Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Added two new machines.
Delete ThreadedSuperBuffer
+ Added better handler for packager recipes.
% Moved RTG fuel pellet recipe handling to it's own function.
$ Fixed minor oversight in ItemStackData.
$ Fixed TC Alchemical Furnace being a laggy PoS.
$ Maybe fixed TC Aspect scanner on items with invalid unlocal names.
% Made the Simple washer ignore certain impure dusts if GTNH is loaded.
% Updated ChemPlant User manual to reflect requirement of Catalyst Bus.
$ Fixed handling of recipe maps which don't use cells.
$ Fixed Chem Plant not actually processing recipes.
$ Made the Catalyst Hatch a lower tier. (Fixes Chem Plant requiring ZPM tier hulls)
- Removed VFCs ability to handle flasks with fluid in them.
- Disabled Thaumic Tinkerer Hazmat additions.
- Disabled Item Overflow Covers.
% Made Green Rocket Fuel more expensive.
% Made Purple Rocket Fuel use less copper, give more output.
$ Fixed unloacl name of GT++ Super Chests, to prevent GT's Language Manager re-using the Localised String.
$ Fixed handling of large recipes in GT_NEI_multiCentriElectroFreezer.
$ Fixed Automation of Pollution Scrubbers.
+ Added custom Data Orb bus for Elemental Duplicator.
- Removed weird dependency on CofhCore.
% Changed colours of the two new alloys.
+ Added recipes for the custom steam hatch, buses and Macerator controller.
% Changed Steam Grinder Meta ID.
% Moved some logic internal to the SteamMultiBase class. (Handling of output buffering, bus/hatch handling and recipes)
$ Fixed spelling of Maintenance in most multiblock tooltips.
% Made the Volumetric Flask Configurator tooltip better.
+ Added a recipe for the Egg Box.
+ Added a Book for the Chemical Plant.
% Changed the Tooltip for the Egg Box.
$ Fixed Robinators not returning the correct block when mined.
$ Fixed Electric tool recipes not consuming the original tool.
$ Redid handling of all shaped crafting recipes.
$ Fixed recipe handling for the last few multiblocks.
$ Potentially forgot some other minor fixes.
$ Made certain TileEntities blacklisted against the World accelerator in both GT++ & GTNH.
+ Added the Ball Housing bus.
+ Added the Catalyst Housing bus.
+ Added the Reinforced Engine Casing.
+ Made the Flotation Cell Regulator actually load.
$ Fixed Tooltips on Milling Balls & Catalysts.
$ Added improved item handling for Milling Balls.
$ Added improved item handling for Catalysts.
+ Added repackaged Sun classes.
+ Added Milled ores.
+ Added Milling Balls.
$ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities.
> Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
+ Added Hydrochloric Acid fluid & recipes if it doesn't exist.
% Adjust process for obtaining Thorium-232.
% Changed Fission Fuel Processing Plant to Reactor Fuel Processing Plant.
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command.
+ Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev.
+ Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it.
+ Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line.
+ Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it.
% Updated build.gradle.
% Reworked a few recipes.
$ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (
$ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (
$ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (
$ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks.
$ Semi-Fixed Distillus.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined.
$ Fixed bad handling of calls to
$ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard.
$ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs.
^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
% Adjusted Volcanus casing requirement from 10 to 9.
% Adjusted logging in RF convertor.
% Adjusted tooltip on Washplant to include information on water hatch.
$ Fixed coil handling being offset by a tier.
$ Fixed 9-1 breaking if an Input Bus didn't have a circuit.
$ Fixed Industrial Mixer not working with fluids.
$ Fixed COFH being a hard dependency.
$ Fixed Energy Buffers relying on the Rocket Engine config option.
+ Multiblock Mixer now has separate recipe processing for each input bus. Closes #560.
% Buffed Dehydrator input tanks. Closes #537.
% Buffed Algae Farm output to be 6-8x.
$ Fixed Algae Farm not consuming compost.
$ Adjusted Large Sifter Tooltip. Closes #535.
$ Fixed Waste collector recipes. Closes #545.
$ Fixed casing count in Volcanus structure check.
