Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added a dev machine to create pollution.
% Changed the IDs of the newest blocks.
+ Improved the Pollution Detectors Textures.
% Changed Pollution Detector's tooltip.
- Disabled some unused Gregtech Tile Entities.
% Refactored some classes to be in better locations.
+ Added Recipes for Wire Coils.
% Tweaked Advanced Boiler recipes to now require Huge pipes.
% Changed a handful of recipes to utilise the new GT circuits.
+ Added my custom circuits to the same OreDict tags as the new GT ones, so they are interchangeable.
% Tweaked Cost of custom pipes in the extruder. Fixes #67.
> Now they won't burn fuel once they're at 80% temp, so it's not wasted.
$ Fixed all Advanced Boilers using the Tier 1 Boiler Chassis.
% Tweaked Advanced Boiler Textures.
+ Added a texture for Boiler Chassis.
% Tweaked Dehydration Coil/Wire colours.
% Finished recipes for the Dehydrator.
+ Added some temporary recipes for the Advanced Boilers.
$ Fixed an error in addShapedGregtechRecipe where NPE's were thrown.
+ Added a new GUI texture for the Advanced Boilers.
* re-tiered Tanks a bit for GTNH pack
* fix recipes
* recipes not shown before
* Change Tank HV recipes
* so this is better
+ Added the Alkalus Disk.
$ Fixed Frame Box Assembler Recipes.
$ Fixed Missing 7Li material.
$ Fixed Tiered Tanks not showing their capacity in the tooltip.
$ Fixed tooltips for alloys containing Bronze or Steel.
$ Fixed Clay Pipe Extruder Recipes.
- Removed a handful of Plasma cells for misc. materials.
% Changed the Industrial Coke Oven's tooltip, to better describe the input/output requirements.
% Cleaned up The Entire Project.
$ Fixed GT:NH compatibility not working.
% Tweaked Fluorite drop function.
% Disabled Fluid Tanks above IV tier when GT:NH is loaded.
+ Added a handler for creating non-molten fluids.
+ Added the basis for a config switch to enable or disable the tree farmer.
$ Improved Tree Farm cutting and cleanup code.
$ Fixed a bug in ItemUtils, stemming from ancient code which pointed at an array index which never exists. (Now I compare array length.)
- Removed some useless code from
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built.
+ Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
+ Did a whole lot of work on it's logic, it now sort of assembles properly.
+ Added a config option for the FFPP.
+ Added new textures for the new casings.
- Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
it fails)
+ Maceration recipes for the non-TC shards into non-TC shard dust. (Which GT then oreDicts into it's own, for making Energy Crystal)
+ Recipes for the Multi-tank Controller and it's frame blocks. (Fixes #40)
+ 4 new pipe types. Now there are 5 sizes of Tungsten, Dark Steel, Lead and Clay.
- Hydrogen Blobs no longer get registered as dustHydrogen. (Broke many things without intention)
$ Hopefully made a fix to the Multi-Tank, where it would reset it's storage multiplier to 0 or 1 when a world reloaded.
% Enabled a previously disabled logging feature.
+ Put extra logging into getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken() during debug mode.
$ Cleaned up and added a new method getMethodName() which will show where a method was called from.
singular and multi-block type (A few non-machine things aren't configurable still, but on the to-do)
% Changed the scanner results when used on a Multi-tank controller.
+ Re-did imports again, from the desktop, with looser rules.
This reverts commit 0669f5eb9d5029a8b94ec552171b0837605f7747.
# Conflicts:
# src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/
# src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines/multi/
Revert "% Cleaned up Imports."
This reverts commit 3654052fb63a571c5eaca7f20714b87c17f7e966.
> Much neat, very nices.
+ LFTR is now registered on startup for internal testing, expect results soon.
+ Added many more config options.
$ Fixed workbench crash, third time lucky.
% PMD updated Material, MaterialStack and ELEMENT.
+ Tried adding shapeless dust recipes for all of my alloys. (The shapeless recipe system is dumb)
+ Added a custom GUI for NEI recipes for the Blast Smelter.
% Refactored some Utils classes.
+ Added Grisium.
% Tweaked the MultiPickaxes.
% Did some more work on the Blast Smelter controller.
$ Finished work on the Blast Smelter Recipe generation (It's not unique enough yet, apparently)
> After numerous re-write attempts at this all morning, the issue remains that recipes overlap.
> Recipe output logging for this is still enabled, but it currently only does Osmiridium for a test run.
- Removed some useless classes.
% Renamed lots of classes.
> Recipe Cost/Time is now based on Mass, except Potin. Being extremely dense, it gets a discount as it's early game tier. Potin uses 1/4 eu.
+ Added new dusts for nuclear fuel production.
$ Fixed OreDictionary not working for some recipes.
$ Changed the Textures on some machines, to now use GT4 overlay textures.
- Removed all old code now not required by tanks.
- Removed the GT4 workbench classes, favourite my homebrew ones.
+ Added a 'hopeful' save for fluids when the TileEntity is broken.
$ Fixed the Extruder and the Alloy smelter eating the shaping molds.
$ Fixed .09 recipes for cells.
% Changed the recipes for the Geothermal Engines and Rocket Engines.
+ Added a handful of new, old textures from GT4.
% Rewrote portions of the Blueprint item again, to try make it work better with NBT.
+ Added an Example NBT item for myself~ because I am a derp.
+ Added some custom textures for the Industrial Centrifuge.
% Moved all the GT4 Tile Entities to their own loading class.
+ Added recipes and fuels for all Geothermals. (Normal Lava and Pahoehoe Lava)
$ Fixed workbench not saving crafting table contents when closed.
% Changed internal loading of Workbenches, Tanks and Geothermals.
% Disabled old workbench buttons, now using Gregtech Holo slots.
Gregtech.lang file
1.7.10 and Gt5.
% Changed the IDs of workbenches.
a WIP.
// Temporarily added Workbench registration to the Tiered Tanks Loader.
% Added some logging to the Plate Generation.
$ Fixed getTexture() in to now support all branches of Gregtech.
+ Updated Generated Tools and their damage taken when mining blocks.
> Now meta-tools only generate if they have a valid colour, durability and recipe contains valid components.
$ Fixed Fluid Cell Recipes between .08/.09 branches.
% Cleaned up some old textures.
+ Added a log message to output total recipes the mod has added for crafting table use.
+ Started the base work for extra NBT data saving for GT TileEntities.