path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/loaders
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-12-29+ Added several new ore materials.Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed bug where ores generated fluids. $ Fixed issue where old Fluorite ores still exist. $ Fixed issue where ore processing recipes were generated incorrectly. $ Partially implemented smooth lighting on GT++ Ores.
2017-12-29% Localized the Plasma Death Message.Jordan Byrne
$ Fixed electrolyzer recipes for ore dust. $ Fixed bug with material generation system. + Added a custom renderer for the ore blocks. $ Fixed renderer issue where the background texture was incorrect.
2017-12-28+ Added an API method for getting material parts.Jordan Byrne
+ Added helper fluid methods. - Stopped ore materials generating furnace recipes.
2017-12-20- Disabled some logging.Draknyte1
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts. % Moved Logging to it's own class. $ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution. $ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs). + Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler. + Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
2017-12-20+ Added support for GTNH Trinium.Draknyte1
$ Fixed excessive fluid cells being generated. $ Further improve material recycling recipes.
2017-12-18+ Added Trinium and Trinium related Alloys. (#170)Alkalus
+ Added more recycling recipes. $ Fixed bad materials in component assembler recipes.
2017-12-11Merge GTNH features and changes (#160)Daniel
+ GTNH full compat mode. + Added boiler config, recipes changes and minor tweaks. $ Fix nbtutuls. $ Tree farm fixes. % Pipe and cable rendering tweaks.
2017-11-27$ Fixed NoSuchField crash when loading mod on SMP.Alkalus
$ Fixed some more recipes. % Tweaked casing output amounts for LFTR. - Disabled Recycling Logging.
2017-11-27^ Version bump.Alkalus
$ Final .08.33 fix.
2017-11-23+ Added Ink Sacs to Fish trap loot.Alkalus
+ Added recycling recipes for all material components. + Added EnderIO alloys to the Alloy Blast Smelter. - Reduced rate of Sand from Fish Trap by 5%. - Removed some logging. $ Fixed Tooltip of Large Sifter stating it only required 9 Sieves, now says 18 as intended. $ Fixed Recipe Recycling not working as intended.
2017-11-22+ Added the basic framework for Ore Regen commands.Alkalus
+ Added more missing Blast Smelter recipes. $ Fixed Alloy Blast Smelter not using fluids as expected.
2017-11-15+ Gave GT++ Nuggets some use, they're now craftable into ingots.Alkalus
2017-09-27$ Fixed two HSS recipes.Alkalus
+ Recipes requiring coils above NiChrome no longer have their recipe added to the Alloy Blast smelter in GTNH.
2017-09-26+ Added some Recipes to the Alloy Blast Smelter, for various alloy steels. ↵Alkalus
2017-09-26% Changed Blast Smelter Recipe addition again. Input fluids should now be ↵Alkalus
supported. > This allows more alloys requiring oxygen or argon to be produced.
2017-09-09$ Fixed Quantum not having a recipe.Alkalus
- Removed a lot of logging during start-up.
2017-08-07$ Fixed RTG reflection.Draknyte1
$ Fixed issue where RTGs would revert back to HV after a restart/rejoin. $ Fixed the Thermal Boiler Assembly. % Migrated TAE to use slot 96+. + Added some extra logging to verify. $ Made Shelves have textures.
2017-07-27$ Fixes #114.Alkalus
2017-07-27$ Simple Washer now uses a Copper Pipe if custom pipes are not enabled. ↵Alkalus
Fixes #115. - Removed old class for Blast Smelter recipes.
2017-07-27+ Added new handler for Blast Smelter recipe addition.Alkalus
> Should now handle recipes in the same manner the Electric Blast Furnace does. > However, if it requires a fluid input it will skip that material. > Should also now add recipes for crushed ores and small dusts. $ This fixes #116 and also fixes #99.
2017-07-11$ Fixed Industrial Sieve Tooltip.Alkalus
$ Implemented Texture Array Expansion. > This fixes the issue of hatches not using the correct textures.
