path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-10-26+ Added recipes to obtain Selenium, Ruthenium, Rhenium, Thallium & Hafnium.Alkalus
% Adjusted power requirements for some sifting recipes.
2018-10-26+ Added a roasting recipe for obtaining small quantities of Germanium.Alkalus
- Disabled obfuscated method names in ASM. % More adjustments to EBF and ABS recipes. $ Fixed names of Tungsten Steel & Stainless Steel Hexadecuple Pipes. $ Fixed recipe collision of Rose Gold and Tumbaga in the mixer.
2018-10-26+ Added 4 new High-Tier Alloys. Lafium, Cinobite, Pikyonite & Abyssal.Alkalus
+ Added missing Germanium Dust. + Added compatibility for Witchery. - Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise. $ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased. $ Fixed missing Control Core textures. % Cleaned up some recipe generation. % Improved Material.java.
2018-10-26% More .08 Compatibility.Alkalus
2018-10-26% Updated 5.08 compatibility.Alkalus
> Created StaticFields59.java to hold static copies of fields gotten from gt 5.09 classes. ^ Version bump.
2018-10-25+ Added 'DebugChunks' function.Alkalus
+ Added ASM Config.
2018-10-25+ Added a way to debug Chunk Loading via ASM injection into Forge.Alkalus
+ Added new require function to TileEntityBase.java. + Added some logging to pipe generation.
2018-10-24+ Added 2 more planets to HD10180.Alkalus
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.
2018-10-24% More work on Planets.Alkalus
2018-10-24+ Added Base framework for custom GC systems.Alkalus
% Tweaked Automatic doors, they will not open if mobs are within 2m or if open, they will close.
2018-10-23$ Finished Work on custom auto-doors, now they just require recipes.Alkalus
2018-10-22- Removed some logging.Alkalus
2018-10-22$ Finished Circuit Programmer.Alkalus
$ Fixed Dev Cape in Dev. % Adjusted some Tech Textures mildly.
2018-10-22+ Added a Machine that easily allows reconfiguring integrated circuits.Alkalus
% Adjusted tooltip of the MK IV Fusion reactor to reflect new tier casing requirements.
2018-10-22- Removed Circuit Nerf for GTNH, Most recipes now have increased circuit ↵Alkalus
costs. Closes #391. % Cleaned up lots of Hot Ingot code. % Made the Multi-Machine's tooltip more verbose. % Made the MK IV Fusion Reactor require MAX/UHV tier hatches, Closes #389. % Increased cost of Multi Machine controller, Closes #374. $ Fixed Hot Ingots having recycling recipes, Closes #387. $ Fixed Tooltip for Wire Factory, Closes #379.
2018-10-22+ Added tiered Control Cores for all Multiblocks, which are now required to run.Alkalus
+ Added new Bus for Control Cores. $ Added packager recipes for all small/tiny dusts, Closes #395. $ Increased amount of Cryotheum gained from Fluid Extraction to be inline with Pyrotheum. Closes #390.
2018-10-03$ Fixed COFH OreDictionaryArbiter via ASM.Alkalus
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered. % Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still. % Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel. > Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.
2018-09-18% Finished up work on large Turbines.Alkalus
2018-09-17+ Added the Solar Tower.Alkalus
% Tweaked the LAF some more.
2018-09-17+ Added the Large Arc Furnace.Alkalus
% Cleaned up Preloader_Transformer_Handler.java. % Tweaked DevHelper.java.
2018-09-16+ Added ability to disable Large Centrifuge turbine animation. Closes #380.Alkalus
+ Added several hundred obfuscated names to DevHelper.java. + Added Bonemeal as default OB Sprinkler Fertilizer. % More work on OB Sprinkler ASM.
2018-09-15+ Added support via ASM to OB Sprinklers, which can now support more valid ↵Alkalus
Fertilizers. Extra Types can be registered via SprinklerHandler.java. % Fix Nos corruption Bug.
2018-09-15% Rocket Fuel name Tweaks.Alkalus
% made Nos not generated if it already exists.
2018-09-15+ Added custom doors.Alkalus
+ Added new Rocket Fuels and various chemical compounds to produce them. + Added an ASM fix that removes Diesel and EIO/GC Rocket Fuel from GC and allows use of all 4 GT++ fuels instead. % Reworked Rocket Engine generators, to now use new fuels and produce heavy pollution. $ Fixed bug that could corrupt the Fluid Registry.
