path: root/src/Java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-06-29+Custom Alveary Blocks (Very W.I.P.) - Disabled unless debug mode is enabled.Draknyte1
+Custom Jack Daniels Brewing Recipes for Growthcraft and Psychedelicraft. $Fixed a weird texture overwrite (Electric Blast Furnace & Large Bronze Boiler)
2016-06-29+Added Two Frames for ForestryDraknyte1
+First attempt at adding an Alveary block for Forestry As always, Used authors code to implement it the cleanest way possible. (Sorry if you don't like it, but feel free to offer PR's with better solutions)
2016-06-27Fixed GT mod HandlerDraknyte1
2016-06-26+Electric Blast Furnace clone - For TestingDraknyte1
+Added Blazing Pyrotheum +Added Gelid Cryotheum +Added Blizz Rods
2016-06-25Small FixesDraknyte1
2016-06-23Adds Jack Daniels as a Growthcraft Booze! :DDraknyte1
2016-06-20Fixed a few recipes.Draknyte1
Didn't bump version, please redownload.
2016-06-20+Added More Mod Checks, so things only load when they're meant to :DDraknyte1
+Added Version log on startup. +Bumped Build version and the latest release is available.
2016-06-20Removed some very old classesDraknyte1
2016-06-20Bumped Version and uploaded latest Builds :DDraknyte1
2016-06-20+Added New Circuits & Components along with recipes.Draknyte1
+Added A complete set of Machine components up to MAX voltage along with recipes. +Started Initial work on multiblock items (Similar to the turbine rotor needed in Large turbines) +Added better support for future recipe additions.
2016-06-19~Trying to add Rocket Fuels.Draknyte1
2016-06-19+More classes stolen from GT to implement my own items on a metaitem.Draknyte1
+Added LuV -> Max Voltage Machine components. +Added Rocket Engines, High tier diesel generators. +Added new textures for everything. +Added BedLocator_Base.java - Debug item for testing and NBT data storage. +Added Machine_Charger.java - Another Debug machine for testing NBT value manipulation.
2016-06-18~More RefactoringDraknyte1
Does it ever end?
2016-06-17~Further refactoring.Draknyte1
~Just trying to clean up the entire codebase for future projects.
2016-06-17~Changed the way compatability is handled.Draknyte1
~Recipe Handler now works in two segments, loading recipes as normal during Init and then from a queue during postInit. ~Queue should be populated throughout the mods init/preInit phases, so that they're not removed during recipe removal. ~Made more changes to the NFHG, not sure if I broke it more or not.. but it works, kinda.
2016-06-16~Changed Fuel Rods to Utilise NBT data instead of private instance variables.Draknyte1
2016-06-16Done a lot of work on the NFHG.Draknyte1
Also did some more refactoring beforehand.
2016-06-14~Refactored quite a few classes around, for cleaner code structure.Draknyte1
2016-06-14+Updated Lang FileDraknyte1
~Tried some code clean-up on the Helium generator.
2016-06-02~Changed Coke Oven RecipesDraknyte1
~Cleaned up a handful of classes (ModItems.java, RECIPES_Machines.java, Utils.java & UtilsItems.java) +Added a handful of DEBUG classes (To resolve multiblock shaping issues) +Added GregtechMetaTileEntityIndustrialPlatePress.java +Added textures for itemStickyRubber, itemIngotBatteryAlloy & itemPlateBatteryAlloy. +Added a basic wrapper for direct MineTweaker script usage (Ultra W.I.P.) >This will probably be changed to preload .zs scripts, regex and handle appropriately, but undecided.
2016-05-30+Further work on Helium GeneratorDraknyte1
+Going to create a new one though.
2016-05-30+Cleaned up Helium Generator GUIDraknyte1
+Rewrote portions of the HG from scratch
2016-05-30+Helium Generator, Initial CommitDraknyte1
+Reformatted Item Generation
2016-05-24+Industrial PressDraknyte1
+New Coke Oven GUI +Changed casings internally. +3 Coke Oven Recipes.
2016-05-23Removed WAILA and UpTime Support.Draknyte1
2016-05-23Fixed Casing Block creative tab registration.Draknyte1
Swapped textures. Removing uptime from the next commit forward. (Think it causes weird issues, due to bad code merging)
2016-05-23Forgot to Commit before the weekend.. Not sure what I change, but making ↵Draknyte1
this as a rollback point/changelog.
2016-05-15Coking Oven Recipe handler working.Draknyte1
RA wasn't being assigned an instance of GregtechRecipeAdder, which is now fixed in CORE
2016-05-15Should be loading recipes, but getting nullpoints on #20 of ↵Draknyte1
2016-05-15First steps towards the Industrial Coking Oven, plus some other misc fixes.Draknyte1
SteamCondenser doesn't show it's tickTime in GUI anymore. Added compat for some IC2 cables and TC/FB shards. Added compat for CompactWindmills. Implemented compat handler for OreDicting/Recipe handling
2016-05-12OreDict entries for all Shards from TC and FM! :DDraknyte1
2016-04-28Bumped minor version by 2, figured that I'd done enough codebase changes to ↵Draknyte1
warrant it.
2016-04-28Bumped mod version up a minor after this last little code cleanup.Draknyte1
2016-04-28Uptime R2 'Should' all be a part of MiscUtils now!Draknyte1
2016-04-27Refactored Item methods to UtilsItems.Draknyte1
2016-04-27Easier to integrate if it's not static :DDraknyte1
2016-04-26More Uptime integration, simple test.Draknyte1
2016-04-26Initial implementation of merging the player statistics mod I maintain.Draknyte1
2016-04-25Fixed a rendering derp.Draknyte1
2016-04-25Implemented the groundwork for some custom textures.Draknyte1
Not using them currently though, as they cause the client to crash. Will debug more & use default turbine textures for now.
2016-04-24Trying to use some new textures for the centrifuge.Draknyte1
2016-04-24Now the Industrial Centrifuge has a fancy animated texture on the front and ↵Draknyte1
better structural checks.
2016-04-24Better handling of casing blocks.Draknyte1
2016-04-24Refactor no. 3Draknyte1
I think that's enough until 1.1.x
2016-04-24Code Cleanups.Draknyte1
Liquid Test 1.
2016-04-23Industrial Centrifuge is now available, fluids work!Draknyte1
Still have to refine the recipe code to work for items better. (It's directly copied from the processing array)
2016-04-22Fixed the texture issue with Iron plated Bricks,Draknyte1
Fixed item registration of the Industrial Centrifuge and related Casings, Added recipes.
2016-04-22Refactoring like a champion.Draknyte1
2016-04-21Disabled Debug Mode.Draknyte1