Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* fix(rendering): multiple rendering fixes and refactor
- Fix rendering gregtech machines in inventory with correct orientation and lighting.
- Fix rendering of pipes connected through covers, no longer z-fight at a distance.
- Fix updating of textures when un/holding a soldering-iron.
- Refactor of the GT_Renderer_Block class with properly named constants replacing raw literals.
machine runs out of energy
Pipes don't use a block texture, only ore blocks use these and they
don't implement IPipeRenderedTileEntity and are not covered either ^^
Implement requested change:
A default method body is required for older add-ons implementing the old interface without a
`getTextureCovered` method, or those would crash when rendering their covered full-size pipes.
Add support for transparent covers (glass plate) on all GT Machines:
- See pipes, wires, cables through transparent covers
- Layer transparent covers over full-block pipes and machines
- Fix modifiers order
- Fix redundant string literal
- Fix indentation
- fix missing run()
World events have way to many parameters, so the code gets unreadable, this commit fixes that behavior.
GT6 under LGPL.
Autoclave get a new input slot
Use actually something made for this task...
* Added all Ores to Voidminer in DeepDark
+ removed Infinity Ore
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
* renormalize line endings
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
endings fixed.
changed subversion to 33
* WIP, doesn't do anything yet, up to RFC
* Initial attempt at Chunk manager
* Added chunkloading support to multiblock miner.
* moved basic miner-independent chunkloading-related stuff up tier, to be more reusable
Co-authored-by: Richard Hendricks <>
* Fixes every face of ic2 nuclear reactors giving full energy
* Should reduce performance concerns from previous ic2 energy compat
* Removes Tec's workaround
+added more adding methodes to the cutting machine
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
-removeal of Axe for base entites
-streamlined single block NaquadahReactor
-fixed basegenerator for naquadagen
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
+readded GalacticraftFiles for @mitchej123 GC Compat
+fixed a typo in IGregTechTileEntity
* GT cables now properly fill GalacticCraft machines with Energy
IC2/AE2 Energy Compat
* Updated IC2 & AE2 energy compatability
* Added an option ic2EnergySourceCompat (default is on) to allow GT cables to pull energy directly from IC2 energy sources (nuclear reactors, MSFEs, etc) without the need for a transformer
* Filling IC2/AE2 energy buffers will now send multiple amps if needed
* Use a set instead of an arraylist for transfer electricity; deprecated backwards compatiable method left in
* Unified connect() method for pipes/wires - each subclass has it's own canConnect(), letsIn(), and letsOut() methods that map to the specifics for that implementation
* Shift Clicking while placing a GT machine will now try connecting to the cable/pipe it is placed on
* You can open a connection to the air for pipes & wires, allowing the next thing you place down to auto connect (ie: a JABBA barrel)
* Distribute Fluids - Modeled after several of the upstream PRs
* Fluid regulators on pipes should stop spazzing out now
* Fluid filter covers - Now work with filtering output
* Spray paint doesn't seem to keep wires/pipes from connecting properly
* Spray paint on wires/pipes should force a disconnection check
remove deprecated recipes
change chemical reactor for basic machines a bit
trough gt machine blocks work only if the player is isneaking. And because of that, added back the soldering iron support.
wire, for a connect/disconnect
Commit: b96180ac4f1564bcb7a2e19d16738cfea7fc04a3 [b96180a]
GT6 style concrete speedup (no soulsand like behavior that blocks you from entrances and less OP ice hyperspeed highways)
to add a new recipe in the adder because you cant use two Boolean in one recipe
Commit: 00831784660573b54248a8213cae1d64619a2b98 [0083178]
rename Biomass again to Forestry Biomass.
Change a brewing recipe a bit to can using Fluids that not registered at GT (FluidStack)
Add new recipes for Forestry Biomass and remove old ones.
Commit: 01da9150f662d010db07f8729f5ec696a4f935fd [01da915]
Added missing Tetraitromethane, Polymerization recipes
Commit: 1afc8405e8005433903afdf8a3cdcc82d3f05c9a [1afc840]
Added multi-step recipes for the Large Chemical Reactor
Added recipes for the Large Chemical Reactor that perform several steps
of a processing line in a single recipe.
Added new method for Chemical rector not using a clenroom