Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Change canBufferOutputs to consider whether outputs can stack.
Check if items in the output buses can stack with the outputs.
Consider max number of parallel recipes in canBufferOutputs.
Reset outputs and progress earlier in checkRecipeGeneric().
Fixes a weird issue, due to decompiled source copy paste.
their GUI.
$ Fish Pond work.
$ Made the Fishing Pond cache reflection data from WeightedRandomFishable objects.
$ Fixed the Fish Pond not outputting correct stack sizes. (They were all 0)
+ Added the Fish Pond.
$ Added support for more textures in
- Disabled GT ASM.
+ Added Sludge output to the Wash Plant.
$ Finished the Cutting Factory.
% Improved tooltips on Maceration Stack, Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant.
$ Fixed Super Chest ID collision.
% Made Super Chests hold 1/2 as much.
Check if items in the output buses can stack with the outputs.
Consider max number of parallel recipes in canBufferOutputs.
Reset outputs and progress earlier in checkRecipeGeneric.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
$ Fixed worldgen issue in Everglades.
$ Fixed Power Sub-station not handling output voltages correctly.
$ Fixed Ore vein bias issue for Everglades gen. -
Change IndustrialWashPlant.checkWater() to only fill the basin
No longer tries to do `checkMachine()` things like add buses and hatches
% Changed Power Sub-Station recipe, harder in GTNH. Closes #194. Also closes
% Tweaked Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant items/operation.
% Greatly improved the Iron Blast Furnace for GT 5.09. It is now double the speed of a Bronze/Bricked Blast Furnace.
$ Rewrite and refactor checkRecipe() for several multiblocks, restore machine sounds
$ Fixes #182.
$ Fixes #183.
$ Fixes #184.
This code path should never have worked. `getDeclaredField()` only searches the given class and not any of its superclasses - because `mPollution` is declared in a superclass, `null` will always be returned.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
% More ASM work on getDrops fix.
$ Made GT++ Materials utilise GT TextureSets.
$ Made Ore blocks use the most prominent texture set based on it's component materials.
$ Fixed
$ Fixed materials that require a blast furnace being fluid extractable.
$ Fixed
Fixes a bug where if an input stack is of the right type but the amount
is not enough, proceeds with the last successful recipe.
`checkRecipeGeneric()` implements parallel processing, EU/t discounts
and speed boosts, increased random chances, and can be used to consider
each input bus individually (as seen in the Industrial Material Press)
to allow each bus to use a different Configuration Circuit. Also
considers the voltage input limit of the multiblock when counting
recipes to do in parallel - if the energy hatch is too small, it will
process fewer recipes at once. Plays the machine's sound, if any, on
`checkRecipeGeneric()` also checks `canBufferOutput()` and will pause
the machine if it has no bus/hatch room for the recipe output.
`getValidOutputSlots()` is rewritten as `canBufferOutput()`, which
now checks both the item output buses and fluid output hatches to make
sure recipe output can be accepted. This is used to pause a machine
instead of allowing it to continue working and void outputs, if the
outputs can't be stored in a bus and/or hatch. NOTE:
`canBufferOutput()` doesn't consider parallel processing, so there are
a few recipes where, if done in parallel, it may get a false positive on
the buffer check and void some outputs. In practice, this will rarely
Removed unused imports, fields, and locals.
Industrial Centrifuge now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 4 parallel
recipes and a 40% speed boost.
Industrial Coke Oven now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 12 parallel
recipes if using Heat-Resistant Casings, or 24 if using Heat-Proof
Casings. Sound plays while processing.
Industrial Cutting Machine now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2
parallel recipes and a 60% speed boost. Pollution removed since the
Machine is built with no Muffler Hatch.
Industrial Electrolyzer now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2 parallel
recipes and a 40% speed boost.
Maceration Stack now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 8*tTier
parallel recipes, a 60% speed boost, and an increased amount (~33%) of
random outputs. Sound plays while processing.
