Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
also cleaned up build script. WTF is proguard? Seriously?
+ Added better handler for packager recipes.
% Moved RTG fuel pellet recipe handling to it's own function.
$ Fixed minor oversight in ItemStackData.
$ Fixed TC Alchemical Furnace being a laggy PoS.
$ Maybe fixed TC Aspect scanner on items with invalid unlocal names.
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command.
+ Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev.
+ Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it.
+ Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line.
+ Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it.
% Updated build.gradle.
% Reworked a few recipes.
$ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (
$ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (
$ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (
$ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks.
$ Semi-Fixed Distillus.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined.
$ Fixed bad handling of calls to
$ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard.
$ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs.
^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
+ Added 10 new casing blocks, with assembler recipes.
- Removed obsolete Chunkloading classes.
$ Fixed getNumberedBioCircuit() in CI.
$ Fixed an issue where stripped fields were referenced in server side bytecode.
$ Fixed Tooltips not working as intended for items giving custom GT++ Multi behaviour.
$ Fixed 'No Bonus Output Chance' item not registering correctly.
+ Added handler for Void Miner to API.
+ Added handler for special multiblock logic to API.
+ Added Initial work For Chemical Plant.
% More work on the Algae Farm.
+ Added localization for Rotor Housing achievement.
+ Added the Algae Farm (WIP).
- Removed Durability bar on Iridium Rotors.
- Reverted 2A hatch fix on Multiblocks.
% Adjusted all Robinator recipes, removing the fluid requirements.
$ Fixed Robinators Crashing on Servers.
$ Implemented new backend for all future non-GT tile entities.
% Adjusted Zirconium Carbide tier, and changed the materials used for LV tiered recipes.
% Finished work on the Round-Robinator logic.
$ Removed PSS log spam.
$ Many minor bug fixes.
$ Fixed Canning handling further.
$ Adjusted the Charcoal Pit fix.
+ Added a way to disable ALL GT++ logging in the ASM config file.
+ Added recipes for Ztones covers.
% Adjusted recipes for Tiered machine covers.
% Updated GT++ debug command to toggle logging if desired. (Useful in-game).
$ Fixed bug where smart covers would lose their state.
- Disabled some logging.
% Renamed Tree Farmer Casing.
% Cleaned up a few imports.
$ Fixed assorted minor bugs with Multis.
$ Fixed Issue with GT_Utilities via ASM.
% Minor work on the Tree Farm.
cost scales with HP total, left and other EntityLiving stats.
+ Added new constructors for AutoMaps.
+ Added a Wrapper (AABB) for AxisAlignedBB.
$ Fixed Hot Titanium Ingot recipe.
$ More work on redstone systems.
% Mild tweaks to some Carbon based chemistry.
% Updated en_US.lang.
$ Fixed NPE in
% Finished Agricultural Sewer.
+ Added new constructor to
+ Added some time handling functions to
- Logging.
+ Added additional processes for obtaining Kerosene.
% Mild rebalance to GT++ Rocket Fuels.
% Swapped Coal by-products (Coal Tar, Coal Tar Oil and Sulfuric Coal Tar Oil) from Gas Turbine fuel to Semifluid fuel.
% Allowed ItemPackages to register themselves to the onLoadComplete() event.
$ Fixed GT++ Rocket Fuels being unusable in Rocket Engines.
$ Fixed Tooltip on GC Fuel loader when the GC-ASM is not active.
$ Improved load handling of Chemistry Packages.
$ Fixed bug in
% Improve GT ASM.
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered.
% Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still.
% Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel.
> Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.
% Rewrote base tile entity system.
% Added hashCode() to
% Changed some calculations on Materials.
% Made Rocket Engines produce heavy pollution.
> Maybe they work now?
$ Fixed some invalid recipe logging for recipes that contained nulls.
$ Fixed Custom ores not having a default texture.
% Moved Pump Logging, it was moved to WARNING from INFO.
- Removed most of old Pump tool code.
may break existing Multiblocks which may now require a muffler hatch.) Closes #328.
% Moved intermod postInit to before recipe generator runs. (Fixes issues where recipes got queued after the generator ran.)
$ Fixed some recipes not working in the Large Centrifuge and Large Electrolyzer. Closes #324, Closes #321.
$ Fixed some Forestry Frame Recipes not working as intended.
$ Further improvement to recipe system.
$ Fixed issue where custom Rings had a crafting recipe using a wrench and a rod.
$ More work fixing the recipe system.
$ Fixed Villagers not using the correct custom trades.
% Changed the Industrial sifter requiring exact amounts of in/output busses.
$ Fixed the ABS not using the correct texture on the top layer input hatch.
% More internal work on LFTR rewrite.
+ Added a custom Mutagen Fluid used in making Large Eggs.
$ Fixed some issue with BlockPos object having invalid worlds.
% Changed around the capes a lil bit.
% Moved various chunk handling code to be internal in
$ Massive overhaul to the Chunk Loaders.
$ Hopefully added a way to check OreGen per dimension.
% Gave the object a better UID.
all pre-existing EBF recipes.
$ Rewrote ABS recipe handler to support temps within the recipes. This will allow coil upgrades like the EBF for higher tier smelting.
$ Fix Polonium Material trying to access instance before it's created.
+ Added, which allows storing ItemStacks for easy retrieval.
+ Added Cryotheum and Pyrotheum requirements to the BRMP.
$ More Fixes to Pipe handling within the BRMP.
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Greatly expanded
% More project clean-up.
% Made fish trap 2x slower.
$ Fixed issue with fish trap name.
$ Fixed .08 issue getting powder barrels.
% Package cleanup.
- Removed /Bed command.