path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/thaumcraft/objects/ThreadAspectScanner.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-11-05+ Added RTG power Hatch.Alkalus
+ Added better handler for packager recipes. % Moved RTG fuel pellet recipe handling to it's own function. $ Fixed minor oversight in ItemStackData. $ Fixed TC Alchemical Furnace being a laggy PoS. $ Maybe fixed TC Aspect scanner on items with invalid unlocal names.
2018-08-18+ Added Forming Press mode to the Large Bending Machine. Closes #347.Alkalus
+ Added a command to dump TC aspect information from all Items & Blocks. Use /DA or /DumpAspects to begin the process. $ Fixed PSS not accepting any tier Hatches. Closes #354, also fixes https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/3470. $ Fixed Hand-Pumps duping things, because other modders can't follow guidelines. Closes #353. $ Fixed a rare bug involving Hand-Pumps & EU items having getDisplayName() called on them. $ Fixed an issue where some Multiblocks had a bad GUI. $ Removed TC libs from my custom Railcraft build.