path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/preloader
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-02-14- Removed parent achievement from Assembly Line recipes.Alkalus
- Temporarily disabled custom achievement handler. $ Dirty fix for Assembly Line recipe handling. $ Fixed my own achievement handler never setting it's state properly.
2019-02-07$ More improvements to GT++ Assembly Line handling.Alkalus
$ More safety and logging into Assembly Line ASM.
2019-02-07+ Added new achievements page for Assembly Line Recipes.Alkalus
+ Added custom safety checks to Assembly Line Recipe/Achievement handling via ASM. + Added a safe way to get the unlocal names of items. - Removed 'Press e' Achievement when in Dev. (Thank, Fucking, God) $ Fixed a mild error concerning localization of Americium-241 Blocks.
2019-02-05- Removed Dev Dim source code.Alkalus
$ Improved RC ASM.
2019-02-05+ Added Charge Packs, which can be worn in the Bauble belt slot.Alkalus
+ Added more recipes for particle related content. + Added recipe for Hydrogen Plasma. + Added Plasma Tanks. + Added Alternative Fusion Reactor. + Added recipe for the Super Jukebox. % Updated Locale files. $ Hopefully made calls to possibly invalid ItemList values safer. $ Fixed Large Mixer not working with fluids correctly. $ Fixed ABS and Adv. EBF not allowing a muffler in the center of the top layer. $ Fixed Fusion bug, making all recipes take 4x longer than originally required. $ Fixed recipes using Redstone Alloy as a material in tiered recipes. (Makes ULV Energy Cores craftable again) $ Fixed Nano Healing Bauble. $ Fixed annoying low transfer rate of Railcraft. (This should be higher when playing with GT anyway, it's now 4x, disabled in ASM config). $ Fixed the fact that Portable tanks were still portable in GTNH.
2019-01-31+ Added a config option for control cores. Someone should definitely test ↵Alkalus
this works as expected. % Reduced cost of Hatch_Control_Core recipe. % Minor tweaks to Fish Traps. $ Fixed inventory shuffling for some Tile Entities. $ Fixed Super Jukebox, it's now mostly functional. $ Fixed constructBaseMetaTileEntity returning the wrong type of Entity for pre-existing wooden pipes, this should now get caught and thrown if the GT++ entity fails to a ClassCastException.
2019-01-30$ Fixed 'bug' where GT wooden Pipes/Frames would require an Axe to harvest. ↵Alkalus
They now require a wrench, freeing up 4 MetaIDs on BlockMachines for myself to use. $ Fixed handling of custom BaseMetaTileEntity implementations. Meta 12-15 is now used by GT++ to deploy custom without requiring any outside items or blocks. $ Fixed IC2 items requiring a pickaxe to mine and shitty wrench handling. You can now just mine them as usual with a wrench. $ Fixed ALL GT/GT++ Tile Entity Tooltips. Formatted some things slighty, added additional information and additional custom tooltip support.
2019-01-25+ Added recipes to obtain Astral Titanium, Celestial Tungsten Advanced ↵Alkalus
Nitinol and Chromatic Glass. + Added Particle Physics, so some basic extent. + Added new textures for some Meta items. + Added new textures for all particles and ions. + Added Custom Debug NBT to error ingots, in the event one is obtained by a player. + Added more information to the tooltip of Control Cores. + Added more uniform ways to obtain tiered item components to CI. - Hard disable of GC Fuel tweaks for the moment. % Hopefully greatly improved the cape handler. Cape list is now stored on Overmind's site, meaning it can be updated outside of the mod. % Cape Handler now will store the cape data locally in a .dat for offline use, this can be updated anytime by removing it, or once a week if outdated) % Tweaked Cyclotron Recipe map to support new changes to functionality. % Tweaked RTG fuel pellet production time in Cyclotron to be 100x. % Adjusted requirements for Quicklime to generate (It may vanish after this commit, May be worth rolling back if an issue.). % Adjusted code to use checkForInvalidItems instead of direct item comparisons in several places. % Renamed Buffer Cores to Energy Cores. % Adjusted recipes for Energy Cores and Energy Buffers, they now require 6 slot assembly. $ Fixed Multiblock handling during structure checks, they'd accidentally detect the controller as an invalid block.
