path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/galacticraft/HANDLER_GalactiCraft.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-07-25- Removed Unused GC planetary system code. (For now)Alkalus
- Removed Heat Pipes. (For now)
2019-01-09+ Added 118 Ions and all Base Particles.Alkalus
+ Added localisation for over 600 of the new items added. - Disabled custom GC Solar System. % Moved registration of Fluorite Ore handler later. % Fixed name of Radioactive Material Mix. > Also includes changes made earlier, dunno.
2018-12-24$ Minor Fix which forced GC as a hard dependency.Alkalus
2018-10-24+ Added 2 more planets to HD10180.Alkalus
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.