Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
$ More safety and logging into Assembly Line ASM.
+ Added custom safety checks to Assembly Line Recipe/Achievement handling via ASM.
+ Added a safe way to get the unlocal names of items.
- Removed 'Press e' Achievement when in Dev. (Thank, Fucking, God)
$ Fixed a mild error concerning localization of Americium-241 Blocks.
+ Added recipe for Strange Dust.
+ Added recipe for Slow Builders Ring.
+ Added recipes for Charge Packs.
+ Added recipes to make obtaining Zirconium a little earlier.
+ Added packager recipes for all ore materials.
+ Added lathe recipes for all materials -> rods. Closes #411.
+ Added way to process Silicon Carbide into Synthetic Graphite. Closes #407.
+ Added proper achievement localization for all new AL recipes.
+ Added more INIT_PHASE's.
- Removed ways to obtain Trinium dust in GTNH. (Leave handling to GT instead).
% Adjusted recipes for Cyclotron and Casings, it's now assembled instead of shape crafted.
% Adjusted circuits used in lower tier dehydrator recipes for consistency. Closes #364.
% Adjusted a few materials having '-' in their name within en_US.lang.
% Adjusted power capacity of the Gem Batteries.
% Adjusted tiering for Large Auto-Assembler, it has been reduced by one.
% Adjusted composition of Pikyonium to now require Yttrium, instead of the rare Ytterbium.
% Adjusted composition of DEEP_EARTH_REACTOR_FUEL_DEPOSIT to be slightly more balanced.
% Adjusted smelting point of Zirconium Carbide.
$ Fixed an NPE in
$ Fixed weird invisible recipes. Closes #304.
$ Confirmed Large Mixer is now working correctly. Closes #366. (Closed in previous commit
$ Confirmed Matter Fabricator is now working correctly. Closes #360.
+ Auto Doors. Closes #338. (Closed in previous commit
% Changed Energy Buffer Recipes. Closes #52. (Closed in previous commit
$ Invalid Recipe. Closes #241. (Closed in unknown, previous commit).
+ Added recipes for New batteries and their components. (To be use in the charger packs).
% Mildly adjusted Circuit programmer recipe.
% Adjusted Plasma hatch to be output only.
$ Fixed bad tooltips on material blocks/frames.
$ Fixed Lang formatting issue.
+ Added more recipes for particle related content.
+ Added recipe for Hydrogen Plasma.
+ Added Plasma Tanks.
+ Added Alternative Fusion Reactor.
+ Added recipe for the Super Jukebox.
% Updated Locale files.
$ Hopefully made calls to possibly invalid ItemList values safer.
$ Fixed Large Mixer not working with fluids correctly.
$ Fixed ABS and Adv. EBF not allowing a muffler in the center of the top layer.
$ Fixed Fusion bug, making all recipes take 4x longer than originally required.
$ Fixed recipes using Redstone Alloy as a material in tiered recipes. (Makes ULV Energy Cores craftable again)
$ Fixed Nano Healing Bauble.
$ Fixed annoying low transfer rate of Railcraft. (This should be higher when playing with GT anyway, it's now 4x, disabled in ASM config).
$ Fixed the fact that Portable tanks were still portable in GTNH.
+ Added ability to create Simple Washers using Copper Pipes as well. (Suggested by Bear989Sr)
% Adjusted the voltage returned from getVoltageForTier(tier), to now return the correct voltage, not the voltage of the next tier.
% Adjusted ABS recipe handling, items for output are now supported.
% Adjusted message sent to players when querying Super Buses.
% Changed the Large Assembler & Casing recipes to now require an assembler. Also much harder.
% Adjusted HG-1223, improved it's ABS recipe and tiering.
% Greatly buffed the output of Zhuhai. Please let me know if it needs a nerf.
$ Fixed some issues in GregtechMeta_MultiBlockBase, related to recognition of Control Cores & their bus.
$ Fixed some hatch detection issues during Multiblock structure checks.
because there is no pollution in .08)
$ Fixed Gradle not building in UTF-8 encoding, as opposed to the system default. (May fix some material compound symbols).
$ Fixed weird symbols in Cyclotron container.
this works as expected.
% Reduced cost of Hatch_Control_Core recipe.
% Minor tweaks to Fish Traps.
$ Fixed inventory shuffling for some Tile Entities.
