Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
- Disabled obfuscated method names in ASM.
% More adjustments to EBF and ABS recipes.
$ Fixed names of Tungsten Steel & Stainless Steel Hexadecuple Pipes.
$ Fixed recipe collision of Rose Gold and Tumbaga in the mixer.
+ Added missing Germanium Dust.
+ Added compatibility for Witchery.
- Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise.
$ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased.
$ Fixed missing Control Core textures.
% Cleaned up some recipe generation.
% Improved
$ Fixed ASM not working outside of Dev.
$ Fixed Thermal Centrifuge recipes generated for custom ores.
+ Added ASM Config.
+ Added new require function to
+ Added some logging to pipe generation.
% Improve GT ASM.
+ Backported GT NBT Persistency fix via ASM.
+ Added support for 6 Slot Assembler recipes & Assembly Line recipes.
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered.
% Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still.
% Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel.
> Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.
% Made Solar Tower more complex structure wise.
% Bumped Ticon ASM Handler.
% Cleaned up
% Tweaked
+ Added several hundred obfuscated names to
+ Added Bonemeal as default OB Sprinkler Fertilizer.
% More work on OB Sprinkler ASM.
% Fixed Sprinkler handler to be more robust.
$ Fixed issue with ASM Handler.
Fertilizers. Extra Types can be registered via
% Fix Nos corruption Bug.
+ Added new Rocket Fuels and various chemical compounds to produce them.
+ Added an ASM fix that removes Diesel and EIO/GC Rocket Fuel from GC and allows use of all 4 GT++ fuels instead.
% Reworked Rocket Engine generators, to now use new fuels and produce heavy pollution.
$ Fixed bug that could corrupt the Fluid Registry.
$ Recipe fix for Handpump.
% Re-enabled The Pocket Fusion & Generator Arrays.
% Updated .gitignore.
+ Added a custom Mutagen Fluid used in making Large Eggs.
$ Fixed some issue with BlockPos object having invalid worlds.
$ FindBugs fixes.
$ Fixed ASM circular loading issue.
+ Added config for machine component assemblers.
+ Added recipes for Large Extruder and its casings.
% Changed default config value for custom circuits. It was true, now it is false.
$ Tweaked ASM class handling when conditions are not met.
% Package cleanup.
- Removed /Bed command.
+ Added the Fish Pond.
$ Added support for more textures in
- Disabled GT ASM.
+ Added Sludge output to the Wash Plant.
$ Finished the Cutting Factory.
% Improved tooltips on Maceration Stack, Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant.
$ Fixed Super Chest ID collision.
% Made Super Chests hold 1/2 as much.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
% Mild re-arrangement to
% More ASM work on getDrops fix.
$ Made GT++ Materials utilise GT TextureSets.
$ Made Ore blocks use the most prominent texture set based on it's component materials.
$ Fixed
$ Fixed materials that require a blast furnace being fluid extractable.
$ Fixed
+ Added a handler for class transformers.
% Added test case to tiered tanks for NBT storing.
- Removed logging from some reflection calls.