path: root/src/Java/miscutil/gregtech/api
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-06-19+More classes stolen from GT to implement my own items on a metaitem.Draknyte1
+Added LuV -> Max Voltage Machine components. +Added Rocket Engines, High tier diesel generators. +Added new textures for everything. +Added BedLocator_Base.java - Debug item for testing and NBT data storage. +Added Machine_Charger.java - Another Debug machine for testing NBT value manipulation.
2016-06-18~More RefactoringDraknyte1
Does it ever end?
2016-06-17~Further refactoring.Draknyte1
~Just trying to clean up the entire codebase for future projects.
2016-06-02~Changed Coke Oven RecipesDraknyte1
~Cleaned up a handful of classes (ModItems.java, RECIPES_Machines.java, Utils.java & UtilsItems.java) +Added a handful of DEBUG classes (To resolve multiblock shaping issues) +Added GregtechMetaTileEntityIndustrialPlatePress.java +Added textures for itemStickyRubber, itemIngotBatteryAlloy & itemPlateBatteryAlloy. +Added a basic wrapper for direct MineTweaker script usage (Ultra W.I.P.) >This will probably be changed to preload .zs scripts, regex and handle appropriately, but undecided.
2016-05-24+Industrial PressDraknyte1
+New Coke Oven GUI +Changed casings internally. +3 Coke Oven Recipes.
2016-05-23Removed WAILA and UpTime Support.Draknyte1
2016-05-23Fixed Casing Block creative tab registration.Draknyte1
Swapped textures. Removing uptime from the next commit forward. (Think it causes weird issues, due to bad code merging)
2016-05-23Forgot to Commit before the weekend.. Not sure what I change, but making ↵Draknyte1
this as a rollback point/changelog.
2016-05-15Should be loading recipes, but getting nullpoints on #20 of ↵Draknyte1
2016-05-15First steps towards the Industrial Coking Oven, plus some other misc fixes.Draknyte1
SteamCondenser doesn't show it's tickTime in GUI anymore. Added compat for some IC2 cables and TC/FB shards. Added compat for CompactWindmills. Implemented compat handler for OreDicting/Recipe handling
2016-04-25Implemented the groundwork for some custom textures.Draknyte1
Not using them currently though, as they cause the client to crash. Will debug more & use default turbine textures for now.
2016-04-24Trying to use some new textures for the centrifuge.Draknyte1
2016-04-24Refactor no. 3Draknyte1
I think that's enough until 1.1.x
2016-04-24Code Cleanups.Draknyte1
Liquid Test 1.
2016-04-23Industrial Centrifuge is now available, fluids work!Draknyte1
Still have to refine the recipe code to work for items better. (It's directly copied from the processing array)
2016-04-22Fixed the texture issue with Iron plated Bricks,Draknyte1
Fixed item registration of the Industrial Centrifuge and related Casings, Added recipes.
2016-04-22Refactoring like a champion.Draknyte1