Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
i don't see a point why this method have to turn Naquadah and Enriched Naquadah into dust material, they should be ingot material in common sense.
Signed-off-by: Glease <>
Made the wireless redstone recievers safer to use on public servers
Signed-off-by: Glease <>
Signed-off-by: Glease <>
- Add glow support for all sides and states of iconset machines (same as with basicmachines).
Automated code cleanup with IDEA of:
- Optiimise all imports (remove unused, sort)
- Reorder all modifiers to the canonical preferred order (as stated in the Java Language Specification)
- Add all missing @Override annotations
Provides an implementation-free API Texture factory an builder.
Deprecates gregtech.api.objects.GT_* classes
Once all GregTech add-on will be migrated to the new implemnetation-free API,
changes to the implementation will not affect the add-on.
For now, this API allow rendering of in-world glow textures.
In-inventory/hand rendering of glow texture require implementation changes
that are postponed until no add-on uses the deprecated embedded implementation API.
Old textures rendering are kept in api/objects for backward compatibility.
The old textures rendering does not handle glow textures or independant
inventory tessellation. The old textures will only work with the old
GT_Renderer_Block class
New textures rendering with own tessellation in inventory and handling
of glow emisssive textures are moved to the api/render package. These must
not be used with the Old GT_Renderer_Block class or
it will crash with: Already Tessellating Exception from the Tessellator class
Without this fix gregtech always use localised names from GregTech.lang in minecraft root folder. With this fix you can change localisations on fly using resourcepacks.
git and diff tools will complain if text file does not end with a newline.
Fixed all text files in the repository with Linux bash shell:
git ls-files -z |
while IFS= read -rd '' f; do
mime="$(file --brief --mime "$f")";
if [ -z "${mime##text/*}" ]; then
tail -c1 "$f" |
read -r _ || printf '\n' >>"$f";
Address issue: [Gregtech.log spam with 6724 lines of "Unknown Key for Unification, Typo?" #7866](
- Fix the logic for logging possible Typos (prioritise least cost)
- Improve reverse recipes by excluding ore names of tools early to prevent
unexpected and un needed unification lookups
- Turn off unification typo logging in reverse recipes
Reduced unification typo spam from 6724, down to 11 remaining entries:
- Fix itemblock brightness and orientation to be exactly same as vanilla blocks
in inventory.
- Revert machine front facing to the brighter left side as it eases
differentiating them.
- Optimise inventory itemblock rendering to issue a draw quads only once
for the entire block, rather than for each side.
* fix(rendering): multiple rendering fixes and refactor
- Fix rendering gregtech machines in inventory with correct orientation and lighting.
- Fix rendering of pipes connected through covers, no longer z-fight at a distance.
- Fix updating of textures when un/holding a soldering-iron.
- Refactor of the GT_Renderer_Block class with properly named constants replacing raw literals.
Added notification to player that device shut down.
Added scanning data reflecting if the device was disabled by soft mallet, cover, etc.
Added tracking of last player to access a cover for future notification purposes.
Ignore the z-fighting offset when detecting if a face uses the block's brightness
or the brightness from the block above.
- Fix modifiers order
- Fix redundant string literal
- Fix indentation
- fix missing run()
World events have way to many parameters, so the code gets unreadable, this commit fixes that behavior.
- Implement the missing ambient occlusion shadow from machine block over neighbour blocks.
- Fix the LightingHelper to properly shade pipes/cables/wires against an opaque block.
- Refactor and cleanup the GT_Block_Machines class of all bad practices and code smell,
checked and validated with Sonarlint.
Render smooth lighting ambient occlusion on all Gregtech tiles:
- Ores
- Machines
- Pipes, Cables, Wires, Frames
Add new Client-side configuration entry in Gregtech.cfg.
If false, the flat lighting rendering of older versions is used.
render {
Signed-off-by: Glease <>
Fix multiblock machine tooltip error
Should be isStringValid(), not isStackValid()
Not entirely sure why, but this causes a crash when registering modular armor because it can't find the ic2 good circuit...
infinity chest compatibiltey
add more compatibilety for inventory that store more then a stack of items in 1 slot libe barrels and infinity chest
2) Batch (most) recipe map removals and additions (significant speedup)
3) Modernize old java constructs --> java8 (in the files touched)
Signed-off-by: bartimaeusnek <>
comparisions everywhere.
NOTE: Also drops MFR steam compat