2018-12-24+ Added a config option to adjust the Turbine Rotor removal cut-off point.Alkalus
+ Added some new Bags/Packs for various things. An Automatic Lunchbox, a Tool Box and a Magicians Satchel. + Added full compound of Eglin Steel to ABS. Closes #392. - Removed all Multi-Tools. $ Rewrote and Fixed the recipe system. All recipes are queued regardless of when called, then created during the end of the POST_INIT load phase. Fixes too many bugs to list. (Few more to do before tomorrow) $ Fixed COFH Hard requirement. Closes #398. % Adjusted the internal map type of the AutoMap. Should improve performance, if only in single digit cpu cycles. > To-Do) Fix Recipes pertaining to compound materials made from using fluids. State may be detected wrong after recipe system changes.
2018-10-26+ Added a roasting recipe for obtaining small quantities of Germanium.Alkalus
- Disabled obfuscated method names in ASM. % More adjustments to EBF and ABS recipes. $ Fixed names of Tungsten Steel & Stainless Steel Hexadecuple Pipes. $ Fixed recipe collision of Rose Gold and Tumbaga in the mixer.
2018-10-26+ Added 4 new High-Tier Alloys. Lafium, Cinobite, Pikyonite & Abyssal.Alkalus
+ Added missing Germanium Dust. + Added compatibility for Witchery. - Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise. $ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased. $ Fixed missing Control Core textures. % Cleaned up some recipe generation. % Improved Material.java.
2018-10-26$ Fixed DevHelper.java.Alkalus
$ Fixed ASM not working outside of Dev. $ Fixed Thermal Centrifuge recipes generated for custom ores.
2018-10-26% Updated 5.08 compatibility.Alkalus
> Created StaticFields59.java to hold static copies of fields gotten from gt 5.09 classes. ^ Version bump.
2018-10-25+ Added 'DebugChunks' function.Alkalus
+ Added ASM Config.
2018-10-25+ Added a way to debug Chunk Loading via ASM injection into Forge.Alkalus
+ Added new require function to TileEntityBase.java. + Added some logging to pipe generation.
2018-10-24+ Added ASM patch for GT MetaTile Tooltips.Alkalus
% Improve GT ASM.
2018-10-24+ Added Hexadecuple Fluid Pipes.Alkalus
+ Backported GT NBT Persistency fix via ASM. + Added support for 6 Slot Assembler recipes & Assembly Line recipes.
2018-10-24+ Added 2 more planets to HD10180.Alkalus
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.
2018-10-03$ Fixed COFH OreDictionaryArbiter via ASM.Alkalus
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered. % Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still. % Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel. > Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.
2018-09-18+ Added Solar Reflector.Alkalus
% Made Solar Tower more complex structure wise. % Bumped Ticon ASM Handler.
2018-09-17+ Added the Large Arc Furnace.Alkalus
% Cleaned up Preloader_Transformer_Handler.java. % Tweaked DevHelper.java.
2018-09-16+ Added ability to disable Large Centrifuge turbine animation. Closes #380.Alkalus
+ Added several hundred obfuscated names to DevHelper.java. + Added Bonemeal as default OB Sprinkler Fertilizer. % More work on OB Sprinkler ASM.
2018-09-15+ Added IC2/Forestry Ferts to OB Sprinkler.Alkalus
% Fixed Sprinkler handler to be more robust. $ Fixed issue with ASM Handler.
2018-09-15+ Added support via ASM to OB Sprinklers, which can now support more valid ↵Alkalus
Fertilizers. Extra Types can be registered via SprinklerHandler.java. % Fix Nos corruption Bug.
2018-09-15+ Added custom doors.Alkalus
+ Added new Rocket Fuels and various chemical compounds to produce them. + Added an ASM fix that removes Diesel and EIO/GC Rocket Fuel from GC and allows use of all 4 GT++ fuels instead. % Reworked Rocket Engine generators, to now use new fuels and produce heavy pollution. $ Fixed bug that could corrupt the Fluid Registry.
