Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added some new Bags/Packs for various things. An Automatic Lunchbox, a Tool Box and a Magicians Satchel.
+ Added full compound of Eglin Steel to ABS. Closes #392.
- Removed all Multi-Tools.
$ Rewrote and Fixed the recipe system. All recipes are queued regardless of when called, then created during the end of the POST_INIT load phase. Fixes too many bugs to list. (Few more to do before tomorrow)
$ Fixed COFH Hard requirement. Closes #398.
% Adjusted the internal map type of the AutoMap. Should improve performance, if only in single digit cpu cycles.
> To-Do) Fix Recipes pertaining to compound materials made from using fluids. State may be detected wrong after recipe system changes.
+ Added custom GT TextureSets.
$ Lots of small fixes to Material, Material Generation & Recipe Generation.
$ Lots of small fixes to Fluids, Fluid Generation and Fluid Cell Generation.
$ Fixed Creative Tabs.
$ Possibly fixed issue where tickable items would instantly tick to 0.
$ Fixed display names of Throwable Potions.
$ Fixed NPE in removeCrudeTurbineRotors().
% Adjusted lots of textures.
% Adjusted handling of Thermal Foundation Fluids.
% Moved Furnace/EBF and Maceration recipes out of
% Made Tooltips of GT++ Material Blocks, Frames and ores more informational.
% Made Bromine a Fluid Material, this will remove all Bromine solid material items from the world. (Ingots, Blocks, etc.)
% Increased cost of GT++ Ores in processing.
- Broke lots of recipes.
> EBF/ABS & All Table Crafting. TBA~
+ Added missing Germanium Dust.
+ Added compatibility for Witchery.
- Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise.
$ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased.
$ Fixed missing Control Core textures.
% Cleaned up some recipe generation.
% Improved
% Improve GT ASM.
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered.
% Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still.
% Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel.
> Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.
% Rewrote base tile entity system.
% Added hashCode() to
% Changed some calculations on Materials.
% Made Rocket Engines produce heavy pollution.
> Maybe they work now?
+ Added new overlays for Multiblock controllers in GT++.
^ Version Bump to v1.7.02.09.
^ Bumped Recommended version.
% Enabled values() for ObjMaps.
% Changed .gitignore to no longer ignore the assets directory.
% Removed a compilation warning in
% Rewrote the way multiblocks in GT++ handle GUIs, to allow for more flexibility.
$ Fixed some invalid recipe logging for recipes that contained nulls.
$ Fixed Custom ores not having a default texture.
% Moved Pump Logging, it was moved to WARNING from INFO.
- Removed most of old Pump tool code.
% Stopped Custom Villagers spawning as professions that aren't custom.
% Trade improvements for some Villagers.
$ Fixed a bug in AutoMap mapping to internal name map.
$ Fixed some Aboriginal Trader Logic.
- Removed lots of logging.
may break existing Multiblocks which may now require a muffler hatch.) Closes #328.
% Moved intermod postInit to before recipe generator runs. (Fixes issues where recipes got queued after the generator ran.)
$ Fixed some recipes not working in the Large Centrifuge and Large Electrolyzer. Closes #324, Closes #321.
$ Fixed some Forestry Frame Recipes not working as intended.
$ Further improvement to recipe system.
$ Fixed issue where custom Rings had a crafting recipe using a wrench and a rod.
$ More work fixing the recipe system.
$ Fixed Villagers not using the correct custom trades.
% Changed the Industrial sifter requiring exact amounts of in/output busses.
$ Fixed Custom Spawner Registration.
$ Fixed Spawner importing private static fields from the base TileEntity class via reflection.
$ Fixed Spawner writing type to NBT.
- Disabled Sulfuric Chem rebalance internally, Config option temp. does nothing.
$ Fixed Debug logging for removed recipes.
like NEI would show. Closes #300, Closes #293, Closes #292.
$ Fixed the ABS not using the correct texture on the top layer input hatch.
% More internal work on LFTR rewrite.
+ Added a custom Mutagen Fluid used in making Large Eggs.
$ Fixed some issue with BlockPos object having invalid worlds.
% Changed around the capes a lil bit.
+ Added getClassByName(String) to
+ Added lots of handlers to
$ Improved Fake Player handling to only now be held by weak references. Should prevent worlds staying loaded.
% Moved various chunk handling code to be internal in
$ Massive overhaul to the Chunk Loaders.
$ Hopefully added a way to check OreGen per dimension.
% Gave the object a better UID.
all pre-existing EBF recipes.
$ Rewrote ABS recipe handler to support temps within the recipes. This will allow coil upgrades like the EBF for higher tier smelting.
$ Fix Polonium Material trying to access instance before it's created.
+ Added, which allows storing ItemStacks for easy retrieval.
+ Added Cryotheum and Pyrotheum requirements to the BRMP.
$ More Fixes to Pipe handling within the BRMP.
Coils and Coil Wires. Thanks to @mtesseracttech for these!
$ Multi Machine Work.
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Greatly expanded
% More project clean-up.
% Made fish trap 2x slower.
$ Fixed issue with fish trap name.
$ Fixed .08 issue getting powder barrels.
% Package cleanup.
- Removed /Bed command.
+ Added internal way for Multiblocks to get a Circuit stored in an input bus or it's GUI.
+ Added, which can hold an ItemStack or a FluidStack, to simplify recipe outputs.
server restarts.
$ Fixed Chunkloading error.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
+ Added a handler for class transformers.
% Added test case to tiered tanks for NBT storing.
- Removed logging from some reflection calls.
$ Fixed pollution, which was causing all multiblocks to fail. This was pointed out in #191 by @CodeWarrior0, however I decided to re-do it myself to better handle the .08 compat.
$ Fixed all multiblocks being broken as fuck. Fixes #190, fixes #186 and also fixes #176.
- Removed some useless logging from the mining explosives.
+ Added missing file.
% Tweaked Mining Explosive logic.
% Tweaked entity fuse variable in primed mining explosive.
% Swapped some XSTR's to CSPRNG's.
$ Fixed mining explosives renderer.
$ Fixed Tesla Tower attacking Items on the ground.
% Tweaked some ore veins.
% Tweaked size of debug tool's area clear to double.
$ Fixed an issue that broke tooltips.
$ Quite a lot of back-end work for ore generation in the dark dimension.
$ Fixed improper generation of the GT++ WorldGen configuration file.
$ Fixed ore vein densities.
$ Fixed ore veins not generating as expected.