Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Co-authored-by: boubou19 <>
* move kekztech to a single root dir
* move detrav to a single root dir
* move gtnh-lanthanides to a single root dir
* move tectech and delete some gross reflection in gt++
* remove more reflection inside gt5u
* delete more reflection in gt++
* fix imports
* move bartworks and bwcrossmod
* fix proxies
* move galactigreg and ggfab
* move gtneioreplugin
* try to fix gt++ bee loader
* apply the rename rules to BW
* apply rename rules to bwcrossmod
* apply rename rules to detrav scanner mod
* apply rename rules to galacticgreg
* apply rename rules to ggfab
* apply rename rules to goodgenerator
* apply rename rules to gtnh-lanthanides
* apply rename rules to gt++
* apply rename rules to kekztech
* apply rename rules to kubatech
* apply rename rules to tectech
* apply rename rules to gt
apply the rename rules to gt
* fix tt import
* fix mui hopefully
* fix coremod except intergalactic
* rename assline recipe class
* fix a class name i stumbled on
* rename StructureUtility to GTStructureUtility to prevent conflict with structurelib
* temporary rename of GTTooltipDataCache to old name
* fix gt client/server proxy names
* first pass on config migration
* second pass on config migration
* removing bad configs
* rename config classes and register them
* move debug options to its own debug category
* migrate pollution
* finish migrating general config
* removing useless config
* finish GregTech.cfg port to GTNHLib
* don't accidentally force panic mode in dev env
* typo
* defaults are now handled by the confg handler
* remove dead config
* force config save after defaults are being written
* stop messing with the GregTech.cfg externally
* removing comments
* new underground fluid builder and porting default underground fluids to code
* move config handlers of gregtech.cfg in their own package
* process MachineStats.cfg
* yeeted MaterialProperties.cfg
* remove unused compat in GTNH
* process OverpoweredStuff.cfg
* process Other.cfg
* ungregify some config variables
* remove unused variables
* fix Ids.cfg not being populated
* delete duplicate printing of MTE IDs in GT5U clients
* bump hodgepodge version to get mod phase timers
* process Client.cfg
* fix bad category naming
* registering all the config handlers in gui
* bump GTNHLib version
* actually only registering client configs
* use proper double arrays now
* move GT ore mixes to patternbuilders
* dead code
* fix multifiles config not being handled properly
* import class from NHCore
* removing reflection
* use enums for registration
* yeet config for Asteroid dimensions
* remove unused since 2015 enum entry
* todo
* rework oremix enums
* imported dimension data in enums
* convert old dirty predicate into proper one
* hook gagreg onto the OreMixes enum
* finally nuke worldgen.ore.mix config category!
* hook gagreg small ores onto the SmallOres enum
* imported dim values in enum
* fix dirty work around in vm predicate
* yeet unused classes
* hook GT stones to GTStones enum
* yeet all the remaining booleans in the worldgen category
* port endasteroids category
* port general category
* deprecated
* yeet unused bw compat
* finish worldgen config migration
* hardcode config into code
* remove not generated config entry
* remove Unification.cfg
* fix build
* migrate oreveins away from config
* migrate small ores away from config
* delete config parser
* forgotten
* fix EoH recipe crash in dev
* fix GT NEI Ore Plugin config and csv paths
* shade opencsv
* rewrite csv generator
* spotless apply
* Implement dim num agnostic isGenerationAllowed function
Replaces references to old function in as many places as possible
Only reference that can't be changed right now is `E:\MinecraftProjects\GT5-Unofficial\src\main\java\com\github\bartimaeusnek\crossmod\galacticgreg\`
* Account for unloaded world or null provider by instead doing a dim number check
This route should be avoided when possible.
* Apply Spotless
add method
* Enable Jabel&Generic injection, fix type error caused by this
* add missing <>
* Infer generic types automatically
* Parametrize cast types
* Use enhanced for loops
* Unnecessary boxing
* Unnecessary unboxing
* Use Objects.equals
* Explicit type can be replaced with `<>`
* Collapse identical catch blocks
* Add SafeVarargs where applicable
* Anonymous type can be replaced with lambda
* Use List.sort directly
* Lambda can be a method reference
* Statement lambda can be an expression lambda
* Use string switches
* Instanceof pattern matching
* Text block can be used
* Migrate to enhanced switch
* Java style array declarations
* Unnecessary toString()
* More unnecessary String conversions
* Unnecessary modifiers
* Unnecessary semicolons
* Fix duplicate conditions
* Extract common code from if branches
* Replace switches with ifs for 1-2 cases
* Inner class may be static
* Minor performance issues
* Replace string appending in loops with string builders
* Fix IntelliJ using the wrong empty list method
* Use
* Generic arguments: getSubItems
* Generic arguments: getSubBlocks
* Raw types warnings
* Fix remaining missing generics
* Too weak variable type leads to unnecessary cast
* Redundant type casts
* Redundant array length check
* Redundant vararg arrays
* Manual min/max implementations
* A couple missed inspections
* Goodbye explosion power ternary ladder
* Apply spotless
* Get rid of the other two big ternary ladders
* Binary search explosion power
* Don't overcomplicate things
* Update dependencies
* Update buildscript, apply spotless
* Renamed parameters of ItemBlock subclasses
* Renamed damageDropped and getDamageValue method parameters of Block subclasses
* Removed trivially superfluous overrides of Block::quantityDropped, Block::isOpaqueCube and Block::renderAsNormalBlock
* Removed trivially superfluous overrides of Block::getItemDropped
* Cleaned up a few more block subclass method parameters
* Cleaned up obsolete Javadoc
* par1 -> block in ItemBlock Constructors
* Renamed arguments to drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer
* Cleaned up redundant casts
* Renamed arguments to drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer
* Renamed arguments to Slot subclass constructors
* Renamed arguments to World subclass GT_DummyWorld
* Renamed parameters of updateProgressBar
* Renamed the rest of the par* parameters outside of GT_MinableOreGenerator which should be deleted
* Renamed most var1-var10 and a few more in generally non-dead code
* Renamed last varSomething variables
* Removed 3 fully dead classes used nowhere in the codebase, with obsolete unused code
git and diff tools will complain if text file does not end with a newline.
Fixed all text files in the repository with Linux bash shell:
git ls-files -z |
while IFS= read -rd '' f; do
mime="$(file --brief --mime "$f")";
if [ -z "${mime##text/*}" ]; then
tail -c1 "$f" |
read -r _ || printf '\n' >>"$f";
small ores or stones? Don't know for sure, need to investigate.