path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/api
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-12-11$ More work on Segment Analytics.Jordan Byrne
+ Added functions to identify myself as a player. % Updated Segment 2.1.0 Bundled Library.
2017-12-11$ Fixed UUID generation and Data flushing to Segment servers.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-11$ Redid Analytics Handling to be done on a per-player basis and not handle ↵Jordan Byrne
client side per-player.
2017-12-10+ Added Blum-Blum-Shub random number generator.Jordan Byrne
+ Added Apache UUID generator. + Added Interface for Random Generators. + Added Utils for handling UUIDs. + Added Utils to get System properties (OS). + Added Custom SecureRandom generator.
2017-12-10% Major Refactor of the base GT++ class.Jordan Byrne
% Moved Config Handling to it's own class. % Renamed configSwitches.class to ConfigSwitches.class. + Added framework for Segment Analytics.
2017-12-03+ More Dragon Capture Jar work.Jordan Byrne
2017-12-03+ Base work for a Dragon Capture Jar added.Jordan Byrne
+ Added more NBT utils.