path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-01-19$ Finished internal EU buffer, it's enough to cut (13*13*150*128/4) logs/leaves.Draknyte1
2017-01-19+ Added IC2 Rubber Leaves compat. to the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
+ Added a 1/100 chance for leaf blocks to drop their drops. (Apples, sticky resin, etc.) + Added base work for internal power storage for the Tree Farmer. % Inverted the operation for planting saplings. Input hatch loop is done, then a check to plant, instead of each block being checked then the input bus being looped over each time. % Inverted Cutting logic, it now checks for power first, then logs, not logs and a loop for power hatches. % Tweaked cleanup() occurrences, Made them far less frequent. $ Rewrote sapling plantation logic, now it doesn't place infinite saplings down from a single item input. $ Rewrote the cutting logic to drain power in a more consistent way.
2017-01-19$ More FindBugs, PMD & CheckStyle clean up.Draknyte1
2017-01-18+ Added ItemStack[] getBlockDrops(ArrayList<ItemStack> blockDrops) to ↵Draknyte1
ItemUtils.java. % More Tree Farmer Logic improvements.
2017-01-17% Tried to improve the logic for the Tree Farmer, to support Forestry 4.Draknyte1
% Moved COFH API related files. + Added a child mod, for misc handling. $$ Borrowed some code from MFR, to attempt forestry support. (Credit left, will re-do if I even get it working).
2017-01-14+ Added the basis for a config option, which enables GT textures (For all ↵Draknyte1
machine components, ingots/plates/rods/etc.). - Removed recipe addition logging. % Tried again to boost multi-tool durabilities by 3x. % Added sapling plant code to the Tree Farmer, improved output bus storage of chopped logs.
2017-01-12$ Tree Farmer now grows saplings and has a particle effect. (This is ↵Draknyte1
configurable). + Added a getSimpleStack method for blocks, to simplify life.
2017-01-11+ Added Tree farm Fluid/solid Fertilisers.Draknyte1
+ Added a handler for creating non-molten fluids. + Added the basis for a config switch to enable or disable the tree farmer. $ Improved Tree Farm cutting and cleanup code. $ Fixed a bug in ItemUtils, stemming from ancient code which pointed at an array index which never exists. (Now I compare array length.) - Removed some useless code from Material.java.
2017-01-10% Cleaned up the Tree Farmer Class.Draknyte1
2017-01-08$ Rewrote the logic for tree chopping, now the Tree Farmer cuts tree and ↵Draknyte1
clears leaves for upto 150 blocks above it. + Added a isLeaves check to TreefarmManager.java. + Added a placeholder casing texture for the Tree Farmer. (ID 77) + Added vanilla Podzol and Acacia log textures. % Changed the textures on TreeFarmer blocks.
2017-01-05+ Added a casing for the perimeter of the Tree Farmer structure.Draknyte1
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built. + Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
2017-01-05$ Basically fixed the formation code of the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
2017-01-05% More work on the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
+ Added TreefarmManager.java, for static forestry related content.
2017-01-04+ Added the Tree Farmer.Draknyte1
+ Did a whole lot of work on it's logic, it now sort of assembles properly.
2017-01-04+ Added a basic class for the Tree Farm. (Currently just a Bronze Blast ↵Draknyte1
Furnace with a tooltip). + * XSTR - Xorshift ThermiteRandom + * Modified by Bogdan-G
2016-12-30$ Fixed the Multitank Logic. (It also stores fluid type stored inside it ↵Draknyte1
when moved.) - Removed Internal PlayerAPI I previously bundled. - Removed some debug logging from single block tanks.
2016-12-29% Small change to Multitank logic.Draknyte1
^ Version bump to V1.4.9.22-alpha + Uploaded PlayerAPI-1.7.10-1.4.jar library file. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/player-api/files/2248928
2016-12-29$ Total rewrite of Portable tank NBT handling, now they work perfectly, ssp ↵Draknyte1
and smp tested. % Slight change to molten fluid generation. % Name changed to Molten ZrF4.
2016-12-27+ Added configs for the drop rate of Drained Shards and Fluorite Ore.Draknyte1
+ Gave Fission Fuel plant a better tooltip. $ Finalized shape of Fission Fuel Processing Plant.
2016-12-27+ Added the Fission Fuel Processing Plant.Draknyte1
+ Added a config option for the FFPP. + Added new textures for the new casings. - Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
2016-12-27% Changed the Autogenerated Fluid textures again.Draknyte1
+ Created Thorium-232, a step towards ThF4. + Added centrifuge recipe for Th->Th232(Bonus U232 0.10%). + Added THORIUM_HEXAFLUORIDE & THORIUM_TETRAFLUORIDE into ALLOY.java % Fixed fluid extractor recipes not being added for every dust. + Added more fluid extractor and fluid solidifier recipes for each material. - Removed old "uraniumHexafluoride", "uraniumTetrafluoride", "thoriumTetrafluoride" fluids and IC2 cells. % Changed Multitank Controller Logic, maybe broke things. + Added getNugget and getCell to Material.java % Changed MaterialGenerator.java to use the materials radioactivity level, not the old method based on name. % Moved material blacklist for BlastSmelting Recipe generation out of material/MaterialGenerator.java.
