Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added config for machine component assemblers.
+ Added recipes for Large Extruder and its casings.
% Changed default config value for custom circuits. It was true, now it is false.
$ Tweaked ASM class handling when conditions are not met.
- Disabled Toxic Everglade Ore generation.
% Tweaked Sludge/Waste water textures to be less blurry.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
% Tweaked some ore veins.
% Tweaked size of debug tool's area clear to double.
$ Fixed an issue that broke tooltips.
$ Quite a lot of back-end work for ore generation in the dark dimension.
$ Fixed improper generation of the GT++ WorldGen configuration file.
$ Fixed ore vein densities.
$ Fixed ore veins not generating as expected.
+ Gave custom REE materials a chemical tooltip.
% Tweaked colours of custom REE dusts.
% Tweaked Fish trap recipe to reduce duplicate code.
$ Fixed bug where ores generated fluids.
$ Fixed issue where old Fluorite ores still exist.
$ Fixed issue where ore processing recipes were generated incorrectly.
$ Partially implemented smooth lighting on GT++ Ores.
+ Tried to implement new World generation for my dimension.
% Small tweak to gitignore.
% More work on the Dimension again.
$ Fixed NPE caused by disabled material handler.
$ Fixed bad fluid used in world generation.
# Fixed spawn rate of mobs in custom dimension.
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts.
% Moved Logging to it's own class.
$ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution.
$ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs).
+ Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler.
+ Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
$ Fixed Dark World Top and secondary layer not generating.
+ Started using BlockPos.
% Changed some loading of blocks.
^ Version Bump.
+ Added ASM usage to Preloader.
+ MC Version annotations to both GT++ and it's child mod GT++ Dark world.
This reverts commit fd994517395f1db5e7cff51501649110765fac16.
+ Added new methods to handle more dynamic versioning.
% Changed Dark World dimension ID assignment and handling of internal blocks.
% Tweaked the Dark World Biome, from DESERT to SPOOKY, lowered the default ground height from 64 to 48 and disabled Snow.
% Tweaked the Dark World Portal Block to no longer spawn entities and adjusted the colour slightly.
+ Added Dark World.
+ Added New Blocks and Items for Dark World.
$ Fixed Hellish Fire being invisible.
% Changed Hellish Fire's particles.
% Changed the use of the Forestry child mod to be the GT++ mod.
% Tweaked texture on Industrial Sifter Multiblock.