFTR recipes, to use proper molten salt mixes for the Primary fuel.Draknyte1
+ Added a new, secondary, simpler 7Li creation recipe, albeit not as efficient as the old one.
2016-12-28+ Added the last Fuel salt to NUCLIDE.java.Draknyte1
+ Enabled Fission Fuel Processing recipes. + Added recipes for all three nuclear fuels in the Fission Fuel Processor.
2016-12-28$ Fixed Chemical equations on the reactor salt fuels.Draknyte1
% Changed two LFTR recipes to require the full salt mixtures, not just Uranium235 or UF4. % Changed tooltip on the Slow builders ring.
2016-12-28$ Fixed the Slow Builders Ring.Draknyte1
> It now uses a client-side state system, which can be hooked by anything to force sneaking or sprinting.
2016-12-28+ Added framework based on opensource works for player movement modification.Draknyte1
+ Added support for the builders ring to toggle Sneak on and Sprinting off while worn. + Added PlayerAPI. % Moved COFH api files into the same package as PlayerAPI.
2016-12-27+ Added the Slow Builders Ring, which toggles crouch on while worn. (Baubles ↵Draknyte1
Required) $ Fixed Distillation tower recipe for Helium/hydrogen blobs.
2016-12-27+ Added configs for the drop rate of Drained Shards and Fluorite Ore.Draknyte1
+ Gave Fission Fuel plant a better tooltip. $ Finalized shape of Fission Fuel Processing Plant.
2016-12-27+ Added the Fission Fuel Processing Plant.Draknyte1
+ Added a config option for the FFPP. + Added new textures for the new casings. - Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
2016-12-27$ Fixed some tooltips not displaying correctly.Draknyte1
% Tweaked some recipes, ZrC4 -> ZrF4 now gives 4x less Hydrogen Chloride. Fluorite dust + Sulfuric now takes longer.
2016-12-27+ Added a factory production method of producing HF from Fluorite dust.Draknyte1
+ Added a custom tooltip for Fluorite ore blocks, to depict where they are obtained from. (Sandstone and Limestone) + Added Calcium Sulfate if Gypsum does not exist, if it does, also oredicts Gypsum as dustCalciumSulfate.
2016-12-27+ Added Fluorite to FLUORIDES.java.Draknyte1
+ Added Macerator recipe for Fluorite Ore to Fluorite Dust. $ Rewrote large portions of the multitool mining logic. % Made Fluorite ore drop 50% more often. % Changed ore textures back to being single layer, for now. % Changed logging for multi picks to debug mode.
2016-12-27+ Made Fluorite Ore drop from Sandstone mining and Limestone mining.Draknyte1
+ Added Ore Blocks. + Gave Ore Blocks an overlay texture. - Removed the old ZrF4 dust.
2016-12-27- Removed some unused item generation code.Draknyte1
- Disabled Reactor Salt compound generation. % Renamed Reactor Secondary Fuel [Li2BeF4] back to Li2BeF4. + Added dustZrF4 to dustZirconiumTetrafluoride.
2016-12-27% Moved the Nuclear composites to their own Classes. NUCLIDES & FLUORIDESDraknyte1
+ Moved most Nuclear components to the new classes, for readability and ease of use. - Removed old instances of Nuclear Fuel components, not generated by my MaterialGenerator.java. % Tweaked recipes to reflect new materials generated. + Enabled material generation for Nuclear materials, producing a very strict item output set. + Added U235/U238/Pu241/Pu244 to ELEMENT.java % Changed all LFTR recipes to now output Uranium Hexafluoride, instead of straight U233.
2016-12-27+ Added recipes to the fluid extractor/former for blocks.Draknyte1
+ Added recipes to the Macerator/Pulveriser for blocks to 9 dust. + Added recipe for Sulfuric Lithium to be used in. + Added a dehydrator recipe for LiOH fluid to dust. % Adjusted Li7 crafting time. % Made various recipes now require Lithium-7 % Renamed 2LiOHCaCO3 to Li2CO3CaOH2. + material/Material.java now has getBlock().
