Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
% Made RAW collectors produce 10x less.
$ Fixed tooltips on RAW collectors.
$ Fixed a bug regarding STARTUP_PHASE.
+ Added support for Crops++.
+ Added Custom Crops & framework to support more in future.
+ Added basic support for all GT++ Materials within Tinkers Construct. [WIP]
+ Moderately bad attempt at generating custom Plasma Cooling recipes in the Adv. Vacuum Freezer. [WIP #424]
% Reworked logic for handling Durability, Tool Quality & Harvest Level.
% Adjusted frequency of structural checks on the Cyclotron, Now 100x less frequent.
% Cleaned up and made all getters cache their results, for much faster access.
% Attempted to adjust logic of FFPP, but I probably broke it. [WIP]
% Moved static array of Element Names from ->
$ Greatly improved reflective performance across the mod.
+ Added custom safety checks to Assembly Line Recipe/Achievement handling via ASM.
+ Added a safe way to get the unlocal names of items.
- Removed 'Press e' Achievement when in Dev. (Thank, Fucking, God)
$ Fixed a mild error concerning localization of Americium-241 Blocks.
+ Added recipe for Strange Dust.
+ Added recipe for Slow Builders Ring.
+ Added recipes for Charge Packs.
+ Added recipes to make obtaining Zirconium a little earlier.
+ Added packager recipes for all ore materials.
+ Added lathe recipes for all materials -> rods. Closes #411.
+ Added way to process Silicon Carbide into Synthetic Graphite. Closes #407.
+ Added proper achievement localization for all new AL recipes.
+ Added more INIT_PHASE's.
- Removed ways to obtain Trinium dust in GTNH. (Leave handling to GT instead).
% Adjusted recipes for Cyclotron and Casings, it's now assembled instead of shape crafted.
% Adjusted circuits used in lower tier dehydrator recipes for consistency. Closes #364.
% Adjusted a few materials having '-' in their name within en_US.lang.
% Adjusted power capacity of the Gem Batteries.
% Adjusted tiering for Large Auto-Assembler, it has been reduced by one.
% Adjusted composition of Pikyonium to now require Yttrium, instead of the rare Ytterbium.
% Adjusted composition of DEEP_EARTH_REACTOR_FUEL_DEPOSIT to be slightly more balanced.
% Adjusted smelting point of Zirconium Carbide.
$ Fixed an NPE in
$ Fixed weird invisible recipes. Closes #304.
$ Confirmed Large Mixer is now working correctly. Closes #366. (Closed in previous commit
$ Confirmed Matter Fabricator is now working correctly. Closes #360.
+ Auto Doors. Closes #338. (Closed in previous commit
% Changed Energy Buffer Recipes. Closes #52. (Closed in previous commit
$ Invalid Recipe. Closes #241. (Closed in unknown, previous commit).
They now require a wrench, freeing up 4 MetaIDs on BlockMachines for myself to use.
$ Fixed handling of custom BaseMetaTileEntity implementations. Meta 12-15 is now used by GT++ to deploy custom without requiring any outside items or blocks.
$ Fixed IC2 items requiring a pickaxe to mine and shitty wrench handling. You can now just mine them as usual with a wrench.
$ Fixed ALL GT/GT++ Tile Entity Tooltips. Formatted some things slighty, added additional information and additional custom tooltip support.
Nitinol and Chromatic Glass.
+ Added Particle Physics, so some basic extent.
+ Added new textures for some Meta items.
+ Added new textures for all particles and ions.
+ Added Custom Debug NBT to error ingots, in the event one is obtained by a player.
+ Added more information to the tooltip of Control Cores.
+ Added more uniform ways to obtain tiered item components to CI.
- Hard disable of GC Fuel tweaks for the moment.
% Hopefully greatly improved the cape handler. Cape list is now stored on Overmind's site, meaning it can be updated outside of the mod.
% Cape Handler now will store the cape data locally in a .dat for offline use, this can be updated anytime by removing it, or once a week if outdated)
% Tweaked Cyclotron Recipe map to support new changes to functionality.
% Tweaked RTG fuel pellet production time in Cyclotron to be 100x.
% Adjusted requirements for Quicklime to generate (It may vanish after this commit, May be worth rolling back if an issue.).
% Adjusted code to use checkForInvalidItems instead of direct item comparisons in several places.
% Renamed Buffer Cores to Energy Cores.
% Adjusted recipes for Energy Cores and Energy Buffers, they now require 6 slot assembly.
$ Fixed Multiblock handling during structure checks, they'd accidentally detect the controller as an invalid block.
- Made Xp Convertor redundant.
$ Hopefully fixed ExtraUtils complaining about rendering.
$ Additional 5.08 support.
$ Possibly fixed recipes for some items which don't display in NEI correctly.
+ Added localisation for over 600 of the new items added.
- Disabled custom GC Solar System.
% Moved registration of Fluorite Ore handler later.
% Fixed name of Radioactive Material Mix.
> Also includes changes made earlier, dunno.
+ Added some new Bags/Packs for various things. An Automatic Lunchbox, a Tool Box and a Magicians Satchel.
+ Added full compound of Eglin Steel to ABS. Closes #392.
- Removed all Multi-Tools.
