Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Implement logic in `onRunningTick` instead of `onPostTick`, allowing
the base maintenance/repair logic to take effect.
Rewrite hatch draining/filling to consider the station's available
energy and the hatch's capacity and throughput, including its amperage.
Energy hatches now correctly supply 2A to the station, and multi-amp
dynamos output the proper number of amps.
Rewrite running costs to consider the actual average voltage instead of
the voltage tier, and increase running costs according to maintenance
problems. Running cost % is now configurable via a constant ENERGY_TAX,
currently 2%. Running costs deliberately ignore hatch amperage to make
multi-amp hatches more appealing.
Also clear the dynamo hatch lists on each machine check to prevent them
filling up with duplicate hatches.
`getEUVar()` etc. are fine.
+ Added a config option for the Cyclotron.
- Reduced output chance and quantity of AM241 pellets.
$ Fixed localization for all sizes of dusts.
% Made decayable dusts radioactive.
$ Fixed incorrect texture for decayable dusts.
$ Fixed COMET recipe expecting molten 239Pu.
+ Added more Cyclotron Recipes.
% Tweaked Cyclotron tooltip.
% Tweaked creative energy buffer textures.
$ Fixed invalid recipes generated from Fluorite not having a valid dust output.
% Rebalanced Fluorite ore composition.
+ Added Recipe for Multi-Machine and Multi-Use Casings.
% Improved Multi-Machine Manual.
$ Made Multi-Machine functional, disabled mode 3.
+ Added U235 foil, if it is missing.
$ Fixed Mutagenic frame recipe not working, due to U235 Foil not existing in .09.
$ Fixed naming of Cryo/Pyrotheum fluid blocks.
% Tweaked Multi Machine Manual.
Coils and Coil Wires. Thanks to @mtesseracttech for these!
$ Multi Machine Work.
+ Added a manual for the Multi Machine.
screwdrivering it.
should now last 4x longer.
This allows draining one controller into a secondary for movement purposes.
% Updated Sub-Station tooltip.
% Revised Tesseract run-time costs.
$ Fix multiblocks not forming on server startup.
$ Guard against null outputs in canBufferOutput().
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Recipe tweaks.
% Tried to fluorite ore not having correct recipe outputs during ore processing. (This is still broken due to an invalid output)
$ Fixed old fluorite ore not having a valid shapeless recipe.
$ Fixed all custom ores trying to register static textures.
$ Fixed plugin loading system not registering plugins, I think?
$ Fixed missing texture for Nitro Fix.
$ Fixed an issue where .get(x) was called on a null item in GTNH.
$ Fixed Alloy Smelting Recipes for small gears that were using an extrusion shape, instead of a mold.
(Extruder/Alloy Smelter)
+ Added recipes for the Iron and Steel rotor shafts to be crafted using the Shaft extrusion shape.
+ Added Block of Vibrant alloy to blockVibrantAlloy in the Ore Dictionary.
$ Fixed missing extrusion shaft recipe, due to blockVibrantAlloy not existing previously.
% Changed texture for GT computer cube.
were incorrectly getting OreDicted to plateBlutonium.
$ Fixed Clay plates generating if they already exist.
Fix Cutting Factory not allowing input hatches, and fix gui slot
Fix NPE in Preloader_GT_OreDict caused by improper use of string formatting
- Removed annoying logging from the (Dis)Charging hatches.
$ Fixed (Dis)Charging hatches not correctly obtaining a texture when used.
$ Fixed Power Sub-Station not correctly forming.
$ Fixed Large Centrifuge not correctly setting casing textures on hatches/busses.
Passing arbitrary strings as the `format` argument of logging functions
is guaranteed to raise various errors. Instead, pass `"%s"` as the
`format` argument and the arbitrary strings as the following arguments.
$ Fixes bad Buffer Core registration.
$ Fixes blank tooltip added to some items.
> It appears @codewarrior0 tried to PR this in #221 while I was out at dinner. His fixes are identical to mine, but mine simply weren't committed. So, this Closes #221.
$ Fixed incorrect names of Buffer Cores.