path: root/src/Java/miscutil/MiscUtils.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-09-02+ Added new Utility classes.Draknyte1
% Changed compat handling for GT to use reflection to check class values.
2016-08-28$ Fixed a Bug regarding mis-registration of blocks.Draknyte1
$ Fixed a bug where rendering code was called server-side, causing a crash.
2016-08-27+ Attempted to add custom IC2 generators.Draknyte1
% Refactored the xmod package to be a parent, beside core. No longer is it a child, it needs room to grow.
2016-08-26+ Added a config option for the new Alveary blocks (Disabled by default, ↵Draknyte1
they don't work properly yet.) - Removed some dead classes.
2016-08-17+ Added the custom Alveary blocks.Draknyte1
> Still a MASSIVE W.I.P. - Removed a rare debug rendering occurrence when not in debug mode.
2016-08-04+ Added a debug dependency on LibShapeDraw for multiblock structure rendering.Draknyte1
2016-08-04+ Added a config option for RF:EU Multiplier for Universal batteries.Draknyte1
2016-07-31% Tweaks to recipe handling for null cases which weren't actually null.Draknyte1
+ Re-enabled the Industrial Centrifuge by default.
2016-07-29+ Added Frameboxes with Colours and Names.Draknyte1
+ Added config option for the Division Sigil.
2016-07-27+ Updated Tooltips on all GT5u related blocks.Draknyte1
+ Added Config options for TC Shard OreDicting, IC2 Recipe Removal and Alternative battery Alloy. $ Fixed the Industrial Centrifuge not handling recipes properly. $ Fixed the Industrial Centrifuge stopping when it's recipe time was < 1. % Moved Config related variables to their own inner class within CORE.java
2016-07-27+ Added Food and Hot foodsDraknyte1
+ Added Tantalloy 60 & 61 Ingots & Hot Ingots. + Added a Special Loaf. + Hot Ingot now do damage when holding them. + Hot foods now do damage when holding them. + Added automatic naming of Ingots when being added.
2016-07-25- Disabled the Industrial Centrifuge for now (Configuration option available ↵Draknyte1
to turn back on) + Added Solar generators, but are disabled by default through config.
2016-07-25+ Added a config file!Draknyte1
+ Added textures and Names for the alternative rotors if EnderIO is not installed. % Changed a few internal things (Look at the commit if interested)
2016-07-20% Changed the mod name to GT++Draknyte1
> Tried adding a fucking mcmod.info again -_- + Added latest build!
2016-07-02%Renamed xmod handlers.Draknyte1
+Added in a new Bee Frame - The Mutagenic Frame.
2016-06-30%Refactored all of the GT related code into the xmod package instead of ↵Draknyte1
being in its own. %Renamed intermod package to xmod.
2016-06-29+Custom Alveary Blocks (Very W.I.P.) - Disabled unless debug mode is enabled.Draknyte1
+Custom Jack Daniels Brewing Recipes for Growthcraft and Psychedelicraft. $Fixed a weird texture overwrite (Electric Blast Furnace & Large Bronze Boiler)
2016-06-29+Added Two Frames for ForestryDraknyte1
+First attempt at adding an Alveary block for Forestry As always, Used authors code to implement it the cleanest way possible. (Sorry if you don't like it, but feel free to offer PR's with better solutions)
2016-06-26+Electric Blast Furnace clone - For TestingDraknyte1
+Added Blazing Pyrotheum +Added Gelid Cryotheum +Added Blizz Rods
2016-06-23Adds Jack Daniels as a Growthcraft Booze! :DDraknyte1
2016-06-20+Added More Mod Checks, so things only load when they're meant to :DDraknyte1
+Added Version log on startup. +Bumped Build version and the latest release is available.
2016-06-17~Changed the way compatability is handled.Draknyte1
~Recipe Handler now works in two segments, loading recipes as normal during Init and then from a queue during postInit. ~Queue should be populated throughout the mods init/preInit phases, so that they're not removed during recipe removal. ~Made more changes to the NFHG, not sure if I broke it more or not.. but it works, kinda.
