Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added localisation for over 600 of the new items added.
- Disabled custom GC Solar System.
% Moved registration of Fluorite Ore handler later.
% Fixed name of Radioactive Material Mix.
> Also includes changes made earlier, dunno.
Hypogen, Titansteel, Arcanite, Octiron, Tungsten Titanium Carbide, Astral Titanium, Celestial Tungsten, Chronomatic Glass).
+ Added Carbon nanotubes, Carbyne and associated materials required to create them.
+ Added Hypervisor Matrix (Fusion), a core component for the MK4.
% Tweaked recipes for the MK4 Fusion Reactor and components, making it significantly harder.
$ Fixed some base elements not generating correctly due to inverted logic for detection.
$ Fixed rare chance for an invalid compressor recipe to generate.
$ Fixed Voltages and tiering of all materials, resolves many recipe issues within the EBF and ABS.
$ Fixed invalid compound tooltips on all ore materials.
$ Fixed Decayable dusts not working as intended, Closes #393.
$ Made recycling recipe generation less verbose & more readable.
$ Fixed issue with the Advanced Mufflers onConfigLoad function.
+ Added some new Bags/Packs for various things. An Automatic Lunchbox, a Tool Box and a Magicians Satchel.
+ Added full compound of Eglin Steel to ABS. Closes #392.
- Removed all Multi-Tools.
$ Rewrote and Fixed the recipe system. All recipes are queued regardless of when called, then created during the end of the POST_INIT load phase. Fixes too many bugs to list. (Few more to do before tomorrow)
$ Fixed COFH Hard requirement. Closes #398.
% Adjusted the internal map type of the AutoMap. Should improve performance, if only in single digit cpu cycles.
> To-Do) Fix Recipes pertaining to compound materials made from using fluids. State may be detected wrong after recipe system changes.
+ Added Custom Nuclear Texture Set.
% More material work.
$ Fixed issue allowing Multiblocks to have > 1 Control Core Hatch.
$ Fixed Broken Ore texture for ENRICHED TextureSet.
$ Fixed a few fluid recipes broken in the refactor.
+ Added custom GT TextureSets.
$ Lots of small fixes to Material, Material Generation & Recipe Generation.
$ Lots of small fixes to Fluids, Fluid Generation and Fluid Cell Generation.
$ Fixed Creative Tabs.
$ Possibly fixed issue where tickable items would instantly tick to 0.
$ Fixed display names of Throwable Potions.
$ Fixed NPE in removeCrudeTurbineRotors().
% Adjusted lots of textures.
% Adjusted handling of Thermal Foundation Fluids.
% Moved Furnace/EBF and Maceration recipes out of
% Made Tooltips of GT++ Material Blocks, Frames and ores more informational.
% Made Bromine a Fluid Material, this will remove all Bromine solid material items from the world. (Ingots, Blocks, etc.)
% Increased cost of GT++ Ores in processing.
- Broke lots of recipes.
> EBF/ABS & All Table Crafting. TBA~
- Disabled obfuscated method names in ASM.
% More adjustments to EBF and ABS recipes.
$ Fixed names of Tungsten Steel & Stainless Steel Hexadecuple Pipes.
$ Fixed recipe collision of Rose Gold and Tumbaga in the mixer.
+ Added missing Germanium Dust.
+ Added compatibility for Witchery.
- Removed portability of Tanks for GTNH, tanks are still portable otherwise.
$ Fixed calculations for automatic recipe generation, EBF and ABS recipe requirements for GT++ Alloys are now significantly increased.
$ Fixed missing Control Core textures.
% Cleaned up some recipe generation.
% Improved
$ Fixed ASM not working outside of Dev.
$ Fixed Thermal Centrifuge recipes generated for custom ores.
costs. Closes #391.
% Cleaned up lots of Hot Ingot code.
% Made the Multi-Machine's tooltip more verbose.
% Made the MK IV Fusion Reactor require MAX/UHV tier hatches, Closes #389.
% Increased cost of Multi Machine controller, Closes #374.
$ Fixed Hot Ingots having recycling recipes, Closes #387.
$ Fixed Tooltip for Wire Factory, Closes #379.
+ Added new Bus for Control Cores.
$ Added packager recipes for all small/tiny dusts, Closes #395.
$ Increased amount of Cryotheum gained from Fluid Extraction to be inline with Pyrotheum. Closes #390.
