path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/galacticraft
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-12-24$ Minor Fix which forced GC as a hard dependency.Alkalus
2018-10-24+ Added 2 more planets to HD10180.Alkalus
$ Fixed GC Packet Decoding ASM.
2018-10-24% More work on Planets.Alkalus
2018-10-24+ Added Base framework for custom GC systems.Alkalus
% Tweaked Automatic doors, they will not open if mobs are within 2m or if open, they will close.
2018-10-03$ Fixed COFH OreDictionaryArbiter via ASM.Alkalus
$ Cleaned up GC Fuel ASM, Rockets are now tiered. % Added ability for Rover to use Diesel still. % Added Tooltip to the GC Fuel Loader, showing what Tier requires which fuel. > Bug still exists on sending packets, which may cause the client to boot the player back to the menu.