Material Press now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2 parallel recipes
and a 50% speed boost. Each input bus is considered separately for
finding recipes, allowing each bus to hold a different Configuration
Circuit. Sound plays while processing.
Industrial Sifter now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2 parallel
recipes, a 400% speed boost, and an increased amount (~15%) of random
outputs. Changed particles to appear above the sieve grates.
Industrial Thermal Centrifuge now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2
parallel recipes and a 60% speed boost.
Industrial Washing Plant now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2
parallel recipes and an 80% speed boost. Stone Dust outputs are no
longer deleted.
Wire Factory now uses `checkRecipeGeneric()` with 2 parallel recipes
and a 60% speed boost. Sound plays while processing.
+ Added a handler for class transformers.
% Added test case to tiered tanks for NBT storing.
- Removed logging from some reflection calls.
$ Fixed pollution, which was causing all multiblocks to fail. This was pointed out in #191 by @CodeWarrior0, however I decided to re-do it myself to better handle the .08 compat.
$ Fixed all multiblocks being broken as fuck. Fixes #190, fixes #186 and also fixes #176.
- Removed some useless logging from the mining explosives.
+ Added missing file.
% Tweaked Mining Explosive logic.
% Tweaked entity fuse variable in primed mining explosive.
% Swapped some XSTR's to CSPRNG's.
$ Fixed mining explosives renderer.
$ Fixed Tesla Tower attacking Items on the ground.
% Tweaked some ore veins.
% Tweaked size of debug tool's area clear to double.
$ Fixed an issue that broke tooltips.
$ Quite a lot of back-end work for ore generation in the dark dimension.
$ Fixed improper generation of the GT++ WorldGen configuration file.
$ Fixed ore vein densities.
$ Fixed ore veins not generating as expected.
$ Fixed Ore Blocks not generating as intended.
% Improved Ore Generator.
$ Fixed bug where ores generated fluids.
$ Fixed issue where old Fluorite ores still exist.
$ Fixed issue where ore processing recipes were generated incorrectly.
$ Partially implemented smooth lighting on GT++ Ores.
$ Fixed electrolyzer recipes for ore dust.
$ Fixed bug with material generation system.
+ Added a custom renderer for the ore blocks.
$ Fixed renderer issue where the background texture was incorrect.
+ Added helper fluid methods.
- Stopped ore materials generating furnace recipes.
$ Fixed Circuits so that each one has a valid replacement type.
$ Fixed a bug some materials had invalid radiation levels.
$ Fixed crushed ore item type textures.
+ Added recipes for all crushed ore items.
+ Added processing recipes for all crushed ore items.
% More work on the Dimension again.
$ Fixed NPE caused by disabled material handler.
$ Fixed bad fluid used in world generation.
# Fixed spawn rate of mobs in custom dimension.
% Minor Project Clean-up, added missing Override annotations to 100+ methods & removed pointless casts.
% Moved Logging to it's own class.
$ Fixed Multi-block handling of Pollution.
$ Fixed the GT 5.09 material enabler system. (From My Side, it's still borked on GTs).
+ Added a Dynamic Proxy invocation for IMaterialHandler.
+ Added an AutoMap data type, which is a Auto-incremental ID'd Hashmap wrapper.
$ Fixed excessive fluid cells being generated.
$ Further improve material recycling recipes.
in older versions of Forestry.
% Made all of Growthcraft support reflective.
+ Added more recycling recipes.
$ Fixed bad materials in component assembler recipes.
$ Tree Farmer Fix (a)
$ Multitank Fix.
^ Version Bump.
* + Added Chainsaw support to treefarm.
+ Added check for creative tools to tree farm for creative testing.
+ Added check for TecTech mod.
+ Added TecTech support to my Base Multiblock.
+ Added TecTech support to my Power-Substation.
+ Added TecTech support to my Generator Array.
% Made GT++ load after a few more mods that were recently added.
$ Fixed else statement for computronics load message during startup.
$ By now supporting Multi-amp Dynamos, this closes #161.
+ Added more funky reflection.