2016-06-02~Changed Coke Oven RecipesDraknyte1
~Cleaned up a handful of classes (ModItems.java, RECIPES_Machines.java, Utils.java & UtilsItems.java) +Added a handful of DEBUG classes (To resolve multiblock shaping issues) +Added GregtechMetaTileEntityIndustrialPlatePress.java +Added textures for itemStickyRubber, itemIngotBatteryAlloy & itemPlateBatteryAlloy. +Added a basic wrapper for direct MineTweaker script usage (Ultra W.I.P.) >This will probably be changed to preload .zs scripts, regex and handle appropriately, but undecided.
2016-05-23Removed WAILA and UpTime Support.Draknyte1
2016-05-23Forgot to Commit before the weekend.. Not sure what I change, but making ↵Draknyte1
this as a rollback point/changelog.
2016-05-15Coking Oven Recipe handler working.Draknyte1
RA wasn't being assigned an instance of GregtechRecipeAdder, which is now fixed in CORE
2016-05-15First steps towards the Industrial Coking Oven, plus some other misc fixes.Draknyte1
SteamCondenser doesn't show it's tickTime in GUI anymore. Added compat for some IC2 cables and TC/FB shards. Added compat for CompactWindmills. Implemented compat handler for OreDicting/Recipe handling
2016-04-28Uptime R2 'Should' all be a part of MiscUtils now!Draknyte1
2016-04-27Easier to integrate if it's not static :DDraknyte1
2016-04-26More Uptime integration, simple test.Draknyte1
2016-04-24Refactor no. 3Draknyte1
I think that's enough until 1.1.x
2016-04-24Code Cleanups.Draknyte1
Liquid Test 1.
2016-04-03Finally, Got everything working how I want. Only thing left to do is the ↵Draknyte1
anti-grief block. Fixed Buffer Cores, now there is 10 tiers, all with a unique colour and recipe. Energy Buffers have had their recipes revised, due to new recipes for the cores. Steam condenser may need tweaking, but for now, I'll let it slide and players test it. Updated a few graphics too, the Staballoy Axe and Pickaxe, the Buffer Core and the New Hammer Tool all received visual updates. Compiled build and Dev. build will be up shortly.
2016-03-25Pickaxe should be rather 100% now.Draknyte1
Final commit before new builds.
2016-03-22Added a Staballoy Treecapacitor style axe and a Staballoy TiCo. Hammer style ↵Draknyte1
Pickaxe. Optimised the code to check block facement through raytracing. Something to refine later.
2016-03-19Updated null checks and error messages related to the init & creation of the ↵Draknyte1
2016-03-19Updated SafeBlock GUI, Removed 2 unused buttons and their related code.Draknyte1
Playercache is now Active and caching playerdata, for use in GUIs and other places. ;) Player Safe Blocks should now be 100% intruder safe.
2016-03-16Working UUID matched Player safes.Draknyte1
Cleaned up a few other things too, which is always good. This mod will in future versions begin to benefit more and more from using my own compiled version of gregtech as opposed to using V5.8.33 from Blood-asp which was the final release of 5.8.
2016-03-130.9.4_Public release build files.Draknyte1
2016-02-29V0.9.2 Release - Removed dev features and some messy code to push a 0.9.2 ↵Draknyte1
snapshop codebase.
2016-02-29Added IC2 Steam condenser, to remove all that nasty useless steam.Draknyte1
Also tried to add Waila compat. for a few blocks & retextured the Energy Buffers.
2016-02-27Added Custom GT Cables/Wire & also added a copy of EnderIO's Gas Conduit ↵Draknyte1
classes. Time to combine the two, yeah? Also stripped out a heap of constants and refactored them together.
2016-02-27Removed Old Dev features related to math.Draknyte1
Added all Ingots/Plates to OreDict. Cleaned up some of my logging a little. More work on the GT Conduits.
2016-02-20AntiGriefer Block basic implementation added.Draknyte1
2016-02-19Removed Hard dependency on gregtech as another Project and added dev ↵Draknyte1
versions of all requires libs. Also started work on GT-EU EnderIO conduits, adding @Optional annotations where possible and a few other nice things.
2016-01-20Initial CommitDraknyte1