2017-07-09Revert "Revert "$ Actually made the Blast Alloy Smelter 20% cheaper to run ↵Draknyte1
over using the Electric Blast Furnace."" This reverts commit 2d24fb951aaf2196596e9edd5dfdc5c19e77a88f. Fuck Git somedays.
2017-07-09Revert "$ Actually made the Blast Alloy Smelter 20% cheaper to run over ↵Draknyte1
using the Electric Blast Furnace." This reverts commit 02719c54d8566366736485c4b28ff66b6020e3af.
2017-07-06$ Actually made the Blast Alloy Smelter 20% cheaper to run over using the ↵Alkalus
Electric Blast Furnace.
2017-07-06% Segmented Eglin Steel ingot a base compound and a full mix.Alkalus
% Changed components of Eglin Steel & Compound.. + Added a generator for just dusts and associated recipes.
2017-07-05$ Fixed issue #105.Draknyte1
% Buffed Alloy Blast Smelter to be 20% faster than the Electric Blast Furnace. % Revised times for all GT++ Alloys during smelting. + Added 'Alkalus' to the tooltips of many things hidden within Gregtech. Re:#106. + Added some automatic calculations to the Materials Class.
2017-06-07$ Fixed alloy mixes below HV not having a shapeless crafting recipe.Draknyte1
2017-04-30$ Fixed a bug where the mold for fluid solidifying plates would get used up.Draknyte1
% Tweaked EU cost of a lot of recipes, using base values of 15/60 instead of 16/64. > This means recipes use 30/120EU instead of 32/128EU, for example.
2017-03-04$ Fixed extruder recipes for Gears using 8 ingots, now they only require 4.Draknyte1
2017-03-04+ New texture for the slow builders ring.Draknyte1
+ Added the Alkalus Disk. $ Fixed Frame Box Assembler Recipes. $ Fixed Missing 7Li material. $ Fixed Tiered Tanks not showing their capacity in the tooltip. $ Fixed tooltips for alloys containing Bronze or Steel. $ Fixed Clay Pipe Extruder Recipes. - Removed a handful of Plasma cells for misc. materials. % Changed the Industrial Coke Oven's tooltip, to better describe the input/output requirements. % Cleaned up The Entire Project.
2017-02-28^ Version Bump.draknyte1
$ Fixed GT:NH compatibility not working. % Tweaked Fluorite drop function.
2017-02-27+ Added fluids to mixer recipes, instead of consuming cells.draknyte1
2017-02-26+ Added custom GT:NH recipes for rings for all of my materials, which use ↵draknyte1
two tools.
2017-02-26$ Fixed an issue where lots of materials generated ItemStack outputs of > 64.draknyte1
2017-02-24% Tweaked recipe generation to use 30/120/500 eu/t as opposed to 32/128/512 ↵draknyte1
eu/t to account for cable loss. + Re-enabled shapeless crafting recipes for lower tier alloys, as opposed to enforcing mixer only recipes.
2017-02-22% Tweaked recipe creation for materials due to states.draknyte1
% Tweaked items generated for materials due to states. % Tweaked tooltips of cells, now they are cleaner. % Changed max progress time of LFTR to be 500x what it was.
2017-02-15$ Fixed GT material blast smelter recipes not using GT dusts.draknyte1
+ Added Double Clay Plates. + Added the TileEntity for a Fish Trap.
2017-02-14+ Added Plasma cells for all missing elements. (Adds a few extra, which will ↵draknyte1
get removed). + Added a function to generate Plasma. - Removed Bedrockium generation. $ Fixed the chemical symbol for Thallium. $ Fixed an issue where a String in ClientProxy.java was being set server side.
2017-02-13% Changed handling of the Blast Smelter recipe generation for Gregtech ↵draknyte1
materials, to be more dynamic. $ This should close #53, I'll make a new build for you @Dream-Master to check out.