2016-12-26% Changed handling of a recycling recipe.Draknyte1
% Completely rewrote NBT handling on small fluid tanks. Nearly at a satisfactory level.
2016-12-25% Renamed the Helium blob to Hydrogen.Draknyte1
% More work on the small tank.
2016-12-24+ Added a cape handler.Draknyte1
+ Gave the Helium Blob a name. + Gave core items the ability to have a name on yet another constructor. - Disabled the cape handler. % Minor improvements to the portable tanks.
2016-12-23% Moved a handful of recipes from GregtechFluidHandler.java to ↵Draknyte1
RECIPES_GREGTECH.java % Changed LFTR logic.
2016-12-23+ All dusts generated now try generate a fluid extraction recipe.Draknyte1
+ Added a new LFTR recipe. % Changed a Uranium fluid recipe to require U233 instead of U235. + Added some form of logic to the LFTR, now it should run and generate much power.
2016-12-01+ Basic Fire Maker. (1/4 change to light a fire, can also set you on fire if ↵Draknyte1
it fails) + Maceration recipes for the non-TC shards into non-TC shard dust. (Which GT then oreDicts into it's own, for making Energy Crystal) + Recipes for the Multi-tank Controller and it's frame blocks. (Fixes #40) + 4 new pipe types. Now there are 5 sizes of Tungsten, Dark Steel, Lead and Clay. - Hydrogen Blobs no longer get registered as dustHydrogen. (Broke many things without intention) $ Hopefully made a fix to the Multi-Tank, where it would reset it's storage multiplier to 0 or 1 when a world reloaded. % Enabled a previously disabled logging feature. + Put extra logging into getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken() during debug mode. $ Cleaned up ReflectionUtils.java and added a new method getMethodName() which will show where a method was called from.
2016-11-25+ Added a configuration option for every custom pipe, cable/wire & machines, ↵Draknyte1
singular and multi-block type (A few non-machine things aren't configurable still, but on the to-do) % Changed the scanner results when used on a Multi-tank controller.
2016-11-24- Removed lots of logging from the fluid tank. It's now enabled in debug mode.Draknyte1
2016-11-24$ Finished the Multi-tank.Draknyte1
% Deprecated the Helium blob in favour of the Hydrogen blob.
2016-11-23+ More work on the Large Multi-Tank.Draknyte1
> Other than it's ability to keep the output hatches filled, it works perfectly. - Removed LOTS of logging which was generated due to Blast Furnace recipe creation.
2016-11-23+ Added placeholder textures for the second set of casings.Draknyte1
2016-11-14% Changed the way Forestry blocks are handled, should stop overrides of the ↵Draknyte1
default Alveary components. $ Changed recipe checking of the Alloy Smelter, instead of only checking the first two slots, it now will check a dynamic size. Should fix #36.
2016-11-07$ Fixed the LFTR formation code.Draknyte1
> It now requires 4 Mufflers, no more, no less.
2016-11-06+ Added two new recipes for etched IV wiring. Should help with #35Draknyte1
+ Re-did imports again, from the desktop, with looser rules.
2016-11-06Revert "$ Cleaned up the entire project."Draknyte1
This reverts commit 0669f5eb9d5029a8b94ec552171b0837605f7747. # Conflicts: # src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GregtechMTE_NuclearReactor.java # src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/GregtechMetaTileEntity_MassFabricator.java Revert "% Cleaned up Imports." This reverts commit 3654052fb63a571c5eaca7f20714b87c17f7e966.
2016-11-04% More work on the LIFT build code.draknyte1
2016-11-04$ Cleaned up the entire project.draknyte1
> Much neat, very nices.
2016-11-04% Cleaned up Imports.draknyte1
2016-11-04% Changed Construction of the LFTR, now it's 7x7x4, in terms of LxWxH.draknyte1
+ LFTR is now registered on startup for internal testing, expect results soon.
2016-11-03+ Added code for the new LFTR design, 21x21.draknyte1
2016-11-03+ Now turns scrap into UU-A, pre-fuel check, so you can funnel Scrap in and ↵draknyte1
create UU-A on the fly, for a reduced cost. + Much Logging, many reads.
2016-11-03+ Added support for using items as input for the Matter fabricator.draknyte1
2016-11-02$ Fixed textures for new casings being invalid upon placing.draknyte1
- Stopped tracking pointless changes to .classpath
2016-11-02Merge pull request #33 from draknyte1/laptopMergeAlkalus
Things I fixed during my workspace clone.
2016-11-02+ Added a new set of 16 casing blocks.draknyte1
2016-10-31$ Basically finished work on the Multitank.Draknyte1
> It just needs to pipe internal tank to the output hatch when it has fluid inside it.
2016-10-29$ Forgot to change this.Draknyte1
2016-10-29% Fixed a class name. IndustrialPlatePress.Draknyte1
+ Added many more config options. $ Fixed workbench crash, third time lucky.
2016-10-29$ Fixed output overflow on most multi-blocks.Draknyte1