AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-15removed unused importsDream-Master
2020-02-15Crash shortly after loading world (probably caused by pyrolyse oven texture c...Dream-Master
2020-02-11Ender Electron Tube missing CA recipe #4502Dream-Master
2020-02-11Iron Electron Tube recipe #5554Dream-Master
2020-02-10Merge pull request #239 from repo-alt/feature/OutputHatchLockingrepo-alt
2020-02-10Added ability to lock output hatch with a cell or any IFluidContainerItem if ...repo_alt
2020-02-08bump versionDream-Master
2020-02-08Merge pull request #238 from Zoko061602/experimentalMartin Robertz
2020-02-08Fixed EndSteelDaniel
2020-02-08Added EndSteelDaniel
2020-02-06Merge branch 'experimental' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficia...Dream-Master
2020-02-06Suggestion for Distilled Water uses #5520Dream-Master
2020-01-30Merge pull request #237 from repo-alt/feature/massfabNeiFixMartin Robertz
2020-01-30Set correct mass fabricator recipe map amperagerepo_alt
2020-01-30Merge branch '9-Slot-Mixer' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficia...Dream-Master
2020-01-29New GT Mixer texture need to be corrected #5467Dream-Master
2020-01-26Merge pull request #235 from GTNewHorizons/9-Slot-MixerMartin Robertz
2020-01-24Merge pull request #236 from Spartak1997/patch-3Martin Robertz
2020-01-24Fix textures of Pyrolyse OvenСпартак
2020-01-17Fluxed electrum no mixer recipe, only shapeless #5366Dream-Master
2020-01-04Merge pull request #234 from repo-alt/feature/MinerTooltipFixrepo-alt
2020-01-04- Fixed Soldering Iron consuming solder to change chunk mode.repo_alt
2020-01-04update wrapperDream-Master
2020-01-03Centrifuging Rubber Wood only outputs Methane Gas #5243Dream-Master
2020-01-03Can't breed firestone bees #5271Dream-Master
2020-01-03Merge pull request #233 from GTNewHorizons/feature/2020Q1_minorfixesMartin Robertz
2020-01-03missed translation setup.Richard Hendricks
2020-01-03Add radius to scanner output. Fixed issue with pump radius not resetting pump...Richard Hendricks
2020-01-03Merge pull request #231 from repo-alt/feature/OreDrillingPlantCentralChunkFixrepo-alt
2020-01-03- Ore Drilling plant in chunkloading mode was skipping central chunk.repo_alt
2020-01-03Nikolite & Miner Fixes (#230)bartimaeusnek
2020-01-02Merge pull request #229 from repo-alt/feature/OilDrillRadiusFixMartin Robertz
2020-01-02Oil drills in the world will have radius reset to 0 after the update w/o this...repo_alt
2020-01-01Merge pull request #228 from repo-alt/feature/DigitalChestAE-fixrepo-alt
2020-01-01Item dupe through the terminalrepo_alt
2019-12-30bump versionDream-Master
2019-12-28Chunkloading support for multiblock miner (#227)repo-alt
2019-12-27Merge pull request #225 from GTNewHorizons/OreDrillingPlantFixesMartin Robertz
2019-12-27forgot to readd the << 4bartimaeusnek
2019-12-27made OreDrilling radius Chunk Sizedbartimaeusnek
2019-12-23Merge pull request #224 from GTNewHorizons/craftingAndAE2FixesMartin Robertz
2019-12-23version increasebartimaeusnek
2019-12-23Removed hard dep on AE2bartimaeusnek
2019-12-23Fixed dust crafting bug when caching recipesbartimaeusnek
2019-12-22Update README.mdRichard Hendricks
2019-12-22Merge pull request #223 from GTNewHorizons/calcification_output_visibilityJason Mitchell
2019-12-22Bump versionJason Mitchell
2019-12-22Make stuff visible for WAILAJason Mitchell
2019-12-21bump versionDream-Master
2019-12-21add quadrupeling to pure tungsten ore #4751Dream-Master