2017-01-20+ Added a power cost of 32eu/action for the Tree Farmer. (Will eventually ↵Draknyte1
get a config option). % Moved the internal power buffer variable out of the cut method into the class. % Massive project tidy up, lots of old unused code removed or tidied up. $ Fixed lots of String comparisons that used == instead of .equals(). $ Fixed Double/Triple/Quad null checks in certain places. $ Fixed returns that set values at the same time. $ Swapped 3.14 and 1.57 to Math.PI and Math.PI/2. $ Fixed possible cases where a NPE may be thrown, by calling logging outside of null checks. + Added PI to CORE.java, since it's a double and MC uses it as a float in each instance. - Stripped 95% of the useless code out of Meta_GT_Proxy.java
2017-01-03+ Added Crafting Recipes for Gears in crafting tables and alloy smelters ↵Draknyte1
(They were missing). + Added Crafting Recipes for nuggets in the alloy smelter (It was missing). $ Fixed the last recipeGen class not being loaded, also added the new one RecipeGen_AlloySmelter.java
2017-01-02+ Added Block -> 9 Ingot and Reverse to Extruder recipe generation.Draknyte1
% Tweaked costs of Fluid Melting and Solidifying recipes. % Changed Assembly Recipe generator. (Now has a factory method for things needing molten fluids)
2017-01-01+ Added Molten Fluid to Gear Recipes in the fluid solidifier.Draknyte1
+ Added Rotor recipes to the assembly machine. + Added Frame Box recipes to the assembly machine.
2016-12-31$ Fixed an issue with Fluid solidifier recipes consuming their mold. Thanks ↵Draknyte1
to iuytrewetyu for noticing this issue.
2016-12-27% Moved the Nuclear composites to their own Classes. NUCLIDES & FLUORIDESDraknyte1
+ Moved most Nuclear components to the new classes, for readability and ease of use. - Removed old instances of Nuclear Fuel components, not generated by my MaterialGenerator.java. % Tweaked recipes to reflect new materials generated. + Enabled material generation for Nuclear materials, producing a very strict item output set. + Added U235/U238/Pu241/Pu244 to ELEMENT.java % Changed all LFTR recipes to now output Uranium Hexafluoride, instead of straight U233.
2016-12-27+ Added recipes to the fluid extractor/former for blocks.Draknyte1
+ Added recipes to the Macerator/Pulveriser for blocks to 9 dust. + Added recipe for Sulfuric Lithium to be used in. + Added a dehydrator recipe for LiOH fluid to dust. % Adjusted Li7 crafting time. % Made various recipes now require Lithium-7 % Renamed 2LiOHCaCO3 to Li2CO3CaOH2. + material/Material.java now has getBlock().
2016-12-27+ Added a fluid extraction recipe for Double plates and Ingots.Draknyte1
+ Made Lithium-7 craftable, Lithium Plates to Li7 double plates. $ Fixed the Th232 centrifuge recipe having the incorrect output.
2016-12-27% Changed the Autogenerated Fluid textures again.Draknyte1
+ Created Thorium-232, a step towards ThF4. + Added centrifuge recipe for Th->Th232(Bonus U232 0.10%). + Added THORIUM_HEXAFLUORIDE & THORIUM_TETRAFLUORIDE into ALLOY.java % Fixed fluid extractor recipes not being added for every dust. + Added more fluid extractor and fluid solidifier recipes for each material. - Removed old "uraniumHexafluoride", "uraniumTetrafluoride", "thoriumTetrafluoride" fluids and IC2 cells. % Changed Multitank Controller Logic, maybe broke things. + Added getNugget and getCell to Material.java % Changed MaterialGenerator.java to use the materials radioactivity level, not the old method based on name. % Moved material blacklist for BlastSmelting Recipe generation out of material/MaterialGenerator.java.
2016-11-30$ Refined recipe handler for Blast Smelting, it now accepts single dust -> ↵Draknyte1
molten recipes. (Moved the position of the code to after the single dust recipe is generated.)
2016-11-30+ Added a Blast Smelter Recipe check, so that things with invalid ↵Draknyte1
sub-components won't ever get a multi-dust recipe at all. (Should fix #43) - Removed an old function for obtaining items excluding certain mods. Not really needed any more at all.