Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
$ Made the Fishing Pond cache reflection data from WeightedRandomFishable objects.
$ Fixed the Fish Pond not outputting correct stack sizes. (They were all 0)
+ Added the Fish Pond.
$ Added support for more textures in
- Disabled GT ASM.
+ Added Sludge output to the Wash Plant.
$ Finished the Cutting Factory.
% Improved tooltips on Maceration Stack, Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant.
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts.
% Moved Logging to it's own class.
$ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution.
$ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs).
+ Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler.
+ Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
$ Implemented fix to stop Wireless charging exploits.
$ Fixed Casing textures on the Tree Farmer.
^ Version bump to 1.6.101-prerelease
% Did work on the CFR.
$ Fixed a tooltip on the Pollution Detector.
+ Added a config for the Cutting Factory.
% Hid Generator Array Logging.
$ Fixed the issue where two textures would become Fusion Reactor casings. Fixed thanks to @Technus
% Changed how cells can be generated for further flexibility.
- Removed logging from the LFTR.
% Texture changes to COMET casings.
+ Added Red-Steel casing.
+ More additions to Thermal Centrifuge.
+ Added Wash-Plant and Large Thermal Centrifuge casings.
% Refactored config option 'enableMachine_ThermalBoiler' to be 'enableMultiblock_ThermalBoiler'.
% Changed Autocrafter texture.
+ Added a casing for the Autocrafter.
+ Added the Lava Filter.
+ Added Thermal Boiler Casing.
+ Added Recipes for the Thermal Boiler controller and casing block.
% Cleaned up
$ now conforms to a proper tile entity.
$ Fixed Cyclotron load declaration.
+ More Cyclotron work.
$ Implemented Texture Array Expansion.
> This fixes the issue of hatches not using the correct textures.
+ Added a framework for a Catalytic Reactor.
$ Fixed FFPP recipes.
$ Finally fixed #56. Textures from GT++ now have their own array to prevent GT Texture overlap issues.
% Swapped two textures around for mysterious blobs.
$ Fixed COFH Fluids having incorrect textures.
$ Fixed the recipe for Clay plates not auto-generating.
+ Added Recipes for the Industrial Sieve & Casings.
% Tweaked Blast Furnace EU cost for all materials.
+ Allowed casing blocks to have transparency.
$ Initial fixes for recipe use code in Industrial Sifter.
% Changed Sieve Grate texture to not have transparency.
% Changed structural formation of the industrial sifter, the top layer 3x3 must now be Large Sieve Grates.
+ Added the Alkalus Disk.
$ Fixed Frame Box Assembler Recipes.
$ Fixed Missing 7Li material.
$ Fixed Tiered Tanks not showing their capacity in the tooltip.
$ Fixed tooltips for alloys containing Bronze or Steel.
$ Fixed Clay Pipe Extruder Recipes.
- Removed a handful of Plasma cells for misc. materials.
% Changed the Industrial Coke Oven's tooltip, to better describe the input/output requirements.
% Cleaned up The Entire Project.
clears leaves for upto 150 blocks above it.
+ Added a isLeaves check to
+ Added a placeholder casing texture for the Tree Farmer. (ID 77)
+ Added vanilla Podzol and Acacia log textures.
% Changed the textures on TreeFarmer blocks.
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built.
+ Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
+ Added a config option for the FFPP.
+ Added new textures for the new casings.
- Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
+ Created Thorium-232, a step towards ThF4.
+ Added centrifuge recipe for Th->Th232(Bonus U232 0.10%).
% Fixed fluid extractor recipes not being added for every dust.
+ Added more fluid extractor and fluid solidifier recipes for each material.
- Removed old "uraniumHexafluoride", "uraniumTetrafluoride", "thoriumTetrafluoride" fluids and IC2 cells.
% Changed Multitank Controller Logic, maybe broke things.
+ Added getNugget and getCell to
% Changed to use the materials radioactivity level, not the old method based on name.
% Moved material blacklist for BlastSmelting Recipe generation out of material/
% Changed LFTR logic.
+ Added a new LFTR recipe.
% Changed a Uranium fluid recipe to require U233 instead of U235.
+ Added some form of logic to the LFTR, now it should run and generate much power.
+ Re-did imports again, from the desktop, with looser rules.
This reverts commit 0669f5eb9d5029a8b94ec552171b0837605f7747.
# Conflicts:
# src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/
# src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/
Revert "% Cleaned up Imports."
This reverts commit 3654052fb63a571c5eaca7f20714b87c17f7e966.
> Much neat, very nices.
- Stopped tracking pointless changes to .classpath
Things I fixed during my workspace clone.
> It just needs to pipe internal tank to the output hatch when it has fluid inside it.