$ Rewrote and Fixed the recipe system. All recipes are queued regardless of when called, then created during the end of the POST_INIT load phase. Fixes too many bugs to list. (Few more to do before tomorrow)
$ Fixed COFH Hard requirement. Closes #398.
% Adjusted the internal map type of the AutoMap. Should improve performance, if only in single digit cpu cycles.
> To-Do) Fix Recipes pertaining to compound materials made from using fluids. State may be detected wrong after recipe system changes.
+ Added Custom Nuclear Texture Set.
% More material work.
$ Fixed issue allowing Multiblocks to have > 1 Control Core Hatch.
$ Fixed Broken Ore texture for ENRICHED TextureSet.
$ Fixed a few fluid recipes broken in the refactor.
+ Added ASM Config.
+ Added new require function to
+ Added some logging to pipe generation.
% Fixed Sprinkler handler to be more robust.
$ Fixed issue with ASM Handler.
$ Fixed an infinite loop in
$ Fixed Mimir's Fusion recipes not displaying in NEI.
+ Added custom overlay textures for new mufflers.
% Logging changes.
$ Fixed generation of recipes for pocket fusion.
> Maybe they work now?
cause an UnsupportedOperationException.
+ Added new Beta Tester for Capes.
+ Added a command to dump TC aspect information from all Items & Blocks. Use /DA or /DumpAspects to begin the process.
$ Fixed PSS not accepting any tier Hatches. Closes #354, also fixes
$ Fixed Hand-Pumps duping things, because other modders can't follow guidelines. Closes #353.
$ Fixed a rare bug involving Hand-Pumps & EU items having getDisplayName() called on them.
$ Fixed an issue where some Multiblocks had a bad GUI.
$ Removed TC libs from my custom Railcraft build.
(Should prevent some weird magic exploits, fixes #323.)
% Cape list tweak for new Tester.
% Reworked some of the Plugin System.
like NEI would show. Closes #300, Closes #293, Closes #292.
remaining before the thread belonging to this buffer is released. This will also show ms/25 lag info someday.
+ Added invokeGC() to
$ More thread safety.
$ More thread safety.
- Removed useless EIO tooltip variables.
$ Made GTPP clean up any left-over threads when the server shuts down (Mostly for SSP memory leaks).
$ Made each buffer get a unique thread. Thread life reduced greatly and capped out at 32k seconds.
^ Updated Recommended.txt to v1.7.1.
$ Fixed not all Multiblock recipes generating. There's < 10 missing per machine. Adding some logging to fine tooth which ones break and why.
- Removed Gradle files.
% Logging enabled for Large Multiblock recipe generation.
+ Added config option for animated texture hack.
% Tweaked Large Egg texture again.
$ Fixed Adv. Vac Freezer recipes not requiring Cryotheum.
% Tweaked Large Egg texture mildly.
$ Fixed the ABS not using the correct texture on the top layer input hatch.
% More internal work on LFTR rewrite.
% Changed around the capes a lil bit.
are loaded, causing them to not be loaded when GT++ is running PreInit().
$ Rewrote system that Autogenerates Recipes for Materials, migrating all recipes to be generated in PostInit() stage now.
+ Added Big Eggs.
- Removed Segment Analytics entirely.
% Moved various chunk handling code to be internal in
$ Massive overhaul to the Chunk Loaders.
$ Hopefully added a way to check OreGen per dimension.
% Gave the object a better UID.
$ Possibly fixed invalid recipes generating in the Large Machines.
won't work because GTNH can't maintain backwards compatibility on their world generator.
% Cleaned up material generation slightly.
$ Rewrote Dust base item class, old items will automatically swap into their new form upon world load.
$ Added MissingMappingsEvent handler to try handle dust transition.
$ Fixed Adv. EBF running recipes regardless of coil level.
+ Added a recipe to convert GT HF -> GT++ HF.
% Doubled output of Sulfuric Apatite Recipe.
% Cape list change.
% Made ABS recipe generation logging MACHINE_INFO type.
$ Improved cape handler to cache resource & not check client side at all.
% Gave more people capes.
+ Added recipes for all Advanced Multis.
+ Added new casings for Advanced EBF.
+ Added Turbine Animations.
+ Added recipe for the Air Intake Hatch.
+ Added new textures for the Adv. Vac. Freezer and casings.
% Gave old Adv. Vac. Freezer texture to Adv. EBF.
% Swapped recipe materials for Adv. Vac. and EBF.
+ Added a book for Power Storage Solutions.
+ Added book for the FFPP.
- Removed some useless Meta Tiles. (This removes advanced Mixer recipes, but not the tiles themselves.)
$ Fixed issue with AIC tooltip.
$ Fixed some chemical processing recipes. #266
$ Fixed Large Auto-Assembler Name.
$ Possible fix for #239.
$ Other Bug Fixes.
$ Fixed Old School Circuits breaking Integrated Circuit Recipes.
% Made all FFPP recipes require/produces 1/10th of the original fluid amounts. #268
% Made Adv. EBF. Use new casing textures.
% Streamlined Old School Circuit function call locations to a single handler.
% Cleaned up ASM Logging.
$ Added a check to ensure the inputs and outputs of all Adv. Cryo Freezer contain equal cell counts (Some Plasmas do not have a non-cell version, plus things like carbon becomes a solid).
the same way the Large Chemical Reactor does.