2018-09-14$ Fixed the XP Convertor.Alkalus
% Rewrote base tile entity system. % Added hashCode() to Pair.java. % Changed some calculations on Materials. % Made Rocket Engines produce heavy pollution.
2018-09-13+ Added some Average functions to MathUtils.java.Alkalus
+ Added a Proxy Grabber function to Meta_GT_Proxy.java. % Tweaked fuel values for Coal Gas & Coal Tar. $ Fixed issue with Semifluid Fuel generation where none were excluded. - Removed Logging from material Generation.
2018-09-12+ Added Advanced Mufflers.Alkalus
+ Added custom overlay textures for new mufflers. % Logging changes. $ Fixed generation of recipes for pocket fusion.
2018-09-12+ Added total luminosity to all Tinkers Construct fluids via ASM.Alkalus
$ Recipe fix for Handpump. % Re-enabled The Pocket Fusion & Generator Arrays. % Updated .gitignore.
2018-09-01$ Reworked the Chunk loaders.Alkalus
> Maybe they work now?
2018-09-01+ Added a Large Naquadah Reactor.Alkalus
+ Added a Custom Naquadah Input hatch for the Reactor.
2018-08-31$ Final touch-ups to the Grindle.Alkalus
2018-08-31$ Massive Improvements to the Grindle.Alkalus
2018-08-31+ Actually uploaded all of the assets for the new covers, items & overlays.Alkalus
% Renamed IChunkLoader.java to IChunkLoaderTile.java.
2018-08-31$ Hopefully fixed an exploit that caused Fluorite to drop from Fake Players, ↵Alkalus
this should resolve https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2815.
2018-08-31$ Fixed Cost/t and Total time taken for two recipes using Ethylbenzene as an ↵Alkalus
anti-knock agent for fuels. Fixes https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/3544.
2018-08-29+ Added Overflow Valve Covers.Alkalus
+ Added new overlays for Multiblock controllers in GT++. ^ Version Bump to v1.7.02.09. ^ Bumped Recommended version. % Enabled values() for ObjMaps. % Changed .gitignore to no longer ignore the assets directory. % Removed a compilation warning in FishTrapHandler.java.
2018-08-23% Shuffled some thing around in the proxies.Alkalus
2018-08-23+ Added recipe for Large Mixer controller, closes #355.Alkalus
2018-08-23- Removed EIO fuels being registered when in GTNH.Alkalus
2018-08-23% Made Ethylbenzene knocking recipes require EV for GTNH, or HV otherwise.Alkalus
2018-08-23% Made Substation Redox cells more expensive. Closes #331.Alkalus
2018-08-23$ Fixed a handful of custom armour bugs.Alkalus
$ Fixed repulsions of entities on the Tin Foil Hat.
2018-08-23+ Added the legendary Tin Foil Hat. Part of #343.Alkalus
2018-08-22$ Fixed an issue where old style circuits would constantly load up, ignoring ↵Alkalus
all configuration settings. $ Tweaked Vanilla Sleeping at heights fix. + Added an interface for bug fixes, for future flexibility.
2018-08-22^ Version bump.Alkalus
2018-08-18$ Fixed weird crash with GT++ Ore Renderer, no idea what caused it. Closes #329.Alkalus
2018-08-18+ Added Forming Press mode to the Large Bending Machine. Closes #347.Alkalus
+ Added a command to dump TC aspect information from all Items & Blocks. Use /DA or /DumpAspects to begin the process. $ Fixed PSS not accepting any tier Hatches. Closes #354, also fixes https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/3470. $ Fixed Hand-Pumps duping things, because other modders can't follow guidelines. Closes #353. $ Fixed a rare bug involving Hand-Pumps & EU items having getDisplayName() called on them. $ Fixed an issue where some Multiblocks had a bad GUI. $ Removed TC libs from my custom Railcraft build.
2018-07-21+ Gave Tokens icons.Alkalus
$ Fixed some invalid recipe logging for recipes that contained nulls. $ Fixed Custom ores not having a default texture. % Moved Pump Logging, it was moved to WARNING from INFO. - Removed most of old Pump tool code.
2018-07-21+ Added generic token type items to use for various trades.Alkalus
$ Hopefully this fixes Hand Pump recipes.
2018-07-21$ Small Pump fix that allowed mis-use when right clicking.Alkalus
% Moved Ender Pearl fluid extraction to the base TF recipe class.