2018-09-12+ Added total luminosity to all Tinkers Construct fluids via ASM.Alkalus
$ Recipe fix for Handpump. % Re-enabled The Pocket Fusion & Generator Arrays. % Updated .gitignore.
2018-08-31+ Actually uploaded all of the assets for the new covers, items & overlays.Alkalus
% Renamed IChunkLoader.java to IChunkLoaderTile.java.
2018-07-17+ Added a fix for beds when sleeping above Y >= 127.Alkalus
% More functionality to Forge Srg handling.
2018-07-13+ Added a Base Class to help with Dev/ASM functionality.Alkalus
2018-05-27+ Added a custom ItemEntity for the Large Chicken Eggs, they now hatch in world.Alkalus
+ Added a custom Mutagen Fluid used in making Large Eggs. $ Fixed some issue with BlockPos object having invalid worlds.
2018-05-13+ Added a recipe to turn Ethylbenzene into Styrene and Hydrogen.Jordan Byrne
- Removed ASM logging, unless Hidden NEI entries are shown. $ Hopefully fixes lots of Dehydrator recipes that may not have been working.
2018-05-13+ Added Turbine Animations.Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed Large Auto-Assembler Name. $ Possible fix for #239. $ Other Bug Fixes. $ Fixed Old School Circuits breaking Integrated Circuit Recipes. % Made Adv. EBF. Use new casing textures. % Streamlined Old School Circuit function call locations to a single handler. % Cleaned up ASM Logging.
2018-02-27$ Organized imports.Jordan Byrne
$ FindBugs fixes.
2018-02-23Fix NPE in Preloader_GT_OreDict caused by improper use of string formattingDavid Vierra
Passing arbitrary strings as the `format` argument of logging functions is guaranteed to raise various errors. Instead, pass `"%s"` as the `format` argument and the arbitrary strings as the following arguments.
2018-02-23$ Fixed weird loop lag from Itemutils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict().Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed ASM circular loading issue.
2018-02-22+ Added config for the Large Extruder.Jordan Byrne
+ Added config for machine component assemblers. + Added recipes for Large Extruder and its casings. % Changed default config value for custom circuits. It was true, now it is false. $ Tweaked ASM class handling when conditions are not met.
2018-02-22% Minor project cleanup.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-21$ Tree Farmer Work.Jordan Byrne
% Package cleanup. - Removed /Bed command.
2018-02-04+ Added more casings for multiblocks.Jordan Byrne
+ Added the Fish Pond. $ Added support for more textures in TAE.java. - Disabled GT ASM.
2018-02-04+ Added recipes for the Cutting Factory.Jordan Byrne
+ Added Sludge output to the Wash Plant. $ Finished the Cutting Factory. $ GT ASM. % Improved tooltips on Maceration Stack, Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant.
2018-02-04$ More GT ASM.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04$ More improvements to the GT ASM.Jordan Byrne
2018-02-04$ Fixed Field injection ASM doing double injections.Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed Super Chest ID collision. % Made Super Chests hold 1/2 as much.
2018-02-04+ Added Super Chests.Jordan Byrne
$ More work on Gregtech ASM. > NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
2018-02-01$ Small Fixes.Jordan Byrne
2018-01-31$ Finished ASM for getDrops() GT fix.Jordan Byrne
% Mild re-arrangement to CI.java.
2018-01-29% Improved tooltip for Fluorite Ore.Jordan Byrne
% More ASM work on getDrops fix. $ Made GT++ Materials utilise GT TextureSets. $ Made Ore blocks use the most prominent texture set based on it's component materials. $ Fixed https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2522. $ Fixed materials that require a blast furnace being fluid extractable. $ Fixed https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2530.
2018-01-25$ Further fixes to Pollution and Multiblocks, revision of ↵Jordan Byrne
7ddb7f5e8ed9fe60b730183c7a04f3bce3b8f815. + Added a handler for class transformers. % Added test case to tiered tanks for NBT storing. - Removed logging from some reflection calls.
2017-12-20- Disabled some logging.Draknyte1
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts. % Moved Logging to it's own class. $ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution. $ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs). + Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler. + Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
2017-12-20+ Added support for GTNH Trinium.Draknyte1
$ Fixed excessive fluid cells being generated. $ Further improve material recycling recipes.