* - added 0,5s cooldown on BaseMetaTileEntity texture render update
* - changed to RandomCooldown to make visual representation of the target object more relevant to its state
* - implemented a BlockUpdateHandler, making the update cooldowns chunk-based
- left commented out debug code
* - now BaseMetaTileEntity tracks last time a texture update was issued and skips update if parent chunk was already updated since last update issue
* - reworked BlockUpdateHandler to a singleton doing update work on client tick, this way update logic is fully encapsulated and gets rid of some comparisons needed to sync updates
* - fixed a bug with crash on quitting the game
- forgot to add moved sources
- cleaned up debug code
- added description commentary
* - updated buildscript
* - switched to internal tick counter, cause server time is unreliable and crashes client https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack/issues/14742
- removed subclass aliases
- switched to XSTR instead of java's Random
- IllegalArugmentException instead of InvalidParameterException
- added client side config option to enable/disable this feature (by default is off)
Co-authored-by: iamblackornot <nkzshinnnik@gmail.com>