Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
up-to date)
+ Added more ASM patches for better Hazmat handling.
% Renamed Chemical Dehydrator to Dehydrator for clearer logic in NEI.
$ Fixed a small bug in ReflectionUtils.
$ Rewrote parts of my Hazmat handling, it should now work correctly for all items which apply radiation from IC2/GT or their addons.
+ Added Death by IsaMIll.
% Moved debug mode switch to AsmConfig.
$ Fixed handling of custom OrePrefixes.
$ Fixed OreDict registration of MetaFoodItems.
$ Improved handling of Core Classes being static initialised too early.
$ Fixed client-side bug in Distillus which would cause an infinite loop.
$ Fixed bug in ForgeEnumHelper.
$ Fixed bug in setField methods from ReflectionUtils.
+ Added repackaged Sun classes.
+ Added Milled ores.
+ Added Milling Balls.
$ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities.
> Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command.
+ Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev.
+ Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it.
+ Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line.
+ Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it.
% Updated build.gradle.
% Reworked a few recipes.
$ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (
$ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (
$ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (
$ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks.
$ Semi-Fixed Distillus.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined.
$ Fixed bad handling of calls to
$ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard.
$ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs.
^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
+ Added a hard crash if materials are not found within GT.
+ Added a check for KekzTech and cached some mod checks.
+ Added pollution/s to Geothermal generators. Fixes #579.
$ Fixed Wither Cages being unbreakable. Fixes #587
$ Fixed centrifuging of logs to Methane. Fixes #595.
+ Added Clean Aluminium Mix.
$ 5.08 Compliance. And looooots of it.
$ Fixed most, if not all Fluid Canning & Extraction recipes that I broke previously.
% Adjusted Textures for Particles. New textures thanks to Discord User Никита#8621.
% Adjusted Aluminium Processing Chain.
% Redid handling of Algae Recipes.
% Adjusted Texture handling on Chemical Plant and Algae Farm.
$ Fixed getNumberedBioCircuit() in CI.
$ Fixed an issue where stripped fields were referenced in server side bytecode.
$ Fixed Tooltips not working as intended for items giving custom GT++ Multi behaviour.
$ Fixed 'No Bonus Output Chance' item not registering correctly.
$ Fixed OreDicting ore Sodium Hydroxide if GT dusts are detected.
$ Fixed bad oredict look-up for RP1 cell.
$ Rewrote how GT++ Materials look for existing fluids and cells during generation, hopefully this didn't break any existing cells or fluids. (Please investigate log after loading a world)
$ Fixed Canning handling further.
$ Adjusted the Charcoal Pit fix.
be broken)
$ Fixed weirdly encoded symbol within, which didn't tend to play nice for some users.
$ Fixed Cyclotron GUI bug. Closes #473
+ Added missing class.
$ Fixed ICO not using Pyro Recipes. Closes #471.
+ Added new refinery processes for Selenium.
+ Added Selenium Dioxide & Selenious Acid.
% Adjusted Angle Grinder Recipes.
- Removed Rare Earth centrifuge recipe.
$ Corrected the spelling of Aluminium and Caesium.
assembly line recipe handler. Recipe map is now cleaned up, removing any invalid recipes and logging them during the process.
+ Added some new Bags/Packs for various things. An Automatic Lunchbox, a Tool Box and a Magicians Satchel.
+ Added full compound of Eglin Steel to ABS. Closes #392.
- Removed all Multi-Tools.
$ Rewrote and Fixed the recipe system. All recipes are queued regardless of when called, then created during the end of the POST_INIT load phase. Fixes too many bugs to list. (Few more to do before tomorrow)
$ Fixed COFH Hard requirement. Closes #398.
% Adjusted the internal map type of the AutoMap. Should improve performance, if only in single digit cpu cycles.
> To-Do) Fix Recipes pertaining to compound materials made from using fluids. State may be detected wrong after recipe system changes.
+ Added custom GT TextureSets.
$ Lots of small fixes to Material, Material Generation & Recipe Generation.
$ Lots of small fixes to Fluids, Fluid Generation and Fluid Cell Generation.
$ Fixed Creative Tabs.
$ Possibly fixed issue where tickable items would instantly tick to 0.
$ Fixed display names of Throwable Potions.
$ Fixed NPE in removeCrudeTurbineRotors().
% Adjusted lots of textures.
% Adjusted handling of Thermal Foundation Fluids.
% Moved Furnace/EBF and Maceration recipes out of
% Made Tooltips of GT++ Material Blocks, Frames and ores more informational.
% Made Bromine a Fluid Material, this will remove all Bromine solid material items from the world. (Ingots, Blocks, etc.)
% Increased cost of GT++ Ores in processing.
- Broke lots of recipes.
> EBF/ABS & All Table Crafting. TBA~
$ Recipe fix for Handpump.
% Re-enabled The Pocket Fusion & Generator Arrays.
% Updated .gitignore.
% Rewrote the way multiblocks in GT++ handle GUIs, to allow for more flexibility.
now removed entirely. Closes #344 via implementation.
% Stopped Custom Villagers spawning as professions that aren't custom.
% Trade improvements for some Villagers.
$ Fixed a bug in AutoMap mapping to internal name map.
- Disabled Sulfuric Chem for the time being.
$ Tried to fix all the recipes I borked.
Fix #240 Crash with latest GT and GT++.
all pre-existing EBF recipes.
$ Rewrote ABS recipe handler to support temps within the recipes. This will allow coil upgrades like the EBF for higher tier smelting.
$ Fix Polonium Material trying to access instance before it's created.
+ Added, which allows storing ItemStacks for easy retrieval.
+ Added particles to the Mining Pipe and Mining Head blocks.
+ Added a casing block for the BRMPs.
% Made Custom GT Pipes/Wires load prior to the GT Machines.
$ Fixed the Industrial Extruder tooltip, incorrectly stating the Muffler was required at the rear. Tooltip now states the Maint. Hatch is required at the rear.
$ Fixed inverted EIO tooltip logic.
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Tweaked some ore veins.
% Tweaked size of debug tool's area clear to double.
$ Fixed an issue that broke tooltips.
$ Quite a lot of back-end work for ore generation in the dark dimension.
$ Fixed improper generation of the GT++ WorldGen configuration file.
$ Fixed ore vein densities.
$ Fixed ore veins not generating as expected.
% Moved Config Handling to it's own class.
% Renamed configSwitches.class to ConfigSwitches.class.
+ Added framework for Segment Analytics.
% More Nitro work.
$ Fixed persistent player mappings to null Wireless Chargers.
- Removed a lot of logging during start-up.
> Should now handle recipes in the same manner the Electric Blast Furnace does.
> However, if it requires a fluid input it will skip that material.
> Should also now add recipes for crushed ores and small dusts.
$ This fixes #116 and also fixes #99.
+ Added the Alkalus Disk.
$ Fixed Frame Box Assembler Recipes.
$ Fixed Missing 7Li material.
$ Fixed Tiered Tanks not showing their capacity in the tooltip.
$ Fixed tooltips for alloys containing Bronze or Steel.
$ Fixed Clay Pipe Extruder Recipes.
- Removed a handful of Plasma cells for misc. materials.
% Changed the Industrial Coke Oven's tooltip, to better describe the input/output requirements.
% Cleaned up The Entire Project.
+ Enabled the BlockEventHandler.
+ Re-did imports again, from the desktop, with looser rules.