$ Fixed Super Jukebox, it's now mostly functional.
$ Fixed constructBaseMetaTileEntity returning the wrong type of Entity for pre-existing wooden pipes, this should now get caught and thrown if the GT++ entity fails to a ClassCastException.
$ Mild improvements to pollution devices. Fixes #417.
> Closes #409. (Issue fixed, forgot to close.)
They now require a wrench, freeing up 4 MetaIDs on BlockMachines for myself to use.
$ Fixed handling of custom BaseMetaTileEntity implementations. Meta 12-15 is now used by GT++ to deploy custom without requiring any outside items or blocks.
$ Fixed IC2 items requiring a pickaxe to mine and shitty wrench handling. You can now just mine them as usual with a wrench.
$ Fixed ALL GT/GT++ Tile Entity Tooltips. Formatted some things slighty, added additional information and additional custom tooltip support.
+ Added Breaker Boxes.
+ Added Super Jukebox. (framework)
+ Added King Bat. (framework)
+ Added Custom WAILA plugin. (framework)
+ Added lots of simple function calls to CI. (Recipe simplification)
% Rewrote the recipes for Wireless Chargers, they now require assembly.
% Cleaned up some old code.
$ Adjusted bug with pollution scrubbers using no durability and removing LOTS of pollution.
$ Greatly improved code base for pollution scrubbers.
$ Added pollution back to the Cyclotron.
+ Added assembler recipes for Everglades portal block.
+ Added some other recipes.
% Custom Cyclotron GUI Container.
% Tweaked Cyclotron to consume 4x EU.
$ Fixed Adv. EBF and ABS not forming as expected.
Nitinol and Chromatic Glass.
+ Added Particle Physics, so some basic extent.
+ Added new textures for some Meta items.
+ Added new textures for all particles and ions.
+ Added Custom Debug NBT to error ingots, in the event one is obtained by a player.
+ Added more information to the tooltip of Control Cores.
+ Added more uniform ways to obtain tiered item components to CI.
- Hard disable of GC Fuel tweaks for the moment.
% Hopefully greatly improved the cape handler. Cape list is now stored on Overmind's site, meaning it can be updated outside of the mod.
% Cape Handler now will store the cape data locally in a .dat for offline use, this can be updated anytime by removing it, or once a week if outdated)
% Tweaked Cyclotron Recipe map to support new changes to functionality.
% Tweaked RTG fuel pellet production time in Cyclotron to be 100x.
% Adjusted requirements for Quicklime to generate (It may vanish after this commit, May be worth rolling back if an issue.).
% Adjusted code to use checkForInvalidItems instead of direct item comparisons in several places.
% Renamed Buffer Cores to Energy Cores.
% Adjusted recipes for Energy Cores and Energy Buffers, they now require 6 slot assembly.
$ Fixed Multiblock handling during structure checks, they'd accidentally detect the controller as an invalid block.
+ Added recipes for the Circuit Programmer, Lead Lined Chest & the RTG.
% Adjust Computer Cube recipe to now require an assembler.
% Adjusted recipes using MAX tier machine components to use the correct parts in GTNH.
% Greatly reduced EU capacity for the Computer Cube.
$ Mostly finished work on the Generator Array. (Still requires some fine tuning but the general result is solid)
$ Fixed a weird bug with hand-pumps, causing crashes due to an invalid offset for IIcons.
- Made Xp Convertor redundant.
$ Hopefully fixed ExtraUtils complaining about rendering.
$ Additional 5.08 support.
$ Possibly fixed recipes for some items which don't display in NEI correctly.
% Disabled lots of debug logging.
$ Greatly improved the structural checks of many multis.
no longer form without a Valid Core Module.
+ Added valid English names to the en_US.lang for the Auto-Doors.
$ Hopefully fixed a bug where the Adv. Ebf would run without Pyrotheum.
% Formatting.
% Reverted structure code for LFTR and Large Electrolyzer.
% Improved tooltip of Matter Fabricator.
% Adjusted parallelism for Matter Fabricator.
% Adjusted Casings required for the Matter Fabricator.
$ Fixed Large Assembler not requiring power.
$ Fixed the Matter Fabricator, it's now much simpler to use.
$ Fixed bug pertaining to the extra slot in the Matter Fabricators GUI.
+ Added localisation for over 600 of the new items added.