+ Added 10 new casing blocks, with assembler recipes.
- Removed obsolete Chunkloading classes.
% Retiered Chunkloaders.
$ Potentially Fixed Chunkloaders. Thanks to @Repo-alt if such is the case.
+ Added Clean Aluminium Mix.
$ 5.08 Compliance. And looooots of it.
$ Fixed most, if not all Fluid Canning & Extraction recipes that I broke previously.
% Adjusted Textures for Particles. New textures thanks to Discord User Никита#8621.
% Adjusted Aluminium Processing Chain.
+ Added handler for Void Miner to API.
+ Added handler for special multiblock logic to API.
+ Added Initial work For Chemical Plant.
% More work on the Algae Farm.
+ Added localization for Rotor Housing achievement.
+ Added the Algae Farm (WIP).
- Removed Durability bar on Iridium Rotors.
- Reverted 2A hatch fix on Multiblocks.
% Adjusted all Robinator recipes, removing the fluid requirements.
$ Fixed Robinators Crashing on Servers.
$ Implemented new backend for all future non-GT tile entities.
+ Added Turbine Housing.
+ Added recipe for Turbine Housing.
+ Added auto-output behaviour to Super Bus (O), borrowed from GTNH. Closes #576.
% Adjusted Multiblock base checkRecipe function to hopefully now use 2A per energy hatch. (This was done last commit, but was never mentioned)
$ Fixed missing Recipe for Cloaking Device.
$ Fixed Selenium Exploit. Closes #570.
$ Potentially fixed weird cape crash.
$ Added additional logging for TT recipe adding.
$ Did some work on ToggleSneak stuff in Sneak Manager. Fixes #566.
+ Added more Bio Recipes.
$ Fixed Strontium Hydroxide generating before it's components.
$ Fixed existing Bio Recipes not working.
% Made the LRE longer. (10, up from 4)
% Greatly improved NEI handling for decayables.
$ Improved logic of LRE.
$ Fixed NEI crash.
$ Fixed bug in underlying GT code causing depleteInput to return false wrongly.
+ Added Liquid Hydrogen.
+ Added Carbon Dioxide if it doesn't exit (.08 compat)
- Removed GT++ Super Chests when GTNH is loaded. Closes #511. (They still exist, but are hidden from NEI and are uncraftable)
- Removed Heat Pipes. (For now)
% Adjusted Textures on Industrial Vacuum Furnace.
Dehydrator for higher tiers.
+ Added recipe for the Industrial Vacuum Furnace.
% Cleaned up heating coil code, now it's in one location for easier updating in future.
+ Added some Common Energy Utility Classes.
+ Added ASM to fix handling of hatch slots for busses. (Partial implementation)
$ Fixed formatting on Super Bus messages.
$ Fixed tiering of Simple Washers.
$ Adjusted Simple Washer IDs.
+ Allowed reconfiguration of Amperage on Energy Buffers.
+ Added Hellish Bauble to remove most nether enemies.
+ Basework for Heat Exchange Pipes.
+ Interfaces for Heat Sinks and Heat Entities.
+ Added OreDict names to vanilla items, as was done in Forge 1.8.9.
+ Added functions to allow other mods to add Semifluid Fuels.
+ Added functions to handle String data into
% Renamed getItemStack -> getItemStackFromFQRN.
$ Fixed handling of custom cells for fluids using '.' within their names.
$ Fixed HF exploit.
+ Added support for Crops++.
+ Added Custom Crops & framework to support more in future.
+ Added basic support for all GT++ Materials within Tinkers Construct. [WIP]
+ Moderately bad attempt at generating custom Plasma Cooling recipes in the Adv. Vacuum Freezer. [WIP #424]
% Reworked logic for handling Durability, Tool Quality & Harvest Level.
% Adjusted frequency of structural checks on the Cyclotron, Now 100x less frequent.
% Cleaned up and made all getters cache their results, for much faster access.
% Attempted to adjust logic of FFPP, but I probably broke it. [WIP]
% Moved static array of Element Names from ->
$ Greatly improved reflective performance across the mod.