2016-12-27+ Added a fluid extraction recipe for Double plates and Ingots.Draknyte1
+ Made Lithium-7 craftable, Lithium Plates to Li7 double plates. $ Fixed the Th232 centrifuge recipe having the incorrect output.
2016-12-27% Changed the Autogenerated Fluid textures again.Draknyte1
+ Created Thorium-232, a step towards ThF4. + Added centrifuge recipe for Th->Th232(Bonus U232 0.10%). + Added THORIUM_HEXAFLUORIDE & THORIUM_TETRAFLUORIDE into ALLOY.java % Fixed fluid extractor recipes not being added for every dust. + Added more fluid extractor and fluid solidifier recipes for each material. - Removed old "uraniumHexafluoride", "uraniumTetrafluoride", "thoriumTetrafluoride" fluids and IC2 cells. % Changed Multitank Controller Logic, maybe broke things. + Added getNugget and getCell to Material.java % Changed MaterialGenerator.java to use the materials radioactivity level, not the old method based on name. % Moved material blacklist for BlastSmelting Recipe generation out of material/MaterialGenerator.java.
% Changed the config file name and location, it now generates as GTplusplus.cfg in the GTplusplus folder inside the config folder.
2016-12-26+ Added a new texture for the Fire Maker.Draknyte1
+ Added a unique NEI GUI for the LFTR. $ Fixed a spelling error in the LFTR NEI page. + Added a recipe for the Fire Maker. % Changed recipes using uraniumtetrafluoride & uraniumthexafluoride, they now use molten.uraniumtetrafluoride and molten.uraniumhexafluoride. % Changed the texture of molten.fluids.
2016-12-26% Changed handling of a recycling recipe.Draknyte1
% Completely rewrote NBT handling on small fluid tanks. Nearly at a satisfactory level.
2016-12-25% Renamed the Helium blob to Hydrogen.Draknyte1
% More work on the small tank.
2016-12-24+ Added a cape handler.Draknyte1
+ Gave the Helium Blob a name. + Gave core items the ability to have a name on yet another constructor. - Disabled the cape handler. % Minor improvements to the portable tanks.
2016-12-24^ Bumped Recommended version from v1.4.9.8 to v1.4.9.15.Draknyte1
2016-12-24- Removed Frame box generation from MaterialGenerator.java for things which ↵Draknyte1
have the generateAll flag as false. + Added some logging to RecipeBuilder() to further help find broken recipes. $ Fixed a missing texture; textures/items/cell/SulfuricLithium.png had a double .png file extension.
2016-12-24$ Fixed an issue where recipeBuilder() could fail with a null.Draknyte1
+ Added a new constructor to material/MaterialGenerator.java which allows a true/false on what parts get generated. The old constructor was not removed, it just defaults to true for all parts to be generated. - Removed Lithium-7 Rotors, Screws, Rods, Long Rods, Gears, Bolts & Rings as a result of the previous addition. + Added some missing textures.
2016-12-24+ Added Uranium-232 and Lithium-7.Draknyte1
2016-12-23% Moved a handful of recipes from GregtechFluidHandler.java to ↵Draknyte1
RECIPES_GREGTECH.java % Changed LFTR logic.
2016-12-23+ All dusts generated now try generate a fluid extraction recipe.Draknyte1
+ Added a new LFTR recipe. % Changed a Uranium fluid recipe to require U233 instead of U235. + Added some form of logic to the LFTR, now it should run and generate much power.
2016-12-23% Fixed some names on the new compound dusts.Draknyte1
+ Added a new constructor to the CoreItem class to allow naming overrides (Avoids the language file) + Added recipes for Cooked ZrCl4 in the EBF, Zironium pellets(Zr+Cl4) in the Autoclave and ZrCl4 Dust in the Macerator. $ Improved the chance of obtaining Zr quite a lot, fixes a small balance issue.
2016-12-23+ Added ZrCl4, ZrF4, ZrO2 cinter Pellets.Draknyte1
+ Added Zirconium Chloride -> TetraFluoride dehydrator recipe. + generateFluid now adds a dust -> fluid recipe.