- Disabled custom GC Solar System.
% Moved registration of Fluorite Ore handler later.
% Fixed name of Radioactive Material Mix.
> Also includes changes made earlier, dunno.
Hypogen, Titansteel, Arcanite, Octiron, Tungsten Titanium Carbide, Astral Titanium, Celestial Tungsten, Chronomatic Glass).
+ Added Carbon nanotubes, Carbyne and associated materials required to create them.
+ Added Hypervisor Matrix (Fusion), a core component for the MK4.
% Tweaked recipes for the MK4 Fusion Reactor and components, making it significantly harder.
$ Fixed some base elements not generating correctly due to inverted logic for detection.
$ Fixed rare chance for an invalid compressor recipe to generate.
$ Fixed Voltages and tiering of all materials, resolves many recipe issues within the EBF and ABS.
$ Fixed invalid compound tooltips on all ore materials.
+ Added Recipes for the Fusion MK4 Components and the Deep Earth Drilling Platform components.
+ Added additional feature support to all Assembly Line recipes when TecTech is found.
+ Added initial work for future particle science.
% Initial functions added for Multiblock Requirements.
% More work on Multiblock Blueprints and Layers.
% Updated lead lined chest significantly.
% Improved Fish trap inventory handling and general logic, it's now slightly faster with slightly better loot rates.
% Changed texture of Fish trap.
> Industrial Electrolyzer constructs as expected using new system, time to test this with more complex multis.
% Overhauled Multiblock structural checks, they are now able to utilise my Blueprint system for much faster, cleaner checks.
+ Added Custom Nuclear Texture Set.
% More material work.
$ Fixed issue allowing Multiblocks to have > 1 Control Core Hatch.
$ Fixed Broken Ore texture for ENRICHED TextureSet.
$ Fixed a few fluid recipes broken in the refactor.
+ Added custom GT TextureSets.
$ Lots of small fixes to Material, Material Generation & Recipe Generation.
$ Lots of small fixes to Fluids, Fluid Generation and Fluid Cell Generation.
$ Fixed Creative Tabs.
$ Possibly fixed issue where tickable items would instantly tick to 0.
$ Fixed display names of Throwable Potions.
$ Fixed NPE in removeCrudeTurbineRotors().
% Adjusted lots of textures.
% Adjusted handling of Thermal Foundation Fluids.
% Moved Furnace/EBF and Maceration recipes out of
% Made Tooltips of GT++ Material Blocks, Frames and ores more informational.
% Made Bromine a Fluid Material, this will remove all Bromine solid material items from the world. (Ingots, Blocks, etc.)
% Increased cost of GT++ Ores in processing.
- Broke lots of recipes.
> EBF/ABS & All Table Crafting. TBA~
+ Added missing Germanium Dust.
+ Added compatibility for Witchery.
- Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise.
$ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased.
$ Fixed missing Control Core textures.
% Cleaned up some recipe generation.
% Improved
> Created to hold static copies of fields gotten from gt 5.09 classes.
^ Version bump.
+ Added new require function to
+ Added some logging to pipe generation.
% Improve GT ASM.
$ Fixed Dev Cape in Dev.
% Adjusted some Tech Textures mildly.
% Adjusted tooltip of the MK IV Fusion reactor to reflect new tier casing requirements.
Closes #383.
costs. Closes #391.
% Cleaned up lots of Hot Ingot code.
% Made the Multi-Machine's tooltip more verbose.
% Made the MK IV Fusion Reactor require MAX/UHV tier hatches, Closes #389.
% Increased cost of Multi Machine controller, Closes #374.
$ Fixed Hot Ingots having recycling recipes, Closes #387.
$ Fixed Tooltip for Wire Factory, Closes #379.
+ Added new Bus for Control Cores.
$ Added packager recipes for all small/tiny dusts, Closes #395.
$ Increased amount of Cryotheum gained from Fluid Extraction to be inline with Pyrotheum. Closes #390.
$ Fixed issue where hatches/busses could be counted multiple times on multiblock structure checks. I now add them to a set as opposed to an arraylist.
heating within the tower.
$ Refactored lots of hard references to soft String based linking. Prevents loose chunks and dimensions staying loaded.
% Made Solar Tower more complex structure wise.
% Bumped Ticon ASM Handler.
% Tweaked the LAF some more.