Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Fixed NEI handler for sparging.
Changed ABS NEI handler.
Replace non-verbose FMLCommonHandler.instance().exitJava() calls with CORE.Crash(string).
Removed 7 from Charge Pack tooltips.
Initial work on Elemental Duplicator.
Dehydrator improvements.
Fixed Circuit Programmer not working for Breakthrough Circuits.
More Nuclear reprocessing work.
Updated Tooltips on all multiblocks.
Added two new machines.
Delete ThreadedSuperBuffer
+ Added better handler for packager recipes.
% Moved RTG fuel pellet recipe handling to it's own function.
$ Fixed minor oversight in ItemStackData.
$ Fixed TC Alchemical Furnace being a laggy PoS.
$ Maybe fixed TC Aspect scanner on items with invalid unlocal names.
% Made the Simple washer ignore certain impure dusts if GTNH is loaded.
% Updated ChemPlant User manual to reflect requirement of Catalyst Bus.
$ Fixed handling of recipe maps which don't use cells.
$ Fixed Chem Plant not actually processing recipes.
$ Made the Catalyst Hatch a lower tier. (Fixes Chem Plant requiring ZPM tier hulls)
- Removed VFCs ability to handle flasks with fluid in them.
- Disabled Thaumic Tinkerer Hazmat additions.
- Disabled Item Overflow Covers.
% Made Green Rocket Fuel more expensive.
% Made Purple Rocket Fuel use less copper, give more output.
$ Fixed unloacl name of GT++ Super Chests, to prevent GT's Language Manager re-using the Localised String.
$ Fixed handling of large recipes in GT_NEI_multiCentriElectroFreezer.
$ Fixed Automation of Pollution Scrubbers.
+ Added custom Data Orb bus for Elemental Duplicator.
- Removed weird dependency on CofhCore.
% Changed colours of the two new alloys.
+ Added recipes for the custom steam hatch, buses and Macerator controller.
% Changed Steam Grinder Meta ID.
% Moved some logic internal to the SteamMultiBase class. (Handling of output buffering, bus/hatch handling and recipes)
$ Fixed spelling of Maintenance in most multiblock tooltips.
% Made the Volumetric Flask Configurator tooltip better.
+ Added a recipe for the Egg Box.
+ Added a Book for the Chemical Plant.
% Changed the Tooltip for the Egg Box.
$ Fixed Robinators not returning the correct block when mined.
$ Fixed Electric tool recipes not consuming the original tool.
$ Redid handling of all shaped crafting recipes.
$ Fixed recipe handling for the last few multiblocks.
$ Potentially forgot some other minor fixes.
$ Made certain TileEntities blacklisted against the World accelerator in both GT++ & GTNH.
+ Added the Ball Housing bus.
+ Added the Catalyst Housing bus.
+ Added the Reinforced Engine Casing.
+ Made the Flotation Cell Regulator actually load.
$ Fixed Tooltips on Milling Balls & Catalysts.
$ Added improved item handling for Milling Balls.
$ Added improved item handling for Catalysts.
+ Added repackaged Sun classes.
+ Added Milled ores.
+ Added Milling Balls.
$ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities.
> Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
+ Added Hydrochloric Acid fluid & recipes if it doesn't exist.
% Adjust process for obtaining Thorium-232.
% Changed Fission Fuel Processing Plant to Reactor Fuel Processing Plant.
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command.
+ Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev.
+ Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it.
+ Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line.
+ Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it.
% Updated build.gradle.
% Reworked a few recipes.
$ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (
$ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (
$ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (
$ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks.
$ Semi-Fixed Distillus.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined.
$ Fixed bad handling of calls to
$ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard.
$ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs.
^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
% Adjusted Volcanus casing requirement from 10 to 9.
% Adjusted logging in RF convertor.
% Adjusted tooltip on Washplant to include information on water hatch.
$ Fixed coil handling being offset by a tier.
$ Fixed 9-1 breaking if an Input Bus didn't have a circuit.
$ Fixed Industrial Mixer not working with fluids.
$ Fixed COFH being a hard dependency.
$ Fixed Energy Buffers relying on the Rocket Engine config option.
+ Multiblock Mixer now has separate recipe processing for each input bus. Closes #560.
% Buffed Dehydrator input tanks. Closes #537.
% Buffed Algae Farm output to be 6-8x.
$ Fixed Algae Farm not consuming compost.
$ Adjusted Large Sifter Tooltip. Closes #535.
$ Fixed Waste collector recipes. Closes #545.
$ Fixed casing count in Volcanus structure check.
+ Added 10 new casing blocks, with assembler recipes.
- Removed obsolete Chunkloading classes.
% Retiered Chunkloaders.
$ Potentially Fixed Chunkloaders. Thanks to @Repo-alt if such is the case.
+ Added Clean Aluminium Mix.
$ 5.08 Compliance. And looooots of it.
$ Fixed most, if not all Fluid Canning & Extraction recipes that I broke previously.
% Adjusted Textures for Particles. New textures thanks to Discord User Никита#8621.
% Adjusted Aluminium Processing Chain.
+ Added handler for Void Miner to API.
+ Added handler for special multiblock logic to API.
+ Added Initial work For Chemical Plant.
% More work on the Algae Farm.
+ Added localization for Rotor Housing achievement.
+ Added the Algae Farm (WIP).
- Removed Durability bar on Iridium Rotors.
- Reverted 2A hatch fix on Multiblocks.
% Adjusted all Robinator recipes, removing the fluid requirements.
$ Fixed Robinators Crashing on Servers.
$ Implemented new backend for all future non-GT tile entities.
+ Added Turbine Housing.
+ Added recipe for Turbine Housing.
+ Added auto-output behaviour to Super Bus (O), borrowed from GTNH. Closes #576.
% Adjusted Multiblock base checkRecipe function to hopefully now use 2A per energy hatch. (This was done last commit, but was never mentioned)
$ Fixed missing Recipe for Cloaking Device.
$ Fixed Selenium Exploit. Closes #570.
$ Potentially fixed weird cape crash.
$ Added additional logging for TT recipe adding.
$ Did some work on ToggleSneak stuff in Sneak Manager. Fixes #566.
+ Added more Bio Recipes.
$ Fixed Strontium Hydroxide generating before it's components.
$ Fixed existing Bio Recipes not working.
% Made the LRE longer. (10, up from 4)
% Greatly improved NEI handling for decayables.
$ Improved logic of LRE.
$ Fixed NEI crash.
$ Fixed bug in underlying GT code causing depleteInput to return false wrongly.
+ Added Liquid Hydrogen.
+ Added Carbon Dioxide if it doesn't exit (.08 compat)
- Removed GT++ Super Chests when GTNH is loaded. Closes #511. (They still exist, but are hidden from NEI and are uncraftable)
- Removed Heat Pipes. (For now)
% Adjusted Textures on Industrial Vacuum Furnace.
Dehydrator for higher tiers.
+ Added recipe for the Industrial Vacuum Furnace.
% Cleaned up heating coil code, now it's in one location for easier updating in future.
+ Added some Common Energy Utility Classes.
+ Added ASM to fix handling of hatch slots for busses. (Partial implementation)
$ Fixed formatting on Super Bus messages.
$ Fixed tiering of Simple Washers.
$ Adjusted Simple Washer IDs.