path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/everglades
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-04-18+ Basic loot pool for Deep Earth Drilling Platform.Alkalus
+ Added Runite and Granite Ores.
2019-04-11+ Added some base classes for future content.Alkalus
+ Made Teflon a refined version of PTFE. $ Fixed bad usage of PRASEODYMIUM. $ Fixed bug regrading null chemical symbols on Materials. $ Finally fixed Nano/Quantum handling for Hazmat. $ Fixed Worldgen in Everglades being too dense.
2019-02-28+ Added a new debug tool.Alkalus
+ Added support for Crops++. + Added Custom Crops & framework to support more in future. + Added basic support for all GT++ Materials within Tinkers Construct. [WIP] + Moderately bad attempt at generating custom Plasma Cooling recipes in the Adv. Vacuum Freezer. [WIP #424] % Reworked logic for Material.java handling Durability, Tool Quality & Harvest Level. % Adjusted frequency of structural checks on the Cyclotron, Now 100x less frequent. % Cleaned up ReflectionUtils.java and made all getters cache their results, for much faster access. % Attempted to adjust logic of FFPP, but I probably broke it. [WIP] % Moved static array of Element Names from IonParticles.java -> ELEMENT.java. $ Greatly improved reflective performance across the mod.
2018-11-01+ Added new Radioactive ore.Alkalus
+ Added Custom Nuclear Texture Set. % More material work. $ Fixed issue allowing Multiblocks to have > 1 Control Core Hatch. $ Fixed Broken Ore texture for ENRICHED TextureSet. $ Fixed a few fluid recipes broken in the refactor.
2018-10-27+ Added 11 new Ores.Alkalus
% Adjusted Oregen for Everglades.
2018-07-06+ Added a new Dimension, Australia.Alkalus
% Stopped Custom Villagers spawning as professions that aren't custom. % Trade improvements for some Villagers. $ Fixed a bug in AutoMap mapping to internal name map.
2018-06-27- Disabled GT++ Trinium Ore from generating at all in GTNH.Alkalus
^ Version Bump to
2018-06-26+ Added Trinium Ore and Byproducts.Alkalus
$ Fixed Ore Recipe generator not working for things without byproducts (pure materials) $ Tried to fix loading of some recipes. $ Fixed a bug in the Fluids recipe generator.
2018-06-26$ Fixes #319.Alkalus
2018-03-14% Refactored all Everglades stuff to it's own package.Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed inverted EIO tooltip logic.