+ Added a Custom Naquadah Input hatch for the Reactor.
tanks of GT machines.
$ Fixed issue where custom Rings had a crafting recipe using a wrench and a rod.
$ Fixed Ore Recipe generator not working for things without byproducts (pure materials)
$ Tried to fix loading of some recipes.
$ Fixed a bug in the Fluids recipe generator.
$ Fixed generation of mixer recipes, which will now use circuits if the length < 4.
$ Properly disabled the advanced mixer, after a futile previous attempt.
Rings in GTNH. Closes #310.
$ Fixed the ABS not using the correct texture on the top layer input hatch.
% More internal work on LFTR rewrite.
% Changed around the capes a lil bit.
after this commit.
slot two for the output, throwing null.
and an object, for extra manipulation during runnable events where required.
$ Further improvements to the recipe generation system. Added safety catches in case a particular material is having issues, so as not to corrupt the whole map.
$ Added extra maps for recipes that get added from auto-generation elsewhere. Cached maps should also register to be run upon creation.
are loaded, causing them to not be loaded when GT++ is running PreInit().
$ Rewrote system that Autogenerates Recipes for Materials, migrating all recipes to be generated in PostInit() stage now.
$ Fixed a bug during ore recipe generation.
$ Fixed all GT Shelves using incorrect textures.
% Cleaned up material generation slightly.
$ Rewrote Dust base item class, old items will automatically swap into their new form upon world load.
$ Added MissingMappingsEvent handler to try handle dust transition.
+ Added a recipe to convert GT HF -> GT++ HF.
% Doubled output of Sulfuric Apatite Recipe.
% Cape list change.
% Made ABS recipe generation logging MACHINE_INFO type.
$ Improved cape handler to cache resource & not check client side at all.
all pre-existing EBF recipes.
$ Rewrote ABS recipe handler to support temps within the recipes. This will allow coil upgrades like the EBF for higher tier smelting.
$ Fix Polonium Material trying to access instance before it's created.
+ Added, which allows storing ItemStacks for easy retrieval.
$ Improved handling of Mixer Recipes for alloys.
$ Fixed Rainforest Oak not being craftable into planks.
$ Fixed invalid recipes generated from Fluorite not having a valid dust output.
% Rebalanced Fluorite ore composition.
$ FindBugs fixes.
% Recipe tweaks.
% Tried to fluorite ore not having correct recipe outputs during ore processing. (This is still broken due to an invalid output)
$ Fixed old fluorite ore not having a valid shapeless recipe.
$ Fixed all custom ores trying to register static textures.
$ Fixed plugin loading system not registering plugins, I think?
$ Fixed missing texture for Nitro Fix.
% Package cleanup.
- Removed /Bed command.
% Updated
% Made AnimalFarm abstract, as it's currently an empty class.
$ Fixed Recycling recipes not generating properly for all material components. They now get queued and run at the end of postInit().
% Updated ABS tooltip to reflect new GUI slot.
Closes #189.
+ Added the Fish Pond.
$ Added support for more textures in
- Disabled GT ASM.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
% More ASM work on getDrops fix.
$ Made GT++ Materials utilise GT TextureSets.
$ Made Ore blocks use the most prominent texture set based on it's component materials.
$ Fixed
$ Fixed materials that require a blast furnace being fluid extractable.
$ Fixed
$ Fixed pollution, which was causing all multiblocks to fail. This was pointed out in #191 by @CodeWarrior0, however I decided to re-do it myself to better handle the .08 compat.
$ Fixed all multiblocks being broken as fuck. Fixes #190, fixes #186 and also fixes #176.
- Removed some useless logging from the mining explosives.
$ Fixed Ore Blocks not generating as intended.
% Improved Ore Generator.
$ Fixed bug where ores generated fluids.
$ Fixed issue where old Fluorite ores still exist.
$ Fixed issue where ore processing recipes were generated incorrectly.
$ Partially implemented smooth lighting on GT++ Ores.
$ Fixed electrolyzer recipes for ore dust.
$ Fixed bug with material generation system.
+ Added a custom renderer for the ore blocks.
$ Fixed renderer issue where the background texture was incorrect.
+ Added helper fluid methods.
- Stopped ore materials generating furnace recipes.
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts.
% Moved Logging to it's own class.
$ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution.
$ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs).
+ Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler.
+ Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
$ Fixed excessive fluid cells being generated.
$ Further improve material recycling recipes.