path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/api/util
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-01Cherry-Pick c12e474Technus
2017-06-01Merge branch 'unstable' into ChemistryUpdateJohannesGaessler
2017-05-31Catch broken items on recipe moveBlood-Asp
2017-05-20Merge branch 'ChemistryUpdate' into mergeGTNHJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-13Fixed a bug that caused there to be two identical recipes for TiF4Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-13Added a new recipe map for the LCR, expanded the API to allow for customJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-12Merge branch 'ChemistryUpdate' into LargeChemicalReactorJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-02Materials for existing fluids, ash nerf, plastic production svgJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-01Optimize importsTechnus
2017-05-01Merge branch 'mergeGTNH' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficial i...Technus
2017-05-01Oil and pollution overhaulTechnus
2017-04-30Chem reactors can now output 2 items, implemented recipes for NitricJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-28change circuits parts a bit.Dream-Master
2017-04-27Merge branch 'unstable' into mergeGTNHTechnus
2017-04-27Merge branch 'experimental' from GTNH into mergeGTNH (based on BLOODASP)Technus
2017-04-27Formatting clean up, nothing elseTechlone
2017-04-27Fixed a bug where excess fuel didn't consider the distortion fromJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-26Eliminated rounding errors that caused fuel to burn too shortlyJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-22Enabled solid output for Distilleries, implemented Epoxy Resin / PTFEJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-11Explicitly added some Solid Fuels to the Large Boiler Fuel tab.Johannes Gäßler
2017-04-10Expanded the NEI api to allow for custom descriptions, added liquidJohannes Gäßler
2017-03-31Config for blocks below cropsBlood-Asp
2017-03-31Remove testlineBlood-Asp
2017-03-31Detect low grav dimensions by world providerBlood-Asp
2017-03-23Allow teleportation to galacticraft dimensionsBlood-Asp
2017-03-23TryCatch broken IC2 recipesBlood-Asp
2017-03-16Added a sorting of recipes in NEITechlone
2017-03-15Optimize importsTechnus
2017-03-06Fixed #935Maxime Legkiy
2017-03-06Fixed #935Maxime Legkiy
2017-03-02Fix Steam macerator not accepting some items per automationBlood-Asp
2017-02-28Circuit changesBlood-Asp
2017-02-24missing filesDream-Master
2017-02-17Fix name config category to UndergroundFluidMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-13Add new flexible configuration undeground oilMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-09Add Underground Oil Generating settings in GregTech.cfgMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-07Fix generating Pollution in to other worldsMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-07Add Dimension BlackListMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-07Add Underground Oil Spawn DimensionsMaxime Legkiy
2017-02-06Fix generate oil around coordinates 0 0Maxime Legkiy
2017-02-06Fix bug > Oil Teleportation to GC Planets #837Maxime Legkiy
2017-02-05Fix respawn oil amount if amount down to 0 and reduction amount oil if use Se...Maxime Legkiy
2017-01-20Adjust process times/eut & steam machine NEIMuramasa-
2017-01-13Adds IC2 machine recipes to GT machines, needs testingMuramasa-
2017-01-12add tier names to scannerTechnus
2017-01-05Port advanced seismic prospector.KpoxaPy
2017-01-05Add advanced seismic prospectorKpoxaPy
2017-01-02Concurrency error in GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalizationDream-Master
2017-01-01Fix #720 - Concurrency error in GT_LanguageManager.addStringLocalizationDavid Vierra